8 THE HEPUBLlGAiN , GUSTKU COUNTY , NEBRASKA. Schedule of Broken Bow Mulls , roccuu * TOK tin : nASTitusu A * POILO'AV Trald No ' 0 0 a m Train No 4J " " a m Tialii No 44 iu p in roUCIIBB Hf1R THK WlilT CI'HK A * POttoWS' Tram NoM ! "m > a nt Train No 41 ' : . * > l > "i Ofltcc oprtt Sunday fli'illl''VI to I OH a. in week ( l.i ) * 0.10.1 111 In f Mf " > BETTER-THAN LAXATIVES Ordinary | > lllscalhattts ! : i nl purgatives cause griping , nausea , anil illstrcsslnj ; and injurious after-effects that are frequently lifelastinjYou may have your money back f < ir the mere nsMni ; if Kexall Order lies do not overcomeroimlip.illnn anil fully' restore the Intestines to leRiilar activity anil good health. They arc eaten like candy , and can be taken day or night. They positively do not cause tunica , grip- IIIR or any discomfort whatever. Two \izes , loc. and 250. Tor Sale By CI ) MCCOAIAS NtVI'ICIJ TO I'llKDITOIlH. In the County Court of CiiHler ( 'utility. Nr braska. N fit Ire to creditors : In tlie matter of HIP estate of Joseph Hab rock , deceased. Tlic Siatu of Nebraska , to creditors of Hitlil state : Take Notice , that I will sit In tin- County Ctiurl Itootn , In Itrokeii li iv , In said Uotintv , on tliu 1st day of .Inly , liui. al 111 o'tloek .1. in. , to receive and examine all claims Hied anil presented against said estate , wllli a \le\v to their adjustment ami allowance , The time limit lor tlir presentation ol . lalms agalnsl s.ilil estate Is Mix months Hum theliClli d.iy of May. Iwi'.i , and the time limited for the payment of debts Is one yeat I nun said date. Dated May 2ilh. ) 1WJH. M27.IW A H utiMiMlitcr , County , lude. | Have Not had a linisli with tlic enemy but we do have all kinds of brushes from a camel hair artist's brush i.o a set of military brushes. Call a id 'i sec them J. G. HAEBERLE Druggist BROKEN nOW , NEBRASKA l.niul for Sale. 1 ( 0 acres of laud located ten miles north of the city for sale on reasonable terms. Inquire ol \V. D. Grant. M27-tf WHERE AUBURN LOCKS ABOUND. Found In Great Numbers In North eastern Part of Scotland. Rod hnlr Is found In. dintlnct cxcoss north of the Grampians , and uspooltilly in the northeast of Scotland. A acl- ontlat who lias made the question of pigmentation n special study , and has just boon helped to conclude a color survey of Ilio school children over 00,000 of Scotland , announced this as one of his results. In most European countries , ho snld , theio is a distinct predominance of ono typo over the others. In north Germany and Sweden It is the blonde type ; in Italy the brunette. No such predominance la found in Scotland. Dark hair and fair are present in equal proportions. The dominant col or among Scottish children Is brown , and 11 lias to be shown how far brown is really a blend of fair and dark. The proportion of red liulr through out the country Is a little over 5 per cent. high compared with the con tinent Ono cannot overlook the ref erence of Tacitus to the red haired Caledonians. Some curious facia brought to light suggest that red hair is not entirely or strictly a racial trait. It may have BOIIIO peculiar physiological if not pathological con nection. USED HIS STORED KNOWLEDGE. When High School Learning Came In Handy to Business Man. "I used for the llrst time to-day something I learned 15 years ago , said ' a writer In tlvo Milwaukee Sentinel. "It was the application of a principle [ J ( In geometry in relation to the Inscrib ing of a hexagon In a circle , which I learned when at the high school. I had an order placed for some taborots ( that is flower stands ) given mo and the party that gave mo the order wants the tops 1C Inches across. Well , that was easy enough