Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 03, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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    Bl- * * , ' A- a vM v 'fti y imv / r j
§ 1.00 Per Year ,
Wb t raatttr ll Mt on-mjodbatt Uctrotn > e
A lUtprlcoof twtntjr c nU per Inch , Inirlecol-
mnor each lniertlon ( two or mor Imertloni
t Mstnti per Inch. Special position , ilntflo In ,
Rortlon 20 centi per inch , Metal base , electro-
two or moru tlmri , lSceiit l' r Inch. Payment
, first of each month. .
Local ndvertlalair live ccuti per line cnclilii
Notlc'cof church church fair * , sociables and
catertaliimcntR wliore money l charged , otic
Death notice ! free , half trie" for publishing
> Card of Thanks , 50 cea rf.
i Legal notices at rales provided statutes of
Nebraska , . . .
Society untlccsand tcsolutlonsoiic-hnl r.nen
Woddlnir notices flee , Unit price ( or am of
Entered at llrokeu IJow , Nebraska , for trans
mission la the United States malls
at second clans rates ,
Herbert G. Myers , Editor and Publisher
{ Political Announcement.
' ' Hclng prompted by a desire to lead anil
direct the educational forces of the great
county of Ouster , In whose schools I was a
pupil nearly 80 years ago , I hereby formally
aunouncc myself a candidate for the position
of County Superintendent of Public Instruc
tion. I have advocated republican princi
ples for 16 years and am thus asking the tils
UiiKUlshcd honor of being Its nominee at the
coming election ,
I hereby announce to the Republicans
of Custer County that I nm a candidate
for the nomination to the office of
County Surveyor , subject to the express
ed will of the members of my party at
the primary. I have served as Deputy
County Surveyor for the past 3 years ,
and previous to the practical end ac
quired my education in the County
schools of Custer County , in the Fremont
Normal school and the Nebraska State
University. I have always lived in
Custer county and have always support
ed the Republican ticket.
I desire to announce my candidacy for the
office of County Superintendent. Mubjcct to the
wlihcs of the voters and school patroni of the
I was born In Custer county and received my
common fichool cnucatlon In her schools.
Since then I have t nil if lit several years lu the
district and village schools of the county ; have
received a professional utato certificate and
completed a full college course. I believe
both education and experience fit mo to do
efficient wjrk for the county.
Amelmo , Nebr ,
1 hereby announce myself as a candidate
for the nomination for the onlce of county
treasurer , subject to the decision of the Re
publican voters at the coming primary elec.
lion , I have been a resident of Custer
County'since 1881 and respectfully solicit
your support , JULIUS P. Orrtm.
I hereby announce to the Republicans of
CuHter County , that I am a candidate jor
the nomination to the onlce of County Sur
veyor , subject to the expressed will of the
members of my party at the primaries. I
tlnlshcd a civil engineering course at the
University of Michigan , and have had 20
years actual experience In all the different
lines of engineering and more than ten of
5 those years In land surveying. Have lived
flvc years In Ouster county.
J J. L. l''EliaUSOX ,
Sargent , Nebr.
Senator Bailey confesses that
the income tax ia defeated and
likewise ia the tariff commission.
Mr. Taft thinks that the tariff
bill may be finished by June 20 ;
others say July 20. This makes
July 4 a good guess.
More than half of the Demo
cratic Senators and Representa
tives are Protectionists as far as
concerns their own state or dis
It is estimated that an all-day
tariff speech costs the country
$10,000,000. Tariff revision is a
pretty extensive luxury , but then
Uncle Sam is a pretty luxurious
fellow and don't seem to mind a
little expense like a billion or
two of dollars.
Don't forget to leave your dollar -
| lar with one of the members of
\ the band concert committee.
These concerts are open to every
body and you will get twenty
concerts for the dollar. They
only cost you five cents each. It
makes a great deal of work for
the members of the committee to
call on all of you , but it is an
easy matter for you to hand your
dollar to a member of the com
mittee. Leave it at this office
or hand it to Sam Lee or Ramah
The special training , long ser
vice as assistant County Sur
veyor and excellent work of A.
J. VanAntwcrp makes him an
ideal man for that office. While
he has been a resident of Broken
Bow for several years , yet we
it , lhe nMltJ .1 JK for
County Purveyor , aa he sj' < ; it | a
large portion R ( hh h'n tri 1m
father's farm norlhwcb' nf town.
He is an honest , enterprising ,
hustling1 young man , a friend to
all he meets , and we can'liighly
recommend him to our readers as
the right man for that office.
Oconto Register.
