Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 03, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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Mr , and Mrs. George Porter
ppent Monday visiting in Anslcy.
Charks S. Shaw , of Callaway ,
was a cily visitor Friday.
K. T. York , of Lexington , wat
in the city Saturday. v
John Turner . rnade a business
trip to Ansley1 Monday. *
W. H. Mdrrell , of Callaway ,
was in the city Monday.
J. M Horn and wife of Curare ,
were city visitors last Saturday.
Aubrey Martin went to Kear
ney and back in his auto Mon
P. M. Green and wife , of
'Ansley , were in the city Satur
Chas. Bowman and wife were
passengers for the cast Sunday
EJ. C. Gibbons , of Conastock ,
was in the city on business Mon
J. E } . Evans and Fred Pickens ,
of Berwyn , came up from
Berwyn Saturday.
A. P. Dobesh , who lives south
of Ansley , was looking after bus
iness in the city Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Hau-
inont , of Elton , were in the city
Miss Junie Cline , of New
Hope , visited with Miss Leota
Huffaker the first of the week.
Rev. W. X. Xanders went to
Kearney Tuesday evening ex
pecting to return this morning.
Snyder Bros , and a group of
their friends went up to Merna
in their autos Monday afternoon.
Mrs. I. P. Bell , of New Helena
visited with her daughter , Mrs.
Ross Moore , for a few days the
first of the week.
D. C. Reynolds , of Eddyville ,
was in the city Monday and
Tuesday looking after county
G. IHompes , loan examiner
for Woodward Bros. , of Lincoln ,
was in the city last Thursday
and passed favorably on some
farm Jeans made by Ross Moore.
Road Plckctt rande n
trip to Lexington last Thursday.
Wra. Worth went to Columbus
Tuesday evening on Lu .r .ss ,
Deputy Assessor W. D. Hall ,
of Sargent , came ov.r to this
city Friday to turn in l.'s books.
W. H. Mattley , of Ansley , was
in the city on business M-ad y
and Tiusday.
The Rev. Geo. Baily , D. D. , of
Washington , D. C. will preach
at the Presbyterian church next
Sunday morning and evening.
Charles Gadd is visiting his
parents in the city. Charles may
slay here and play with the
Broken Bow base ball team this
Misses Margaret and Johanna
Foley , of Merna , stopped off in
the city Monday on their way to
Itnox county where they are go
ing to visit relatives.
Will Kennedy , of the ffrtn of
Miller & Kennedy , went to
Omaha Monday evening. While
there he will purchase two car
loads of buggies and machinery.
Edmond Rourke , of Merna ,
and Pete Mullin , of the real es
tate firm of Mullm Bros , left
Monday evening lor Southerland
to look over some Lincoln coun
ty land.
D.n Sweeney and son , of the
West Table , were in the city
Monday to take in the Decora
tion day exercises. They report
the crops on the West Table as
doing nicely.
Charles Grabert , of Merna ,
who shipped a car of cattle to
Omaha last week stopped in the
city Tuesday on his return. Mr.
Grabert was very well satisfied
with the price he received for
his cattle.
Elsie Saville , of the University
School of Music , will give les
sons in piano and harmony. Sev
enty-five cents for forty-five min
ute lessons. Address Ansley ,
Through an error the burglar
alarm in the Broken Bow State
bank went off late Monday even
ing. The sounding of the bell
caused some excitement , but
further than that it was of no
That prince of actors
will give that masterpiece drama "Faust" on
Tuesday evening June 8th , and Shakespeare's
greatest work "Hamlet" on Wednesday evening
June 9th. On Wednesday afternoon the com
pany will give "The Three Musketeers. "
With these plays the Opera House will close for
the season.
Extensive alterations and repairs with the
addition of electricity will make the house prac
tically a new one for next season.
