Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 03, 1909, Image 1

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E. C. House Offers to Start Necessary
if Oilier Men Will Co-operate
House Will Gi > c $25 per lot for lots off
Public Square if Owners of lots on
Square Will gi\c S50
Editor Republican :
Now is the time to do some
effective work in fixing up and
beautifying the public square.
The city can do something toward -
< * * ' ward the work that should be
done. This will not only make
the square a more pleasant
place to rest and spend your Icis-
S ure hours but it will also raise
tlic value of the property around
the square. To get the matter
in definite form before the
people I wish to announce that I
will give $25 for each lot that I
own in blocks adjoining the pub-
lie square if the property owners
around the square will give $50
for each lot that they own.
The above statement speaks
for itself. If each one of the
property owners around the pub
lic square would give fifty dollars
lars per lot , it would raise a fund
of 82,000.00. This , together
with the'city's levy which will
raise about $900.00 , would make
it possible to employ a landscape
gardener , put in cement walks
through and around the park , re
build the band stand and put in
an elegant fountain with a stat
uary. Think of what a pleasure
it would be to spend your spare
time in such a place ; think of
the pride that you would take in
showing your friends through the
city park ; and last , but not least ,
think of the difference it would
make in the valuation of your
property !
Will Give Public Adrcss on "American
Ideals" in Temple Theatre.
Hon. W. E. Andrews , auditor
of the Treasury Department of
the United States , will give a
public address at the Temple
Hall on Tuesday evening , June
8. Mr. Andrews is one of the
most eloquent and impressive
speakers in the nation. His
knowledge of the financial cflairs
of the National government is
probably superior to that of any
other man living. Every citizen
should hear his presentation of
the subject , "American Ideals. "
This lecture while
, given as one
of the features of the Teachers'
Institute , will be absolutely free
to the general public.
Committee Adopts Resolutions of Apprc-
cialion for Deference Shown.
The Veterans of the Civil war ,
and members of the G. A. R. ,
realizing that very soon they
must commit the observance of ,
and ceremonies connected with
the keeping of Memorial day to
younger hands and hearts , and
with the many evidences of loy
ally , patriotism , respect and
veneration , shown to us in the
pist years , as well as upon this
our last Memorial d.iv. t-y cur
citizens , we , the mcmbeia of ll.e
Grand Army of Broken Bow , feel
that when the last call has come
to our number , we can go with
the assurance that "our country"
will be safe in your hands. We ,
the committee on program , in be
half of all our comrades , wish to
cxloirl an expression of our grat
itude to all our people who as
sisted in the services and made
possible the rendering of such a
fine program. On behalf of the
ladies of the W. R C. we espe
cially th-.nk the men who so
kindly carried them to and from
the cemetery in their auto cars
To the young ladies for their
assistance in the program , to our
Comrade J. B. Dunn , for his able
address and to the musicians , in
strumental and vocal , who so
graciously aided in the service ;
to the pastors of our churches in
their part in the religious ser
vice , and especially to Elder
Harmon for his able and helpful
sermon , and lastly to all who by
their presence and good will as
sisted in this service , we express
our sincere gratitude. Our hope
is that we may so live that no
act of ours will cause you to
blush with shame , or will be a
blot upon our honor. COMMITTKK.
Committee Issues Statement Asking
Auto Owners to Get in Line.
The committee on automobile
parade for the 4th of July cele
bration met at A'cGraw's ' office
this evening and started the 'ball
rolling for the big parade. The
committee issued the following
statement to the automobile
owners of the county :
"The committee on automo
bile parade decided to have the
parade from 11 to 12 a. ni. All
automobile owners are urged to
take part in the parade and com
pete for the prices of $15 , 10 and
$5 which will be given for the
prettiest autos in the parade.