Your attention ia called to the
statement on page one m idc by
E. C. House. Mr. Ilousu not
only believes in talking about
boosting for Broken How and
doing some work to make his
talk effective , but he is willing
logo down in his p ckot ai < d put
up some money to sec that need
ed improvements arc made. It
has been said that the expendi
ture of the amount of money
that Mr. House's proposition will
raise will enhance the value of
each lot around the public square
by $200. Any man ought to be
willing to spend i50 for improve
ments if it will make $200. Now
let us see how many are willing
to do it !
W. II. Oabornc , Jr. , the young
man who has held the position
of deput } ' county clerk for some
time past , will be a candidate
before the coming primary for
the nomination for county clerk.
The writer has been personally
acquainted with Mr. Osborne for
a number of years , and can truth
fully reccommend him as an hon
est , upright young man. He has
been in the office as deputy long
enough to know the workings of
the office , and we know of no one
in the county better qualified or
more deserving than Mr. Osborne.
We trust he will receive the
nomination and be elected to the
position for we know the office
will then be in good hands.
Callaway Queen.
It ought to be a paying propo
sition for one of the liverymen of
the city to put up a feed rack
where a man who drives into the
city may hitch his team without
unhitching them from his ve
hicle and allow them to eat hay.
The rack could be so constructed
that the teams could stand in
the shade and-cat This would
be cheaper and more convenient
for the owner of the team. It
would remove a large per cent of
the teams from the fence around
the park , where they are un
sightly and do not add anything
to the cleanliness or sanitary
features of the city. It would ,
moreover , show more regard for
the dumb animals. These racks
are paying propositions in other
cities and why should they not
be for Broken Bow ?
George E. Porter , who has
been deputy registrar of deeds
the past two or more years , will
be a candidate at the coming
primary for registrar of deeds.
Mr. Porter hails from Anslcy ,
wlierc he is known for his hon
esty and uprightness. lie has
been in the office so long that he
knows the workings of same from
beginning to end , and should he
be nominated and elected the
office will be well taken care of.
He has , proven an efficient and
hard working deputy , and will
also prove the same should he be
elected. lie , in fact , is better
able to look after the interests of
the office than any other man
who could be elected. Callaway
Mason City people can console
themselves with the knowledge
that they are not the only ones
who are very much dissatisfied
with the new Burlington time
card. There are others. Prom
Swcetwater , Hazard , Litchficld ,
Ansley , Berwyn and Broken Bow
conies a great "weeping and
gnashing of teeth. " They are
howling and kicking and heap
ing maledictions upon the head
responsible for the poor passen
ger service. This paper believes
that upon a proper showing by
all the towns affected by this
oc.v pjJcr of things nucl J\ \
ifTort ui | UiQ part of ull Umt re
lief throne1' iHe NchrasVa State
K'ailwjy Commission cnuld soon
ho nliiaititd. If trains -13 and -14
would do local passenger work at
all points between Ravenna and
Broken Bow , the accommoda
tions to the traveling public
would be trfca y extended and
highly appreciated , Transcript.
The receipts at the city post-
office last year did not fall much
short of the amount necessary
to provide the city with free
rural delivery. The regulations
of the department require that
the receipts at the office shall
reach $10,000 before a free de
livery can be installed in the
city. If this matter is given a
little attention by the business
men of the city the receipts for
this year which will end the first
of next March will exceed the
$10,000 mark. Advertising ma
terial of various kinds is sent in
the interest of the local mer
chants and is mailed from other
offices. If all of this advertising
matter was brought here for
mailing it would make a very
noticeable difference in the re
ceipts of the office. Any legiti
mate business along this line
should be held here in order that
we may be sure of passing the
required $10,000.
The State Railway comini > sion
has set a date for a hearing on
the application of the Central
Telephone company for the priv
ilege of raising its rates. The
object of this meeting is to give
the company an opporturnity to
show that its claim that its rates
arc too low is a valid one and to
give the public in general a
hearing on the question of the
raise. The following is the
changes asked for by the com
pany :
Broken Bow Business , cancel
rate of $1.50 , making a rate of
$2.00 for all service of this class.
Residence , ( individual ) cancel
rate of $1.00 , making $1.50 the
rate for all service of this class
Farm lines , increase from $1.00
and $1.25 to $1.5J per month for
all service of this class Switch
ing rates to connecting compan-
panies , increase from 25 cents to
50 cents per month , with mini
mum of not less than $3.00 per
A n si cy Residence , individ
ual , increase from $1.00 to $1.25
per month. Farm lines , increase
from $1.00 to $1.50 per mouth.