to fill , but bo- aide that the skies wore to bo hexa gonal , so I had to sit down and figure out how much Ilve-elghths-lnch wood would have to bo leveled off to have the parts lit exactly. Hero Is where 1 used my geometry. "Daniel Webster is quoted as saying that he once used a fact which had lain dormant for 14 years , so I have him beaten by a year. "You often hear people say 'What Is the use of learning this ? ' seeing no use for It at the time , but things which at the tlmo seem most impracticable are often later of use. That Is ono ol the complaints in our public schools , but as In my case it may tiomo day prove of use. " VI/IK r. 10 c HI i > n < > Tii 111 tlirConiilv Court of Cu i < r C-i n-'v Nc to i r''iliot 111 tillIII i til r of tinft.lte of I I lot IN V * . Tnr Mill * of Neliroski , t < i f Trillion < > ( -.nil l.xu'll- Take Noti.r tint I will t'.t In tnr Coilnf , Court Ho. . iii ) IB liiiikrn ll in ntil < unt\ . i. n tl , < ! i'.i u.ty i > f .Inn * Htn 'M.'i tini'l'i il IV ( il N'lN.'lIlUrr. lt W ill ID < r .i I : .I In l < i iiielveaml ( tallllne all ( Uino lil < iml iJieHeiiteil npalnht imlil estate , with a vlr * m their ailjuatmont nnil allowance. The time limit for trie prcBfiilntlon ol ( lalms ag.ilnst nald estate In six months from tin1 17ih ilay of May , IPTO , and tinHim - llmltrd for the paytllrlllof dH ts Hone jiat from s.ilil il.i'.u. D.ited May mil. IUJ9. M ! ! ( ) J-HI A. tl llrMI'llliiiv , , County .Iiiilp- . In HIP County Court , ol Uunti-r County , Nr Notice of prubali * f will. In the matter of tliu entail * of , Irns M. Chi Is TlieHUU'or Mi'liraslia. to the hi'lrn , dr I'lsccH anjl all parties Interested In .ild stale. Take Notlru. That a pclltlun lu been Hied In the County Court of cnsler Comity , Ne hr.iHk.i , by ClirlNtlan ClirlKtensrn , ol llrokrn How , Nebraska , for tlie imliale of an Inttru nienl purporlliiH to lie Hie last will and ts t , Mill-lit of .lens M , ClirltttetlNen , dei eased , and for tlie npimlttliiicnt of Andreette Chris teiiNi-ii , cxciutrlx thereof , ttlnili 1ms been set for lie.uliiK before said eonrl. on the I till day of June. lt * > , at 10 o'i IOLJ a. in , .it which time all concerned may appear and enter objections therein anil contest the probate of wald will. ( liven under my hand and the M-al of the Coiiniy Court of Duster Ootnily , Nebraska , this iith ; day of May , 1W.1. ( Seal ) A. 11. Iloui'intur , M20J.n County .Indue. Ncrncn OK PJNAI. it n POUT. Ustate of .lolin YomiKdale , deceased. In Couniy Court ol Ouster ( family , Nebraska. The Slate of Nebraska , to all per ons In terested In said odtate , take notice , tli.il Ilenrv Kelley lias Hied a llnal account and report of IIH ! adinlnlslratloii , and a petition lor Dual settlement , distribution and dis charge as such , wjilch have been Hot for heating before said Courl on June ITtli. IWJ , al 10 o'clock a in. , when you may ap pear and contest lite same. D.ited May tilth , IW'.t. ' ( Heal ) A. It. llUJipminv , County Judge. MIL'OJIt ) It NOTICI2 OP AOMIN'ISTUATOH'.S SAf.U. In the matter of the estate of William Thomson , ileieased. Notice Is hereby given that In pursuance of an order of llriino 0. Hosteller. Jndfje of tlie district court ol Custer County , Nebras ka , made on Hie S3 nil day ol May , IWW , fet Hie sale of tlie teal estate hereinafter de scribed , there u 111 be sold at the main en trance door of the Co'.rt House In llroken How , In Cnsler counly. Nebraska , on the J.'lh day ol June , HUB , at one o'clock p. m , , at public venilue to the highest bidder for . asli tliu following described real estate to- wit ; The southwest iiuarter of the not th- e.ist quarter ami lot l\\o In section one In Township fourteen