The committee desires to have
an automobile drill and we ask
everyone to report to us at their
earliest convenience. Another
meeting of the committee will be
held on Tuesday evening , June
5th to complete the arrange
ments. JOHN McGRAW ,
Mrs. D. R. White left Thurs
day morning for Norcata , Kan
sas , to visit relatives.
of Broken How , Nebr. , Charter No. 510.
incorporated in the State of Nebraska , at
the close of business May .W , HHW.
Loans anil discounts . . " .JlSO.OiU.o.i
Overdrafts , secured and unsecured il'JW
Due troin nafl , state and
private banks and '
bankers . 57GC0.3. (
Checks and Hems ot ex
change . 2,73000
i Currency . fl.BIS.OO
73T8.85 : !
Total . J.WKU7
Capital stock paid in . * liO.COO DO
Surplus funds . . . . . 10.000.CO
Undivided prollts ( net ) . I.5' ' S7
Individual deposits sub
ject to check . } 103,9SO.M
Demand certlllcates of
deposit . 13,891.99
Due to nat'l , state and
private bankb and
bankers . 007U.PJ SilP31.'XJ
Total . J03I53.I7
State of Nebraska , County of Ouster , ss.
I , J. M. Klmberllng Vice President of the
above named bank , do hereby swear that
the above statement is a correct and true
copy of the report made to the State llank-
lng Hoard.
Attest. J. M. KiMiiKitu.vo.
S. K. WAKKICK , Director ,
J. M. IviMiii-ui.iNo , Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
1st day of June , 1900. r . atm-Eimos ,
( Seal ) Notary Public.
Commencement I\erciscs : Held Last Fri
day at Opera House ,
The graduating exercises of
the Broken Bow high school
were given in the opera house
last Friday evening. The house
was crowded with patrons of the
school , who desired to hear the
twenty-four orations by the
graduates , and witness the for
mal granting of diplomas.
The class motto , "Know Thy
self , " was suspended above the
platlorm on the stage , and the
stage was tastefully decorated
with flowers and bunting. The
young ladies were all dressed in
white and carried a wreath of
flowers , making a very pretty
scene as the graduates came onto
the stage , lead by President A.
R. Humphrey , of the school
board , and Supt. J. M. Alcludoo.
The orations showed very care
ful preparation and the z.rgu-
isents made by debaters were ex
ceptionally good.
The following is the list of
graduates :
Mubal Pinoknay
Birdie Lieokwith
Clam Divia
Harry Djrrrs
Mildred 11 ill '
Julia Iliiumont
Nettio Jpiiawn
Besiia Johnson
Pearl Johnson
Florence Kiaibarling
Frances Langson
Bernice McComua
Ruth -Sherry
Guv Olmstn.l "
Alva Read
Orville Richardacn
John Robertson
Ethel Rockwell
Vera Rupert
Fred Russoin
Esther Deal
Soott Salisbury
Orah squires
Eglantine Skillaian.
Alodern Woodmen.
Members are requested to meet
at the Woodmen Hall at 2:30 : p.
m. , Sunday June 6th , at which
time we will go to the cemetery
to decorate the graves of de
ceased neighbors.
G. T. ROHINSON , Consul.
Band Concert Programme.
Saturday evening , June 5Ui.
1 Hecrcatlon March C. T. Johnson
S Overture Normandle \ \ , c Miller
\\ralt/-"A Dream of Spring
C. J. Kockwell
1 March-Tac Trojan H. c. Miller
5 Overture-Tlie Favorite Dalby
0 March-St. Nicholas Ueo. D. Sherman
7 Waltz Life's , Dream J. F. lluhals
8 Marcu-ln Freedom's Cause..S. n. Fun ton
9 Operatic Mingle u. w. Kerry
10 March "The co'.lseum" I ) , w. I'latt
Star Spangled Unnner
F. n. Taylor ,
Will Appear at Opera House Playinjj
Hamlet and Fausl.
