THE REPUBLICAN , OUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA A | BUSINESS DIRECTORY. THE REPUBLICAN JOB PRINTING AS YOU LIKE IT FRAjSTK : : ALL KINDS cpwnits : : Consult him if you want w.Uor. I IlROKItN HOW EDWARD DODD PHYSICIAN ff SURGEON Diseases of women a Specialty. Of- Ccenuil Residence phone 248. All cases promptly attended. ; BANGS STUDIO j J EAST SIDE OP SQUARE 1 S Affcuts for Chlckcrlutr , Ivcrs atidPond I ! anil Star Plauos. : : : : ' ' * | WC CAN SAVE YOU MONEY * * * " ginmnimimnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiir numii" miiHiiiiiimitiMiiiiiiiiiti'Hiiu I DR. C 1 EYE. EAR , Nl ' ' 'CAT AND i | CIIRONiv | Fitting of Glasses opecinlty. | I OFPIC15 IN REAMTY BI < OCK | raniiiiiunniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiin'iiiiiiiuiiiiiuiiiiiuiiimiini ! ! miimiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiminiiiiiiiiniiiinnfr : f" Silas A. Holcomb. Edwin F. Myers , jj HOLCOMB & MYERS jj Special attention given to Lltleated latters , Probate matters and col- : ctlons. . ' . . ' . . ' . IN MYERS I1UILDINO OFFICHV - - - - E Broken How V , Nebraska. Jj J. L. FERGURON Notary Public , Comatock , Nebraska. Nebraska. ESTATE-INSURANCE FARMS AND RANCHES FOR RENT LEGAL PAPERS DRAWN PlattingNeatlylUoue. . L V \ HARRY KIWI BALL , Practical Undertaker g& Licnsdd mbalmer Business phone , 301. Residence 3348 Urokca BOY/I nob. N. DWIGHT FORD ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Armour-IIanua Block ANSLEY - - NEBR. John S. 1ARM AND CITY X.OANS INSURANCE OK-O SURETY BONDS CITY PROPERTIES DR. G. F. BARTHOLOMEW Physician & Surgeon All calls promptly attended day or night. PEIONE 61 Office iu rear of Realty Block National Shining Parlor , Pllvate Chairs For Ladles Five cents every day $1.00 A Month BVIEKV DAY SIIINB Clothes Cleaned Suits . - $ 1 OO Pants - - 50 Coats - 50 Overcoats . . 65 N. T. Gadd ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Cffioe over Watt's Music Store Phones. Office 208. Residence 209 DR. JESSE L. HULL. OSTKOPATIIIC I'UVSICIAN CALLAWAY - NEBR CONVENTION RESOLUTIONS Sunday School Workers Committee Draws Up. QYour committee on resolutions desires to express it's gratitude to Almighty God for his great goodness , "manifest in the growth and enlargement of Bible school work , not only in our own county , but all over the world , and jledge ourselves to do all in our ) ewer for the success of the work. 1. Resolved , that we extend he thanks of this convention to 'resident J. M. Fodge , and all other county officers for their aithful services , especially for he manner in which they have mshed organised Bible school work in this county. 2. That we are grateful for he privilege of having with us ; wo such efficient state workers as Prof. P. S. Deitrick , and Miss Margaret Brown. We are glad or the faithful instruction im parted , and sincerely hope that we may have them with us again. 3. That we heartily approve of the standards of organised Bible school work and pledge ourselves as delegates and ofii- ials to do our utmost to have hese ideals realized in our var- ous schools. 4. That the lessons on tem- icrance in the international les- ons , receive the utmost at ten- ion and that the young and old alike be taught the harinfulness of cigarette smoking atid the use of alcoholic drinks. 5. That we encourage the or ganization of teacher training classes in all our schools. 6. That in the interest of uniformity we will encourage he use of the name Bible school nstead of Sunday school. 7. That the press of our county should be remembered by his association for the assist ance it has rendered us by their generous compliance with the re quest of our county officers to ad vertize any and all matter per taining to the Bible school work of our county. 