noilh of Itange tvvent ) ono west of Hie ( till 1 * . M. In faster County- Nebraska. Said sale will remain open one hour. Dated this 5th day of May , IPO. ) . MJ7 J1U T. T. Hlii.l. , Admlnlslralor of Hie estate of \Villlain Thompson , Uei eased. NOTICK. Notice Is hereby given that by virtue ot an order of sale entered by Hie UlsliUt Court of Custer County , Nebraska , on May J. ) , 19 ' ) , at a session of the dlstrlit court ot xild : i iiuitv then hidden. In an action for parti lion 1'ion pending therein , wherein .lames hedwltk was plalnlltf and Lester C.ul Illair , Adah Uva lllalr , el al , were defendants - ants , 1 will sell at public sale Die lolloulni ; de.'crlbed tract of land to-\\lt : l.ols t\\cnty tin ee and twenty-lotir (21 and 21) ) of block two ( i ) of A.V. . dandy's addition to the town , now city of Ilioken How , Nebraska together wllli the Mnall Iraine ilwelllnu bouse situated thereon , on the Oth day ot .Inh. HW9. at 9 o'-'oet In th'i atternoon ol > ald day al Hie easi tionl door of ihe'couit house allttoken How , Cottier rumily , Nebi.is ka , to the highest bidder for cash. HUM IN I'1. ' MVIIIIH. Itoleree. C. It , QurrKitsox , Atlorney for iilamilft. .1 3 to J i NOTICE , In the Counly Courl of Ouster County , Ne. braska. Nollci ; of Probate of will In the matter of the estate of Sheldon 0 C.ul\\cll. deceased. The stale of Nebrabka. to the heirs , de visees and all parlies Intero.ied In said estate : Take Notice , That a petition has been tiled In the Counly Courl of Custer County. Ne braska , bv Arnott l.owe , of Ciuier County , Nebraska , lor the probate ol an lusti uincni purporilnc to bo a memorandum of a nun- capalUe lasl will and testanunt ot bheldon C. Cadwell , deceased , and for the appoint nienl of Arnotl l.owo , eseculor ihereot , which has been bel for hearing before s.\ld conn , on the suih ilay of Jane lW.i at iu o'clock n m. , at which tlmo all concerned may appear and enter objections thereto and contesl the probate of said will. Cilven under my hand and the soul of the county Courl of Caster County , Nebraska , this Uril day of June , ITOO. A. it. HuMiMiunv , county judge. NOTIC12 KOU PUI1MCATION. Department of the Interior. U. s. Land onire at llroken llow , Nebraska , April S3. nx . Notice Is hereby given thai J.unei Dare , of nates. Nebraska , who , on September 18 , IIKJO , made Homestead Kntry uws serial , No. Olli > 8 forsc > ( MV > ( hW > 4 seij. Section to. T 1UN. USOW.Oth principal meridian , has Died notice of liuenllon lo make llnal ihe year proof lo establish claim to tlie laud above described , before Registrar and Ho- celver at llroken llow , Nebr. , on the Ith day of June. 1'W. Clalmanl names as witnesses : llenjamln O. Kellogg and Oliver M. Swlgk , of dates- Nebr. ; Prank Doty ana Stephen Maple , of Walworlh. JOHN luusu , iteglstrar. DECORATION DAY CIRI5MONES Parade jit Hie MoriMi ; * and Program al lliiirdi in Hie Aflcrntiiiii DC' r itiofi D.IV in I Dior of tlic Did s. id.i r < was i t.s-rve 1 In tint , city Monday. 'I lie Uiuin. : , 1 houses closed were appropriately decorated with Hags and bunting- and they closed during the par ade in the morning and the pro- grain in the afternoon. 