It is indeed a rare thing- now
days lo have an opportunity of
seeing this great play properly
presented. Mr. Sanford Dodge ,
who vill produce it here , is a
brilliant young Shakespearean
actor and he brings his own ex
cellent supporting company with
him , with all special scenery and
accessories. There is enough in
the play of Hamlet to make a
dozeu modern plays. Mr. Dodge
plays it in five acts and thirteen
scenes and each and every scene
is a master piece of dramatic
coustra'ction and consumatc dra
matic art in its rendition. The
audience is held spell-bound
from the opening word to the
very last syllable. The inspir
ation , education and entertain
ment offered by this play makes
it worth five times the cost of
admission to every one , young or
old , irrespective of creed , color
or previous condition of servi
tude. You owe it to yourself as
a matter of self intellectual ad
vancement to attend this play.
Don't forget the date. Put off
all other engagements and see
Hamlet at Broken Broken How ,
Wednesday , June 9. Seats now
on sale. Sanford Dodge here in
Faust Tuesday , June 8.
Young Alan who Hired Team of I. . Cnsli-
man Caught at ( hat Place.
Sheriff Horace Kennedy Left Thursdaj
Morning for Kearney Where it is
l\pcclcd : he Will Meet
L. Cushtnan , whose team was
reported stolen last week , founc
one of the horses and the buggy
in Lexington and the other horse
and his harness was found abou
six miles east of Eddyville.
James Bobblets , of Tucker
ville , reported last Thursdaj
that he had met Norris and he
inquired the road to Lexington
Cushman telephoned to Lexing
ton and ftund that Norris ha (
left the buggy and one of the
horses at a livery barn in Lex
ington. Cushtnan went to Lex
ington at once and identified hi
horse and buggy. He secure (
the aid of the sheriff in hi
search for the other horse ant
after telephoning all over th
country around Eddyville the )
located the horse and harness a
A ranch six miles cast of Rildy
O.m of the hones ffive mil a
this much and Norm askd pci-
mission t lo.ivo the h rse n\\ \ <
haruoss tluro ami secured n p'n
Of sll.lfl- * tO ( liivO U'C litlli
erse on into Lcxinyi jn. Hi
tated that he would be bsck the
ollowing Tuesday. After gel-
ing lo Lexington Norris disap-
) cared.
Sheriff Kennedy received a
elcgram ftom the sheriff al
Sedge wick , Colorado , this morn-
ng stating that he had arrested
Morris , and Kennedy went to
Kearney this morning to meet
lim and bring Norris to tlm
ity. Tic also received a lettci
rom Norris' mother at'Supcrioi
jiving the information that hi *
athcr was a liveryman instead
if n veterinary surgeon as Nor-
is stated. Mrs. Norris said that
he did not know anything ol
n's whereabouts until she learn-
d of his running away wit \ the
cam. She expressed their wil-
ingncss to do anything the )
ould to fix the matter up thougl
hey had a large family and wcr (
lot in very good circumstances
Iraduatinji Class of r cnly-lonr Initia
ted Into the Alumni Association.
The annual alumni banquet ol
he alumni of the Broken Bow
ligh school was given in the
Temple theatre last Friday foi
he initiatory of the twenty-foui
graduates into the alumni assoc-
atioti. In years past it has beci
the custom of the association U
lave some sort of an initiator }
ceremony for the boys only , bin
this ) car the girls were also pni
through the mill. The banquet
was served by the L/adics Guile
of the Kpiscopal church. The
bllowing is the program of tlu
toasts :
ICdwin MVOIH , toiiHtnuiHtcr.
\ihlioEH Karl MolynoiiN
tlJHIHHlHU Orvlllo
l'hu InlookorH Kilith Unmix
Outluokor.s Will
The Onluokoi-N I'rof. J. M.
IH Alumni Woith \Vhilu..Tom Stuekoj
I'lio Old School JJaj-H
Mrs. Maude KimiHWorll
Followed by the following :
Uold Ham I ! 'ef Tongue
ISioadand liuUor BandwicliCH
MivoH I'icklu.s Ji'llj
lei' UriMiin SlrawborrioH
( N'O. HI. )
Security State Bank
of HrokiMi How. Charter No HIJ Inrnipur
ati-d In Hie state ol Nebraska , at tin- lose i
business May iJnd , IUOV.
