Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 20, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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r AI . _ _ _ . _ _ _ - - - - - * - . * . .
S1000 , S1500 and S2000 F. O. D. RACINS. W1S.
This Car Arrived Friday , Feb'y 5 , 09.
Come in and Look it Over.
W. E. Talbot. A. G. Martin
How About That
'ew Suit
The allnrements of spring are now at their
height , and summer is on its way.
How about a new suit something made to
your measure and your own choice of style and
Come iii now and look over the beautiful
array of pure wool samples. They're very nobby.
* *
1s < Great Bargains
< 4 Iho Joke will be on you if you W Before
4 tlie following
you see :
4 Farm harness $23 and up
4 Disc Harrow 823 and up
4 Harrow 3 sections - $15.50 and up
Sulky plows $35.00 and up
Gang plows $55.00 and up
Breaking Plows $9.50 and up
Corn Planters $34.00 and up
Cultivators $14.00 and up
Wagons , a few left $65.00 and up
American Hog Fence 22c and up
Fine top buggies $55 and up
4 See the Clover Leaf manure spreader.
i Its a beauty.
Our motto :
j To sell as low as the lowest. Quality considered.
; ?
Sw Wouldn't You Rather Own ib V
< w M >
w *
' * . ? * > The bast advertised store In any city any time. *
* W < > The merchant who makes his store-ads , the
most interesting and important and convincing things
in this newspaper or in a majority of its issues will ttv &
make his store the most interesting and the most prosperous aa < /
perous in the city. at& aa
Can yon imagine any case at all in which that
would not be true. t
would'nt you rather he the owner of the best ad |
vertised store in the city or any other city than of J
- -
Course In
Modern Agriculture
IX. Weeds and How to Combat Them
Agricultural "Dittfafon , lotoa Stale College
, .
Copyright 1DOO. by American Preti Atioclatlon
attempting to produce large
IN crops tUo farmer finds that he
bus tunny enemies working
ngalust him. Among the worst
of these nre weeds. Quo of the great-
cst problems that confront the farm
er Is tliqt of keeping his crops free
from these pests , After n tlelil has
been so handled and prepared thnt a
largo amount of plant food IB in uvnllu-
hie form , with plenty of moisture to
dissolve It , It Is poor policy to allow
weeds to seize this food and moisture
and convert them Into worthless
Weeds mny bo divided Into three
general classes annuals , biennials and
perennials. Annual weeds are propa
gated entirely by seeds and live but
one year. Ait exception to this Is
found In the winter annuals , which
come up In the fall , live through the
winter as small plants and produce
seed the following spring.
Among the most troublesome annual
weeds are the foxtails. These are
grassllke plants that arc too common
: o need any special description. The
fact that makes them HO dllllcult to
combat is their great seed producing
capacity. It Is not dllllcult to kill ono'
formal plant , but no sooner Is that
done than another springs up to take
Its plaoo.
Early fall plowing gets rid of many
of these weeds by turning them un
der before the seed Is ripe. Some of
the seed which Is ripe will gi'ow up ,
and the plants will be killed by the
first freezes of winter. If the Held is
harrowed early In the spring many of
the remaining seed can be induced to
start. The more weeds that come up
lit this time the better , since they will
be killed in the subsequent prepara
tion of the land for planting.
There is no better implement for
killing weeds before corn comes up
than the harrow. Harrowing Is n
cheap operation , since so many acres
can be gone over In a day. The more
times a cornfield can be gone over
with the harrow before the corn comes
up the better. In harrowing to kill
weeds care should be taken not to do
the work when the weather is cloudy
or the ground too wet , or the veeds
will be transplanted rather than killed.
In regard to the value of harrowing
growing corn opinions differ greatly
It is almost impossible , however , to
harrow corn without destroying some
of it. It is a waste of time to test
the seed and planter with the Idea of
getting a good stand and then harrow
part of It out. Unless the weeds are
very bad the harrow had better be
put away In the machine shed as soon
as the corn begins to appear above
the surface of the ground.
Thorough cultivation from the time
the corn is two or three Inches high
until It is ready to "lay by" will do
much to keep the weeds in check. The
deep early cultivations will bring up
the seeds that have been lying dor
mant at the bottom of the furrow
slice. These will germinate and be
killed by the later cultivations. Fox-
tall may grow up and go to seed after
the rrop gets too largo to cultivate.
It Is often a good plan to sow rape In
corn at the last cultivation. This will
come up quickly and shade the ground
so completely that It will prevent the
growth of annual weeds almost en
Annual weeds seldom do much dam
age In small grain. If the grain Is
drilled In on a properly prepared seed
bed It will get such a start that most
of the weeds will be smothered out
and die for lack of plant food and
light. One annual that Is sometimes
troublesome In grnlnflelds is mustard.
Since this weed Is easily killed by
cultivation It seldom goes to seed
In cornfields. Consequently when
small grain follows corn there Is little
mustard seed in the soil except that
which Is sown with the outs.
There Is another annual , or rather
winter annual , that Is much harder to
eradicate than those mentioned so far.
This Is sfiulrreltall grass. BO called be
cause of Us fuzzy heads. The seeds
are very light and are attached to
long beards , which cause thorn to bo
carried for oonsiderablc distances by
the wind.
