Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 20, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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Barrel of Dried Pcnchca , while they last , 11 Ib3 for. . . . $1.00
The Famous Sun Kiat Oranges , according to size ,
per dozen 20c to SOc
Red Apples from Washington , per doz 50c
Woolen Spice Go's Coffees , per Ib ISc to10c
Try the two Ib. Red Corn for SOc
Princess Royal Brand of Canned Vegetables.
Corn per can ISc
Peas 2 cans for : ? 5c
Golden Wax Deans per can 15c
StringlcBs Beans per can 15c
Lima Beans 2 cans for 35c
Tomatoes 3 Ib can 2 cans for 35c
Rover Brand Tomatoes 2 cans for 25c
Hover Brand Peas 2 cans for ' . . . .
A. B. C. Breakfast Food per pkg ISc
Cream of Wheat per pkg ISc
Mothers Oats 2 pkgs for 25c
Salmon , Luxor , Brand , per can 25c
Cash Paid For Cream.
Phone 58 Broken Bow
iheppard & Burk
Wish to call your attention to the fine line of
VEGETABLES they have on hand such as :
Carrots Onions
Parsnips Beets
Turnips Lettuce
Cabbage Celery
in the city , shipped direct from Baltimore.
Sheppard & Burk
/ * Another Good
I On May 22nd the Government will open it's second tract
I of 12,000 acres of perfectly irrigated land in the Big Horn
Basin , near Garland and Powell , Wyoming. This irrigation
project of the Government is -st-class and reliable. This
land is adjacent to and along side of the Burlington Road.
Powell and Garland are prosperous towns- The community
is absolutely first-class , and there is not a better place to
live in ; he whole west for climate , sunshine , productiveness
of soil and many other good reasons , than the Big Horn
Basin. This land is $45 an acre in ten annual installments
without interest.
320 ACRE MONDELL ACT : Select locations for homesteading -
steading in Wyoming near Newcastle , Upton and Moore-
crofc. Plats on file. Write me.
I conduct an excursion on the first and third Tuesday of
each month. Only $27.50 round trip homeseekers excursion
> rate. No charge for my services. Write me at once about
this new tract. The excursion of May 18 or ,1 une will be in
time for good selections.
D. CLEM DEAVERT General Agent.
Land Seekers Information Bureau , Omaha.
Home Cqiirse In
Modern Agriculture
X. Some Insect Pesis
Ajjr/cu/taral "Division , lotva S"ta1e College
. .
Copyrltflll. 1000. by American Press Asioclntlon
Ifj. ) oiiemle.H which the
fanner 1m to combat perlmjis
noiio are tuuro troublesome
limn Insects. Nothing In more
than to huvo n promising
crop of frnlt or grain nttackcil by n
horde of "lings" and greatly Injured
If not entirely mined.
InscctH/lllcc wcedH , nrc very dllllcult
( o dual with If yon go ut them ono at
a ( line , hut If properly managed they
can bo eaHlly held In check. From
the standpoint of the damage they do ,
Insects may be divided Into two
classes tlioso which attack Held crops
and those which are Injurious to fruit
mil garden crops.
There' " anP'ii mTmbor of Insects
which attack corn. While these nro
cldom present In largo enough mini-
) crs to destroy any considerable part
of the entlro crop , the money value
> f the damage they Inflict on the corn
grown on n quarter section each year
imounts to no small sum.
One of the most Important of these
) f > sts Is the corn root M'orui. The
> ggs , which are laid In the cornfield
luring August or September , hatch
( luring the next June or July. The
vorniH when full grown are about
inc'lhlnl of an Inch long and as big
round as a pin. They bore up Inside
ho roots. Injuring them so badly that
ho growth of the plant Is seriously
hecked. Often , too , the roots are so
wakened that the corn blows down
mdly. Some time during August the
vorm goes through a transformation
ailed pupation , which changes It Into
n small light green beetle. This bee-
lo feeds on the silks and tips of cars
mil lays eggs for the next year's crop
of worms.