I ' Tha BroHu Bow byaUcaa col *
, loge base ball team was defeated
Saturday by the Prairie 'llill
nine by the score of'9 to 6
I. H. Hatfield , sccretarof the
S.-curity Savings and Loan As *
sedation , was in the city last
Friday closing some farm loans
tb'cugh the agency rf Rosi O ,
Mnrrc. Mr. TI it field was favor
ably impressed with the improve
ment being made in the city and
the prospect for the future
growth of the city.
The stakes for the coming Ne
braska Slate I1 air , September G-
10 , closed with all eight races
satisfactorily. Not less than
ten horses were named in any
occ of the events and the man
agement , concluded to let them
all go. Six of them arc for
$1000 purses. The entries in the
; ast races were extremely grati
Miss Pearle Hunter is install
ing a hot water plant and a com
plete sanitary plumbing equip
ment in her new house near the
south side school house. The
Presbyterian parsonage and the
residences of Dal Campbell ,
Thomas Adams , Tom Myers and
T. M. Olmsted , will all be equip-
) ed with complete sanitary
) lumbing this spring and sum
mer. This work is all being
done "b"y Anderson and Forney ,
the young men who purchased
the tin shop of W. P. Rogers
near the southwest corner of the
mblic square. These men have
lad several years experience in
the business and their work is
giving excellent satisfaction.
Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee.
Coasted fresh every day. 24-tf
An Ordinance granting unto John W.
Early , his successors and assigns ,
the right to erect , acquire , maintain
and operate a plant for the gener
ation manufacture and distribution
of electricity for light , heat and pow
er , and steam and hot water for
heat and power and for this pur
pose to erect and maintain all nec
essary buildings , poles , wires , con
duits , pipes , transformers and other
necessary equipage for the carrying
and distribution of electricity and
heat , Including the right to place all
pipes , conduits and other necessary
appliances for the distribution of
the same along the streets , alleys
and other public places In the'city
of Broken Bow , Custer county , Ne
braska , where It may be necessary
to erect and maintain the same , and
establishing rates and fixing for
feitures and penalties.
Be It Ordained by the Mayor and Coun
cil of the City of Broken Bow , Ne
lection 1.
That John W. Early , his successors find
BKiKiis bo and hereby Is authorized and
empowered with license and , the full right
to erect , lay build acquire , maintain and
operate an Electric Light , Heat and
Power System In the City of Broken
Bow for profit with the right to
erect place change , remove and main
tain poles , fixtures , conduits , pipes and
all other means of support and supply
stringing wires laying underground pip
es under along , over and across streets
avenues , alleys public grounds and ways
and all public property In the City of
Broken Bow and all the additions theie
to , and to bo hereafter annexed , with
[ ioles , fixtures wires transformers , over-
lend construction and to lay and main-
Lain underground conduits and pipes to
construct the necessary manholes make
house connections and to distribute pipes
from such underground conduits in
and through the streets and alleys of
the City of Broken Bow as may be ne
cessary for the purpose of establishing
conducting , maintaining and carrying on
the business of Light , Heat and Power
Service both aerially and underground ,
upon the terms and conditions herein
after , stated .
1'rovliled that the Bald John W. Early
Ills successors and assigns at fault , as
the case may bo shall be and remain
solely and exclusively responsible for
nil damage to person and property that
may occur by reason of any negligence ,
or unsklllfulness In carrying on such
work , or In the subsequent repair or
fhange.s therein and the said John \f.
Early , his successors and assigns , as
aforesaid , shall hold safe and harmless
the said city of Broken Bow In Us mu
nicipal capacity for any and all loss or
dariiago of any kind or description by
reason thereof , upon the tcnns and con
ditions hereinafter stated.
Section 2.
The work of constructing such plant 01
system shall bo begun within sixty ( CO )
days from the date of the acceptance
of this ordinance , and the power
house and equipage shall he complete
nnd In operation within eight months
from the data of said acceptance , provided
vided , however that" If delayed In the
progress of such work by strikes , legal
proceedings or other unavoidable cause
or causes , then the limitations an to the
commencement of the work and the com
pletlon thereof In hereby extended for
such period as the said John W. Karly ,
his successors and assigns may bo BO
Section 3 _
That the said John \V , Early , m
successors and assigns shall not charge
or collect for electric current service
from any person or persons who shall
be consumer or consumers of current , in
excess of the following schedule :
For Residential Lighting.
