Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 03, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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WF3waiin > s &Ksr&i&\taiaua
A Wonderful Invention of Modern Times
Cabinet 12 inches
high , 12 inches deep , 24 I
inches long.
Boilers 1 six quart ,
1 four quart.
Flroloss Cookers nnd the nrt of fiielcss cooking is old , having been used in Norway nnd the old world , ngcs
ago the only difference is thnt our coolcor Is built scientifically for nil practical purposes. The cookur
retains the dclicnte flnvor of the food , otherwise lost in constant lioil ng it retains the sweetness of cereals , soups ,
incuts in fact anything thnt can foe boiled , inny he evolved from the Cooker.
In operation this wonderful invention is simplicity itsself. You simply prepare the food to foe cooked m the
regular way place it on the stove and bring it to boil then immediately transfer to tbe Cooker , cover it tightly , add
the insulated pillow covering , drop the lid and let the Cooker do the rest. In an hour or two remove the covet and
Serve the meal boiling hot perfectly cooked nui'd with n taste Hint will prove delightfully surprising.
For coronls thnt require lonij cooking , as onlincnl , it will prove n icvdation prepare the ontmeal nt
S night before retiring , bring it to a boil place it in the Cooker , leave it there all night. In the morning , on arising ,
, your breakTast is ready to foe served piping hot nnd deliciously cooked.
Instond of cooklnij bontis. rice , barley , pennnd other foodstuffs over n hot fue , which takes hours nnd hours
and fuel simply bring your water to n boil , plncc it iu the Ccnkvt nnd that ends it.
It saves time nnd fuel it is clcnn nnd sanitary , takes up very little room and is elegant in nppearnnce.
Our cooker is scientifically built. The outer case is made from n select hardwood , beautifully finished. The inside is
lined with tnineinl wool and asbestos and is covered with sine. Two boilers are made of the very best q-iality blue
and white enainbled ware. The insulating pillow covers are strongly made nnd guaranteed sanitary.
1 bay horse , 4 years old ; white
stripe down forehead ; white hind
feet ; weighs about 900 Ibs. No
tify the owner , J. A. Hutchison ,
Broken Bow. Reasonable reward
for return. June 3tf
We have Toilet Articles and
preparations rich and rare. The
many years of experience which
we have had in the business has
enabled us to select such articles
as will meet with the appoval of
the public. Our
Assortment of Toilet Articles
consists of everything in Toilet
waters. Tonics , Face Powders ,
Toilet Powders , Perfumery ,
Soaps , Sponges , Combs , Brushes ,
Etc. We have also a large and
complete stock of Proprietary
Drugs and Jewelry
Real Estate Transfers.
R B Walker to Jno A
Chancy , 160 acres iu 9
H 18 $480000 )
RB Walker to C A Gor
don , 40 acres in 6 14 17. 1 00 )
Anna D Fietz and hus
band to Woodman Fra
ternal co , It 4 in blk 6
in Comstock 1000 00 )
Isaac Deardorf to Ezra T
Miller trustee of Suts
Henry Dry Goods co
and its stockholders,320
acres in sec 17 and 20
tplSrg 18 1920000
The Union Pacific R R
co to Carson Blixt , 160
acres in 114 25 480 63
Lincoln Land co to Wil
liam Dye , It 6 in Blk G
2nd add to Comstock. . SO 00
Lo tta W Smith and hus
band to Simon J Lan-
dis , all Us 5 67 8 and 9
in blk 62 rr add 11 Gal
laway 100 00
Claude A Currie ami K
Curne to Simon A
Saunders , parcel in 10
19 18 75 00
II K Atkisson to RN At-
kissou , It 22 1st add tote
to Mcrna 1000 00
J F Hubbard to Patrick B
Rilcy , 160 acres 27 19
21 100000
Wm G Bittner to Gee W
Mulligan , SO acres in
sec 14 23 tp 19 and 20. . 700 O'J '
Carl Achterberg to JO 11
Achtcrberg , 160 acres
25 1322 35,0000
Edgar J Francis to Orm
Walsh , Us 1 and 2 in
blk 9 2nd add , Mcnia. . 1400 00
William G Hitter to Gee
W Mulligan , 320 acres
in 24 19 20 445000
Chas Nicolai to Jas W
Lundy , 80 acres in < ) 19
18 120000
Jas W Luucly to S T John
son , 80 acrcs'in 9 19 18 3200 00
Luclla Ilivcly and hus
band to O lioinue , 160 '
acres in 10 and 3 tp 17
rg 17 150000
B E Robinson to Gee W
Hoffman , It 3 in blk 1
in B E Robinson's add
to Arnold 100 00
Wm A IIouscl to Mary A
Nelms , lot 12 in blk 2
1st add to nor Ansley. 7500
Parian Lodge no 207 to P
Troutuiau , It H in blk
50 rr add to Callaway. 20 J 25
Muscatiue Mtge & Trust
co to Qco Willing , 160
acres iu 10 17 24 100Q 00
Wm Peterson to Daniel E
Perkins , It 1 in blk 5 in
West Uuuion 250 00
Margaret Tucker to Sam
uel Waddingtou , It 1 in
blk 21 original town of
Anselmo SO 00
Adam Sloeges to Jtio M
Lucas , 80 acres in 23
14 18 1920 00 )
Mount Hope Cemetery as
sociation to A R Damon
Us 36 and 37 in Mt Hpe
cemetery 10 00
T E Bennison to Anna ,
McNaman , 320 acres in
15 13 23. . 105000
Jas W Montgomery to _ .