Another Insect which lives on the
oots of corn Is the root louse. These
Ice are very small and helpless. They
ire kept through the winter in the
egg stage In ant hills. In the spring
ifter they hatch they are placed on
ho corn roots by the ants. The ants
ire very fond of a sweet lluid which
s secreted by the lice , and they take
care of them for this purpose.
Other Insects which do more or Jess
lamagc to the corn crop arc the stalk
> orer , wlrcworm , white grub , bill bug ,
cutworm , etc. These Insects live and
uultlply In grass land and from there
find their way Into the adjoining corn-
lelds. They do the greatest damage ,
lowever , when the grass land is
lowed up and put Into corn.
The damage from nearly all Insects
iU'ectlug corn , small grain or grass
can bo readily prevented by a good
By/item of rotation. This Is especially
true If clover Is used , since such In
sects as cutworms and grubs do network
work to any extent on clover. The
frequent plowing of the ground and
luingu of crops whcro a rotation is fol-
owed arc fatal to most Insects. Dam-
i go from these pests will be still fur-
her reduced If the soil Is kept so well
supplied with plant food that the
plants can get a quick start In the
spring. Treated In this way , they are
more vigorous and better able to with
stand Insect attacks.
These remedies , with the exception
of the last , cannot bo applied to or-
chard and garden crops , since these
must bo grown on the same land year
after year. For the Insects alYectlng
these crops spraying is the best rem
The principal insect that attacks the
apple Is the codling moth. These insects -
sects pass the winter In n ball of silk ,
or cocoon , which they spin around
themselves. These cocoons are hidden
beneath the bark and uiulcr rubbish.
Such as Ijappen to escape the hungry
search of iwodpcekers and other birds
Mmngo to the pupa stage in the spring
In this stage changes take place in-
eldo the body of the worm which so
transform it that early in June It
comes out of the cocoon as a small
brown moth.
These moths lay great numbers of
eggs , which hatch into small worms.
Those worms cat their way into the
npple through the blossom end. The
apples thus affected usually fall off ,
hnd in n short time the worms crawl
out and again spin cocoons around
themselves. The Hfo cycle la lived
over agnln , and n second brood of the
moths appears about the middle of
July. It Is this brood which does the
most damage. It is the worms which
hatch from the eggs laid by them that
are so often found lu fall and winter ,
Many poisons , of which parls green
is ( he one most commonly used , nrc
effective In destroying the codling
moth. Paris green Is usually used In
connection with bordeaux mixture ,
which is a remedy for the various fun
gous diseases which affect the leaves
nnd fruit.
To make this mixture dissolve five
pounds of copper sulphate and five
pounds of lime separately in twenty-
llvo gallons of water each. When they
nro thoroughly dissolved mix the two
solutions and add four ounces of parls
green. The lime In this solution is
added to prevent the chemicals from
injuring the leaves nnd to make the
mixture stick better.
Three sprayings are BUfllcleiit for the
codling moth. The first should be giv
en Immediately after the blossoms
/all , the second from ten to twenty
days later and the third about the last
of July.
One of the chief insect enemies of
the plum and one which also attacks
many of the other fruits is the curcu-
/iv : , 6n/ j , fi M
f sfcA.
P 'utjflSflfty
1 - A _ f 1 < u < (
no. xx A BriuYcn AT WORK.
Ho. The curcullo beetle lays Its eggs
lu the young fruit shortly after It seta.
In doing so it leaves n half moou
shaped scar , which Is its trademark.
One of the surest ways of getting rid
of this insect is to Jar the beetles
from the trco at this time.
Spraying is also nil effective remedy.
The bordcaux-parls green mixture
inuy be used , but nrsenato of lead is
better , since it is less liable to injure
the leaves. It is applied at the rate oj
three pounds to fifty gallons of water.
The spray should bo applied Just be >
fore the blossoms open , Just after they
fall and again about fifteen days later.
Poisonous sprays should never be ap
plied to fruit trees while they arc lu
blossom. It is not necessary in ordei
to destroy the insects and will kill
many of the honeybees , upon which
the blossoms are so dependent for pol
The Insects that have been men
tioned so far live by eating the leaves
and fruit and in doing so take up
enough of the poison to put an end to
their dostructlvo work. There is an
other class of Insects , however , foi
which such remedies are not effective.