10 cents per 1000 watt hrs. from 1000
to 10 000 watt hrs. per mo.
15 cents per 1000 watt lira , from 10000
lo 15,000 watt hrs. per mo.
14 cents per 1000 watt hrs. from 15000
to 20,000 watt hrs. per mo.
13 cents per 1000 watt hrs. from 20.000
to SO.OOO watt hrs. per mo.
12 cents per 1000 watt hr . from 30 000
to GO.OOO watt hrs. per mo.
11 cents per 1000 watt hrs. from 50,000
to 100,000 watt hrs. per mo.
10 cents per 1000 watt hrs. from 100,000
to 500,000 watt lira per mo.
There shall be a minimum rate of
$1.00 per month for each Installation. H
being understood that slnalo offices
shall bo included under residential light
For Commercial Lighting ,
15 cents per 1000 watt lira , fawn 1,000
tq 10 600 wftU hn , p r mo ,
11 cents pr 1000 watt hrs. fiom 10,001) )
IP 16,000 watt hra , per mo.
I'j cents per 1000 wntt hrs. from 15,000
to 20 000 watt hrju j > or mo.
It cents per 1000 watt hrs. from 20,000
to 30,000 wntt hm. par mo.
10 cants per 1000 watt hrs. from SO 000
to 50,000 watt hra , per mo. i
9 cents per 1000 wntt hrs. from EO 000
to 100 000 watt hrs. per mo.
S cents per 1000 wntt hrs. from 100000
to 500 00 watt hr . per mo.
There shrill bo a minimum rate of
$1.60 per month charged for each Instal
That the followlna rates may be ut the o.itlon of the coimnner
to-wit ;
1 hn.r ilatr.anl iiorvlee per tiny .20 r
pnr K. \ \ .
114 hour demand gorvlao per dny .10 r
per 1C. W.
2 hour demand service per Any .13 c
per K.V. .
3 hour demand service per day .10 c
per K. W.
4 hour demand service per tiny .00 c
per K.V. .
[ i hour demand nt rvlc < per tiny .OS c
1u-r 1C. \ \ .
0 hour demand aorvli'f per day .07 t-
per K. W.
7 hour demand service pur tiny .Ofir > c
per K. W.
5 hour demand service per day , OC c
per K.V. .
'J hour domiuut service per day .OSRc
per K. * \ ' .
10 hour domnml ocrvlco per day .05 c
per K. W.
And the said John NV. Karly , his mm-
rPSHorn and nsHlgiiH , rhnll establish ,
nui.ntnlii and operate Ithout oxponsu
to the .sultl city of Hi ikon Bow , flvo
(5) ) olootrlc are lUlitt t L'OOO C. 1 * . cnt-li
or five ( G ) nrehes { Iiionndesoont
lights , at the option ol the nl 1 City
at such place or placi us the City
Council of paid City ma direct.
All street lighting tt ho on an all
night norvlco upon a i.iooiillBht hchcd-
Section' ' 4.
All renewals of IIUIIPM shall ho fur-
nlMipil to ooiiBiimors ut actual coat
thereof by the nld John W. Early , ol
His assigns.
Section G. . . , , i
That In the pursuance of the rights
horeln granted the said John \ \ \ Early
his successors or nsslgnH , ixro hereby
required to BO locnto poles ana other
structures In streets avenues nnd al
leys , along the streets or avenues Inslilo
the line of curbing or the outer slilo-
walk line along either outside line
or sldo of alleys so as not to linpedo
public travel or the flow of water or
tlralnngro within Bald town , except when
the nald John \V. Early hlH successors
or assign are In nnd about the con
struction or repair of the said plant
within the City of Broken Bow , are
further required to replace any and all
portions of the streets , alloys , avenues
or other public grounds within said City
which may bo Intorferred with In the
erection construction , malntalnanco nnd
operation of the Light , Heat and Fcrwor
System , nnd replace the saino In as
good condition ns they wore at the tltuo
the said John \V. Early hlH suocossorH
and assigns , began.