Switching rates to connecting
companies , increase from 25 cents
to 50 cents per month , with min
imum of not less than $3.00 per
Mason City Residence , indi
vidual , increase from $1.00 to
$1.25 per month. Farm lines ,
increase from $1.00 to $1.50 per
month. Switching rates to con
necting companies , increase from
25 cents to 50 cents par month
with minimum of not less thun
$3.00 per line.
There is something peculiar in
the way the one run hoodoo has
pursued the Lincoln team since
the opening of the season. No les
than eight of the games los
have been by the margin of only
one run. A lucky hit or an error
from an unexpected quarter has
been responsible in every case
Lincoln is now playing the
teams who are fighting for the
top position and we are looking
for better results for it has
always been the history of the
Greenbackers that they win more
games from the top uotchers
than from those which hold the
tail end honors. Saturday she
won two games from DCS Moines
which is at the top and we hope
that she is started on the road
toward the top that her playing
Read The
$1 a Year
* f"t 7 *
g Jt ry to imagine §
3 your house belonging1 to someone else and 3
tr that you hud come on a visit , and \vcrc "sixS
S ing it up. " ,
- Would your impression of the owner be ex- j 3
lE : actly what you hope your friends think of you ?
2H This is a a disquieting1 question to put to :2
j > you of course ; but if it causes you to give 2
sH some attention right now to the matter of how s
well your house represents YOU then it is ;
S excuseable. 3
g - ; 3
Van Cott ( Si Roecker
Prices Reasonable
Pure Olive Oil
350 nml 650 a bottle
Durkec's Salad
35C per boltle
Order a box of Fancy
Soda Crackers-the cream
of crackers-lOc per Ib.
Order a gallon of
Pure Old Cider Vinegar
today 40cper gallon.
Fancy Pitted Cherries
extra good 22c Ib.
Just try them
Spearmint , Yucatan ,
Pepsin , California Fruit
chewing gum G plcgs 25c
8 Ibs Fancy New York
winter evaporated apples
For $1.00
11 Ibs Fancy Santa Clara
for $1.00
4 Ibs Fancy Evaporated
Pears for 50 cents
Price very low
10 Ibs Extra Fancy
lumbo Raisins
for $1.00
Our spices we guarantee to t > c perfectly pure-to stand all tests , both state
ami government > ° c per Ib
When wanting n pure extract buy from us 15 a bottle
15 pounds bid fashion dried apples fori $ i
Comb honey zoc per Ib Extracted honey 150 Ib
We buy , test and pay highest cash for cream
, + "in * * " ! 7S7" ! "EFT2 "T T"
T if < T fc
ej % sm .UTTT * i < P ww an : H JL J
Pure Food Center. Phone 5 North Side
Your business will grow
[ f you advertise in the Republican
Tut ! Tut !
to &ny person bo liics
to mate you believe that
there ia any betier
watch than
, PA ,
Those who own one
know that a better watch
is an impossibility.
Perfect time is all that
any watch can give.
And this make is noted
for accuracy
We have them from $12.25 to $40.00
Every interested person
should make it a point
to call.
W. H. O'Rorke has opened up
the Beatrice Creamery Co.'s
cream station , and will pay you
the highest market prices for
eggs and cream. Jf you
want to get all there is out of
your produce call on him at 2d
door north ot Ed McComas' drug
store. M.27-21
The following offer contains only selected maga/.ines of the highest merit. The needs and desires of every one will be found
represented in this list. Women , Literature. Reviews , Juvenile , Outdoor interests , Fiction , Technical , Music , Art , Etc.
