Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 20, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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* '
J. F. Bryson , of Georgetown ,
vras in the city on business Mon
Diah Woodruff , of Georgetown
was in the city on business Tues
The Dierks Lumber and coal
company is adding some improve
ments to its office.
Miss Millia Luce is working
for the county assessor at the
county clerk's office.
Sheriff Kennedy and George
W. Apple made a business trip
to VVeisstrl Tuesday.
Carl Anderson , of the Mason
Guy Star , was in the city for the
wrestling match Saturday even
MrS. . A. Holcomb went to
Lincoln the first of the week to
jK'ml a few days visiting
Miss M.Ittic , daughter of J M
Fodge , relumed Monday to Montrose -
trose , Color do , where she will
teach school the coming term.
Miss Myrlle Lyell has accept
ed a position as book keeper for
Shcppard & Burk and entered on
her new work Monday morning.
Thos. W. Edwards has sold
section thirty northwest of
Broken Bow to S. A. Holcomb ,
the purchase price being $50 per
Ogden and Barnard , the hus
tling Callaway real estate men ,
came over in an auto Saturday
evening to take in the wrestling
II B. Drake is building a new
s'ore room on to the rear of his
store. He tore the old one down
the first of this week and will
erect the new one at once.
L. O. Nelson returned Sunday
from a visit to his old home in
Allerton , Iowa , via Kansas City
and Leharp , Kansas. He ship
ped two more stallions to this
city while on the trip.
Miss Katie Moore , daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Moore , came
h me from Chicago last Saturday
evening. Miss Moore has been
attending the Bush Temple
Conservatory of Music and came
home to spend the summer
Deputy Assessor Hank Ash , of
Lillian township , came in Tues
day to turn in his assessment
books for Lillian. Ash was the
third deputy assessor to finish
bis work. John W. Bryan , of
Myrtle township was the first ,
and Sam Swenson , of Loup town
ship came in last Saturday as
second man.
.fix-Editor Pinch , ot the
Merna Postal Card , was in the
city Monday and Tuesday. His
family is running a store in
Wray , Colorado. Mr. Pinch is
on his way to New Helena to
take charge of the bottling works
there. lie expects to make
about two car loads of Victoria
Mineral water a month.
The greatest game in the his
tory of the Western League was
played in Lincoln on Thursday
of last week , between Lincoln
and Pueblo. Swift , the big left
hander , pitched for Pueblo and
Jones , the little Lincoln spit-ball
artist , twirled for Lincoln. For
sixteen long innings not a run
was made. In the seventeenth
inning Pueblo made two runs
and Lincoln one , and the con
gest was over.
Walter Cole , the twenty-two
year old son of Joe Cole , who
lives about four miles north of
the city , was very seriously in
jured last Saturday. A horse he
was riding reared up and fell
ever backwards. In floundering
about the horse got under Wal
ter's legs and then rolled over
onto him doubling him up. The
spinal column was dislocated and
this caused the paralysis of the
lower part of the body. Dr.
Peunington was called and he
straightened out the backbone.
Dr. Pennington was out again
Tuesday and put him in a plaster
pais cast so that he could be
taken to St , Joseph Tuesday
night for treatment.
Wanted : $15,000 Boys.
Everyone wants boys , but not
very many people want as many
as Superintendent E. C. Bishop
of the Nebraska Department of
Public Instruction.
In a letter sent out to every
county superintendent aud every
principal in the state , Prof.
Bishop says he wants 15,000 boys
and would take 50,000 if he can
get them on the right terms.
The suggestion the state super
intendent makes is that if tht'se
boys all want to go to work foi
him , they can plant at least one
good ear of corn each and culti
vate their crop this summer
When the crop is harvested
arrangements will be made tc
take the very best ears , to tin
National Corn Exposition a'
Omaha in December and tht
state corn show at Lincoln it
Not every boy who works foi
the state Superintendent will get
big pay for the work this yearbui
those who produce the best corn
will win prizes which will give
them gcod wages for the sum
mer's work and the pay of the
rest will come in the satisfac
tion of having grown better corn
than is produced on the average
in Nebraska or any other state.
As the prizes are many , it will
be a large number who will win
something , and all who contest
will get their names on the roll
of honor.
Marriage Licenses.
W. R. Taylor , Broken Bow..26
Rosa Webb , Broken Bow 25
Want breaking done one and
one-half miles from town. J. A.
Armour. M-13-2
Fine Residence property for
sale. Call on I. A. Coleman of
" ' 25-tf.
Broken Bow. "Feb'y -
FOR SAI.B Well regulated
Restaurant , go > d location. Good
reason for selling. Inquire Con
Cannon's restaurant.
FOR SAI.K New milch cow with
calf by side inquire of J. S.
Benjamin. aS-1 t ,
FOR SALE My residence prop
erty in south east part of city ,
call or address JAS. L. KING ,
al5-tf Broken Bow , Nebr.