Section C.
All poles posts wire and other fix
tures , pipes and conduits shall bo locat
ed and subject to the limitations hereInbefore -
Inbeforo provided due regard being had
to the convenience and welfare of the
hold John \V. Early his successors anil
assign ® .
Section 7.
Said John NV. Early , or lls | asslgim ,
nlmll at all tlmtis when requested by
the proper city authorities , permit the
poles and fixtures to bo used for the
purpoHo of placing nnd maintaining
thereon all wires that may bo neucHtmry
for the use of the Klro Department 01
Police of the city . Said poles and wires
shall bo so placed as not to Interfere
with oidlnary traffic nnd nil primary
wires shall not bo ICHS than 20 feet from
the ground.
Whenever It shall ho necessary foi
any person to move along or ncroHs
the 'streets or alleys any vehicle
or structure of such height or
size as to Interfere with any pole ?
or wires HO erected , the said John \V.
Early , or hlS assigns shall , upon receiv
ing twelve (12) ( hours written notice of
such intention , temporarily remove mteh
poles and wires from mieh places ai
must necessarily bo crossed by aucli
vehicle or structure.
Section 8.
If the work Is not prosecuted with reasonable
sonablo diligence for the construction
of the said Light , Heat and Power Sys
tem as provided In Section 2 of this or
dinance and shall not bo completed with.
In the tlmo and terms horeln specified
excepting that part partalnlng to the un
derground conduits , nnd pipes for heat
ing , nnd under the terms herein spoil-
fled , then nnd In that event every right
and privllueo herein granted shall bo
wholly forfeited , that Is to ny that the
paid John W. Early , hlH tmi'ousHora ami
nxslgnn shall within eight ( S ) month !
after hln acceptance of this grant fran
chise and privilege have constructed
nnd In operation nn r.leelrlc Light Sys
tem In the City of Broken Bow , or the
rights herein granted shall ho wholly for
felted as aforesaid ; provided that said
forfeiture shall not apply when Hiien
suspension of diligence or construction | f
caused by such a public calamity as flro
windstorm or sleet storm or a publlo
calamity of analogous nature.
Section 9.
Before constructing any portion of the
work herein authorized the ttnld John W.
Early , his successors and assigns , shall
flip with the City Clerk or Mayor of the
City of Broken Bow n plan showing the
location and character of the proposed
work for the said Electric Light Sys
tem , and the said work shall bo per
formed In accordance with the said
plan and thereafter when the said John
W. Early , his successors and assigns
shall determine to construct any ad
ditional part of the work horeln author
ized , or to make changes In the original
plans before such construction Is finish
ed or erect or construct heating ser
vice , or any other part of this grant , ho
shall file further plans with the said
City Clerk or Mayor of the City of Broken
on Bow showing location nnd character
of such changes or additional work.
Section 10.
That the said John W. Early , his suc
cessors and aBHlgns , shall within Ten
(10) ( days after the pannage of this or
dinance , file with the City Clerk his
acceptance In writing of all the condi
tions privileges and easements contain
ed therein , and shall at the tlmo ot
the filing of said acceptance deposit
with the Treasurer of the City of Brok
en Bow One Hundred ( $100.00) Dollar/ !
lawful money , the same to bo forefolted
to the City of Broken Bow In case ot
n failure to comply with Section 2 ot
this ordinance which nald Ono Hundrec'
( $100.00) Dollars shall bo returned to the
unld John w. Early , his successors nnd
assigns , upon the completion of the said
Electric Lighting Plant according to the
expressed conditions of this franchise
and the acceptance when so made by
the nald John W. Early his successors
nnd assigns , shall constitute a valid nnd
binding contract between the said City
of Broken Bow and the said John w. Ear
ly , his successors and usnlgnu concerning
the terms , provisions and stipulations
contained in this ordinance.