8. That we extend our thanks to Pastor J. E. Ambry and the members of the Presbyterian church of this city for opening their church for this convention , and to the citizens of Broken Bow for entertaining the dele gates. W. SUJIPTKK , W. C. PIERCE , S. E RASEY , Committee. Wolf Bounties. State warrants ior bounty on wild animals in iavor of the fol lowing persons supposed to be residents of Custer , have been sent to me for delivery : C. Eaton , G. A. Madison , Lee Dickersou , A. W. Athey , T. J. Rhodes. If not called for within 30 days I will return them to the state auditor. JAS. PIGMAN , County Clerk. Decoration Day. The 30th of May is designated for the purpose of strewing with flowers or otherwise decorating the graves of soldiers. It is the day set apart for commemorating by appropriate exercises the ser vices of fallen soldiers and sail ors. ors.As As the 30th comes on Sunday , Monday , 31st will be duly ob served. Therefore I request that all places of business be closec between the hours ot 10 a. m and 4 p. m. D. R. ROCKWELL , Mayor. Real Estate Transfers. Wm BEastham to August Witer , 160 acres in 31 1525 1GOO 00 Alice Reed and husband to Wm B Santer , lots 1 and I in blk 2 R E Al len's add to Arnold. . . . 75 00 Joseph Schloatman to BE Robinson , 9 acres in 21 1725 1000 00 William H Smith to Eg bert and Canute Grain * ger , 200 acres in section 18 and 13 115 rg 17 18.5000 00 Lavina L Allen to Mrs Ben Smith , lot 1 in blk S R E Allen's add to Arnold GO 00 John R Wooters to Wal ter E Wooters , 160 acres iu 34 17 19 1500 00 Lansing J Read to W J Taylor , lots 9 and 10 iu blk 9 Sus add Merua 1850 00 AvaS Phillip to Philip II Duff , 320 acres in 25 20 18 . .7925 00 > Uphriaui C Lenox to Jno W Sennett 160 acres in 4 14 17 3200 00 Ava S Phillips to Philip II Duff , 160 acres iu sec 2325 t20 rlS 2000 00 3tnuia M Campbell and husband to John C Schupar , 320 acres 30 1524 5000 00 Albert F Piikley to Otis v II Mooney , lots 13 14 15 and 16 in blk 1 A F Pinkley's add to Ans- ley 500 00 F C Wilson to Frank Tay lor , parcel in 16 19 22. 580 00 S Crist to Laura J Scott , lots 10 11 and 12 in blk 7 in Anscluio 200 00 L A Wight , single , to W L Whaley , 80 acres in 18 1323 tax deed 40 00 Carl M Johnson to Albert T Johnson , parcel in 1 1325 1 00 A G Hoffman to Harrison Pease , lot 4 in blk 15 R E Allen's add to Ar nold 100 00 John T Koolm to A B Hartley , lot 5 in blk 6 original town of Sar gent 800 00 John Menary to Roy Housel , lot 13 in blk 16 in R E Allen's add to Arnold 100 00 Sherman A Robinson to Ira A Horn , lots 789 in blk 3 Tobev's add to Oconto 1200 00 Ephriam Larson to Gust and Axel Larson , 80 acres in 23 15 25 533 00 WmHReeder'to Samuel VanBuskirk , lots 1 and 2 iu Reeder's add to Merna 200 00 Robert C Churnbley to R L and Emma M Camp bell , 80 acres in 5 13 21 ex 6 acres 4440 OC Fred Ebert to S P Great , e of blk 108 in Groat's add to Broken Bow. . . . 500 00 Head Quarters , C. C. Washburn , Post No. 98. G. A. K. DEPARTMENT Olf NE BRASKA. In conformity with the custom of the Grand Army , and in obedi ence to General Order No. 8 , of the Department Commander , Eli Barns. GENERAL ORDER NO. 98 , 1909. I. I hereby requestxthat all members of this post , with al old soldiers , meet at the post roo.ui on Monday , May 31st at 10 o'clock a. m. , for the purpose of forming in parade , to march to the cemetery , where the graves of those of our comrades , who have gone bafore to their long home , will be strewn with flow ers. II. 'ihe W P. C. , the Span ish-American war veterans , the school children and all patriotic citizens , are requested to join with us in these exercises. III. Captain H. F. Kennedy is hereby appointed marshal o the day , and as such , will be obeyed and respected in the dis charge of his duties. IV. Company M of the N. N Guard , is requested to act a a Guard of Honor in the parade to furnish a "firing squad , " am to take part in these decorating services , V. All members of the pos and the W. R. C. will meet a the post room , at 2 o'clock p. m. on Sunday , May the 30th , t form and march to the Christian church , where the "Memorial' crmon will be preached. Other societies arc requested o join iu these services. By order of Commander C. H. Miller. By J. M. FODOE , Post Adj't. NOT1CK TO CIIKD1TOUS. * n the County Court , of Custer County , Ne braska. Notice to creditors. n the matter of the estate of Krancls W. Hv.iiis , deceased. Tne State of Nehraska , to Creditors of aid Estate : Take Notice , that I will sit In the County Court Room , In Drokcn How , In said county , n the 21st day of .luiie. HH . and the s&il ay of November. 