Squlrreltall grass Is not troublesome
in cultivated fields , but often In
fests meadows and pastured to such
an extent as to uiako them almost
worthless. Mowing as HOOU as the
heads npponr will not kill the pltnt ,
but If kept up throughout the season
will prevent It from producing seed.
In bad eases about the only remedy late
to plow up the field and put it In to
some cultivated crop.Vhure a regu
lar rotation which Includes the mead
ows and pastures Is followed this
weed can be readily kept In check. A
point that must bo carefully attended
to In prevent I lig the spread of this as
well as of any other weed Is to keep
the roadsides and fence corners from
raising weed seed onruih each year
to keep the entire far : i wesled.
Another troublesome mutual In some
sections of the country l'i the Russian
thistle , n form of tu.Unveed. . By
rolling across the Holds sifter It ripens
It scatters Its numerous seeds very
widely. These weeds are usually not
so plentiful but that they can be easily
destroyed by pulling before tlu-y form
seed. By doing this they may bo kept
from becoming thick enough to do any
serious damage.
Biennial weeds live through the llrsl
winter and produce coed the Hoeond
year of their life. They die as soon as
the seed Is ripe. The common bull and
prairie thistle and burdock arc- eon
pplcuous examples of this classt of
weeds. Biennials nre not dllllcult to
subdue. In cultivated Holds they r.ol
dom live long enough to produce seed
They seed so lalu that they hardly
ever ripen seed In meadowH. In per
manent pastures they may 'be con
trolled by cutting off below the sur
face of the ground just at the begin
ning of blossoming time. Sheep and
goats will rid a pasture of these and
all other troublesome weeds.
The hardest class of weeds to com
bat are the perennials. These do not
depend entirely upon seed production
to spread themselves , but are propa
gated by means of underground
stems. These stems extend along be
neath the surface of the ground , send
ing up stalks at short distances. They
live In the soil from year to year , BendIng -
Ing up fresh shoots every spring.
Some of the most common and trou
blesome perennials are the Canada
thistle , morning glory , wild artichoke ,
milkweed and quack grass. These
weeds nre found on all parts of the
farm In cultivated fields , In small
grain and In meadows and pastures.
The only way to kill them Is to de
stroy the roots or ntnrvo them by pre
venting leaf growth. This Is much
more easily said than done. Where
the weeds occur only In small patches
the desired result may be accomplished
by covering them with a thick layer
of straw. In n dry season thorough
cultivation will discourage them ,
though It will seldom exterminate
them entirely. When the ground Is
wet cultivation will do more to spread
perennial weeds than to kill them.
The pieces of the underground stems
which stick to the shovels will grow
wherever they happen to fall and thus
start a new center of trouble.
Of all the means of getting rid of
perennial weeds that have been tried
none is so effective as turning the Held
Into n hog pasture. If the fields arc
fenced hog tight and the rotation In
cludes the hog pasture the hogs will
get a chance at all parts of the farm
via. xviii QUACK aitAHH.
every four years or HO ; They are very
fond of the roots and stems of peren
nial weeds , especially those of quack
grass and morning glory , and they
will continue to root until the last
piece Is brought to light and eaten.
Where all the fields are not fenced
hog tight n temporary pen may bo
used. This can be moved about over
the patches of quack grass and morn
ing glory until they nre destroyed.
The weed problem is not nearly HO
difficult ns many people believe. The
remedy for weeds is good farming ,
and when good farming becomes the
rule weeds will largely disappear. In
a way weeds are moro of a benefit
than an Injury. If It were not for
them wo would often be tempted to
let the cornfield go n few days longer
before cultivating and thus fail to get
ns largo a crop as wo might otherwise
have. done. It Is the cultivation that
the presence of the weeds forces upon
us that makes plant food available
nnd prevents the escape of caplllnry
moisture and so enables the plants to
put their best efforts Into producing a
, maximum yield.
The King of Laundry
SOAPS. Yellow soaps
contain rosin , SUNNY MONDAY contains
no rosin.
"Sunny Monday bubbles will wash a\vay
youi' troubes. "
Use Gold Dust it
is better and cheaper
th an yelow soap.
Buy Sunny Mend ay
and Gold .Dust
The Broken Bow Steam Bak
ery is selling goods as follows :
White Bread 7 loaves for 25 cents
Rye Bread 7 " " 25 '
Graham Bread 7 " 25
Cream Bread 7 " " 25
All kinds of cookies Id- per doaii
Doughnuts lOc JUT dozen
ttuns 103 per do/en
Cream Puffs 25e per dozen
Macaroons 30u per dozen
Layer Cakes 155 and 50e each
Angel Food 10 and 15e each
Pound Cake JOc each
Jelly Rolls lOc each
Gup Cakes 15c per dozen
Fresh Hot Pics daily 2 for 25c
We have only one reason why
you should patronise us and that
is "because you get more for your
-5Lmcl : SEate ©
rTe r
To The
Farmers' ' Live Stock Commission GO ,
Rooms 209 anil 211 Exchange Bldg. South Omalia.
Send your Abstract Orders to
j. a.
Bonded Abstractor
Office In Security State Bank B'ld'ng &