Section 11.
This ordinance to bo effective from
and after the date of the acceptance of
the name by the nnid John AV. Early , his
successors nnd assigns , for the full and
complete period of Twenty (20) ( ) years
from the date of the acceptance thereof
by the said John W. Early his success
ors and nsslgnn.
Provided that the said City of Broken
Bow shall have the right and option
on giving one years notice , at any time
after the expiration of Ten (10) yearn
from the date of taking effect of this
franchise , to purchase the uuld
Plant at a fair valuation to be
determined by a Board of Arbitration
conslstlne of six : (6) persona , two (2)
"ow Two (3) ( to U oho j | \ > y lh "Id
John W , Karly Ills successors nnd n -
slKtis , and Two(2) ( ) to be io ) ct d by th
Kour (4) ) BO chosen ns above. The cost
ot all such arbitration chalk bo equally
divided between the City of Broken Dow
and the uatd John XV. I ? ft My , his nucceii.
ors and asilgns.
Section 12 ,
The Power Houno chnll b ol
first , class construction throughout
designed with the Idea of symmetry n *
\voll tin utility. The capacity of the
plant and system almll be nufdalent to
lurnlsh continuous mul flrnt claim er >
vice. A neni'rnlur to bo Inntallod to
stnit with of 1UO K.V , capacity. The
uiiHino to bo nf the liilost npprnvoil stun
ilnr.1 do Isn lor uleetrlu llsiit and p woi
m-rvico , ir iif at mm in lit < ur sufficient
jKiwor to enu.v n loud of iiU P < M rent
ixbovo ruled eupuulty of Bt'iiorniois , nn i
bollora to bo of mifflclont cnpnclty for
tiaine. If of RUB or oil the engines to beef
of mifflclont capacity to curry n
load of ( SO per cunt above rated
capacity of generators , to bo uitulppod
with devices to inlnlmlzo the nolso nnd
snu'll of exhaust.
The uulldlni : .
The power house shall bo constructed -
ed of hrlclc laid up In umnont inortnJ' .
Kxtorlor walls to ho 13 Inehen or 3 hrlcki
thick rc-lnforced by nieatm of 17 Inch
lillaaterH. Coneruto floornHi Inches
thick nhall bo laid throtiithout the on-
tlro liullillniT. The tntorlor holKht shall
not ho ICHM than 13 feet ut the lowest
portion. Smokoatnck to bo nut oa n
brick Htnl ) outHlilo of building und eon-
noctod to the holler hiccchliiKM thru
hole In brick work. The exterior brick
work on the building shall bu laid up In
colored mortnr niaklnK u ncnt and ut-
tiiictlvo oxtcrtor. The roof nlmll ho
covered with u Htnndurd nubcstoH roof-
Intf inutorlnl.
All exterior lines to bo of copper In
sulated with n trlplo brnhl , tmturnted
with weather proof compound. nil of
which to bo up to Hocbllni ; Htundurd. All
wires to bo supported by ntundard In-
sulutoru nnd duo precaution taken to
be kept free from nil other wires , guyH
tiocs , nnd Krounds of any nnturo , nnd
eiiulpped with sufficient llKhtnlnc nr.
rcstors so that the lines nnd apparatus
may bo amply protected from all abnor
mal potential thereby Insuring continu
ous operation.
It beliiK the Intent of thin section to
provide for nil machinery , switchboards ,
lines and apparatus to bo of the latest ap
proved standard typo for uystcm of simi
lar slv.o nnd designed to have u rouson-
nblo factor of safety for continuous oper
ation und service.
Section 13.
1'olcs shall bo Class A , from 2R to10
feet In length und not less than G Inch
top , except the 1D ! ft. poles. The prlnmrj
line poles will bo 30 ft. by C In.
arc poles 35 ft. by C In. All poles
will bo roofed , nhavod nnd painted , sot
neatly and plumb BO us not to bo un
sightly. The principal polo lines shall bo
built In the alloys nnd roar of dwellings
nnd bnslnc&s places so far us practical
nnd nil current service entrances bo pro.
fernblo at the lenr.