Levi Pringle , Us i 2
and 3 in blk 12 in orig
inal town of Auslcy. . . 17500
Chas T Grabert to Gee
Clingermau , 80 acres iu
35 15 19 100000
Lincoln Laud co to Jas
W Montgomery , Us 1 2
and 3 in blk 12 in Ans
ley 195 00
Ellen Fowler et al to J M
Horn , SO acres in 2V 14
19 250000
L L Dady to C II Fowler ,
Us 10 11 and 12 in blk
H in nor Ansley 180000
Chas S Boyles to Inves
tor's Security co 320000
Eliza J Ansley to Dan'l
Hagin , It 12 in blk 4
original town of Ans-
Icy 400 00
Walter Kellenbarger to J
0 Kennedy , It no 10 in
blk 9 orig town Merna.2000 00
R C Shiley to W A George
parcels in sec 18 19 tp
16 rg 10 10000 00
Union Laud co A R Ste-
phensonIt 1 in blk 31
rr add to Callaway. . . . 5700
Sallie A King et al to F
Hauck , 160 acres 19 14
17 90000
Harriet A Hauck to F
Ilauck , 160 acres 19 14
17 300 00
Mary S Powell and' hus
band to R E Brega , It 6
in blk 35 original town
Callaway 15000
J C McMahon to Peter J
Forney , Us 1 and a in
blk 10 in Merna 4400 00
P F Forney to J 0 Mc
Mahon , 160 acres in
sec 25 26 18 24 335000
BE Robinson to S Mc-
Cants , It 2 in blk 3 In
B E Robinson's add to
Arnold 100 00
J II Hiser to F Mills , SO
acres in 32 15 18 122500
Lincoln Laud co Conrad
Hovic and Theodore , It
1 in blk G 2nd add to
Comstock 7500
Lincoln Land co to Jas
W Yockey , Its 3 and 4
in blk 6 2nd add Com
stock 15000
Want breaking done one and
orii'-half miles from town. J. A.
Armour. " Af-13-2
Wanted A girl to do general
housework. Inquire at this of
Fine Residence property for
sale. Call on "I. A. Colcnian of
Broken Bow. Feb'y 25-tf.
FOR SAI.H Well regulated
Restaurant , gond location. Good
reason for soiling. Inquire Con
Cannon's restaurant.
FOR SAI.K My residence prop-
: rty in south cast part of city ,
: all or address JAS L. KINO ,
al5-tf Broken Bow , Nebr.
A new four room house for
cnt. L. L. SHARP.
A solid gold fob with C. M.
engraved on it. Finder please
bring to the Republican office.
a-22-a29 C. M. MARQUIS.
FOUND A fountain pen.
Owner may have same by prov
ing property and paying for this
Business Personals
Dr. Bass , Dentist. OverMcCouias
Farm and City loans at lowest
rates. M-ll-tf "JAMHS LKDWICII.
See C. C. Larts for blue prints.
Phone 146. M 13-M 27
Dr. Ileadrick will visit Broken
Bow , Monday , May 31.
Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee.
Roasted fresh every day. 24tf.
Farm and City loans at lowest
rates. M-ll-tf JAMUS
Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee'
Roasted fresh every day. 24tf.
Drs. Farusworth & Beck
Texas school land is selling
for five dollars per acre. For
cheap railroad rates see Jesse
The Doris Lake Opening will
be on June 5th. All are in
vited. m20-j3
Says the collar to the shirt ,
you carried me well , " let us
aeet again at the Broken Bow
Steam Laundry , Broken Bow ,
We are in the market FOR
Will pay the highest price of
fered on the Broken Bow mar
ket. Call and see us before sell
ing. 34-tf
Will receive by June 1 , another
car of Studebaker buggies , sur
reys and spring wagons. Wait
and see the two in one buggy. It
is a beauty. Have a few buggies
and spring wagons left , which
will be sold at a reduced price to
make room. See them. Gee ,
Willing. M-20-J-10.
Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee
Roasted fresh every day. 24-tf.
rou SAUJ nv
J" . JXTa 3F e > ole >
Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee.
Roasted fresh every day. 24-tf.
, _ _ . . , „
. ' , , . ' , Monday
„ > I. I ; < n * "
, * " '
' ; - ST ' /
. , . .
-2 vc. / > " ! iw. ft v h v.i 4 \ > /
The King of Ltuii.ilry
SOAPS. Yellow soaps
> * *
contain rosin. SUNNY MONDAY contains
no rosin.
' 'Sunny Monday bubbles will wash awny
yourtroubes. "
i Use Gold Jiist it
3 is better and cheaper
than yelow soap.
Buy Sunny Monday
and ( jold Dust
The Brokeu Bow Steam Bak
ery is selling goods as follows :
White Bread 7 loaves for 25 cents
Bye Bread 7 " < ; 25 "
Graham Bread 7 " " 25 4
Cream Bread 7 ' " 25 "
\ .
All kinds of cookies lOc per doen
Doughnuts lOc per dozen
Buns 103 per dozen
Cream Puffs 25c per dozen
Macaroons 30c per dozen
Layer Cakes - 35 and 50c each
Angel Food - 10 and 15c each
Pound Cake lOc each
Jelly Rolls lOc each
Cup Cakes 15c per dozen
Fresh Hot Pies daily 2 for 25c
We have only one reason why
you should patronise us and that
is "because you get more for your
Good work Harness $22.OO and up
Fine single Buggy Harness 7.OO and up
Good leather V/ $ inch Hauliers .65 and up
These are real bargins. Beat them if
you can !
Remember we are carrying the finest line
of Buggy Whips in the city , and we give you
your choice of 150 whips rml a number on a
silk plush robe for 50c.
RoLmson & ? Tuttle.