'I he parade started from the public square at 10:30 : and inarch ed to tliu cemetery led by the veterans of the civil war. They encircled the niomuusnt to the dead soldiers at the cemetery and Chaplain Vannice olTcrcd pray er. Flowcis were deposited at the base of the monument after which the children put flowers on the graves of c ich of the soldiers The program in the afternoon was given al the Christian church. lion. J. B. Dunn , of Callaway , delivered a very able address in memory of the dead soldiers. The following' was the complete program : Ssleetion . . , „ , , Orchestra Siikr ) , A more \ Amliet ee Invocation t. . Huv. Norwood SuUulion Orcliettin Mncohi'a Gettysburg Spfieoli MiSdfd UK ! ! Song , Bron/,9 Button . . MrH Hiiulvt-y HwcitrtUon , Hnttlo Lookout Motiu- t in Miss I nun OrKhniii Spociul Number Choir Oriition Hon. J. 13. Dunn Recitation Miss Clara Dodds Bdiitd'utbn. .Rev. 11. II. Thompson STATE CONVENTION MEETS IN KEARNEY The state Sunday school con' vention meets in Kearney on June 15 , } ( > and 17. Dr. Frank lin McKlfrcs'ii , of Chicago , su perintendent of Teacher Train ing in the international Sunday school association , and a fine platform man , wll tell of 'the trained teacher and what he can do in the school. His address on "The Country Ftinday School , " Dr. Clark , of Ohio , says , is the greatest address ever heard in Ohio and they have had some great speakers in Ohio. Hcv. l\ II. Welshimer , of Cantow , Ohio , who has done such mar velous work in his own church through his Sunday school , will represent the Pastor's Depart ment and every pastor in Nebras ka ought to hear him tell of the wonderful advances of Chris tianity in Canton. Chas. For- dyce , Dean of the State Univer sity Teachers' college , will give an address on "How to Manage the Boy. " Mr. l < \ 1C. Hathaway , of Chicago , w ill lead us in our sonjjs. lie is a skilled leader. Therc will be reports and ad- drcsscss and conferences on all phases of our work. Bring your hard questions. 50 Hoys Wanted I'or Corn Contest. The Custer County Agricultu ral Society will giyc $100 as special premiums to young men between the ages of fourteen and twenty for the best 30 ears of corn , any variety and breed , grown in the county in 1'JO'J. Said corn to be cultivated and grown by the entrymen , and been on exhibition at the County Fair the same as other entries. Premiums as follows : I'or the 1st prixe , $30 ; 2nd , $25 ; 3rd , $20 ; th , $15 ; 5th , $10. All entries to be made by July 1st , and must give number of acres being- grown , must describe what part of the section , town and range J3ntries will be made with J. M. Fodge at his office in Broken Bow. By order of committee , J. M. FOIXJK , C. II. MII.I.KK. Kcv. James Dorrts , of Klsie , Michigan , arrived in the city Wednesday for a visit with his brother , S. M. Derris , ADDITIONAL LOCALS. F. M. Ktiblee went to Omaha on lusitiiss Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Kd Powell mov ed into the 11 ill man house last Thursday. I , . C. Crcm , 'iud family loft Ibis owning for a * 'iurt ' vij.it with relatives at Lovun . Another undertaker arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kimball last week. Miss I/ela Ilolcomb left Wed nesday evening for Kipx.villc , Washington. Mrs. M. 'I' . Cannon left Thurs day morning- for Oberlin , Kan sas , to visit a month with her mother. F. A. Pocry , formerly of Au- selmo , has purchased land and located permanently al Hanford , California. Landlord J. lt. Downs , of the Burlington hotel , is visiting- this week at his home in Fullerton , Nebr. An eight pound girl was born Wednesday , to Mr. and Mrs. John "Harrcll , who live twenty west of Merna. The students ot Custer College gave a social at the college Tuesday evening for the old stu dents and those who leave the college this year. Will M. Dunn , of Callaway , editor of the Courier-Tribune , was in the city for the Decora tion Day exercises and made this office a pleasant call. Mr and Mrs. K. J. House and daughter , of Canton , South Da kota , are visiting Mr. House's brother , 13. C. House , of this city. 