Kectlon II.
Allowance for nrc lamps not burning
nliall bo mndo by the parties hereto
nn follows : It the following night nfter
the said John A\r. Karly , hlH HUCCCHHOI'H
nnd aHHlgiiH , hus rucclved notice that
n lamp Is not hurlinr , the lamp Is not
IlKlited , the said John W. Karly hlH sue *
censors nnd iiHHlgiiH , shall pay forfeit of
-5 cents for each nlnht thoroufter that
lamp Is not burning ; provided that such
lamp Is not extinguished by such a
public calamity as flro , windstorm or
slent storm or n public calamity' an
nul mo.
Section 15.
That no electric wiring or conntructlon
work , whether exterior or Interior , nhall
bo done by any person or pornonn with
out * first obtaining permission of the
nald John AV. Early bin nuccesnorH and
nsnlgns , after Bntlsfactorlly evidencing
the knowledge nnd qualifications of nn
olectrlnn nnd the nald John AV. Early ,
his micccHHorH nnd nnnlgnn nhnll have tht
right and power to reject any and all
olectrlo wiring or construction work that
shall bo Improperly nnd unsafely Install
ed or lioiiHtnictod. It IH agreed that
the Union and Specifications of the
National Board of Underwriters shall betaken
taken as u standard.
Section Hi.
That all machinery Installed and uncd
In nald plant niont bo new and a Htnto-
mont from the Manufacturem of nald
machinery niunt bo furnlnhod ntatlng thn
said machinery has never been used.
Section 17.
Thin ordinance shall take effect and
bo In force from nnd after Itn pannage ,
approval nnd publication according tt *
Panned , approved and ordered publish
ed , April 28th VJO'J. '
E. S. Hole-mill ) AV. A. George ,
City Cleik. Mayor.
[ SHAL ]
Why leave
the old home
with all its fond recollec
tions , and coxy nooks
that are dear to the
hearts of all members of
the family , just on ac
count of the discomforts
of our cold winters when
American Ideal
Boilers and
will impart to the icy
hallways and the artic
chambers a warmth as
genial and healthful as a
Florida beach.
Health , comfort , con
venience , and fuel econ
omy follow the putting-
in of our low pressure
hot water or steam out
fit. Ask for information
and estimates.
* ' ' & * & & C'S ceo
v t n . * * % . 4 * <
t MP * " " " " * * " * * * <
. , , . .
. . . . * u < „
' CoitHttU him if you want w.ti.
! HHOKKN How - N 11 n.
* * * * *
Aircut * for Clilckcrhnr , IvetR amll'oeiil
ami Star I'lano't. : : : : '
$1 per month for shine every day
Clothes oloanod
Hulls * Pants We Overcoats "Sc
Oliver Uarbcr Shop , Tom Glsos , prop.
t * * * * * * % * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
„ -v
Silas A. llolcouib. Kdwln V , Myers.
Special attention Riven to MUpatcd J
matters , Probate matters and col- J
( lections. . ' . . ' . . ' < * j
How , . Nebraska. J
. . . . . . . * . * . . . A
J Notary Public , j
I CouistocU , Nebraska. Netiraaka *
J Surveylnir anil Platthnf NcallylDone , J
Practical Undertaker
fig Llcnsed Embalmer
Business phone , 301. Residence 3340
Drokon now , Hob.
Annour-IInnnn Block
John 5. JVIegnacu
Physician & Surgeon
All calls promptly attended
day or uight.
Office in rear of Realty Dlock
National Shining Parlor
Pllvato Chairs Fur Ladles
Five cents every day
$1.00 A Month
Clothes Cleaned
Suits - - $ I.OO
Pants 60
Coats - 50
Overcoats . 35
N. T. Gadd
Cflioe over Watt's Music Store
Office 308. Residence 209