These are the sucking insects , ol
which plant lice arc the most common
examples. Insects of this kind feed
by drilling through the outer layer of
the leaf or bark and sucking the plant
Juices. They thus escape damage
from any poison which may bo on the
To get rid of sucking insects some
substance which wlU kill by coming in
contact with them must bo used.
There is nothing better for this pur
pose than kerosene emulsion. This Is
made by dissolving half a pound of
soap in a gallon of boiling rainwater
This mixture Is then taken from the
stove and two gallons of kerosene add
od. The compound should be churned
violently for a few moments by pumpIng -
Ing it up with the spray pump and
back into the pall. This causes the
oil to mix thoroughly with the water
Before using , this original mixture it-
diluted with six to ten parts of wa
A common insect affect Ing garden
crops and one that is hard to handle
is the striped cucumber beetle. This
is a serious enemy of cucumbers ,
squashes , melons and other plants ol
like nature. Spraying docs little good
and Is liable to Injure the tender plants
as well. "Where but a few hills arc
raised , covering them for the first
two weeks with a small box with mos
qullo bar stretched across the top la a
good preventive measure. Another ef
fective plan is to go over the patch
in the morning while the dew is on
and the beetles cannot fly , knock them
to the ground by giving the plant n
slight blow and put a drop of kerosene
on each one.
Where any of these crops are raised
on a largo scale the most effective
remedy Is the use of "trap plants. "
Plant the field to squashes a week or
ten days before time to plant the main
crop. The beetles arc especially fontl
of squash plants and will gather on
them In large numbers as soon as they
come up. Just about the time the oth
er plants begin to peep through the
ground the squashes can be sprayet
with very strong kerosene emulsion
This will destroy both tlio squash
plants and the beetles. There wll
usually not bo enough of the latter lef
In the neighborhood to do much dam
She's Cured Thousands
Given up to Die.
Practicing Alcopathy , Homeopathy ,
Electric and General Medicine.
Hjr request will visit profcsslaually
Grand Central Hotel ,
returning every four weeks. Consul her when
the ocixHtuiiltv. la at hand
DR. CAIiDWEIiI < limits her practice to the
ipccial treatment of diseases of the Eye , Ear ,
tfose , Throat , Lam us , Female Diseases ,
Jlscascsof Children and alt Chronic , Nervous
and Surgical Diseases of a curable nature.
Jarly consumption. HroiicliltK IJronclilal
Catarrab , Cbronlc Catarrah , Uead-Ache , Con
stipation , Stomacbe and llowcl Troubles ,
Rheumatism , Ncuralcrla , Sclotlca , lirltrhts's
Jlsease , Kidney Diseases , Diseases of the
Aver and Illaddcr , Dizziness. Nervousness ,
ticlluestioii , Obesity , Intcruptcd Nutrition ,
Slow Growth in Children , and all wasting
UseasPR lu adults. Deformities. Club-feet ,
: urvanture of tbe Spine , Diseases of the Jlralu ,
'aralysls , Epilepsy. Heart Dlscaso. Dropsy ,
iwcllluir of the Limbs , Stricture , Open Sores ,
Pain In the Uoncs , Granular Enlargements and
all long-standing diseases property trc.itud.
Mmples , lilotches. Eruptions , Liver Spots
falling of the Hair. Had Complexion. Eczema ,
Throat Ulcers , Hone Pains , llladder Troubles ,
Vcak Hack. Burning Urine , Passing Uilne
oo often. The effects of constitutional sickness -
ness or the taking of too much Injurious medi
cine receives searching treatment , prompt
ellef and a euro for life.
Diseases of Women , Irregular Meustratlon ,
falling of the Womb , Hearing Down Pains ,
female Displacements Lack of Sexual Toue ,
.reucorrhea , Sterility or Harrcnness , consult
Dr. Calthvell and she will show them the cause
of their trouble and the woy to become cured.
and enlarged glands treated with the sub
cutaneous Injection method , absolutply without -
out pain and without the loss of a drop of
blood , is one of her own discoveries and Is
really tbe most scientific and certainly sure
cure method of this an vauced age. Dr. Cad-
well has practiced her profession in borne of
he largest hospltales throughout the country.