KusouurKs ,
Loans and discounts . $ iai.OTS.61
Uverdiatts , secured and un
secured . . 058 ,
Uomls , stocks , securities , J'Klg-
miMits. claliiiH , etc . n,50J.-Ti
Hanking house furniture and Its
lures . 7,001. ( ) >
current expunges and taxes iiaid. 331,70
Due from nat'l , state and
private hanks and bank
ers . $ 8,101.08
Checks and Items ft exchange -
change . 3,11s . ' . . >
Total . $ I03Tro"i
Capital block paid In . $ aiKUu- ( >
surplus tun I . l.Ttu.u
I'nilivlded prollts , net . loso.u.'i
Individual deposits sub-
Jed to check . 187,170.1 1
Demand ertlflcalcs of de
posits . 5,181,05
Time t certificates of de
posit . II. 187.20
Due to nat'l. state and pri
vate banks and bankers 5,838.18 113,070.17
Hills payable . ia.ivo.oo
Total . . $ 105 , 170
I , L. II. jenett. cashier of the above nam
ed bank , do hereby swear that the above
statement Is a correct and true copy of the
report made to the Slate Hanking Hoard.
Attest. I , . 11. JKWKTI' , Cashier.
W. A. CiKOiKu : , Director ,
JUI.KS HAUMONT , Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
SSHh day of May , lU > .
( .Seal ) I. A. HB.NRAU ,
Notary I'uullc.
uiiiinirciil ; Clii ! ) Mas A4eil Permission
toliUer. .
.Mustering Officer Kennedy Helloes Hint
Additional iMen to MnKe up Keiitir | >
od Number \\ill Come Later.
Mustcriuy Ofliccr Kennedy re
ports that he has about thirty-
five men sworn in for the rc-or-
ganuation of Company M. Tlfc
adjutant general stated when
the company was mustered out
that it wmild be necessary to se
cure forty men before the coin-
pan ) * could ba mustered in again ,
twt it is believed that he will
: onacnt to the mustering of the
company with the present number -
ber of men enlisted because it
will be certain to have the re
quired forty in a short time.-
Hugh Konoyor will be the cap-
lain of the new company and
Earl Molyr.cux has been selected
by the commercial club to take
the position of first lieutenant.
The second lieutenant will be
elected by the men in the com
pany. J. L. Hollandsworlh , who
jvas captain of the company at
the time it was mustered out re
cently , and Herbert Dorrisaremcn
who may be elected to the place
of second lieutenant. The people
ple of the community and es
pecially the former members of
the company will be glad to see
the company organised again ,
i ml they hops that it will remain -
main here permanently.
VOTE $35,000 BONDS
lo Heller the Sclioul I'acililies in
Itroken How.
Iliffli School and Ward
Will IJuy Site for Ward Kiiiklin in Southeastern -
eastern I'arl of the .City Now to
Save Increase in Valuation.
At a mooting of the sch ol
board this evening- , the board de
cided tJ circulate petitions ask
ing the board to call a special
election to vote bonds in the sum
of $35,000.00 to erect a new high
chool building and purchase the
site fora third ward building in
the Southeastern part of the city.
Only one of the rooms in the
uorth and south side buildings
.vill be left unoccupied when the.
high school is moved into tlib
now building rind it will only be
a few years Until it will be necq . -
sary to build another ward building _ -
ing , The board believes that. 'it >
is advisable lo purchase the site. '
for the third ward building1 > ut
this time in order to save the ad
ditional cost of the raise in val
uation of the real estate , between
now and the time when the
building is built.
Charles Roderick became vio-
ititly insane while working in
one of the rooms of the Broken
Bow Business and Normal col
lege last Friday. He was taken
to the city hospital in an auto
mobile for treatment and. later
taken to the asylum. Too much
study and confinement is- sup
posed to have caused him to be
come insane.