'I hey arrived Wednesday. The total rainfall this week to and five one-hun dale was one - dredth inches. The fall Wed nesday was seventy-four onc- huiidrcdths of an inch. This should"put the ground in excel lent shape. The Callaway boys base ball team caiuc over Monday and was defeated by the Broken Bow boys by tl.ie score of 9 to 4. The game was a very interesting one in spite of the muddy field. At the regular meeting of the Odd Fellows Monday evening , P. A. Walton was elected noble grand and Phil Stradlcy Vice- grand. The large north eight-inch til ing for draining the land north of the railroad track near the stock yards is being put in by a gang of men this week. Mrs. Cal Crawford and her son , Claude , and daughter , Feme , started Tuesday morning for England , where they expect to spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Xach Thosteseu and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jensen left Monday for New York City , where they will take the steamer for Hamburg , German ) ' . The Custer College Sunday- school team captained by Hugh Ormsby in the contest in getting pupils for the Methodist Sunday school gave a birthday surprise party for Hugh Saturday. It was his twentieth birthday. Attorney R. A. Moore , who has been confined to the hospital in Kearney for some time with blood poison , is reported better and he hopes to be able to re turn to Broken Bow in a couple of weeks. A regular meeting of the Pythian Sisters will be held Thursday evening , June 10th. Important business on hand. Light refreshments will be serv ed , after which the committee promises a pleasant surprise and good time to all. Prof , and Mrs. S. K. Mills , of Uavennfc , were guests of Prof , and Mrs. Cornet the first of the week Prof. Mills has been superintendent of the Ravenna schools during the past year and will be one of the instructors in Custer College next year , State Superintendent Me- Brien stopped rff in the city Wednesday in going from Brow- ster to Kushville for a high school commencement address. He delivered a commen cement address at Brcwslct Tuesday evening and will ad dress the high scnoul1 students ai Kushvillu this evening. F. M. Walker and M. Mathies- sen , of Omaha , two of the men who purchased the Buckeye ranch , were in the city this week. A gang of surveyors began the work of surveying the ranch this week so that it can be cut up in to farms of 80 to 320 acres. Three roads will be laid out across it cast and west , and three north and south. The engine on train No. AS was derailed this evening near the stock yards. The rails on the side track spread while the engine was switching and al lowed it to- sink between the rails. The engine on train No. U ) and a special from Seneca were used to pull it out and get it onto the track again. Undertaker Cole had a cow die last week from rather an unusual cause. The cow had been sick for about ten days and her case seemed an incurable one. The cow died Wednesday , and Thurs day Mr. Cole and Dr. Cole , the veterinarian , held a post mor tem over her. They found that the stomach contain ed four nails , two screws , and a fence staple. Oue of the nails was very rusty and had rusted deep enough to bring it to a very sharp point. This one had run through the stomach and into the liver. Gangrene set in and this caused her death. MEN IN PUBLIC LIPC. JAMES RUDOLPH GARFIELD , Secretary of the Interior. \ Uk * * * . ? ' xf : : SENATOR JAMES A. HEMENWAY , of Indiana. HON. WILLIAM A. CLARK , ' United States Senator from Montana. JOHN F. STEVENS , Eminent Engineer Who Had Much Do with Successful Prosecution of Work on Panama Canal. our business will grow If you advertise in tlie Republican Custer County Abstract Company One price to all. No discount , to anyone. Titles examined.