She has no superior lu treating and dlagnos-
ng of diseases , deformities , etc. She ban
ately opened an ollico in Omaha , Nebraska ,
where she will spend a portion of each week
rcatiug her many patients. N ° incurable
cases accepted for treatment. Consultation ,
examination and advice one dollar to those
Dr. Ora Caldwcll & Co. ,
Omaha , Neb. Chicago , III.
Address all mall to i L'cc Uulldlug , Omaha
This amazing offcr-the New Model Oliver
Typewriter Nq. 5 at 17 cents a day is open to
everybody , everywhere.
It's our new and immensely popular plan
of selling Oliver Typewriters on little easy
payments. The abandonment of longhand
In favor of clean , legible , beautiful typewrit
lug Is the next great step in human progress
A ready-In all lines of business and In all
professtons-thcuseof pen and Ink Is larn
icstrlctcd to the writing of signatures.
lluslne Colleges and High Schools , watch-
tul ot the trenl ot
public sfiitinent , are
training,1 a vast army
of yomiK people In the
ilia of Oliver Typew fil
ers.The prompt and gen- '
crnus response of the
Oliver Typ cwrltcr-
Company to the woilil
tide demand lor uni-
t'ursal typewriting
gives tremendous impetus to the movement.
The Oliver , with the largest sale pfany
typewriter in existence , ma
chine to take the InltatUe in bringing about
the universal use of typewriters. It always -
leads' -f
Save your Pennies and Own
The Standard Visable writer
Do You Kn w
That you arc missing- the opportunity
of jrour life by not buying1 your building
material of us ? We have just what you
want in the way of Catalpa posts , cement ,
plaster , steel clothes line post , steel gates ,
steel porch columns and all kinds of build
ing1 material. At the same old stand.
Phone 23 Manager
Lumber , a large assortment
and complete stock for Builders
to choose from. Let us estimate-
on your contracts. We always
try to please.
Lumber & Coal
South side.
This "I7cents a day" selling plan make
tlic , O'llvcr as low as to rent. It places the
machine within easy reach of every honif
every Individual. A man's "cigar menu )
a woman's "pin money" will buy it.
Clerks on small salaries can now afford to
own Olivers. Uy utlllzlngsparemoinents for
practice they may lit themselves for more
Important portions.
School boys and school girls can buy Ol.
vers by saving their pennies.
You can buy an Oliver on this plan at the
regular catalogue price $103. A small first
payment brings ihe machine. Then jon
have 17 cents a day and pay monthly.
c And the pobses.slon ot an Oliver Type'vrltt-r
enables you to earn money to ilnisu paying
tor themaclitme.
The Oliver N the The Oliver Type-
neil highly perfect- writer turns out
ed typewriter on the more work-ot better
norket hence Its quality and greater
IM per cent eillclcn- variety than any
cy. other writing ma-
Amongltsscoresof chine. Simplicity , 1
conveniences arc : strength , ease of i < > . T
the Uaianne Shift eratlou and vlsal .
the Huilng Device Ity are the corn >
the Double llele.ibe stones to Its towt
the Locomotive Ing supremacy in
Uase correspondence .
the Autom a 11 c Card Index Work
Spacer Tabulated Hcports
the Automatic Follow-upSybtems
Tabulator Manifolding SIT-
the Disappearing vice
Indicator Addressing 1'nve-
- the Adjustable Pa- lopes
per Fingers Working on Muled
the Sclentlilc ConKorius
dcnsed Keycutting Mlmeo-
board graphs Stencils
Can you spend 17 cents A d ly to better ad
vantage than lu the purchaaeof this wondei
ful machine ? . . ;
write for Special 'Kasy Payment Proposl f
tlon or ace the nearest Oliver Agent.
The Oliver Typewriter Company
116 South 15 Street ,
Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee
Roasted fresh every da } ' . 24-tf.
-tB&Y' RO't8 ' f-r n
lfc" * T
A solid gold fob willc
engraved on it. Finder please
bring to the Republican office.
a-22-a29 C , M , MARQUIS ,