For Sale One center table
and five chairs. D. Christen-
sen. 48-lt
A new four room house for
rent. L. L. SHARP.
For Rent The rooms in the
Union Block over Cole's estab
lishment are for rent for office
purposes. See George M. Flicker
or I. A. Reneau * 48-l
Dr. Bass , Dentist. OverMcComas
Farm and City loans at lowest
rates. M-ll-tf JAMKS LBDWICH.
See C. C. Larts for blue prints.
Phone 146. M 13-M 27
Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee.
Roasted fresh every day. 24tf.
Farm and City loans at lowest
rates. M-ll-tf JAMUS LRDWICH.
Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee'
Roasted fresh every day. 24tf.
Texas school land is selling
for five dollars per acre. For
cheap railroad rates see Jesse
J. C. Bowen gives ten cents off
in live hundred lots of Broken
Bow , Mason City , and Aurora
Drs. Farnsworth & Beck
Says the collar to the shirt ,
"you carried me well , " let us
meet again at the Broken Bow
Steam Laundry , Broken Bow ,
We are in the market FOR
Will pay the highest price of
fered on the Broken Bow mar
ket. Call and see us before sell
ing. 34-tf
Sold only in
Moisture Proof
The National prestige of Uneeda Biscuit is
baked in. The moment you take a biscuit
from the package , as soon as you taste it , the
reason becomes apparent why so many hun
dred millions of packages of Uneeda Biscuit
have been bought by the American people.
* -
Estate of Joseph A. Habcock , deceased , In
County Court of Ouster County , Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska , To all persons In
terested In said estate , take notice , that a pe
tition has been llled for the appointment of
George W. Dabcock as administrator of
said estate , which has been set for hearing
herein , on May 20,1009. at 10 o'clock a. in.
Dated April 20 , low. A. II. HUMIMIIIRY ,
a22-ml3 It. County Judge.
Department of the Interior , U. S. Land
Oillce at urokcn How Nebraska , April
Zl , 1009.
Notice Is hereby given that James Dare
of Gates , Nebraska , who , on September
in , 100G made Homestead Entry C.W5 serial ,
i-Jo. 01108 for betfswWswM se , ' < , Section 0 ,
T 19 N , II20 w , 6 principal meridian.has Hied
notice of Intention lomakellnal live year
proof , to establish claim to the land above
described , before Register and receiver at
Uroken How , Nebr. , on the 4th day of June ,
t lalmant names as witnesses : Ucnjamln
O. Ktlloggand Oliver M. Swick of Gates ,
Nebr. ; Frank Doty and Stephen Maple , of
Walwortli. '
a20j3 JOHN REESK. Register.
In the Couuty Court of Custet County ,
In the matter of the estate of George F.
IlawkeSi deceased.
The State of Nebraska , To all pcrsonD Interested
torested lu said estate , take notice : Tbat an
application has been filed In the County Court
of said county for the probate of an Instrument
purporting to beau authenticated copy of the
last w 111 and testament of said deceased to
gether with the probate proceedings had there
on before the probate court of the Couuty o
Union , In the State of New Jersey , aud praying
for a decree of thli court admitting the ame to
probate as the foreign will of said deceased
which has been set for bearing before tula
court on the 1st day of June , I'M ) , at 10 o'clock
a , m. at which time all persons Interested In
said estate ) may appear aud contest the same.
Dated May Wi. 1W.
4S-51 A. K. UuuriiKBY , County Judge.
In the County Court of Ouster County , Neb
In the matter of the Estate of William J
Wantz. deceased.
The State of Nebraska , to Creditors o
said Estate :
Take Notice , that I will sit In the Count )
Court Hoom , In liroken Dow , in Said County
on the 20th day of May 1909 , and the Ifith da )
of November lyop , at 10 o'clock a. m. , to re
celvc and examine all claims llled and pre
sented against said estate , with a view t
their adjustment andallowance , and that on
he tlrst date above named the petition o
the widow will be heard for homestead , ex
emptlons and allowance , aud other btat
utory rights.
The time limit for the presentation of
claims against said estate Is six months from
the 20 day of April 1009 , aud the time limited
for the payment of debts la one year from
said date.
Dated 4 20\W. A. R. HoumiiKr ,
a ! mint. County Jtdgv.
I have the advice of LEE , HIG-
GINSON & CO. , of New York , . Chicago
cage , Boston and London , on what
are the best investments that can
be made at the present time in the
stocks and bond markets. Itv'view
of the large amount of Cnster county
* " - ' * - - money , between a quarter a'nd a half
. - . ' ' " " a million , that has gone into mhrng
- V stocks now listed as of little value ,
J believe I can do a real service by
directing the attention of the con
servative investor to those stocks
and bonds that are safe profit pay
ing investments.
The Republican for 1 $ a Year