Custer County Republican and Cosmopolitan or American or
Success-Value § 2.00 for § 1.65
Through a most unusual arrangement with the publishers we are able to make this remarkable offer to subscribers
Four Great Publications and a Dress Pattern
Total m m m $2.15
Republican StS $1,00
Pictorial Review Mention" Uar 1.00
Success Magazine MontSfoT/kr 1.00
Modern Priscilla Moffiy l .50
Pictorial Review Pattern .15
To be selected by the subscriber fromtlui styles illustrated In Pictorial Review
at any time within two mouths after receiving the first coin-
Total yearly subscription prlco of these 4 magazines and pattern $3.65
All of the above together with the Republican sent one year for $2.15
And Value Cost
And Value Cost
And Value Cost
Alnslee's Magazlhe for $ j : Illustrated London New * S"0) for ( > 4S Reliable poultry journal { 1 50 for $1 35
Atnjl'lcaii Hey U.5 Independent 3 ( H " 235 Review ot Rtvlcws 400 " 300
American Homes nml ( l 400 3(0 International Studio 600 " 525 RuiUler 400 " 235
American Motherhood 200 175 JndKC fiOJ " 52i Scientific American 400 " 300
American Poultry 10 Keramic Studio SCO " 4SO Scientlllc American and Supl't 8 00 " fl 80
Api'clton'i Maitazino 250 200 Ladle's World 1M " 135 scrlbner's Magazine 400 " 365
Atlantic Monthly 500 425 Leslie's Weekly 6 < " 5 M Smart Set 360 235
Automobile 40J 32i Life 600 " 5.15 Smith's Magazine 250 220
Wick Cat 200 1 115 Llpplncott's Magazine 350 " 275 St. Nicholas 400 380
Uliie Hook 250 i 2 , * Little Toll's [ Salem ) new 200 ' 1 in Strand Magazine 250 245
Itolicnil.-xn 250 200 McCall's Mifrazini ! and pattern 1 50 ' 1 40 Suburban Lite 400 230
Hook'Kccper 2 IK ) 1 65 McClure's Mairazuie 250 ' 1 ! W Sunday school Times ,200 165
Hook man 350 3 10 Metropolitan Maeazltic 2.V ) ' 165 Suttbet Magazine 250 180
lloaton Cook I nir School 200 1 S Modern Pdscilla 150 ' I aft system mo 280
Breeder's Carettc 300 SUM Mothers Mau'azi ue 150 ' 135 Table Talk 200 105
Ilnrr Mclntush Monthly 400 300 Motor Atro 40) ) ' ! l 25
Taylor-Trot wood Maga/.lne. . . . 250 200
. . . . '
Matrazlm * 5 ( HI 48)
Century Motor lloat 30J 2bO
Technical world Magazine. . . . 250 200
. "
Chlldriins Mnirazlm 200 1 05 Musician 25n
) 2(0 ( Theatre 335
Christian Herald ( N. Y 250 2 10 Nation 400 " 375 Toilettes Magazine 400
300 235
Country Life In America fiOO 400 National 150 "
Home Journal i 25 Travel Magazine 250 200
Craftsman 400 "
335 National M iwazlne 250 200
Van Norden
. . . . 40J " Magazine 260 175
Current literature. 325 National Sportsman 201 IBS
vogue 500 450
Desliruer ISO I H5 New Idea ( N. Y.I fashions 15) " 135 Wide Worlil Magazine 220 215
Dressmaking .it Home 20) K.5 Normal ItHtrnctor 175 " l no '
I1 liicatloual Kevlew . 400 " Woman's Home companion. . . , 2 2.1 1 90
Nortn American Kevlew BOO 450 '
Woman's National
Daily 200 100
Klectrlcal World 400 Outdoor Life 250 " " 25
To-nay 250 200
Electrician & Mechanic 200 "
1 05 Outlnir Maeazlne 400 235 World's
Work 100 3S5
lltude [ for music lo\urs ] 250 SJ01 Outlook 40i ) " 375
Tarni Journal [ 'i years ) 125 Pacittc Monthly 250 " 203
field and Stream. . . 250 L'OO Parts Modes .uul Pattern ISO " 135 You Miy Add to Your LUt
l'orum 300 235 IVarson'h Maeazlne 250 " 200
( i.irden Mitraxlne . . 2l\ ) 1 65 People's Home Journal 135 " 125 All Story Magazine . For $1 00
Good HiiusukeeiiliiL' . 200 165 Phllllstlnn 200 " ls Argosy . " too
'lood Literature 135 I 25 Physical Culture 20J " 105 Colliers Weekly . " fl 2o
Hampton's Miirazliu 250 200 Pictorial Keview atd Patttrn. . 20J " l 05 Delineator . . . . . . . . " 100
Harper's Haziar 200 1 OS Popular Mairazinc 2 SO " 22) ) Everybody's Magazine . " 150
Harper's Mairazlne. r > oj 450 Popular Science Monthly. . . . . . . 4 Oj " 3 .so Ladle ; * ' Home journal . " 15)
Harper' * Weekly . . . see 450 Primary Kdiicatlon 225 " 20J Literary Digest . " 300
Home Needlework 1 75 1 50 Primary Plans. . . . . . 200 i GS Munsu'i s Mauaal . " 100
House Heautiful 350 ! 125 Puck iiOO ' 5(0 ( Popular Mechanics . " 100
Housekeeper 175 - 1 60 Putnam's.Rcader 400 ' 235 Saturday livening Post 11 150
Housewife 18.-1 1 25 Kecreatlm 400 ' 235 scrau nook . " 100.
Human Life 200 165 Red lloolt 250 ' 225 Youth's companion . " 175
Custer County Republican , everybody's and Delineator-Value $3.50 For $2.50
All subscriptions are for one full year , UbECIptloma > l ° Iliw'
addresses. Additional ' may be sent to one or to separate
we will quote you the
Custer County Republican , Broken Bow , Nebraska