1W9 , at 10 o'clock a. m. , to ccelvc and examine all claims died and resented against said estate , with a view o their adjustment and allowance. The time limit for the presentation of latins against said estate Is six months rom the 17th day of May , IW , and the time mltcd for the payment of debts Is one year rom said date. Dated May 17lh , 11W. M-20-J.10 A. H. IlUMi'iuiKV , County Judge. NOTICE. n the county Court , ot Custer County , Ne braska. Notice of probate of will , n the matter of the estate of .tens M. Chris- tcnscn , deceased. The State of Nebraska , to the heirs , dc- Isees and all parties Interested In said state ; Take Notice , That a petition has been Hied n the County Court of Custer County , Ne- > raska , by Christian Chrlstenseii , of Hrokcn low , Nebraska , for the pobatc of an lustra- lent purporting to be the last will and tes- ament of Jens M. Chrlstenseii , deceased , ml for the appointment of Andrccttc Chris- onsen , executrix thereof , which has b < 5lm ct for hearing before said court , on the 14th ay of Juno , 1IKW , at 10 o'clock a. m. , at which line all concerned may appear and enter bjcctlons thereto and contest the probate f said will. ( liven under my hand and the Heal of the ounty Court of Custer County , Nebraska , his 13th day of May , lew. Seal ) A. U. HUMl'llUBY , M'SOJJJ County Judge. ANDERSON & FORNEY E HAVE purchased the Tin & Plumbing ing- business form erly run by Mr. W. P. Rogers , and will con duct our business in the same old stand , and do the same first class work. In addition we will do Sanitary Plumbing1 and Heating , in Ilot Air , Hot water , and Steam , and guarantee all our work to be perfectly satisfactory , and will appreciate the opportuniy to make esti mates on work in outline. ANDERSON & FORNEY Without Alcohol A Strong Tonic Without Alcohol A Body Builder Without Alcohoj A Blood Purifl r Without Alcohol A Great Alterative Without Alcohol A Doctor's Medicine Without Alcohol Ayer's Sarsaparilla Without Alcohol We publiih our formulii W * b nlih alcohol A from ourm dloln t W * urg * you to yers ooDtultyour doctor Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They ac directly on the liver , make more bile secreted. This is why they are so vilu able in constipation , biliousness , dys pepsia , sick-headache. Ask your docto if he knows a better laxative pill. lltdo by tbo J , C. Ay or Co , , Low ll , Mtu. BKnEDHRS TAKE NOTICE Parties wishing services of a first class shire stallion will fim same at my ranch at farm prices a-22 in-6 F. II. WKISRNREDBR' ' 4 7 W. A. GUOROK , PRnsiDKNT IH. . JKWBTT , CASUIKR % $ JUUJS HAUMONT , Vicn PRIM. R. D. PICKRTT , Asi'T CASHIBR Jjj I SECURITY STATE BANK ' | * $ T RESPONSIBILITY $200,0005 $ BROKEN BOW , NEBRASKA g gI I % There la a guaranty of ttepo Us in this hank. You Are invited S ' iv to call and investigate our method : : : : : : : : : : - 8 f 1 YOUR BUSINESS SOLIOITED luyut ymy Ji ; i"iiy jy lym. " ' " " ' I'1'1 ' ' lV"l'ff' ' ' ' " 1 We Make Farm Loans. At. the lowest rates ever offered in Ouster County and give you the most liberal terms. No cash commission charged. ROSS G. MOORE Attorney and Bonded Abstractor Good work Harness $22.OO and up Fine single Buggy Harness 7.OO and up Good leather 1 # inch HauHera .65 and up These are real bargins. Beat them if you can ! Remember we arc carrying1 the finest line of Buggy Whips in the city , and we give you your choice of 150 whips and a number on a silk plush robe for 5Oc. Robinson fe ? Tut tie. THE HARNESS MEN I * VCTaxi.t OircLoire * 1 FOR OUR Baldwin Nut and Lump j | Cannon and Nigger Head Coal WE ALSO NOW HAVE NICE PEA COAL Will receive by June 1 , another car of Studebaker buggies , sur reys and spring wagons. Wait and see the two in one buggy. It is a beauty. Have a few buggies and spring wagons left , which will be sold at a reduced price to make room. Sec them. Geo. Willing. M-20-J-10. One of the leading attractions of the chautauqua this .summer will be the lectures by Dr. Mac- Queen. He has acquired a name as the leading- authority on in terior Africa and for that reason has been coaching Theodore Roosevelt for bis big hunt. The route to be used by the president is the same one traveled by Mac- Queen last year ,