THE REPUBLICAN , OUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA. CUSTER COUNTY REPUBLICAN , ยง 1,00 Per Year. ADVERTISING KATES. Where mailer IR net on wi'oilbMoeUelrotNiB ' a flat price of twenty cenu per Incn.plniciecoi- ' tmu , for each ln-.or.foM , two or niura 15 cent * per Inch. Special position , iilnitle Hi , icrtloY. 20Vnt , , per luch. Metal base , ! ' two or more time * , IS cents per Inch. Payment flrcccnt. rer line each.n . 'eNotlcco ( church church fairs , sociables and entcrtalmucillH wuero money I cuanied , one H free , half r r' ' " for publlnhlnir obituaries. Cnnl of ThankH , SO cen H. . . . . . . , Legal notices at ra'c provided Htatutcn of Society notlcestinil i.Routlonsono-liairjies ) ! WedUluv notice * ftcu , halt price fur it l ol prcuculB , Entered at Hroken How , Nebraska , for trans mission in tliu United Stales mail * at second dims rates. Hcrbcrl fi. Myers , IkJilor and I'liblishcr Political Announcement. Ilclng iiromiiteil by a ili-slrc to lead and direct the eiHitatloiial lorccs ol the great county of custur , In whose schools I was a pupil nearly ao years ago. I hereby formally announce myself a canulilate for the position of County superintendent of Public Instruc tion 1 have advocated republican princi ples nit 16 } ius anil am Ihub asking the ills lingulhhetl honor ol being its uutulnee at the roitiing election. WAI.TUIIV. . WATBUS. 1 hereby announce to the Kciubliciuia | of Custer comity that I inn a candidnte for llic nomination to the ofliou ot Count ) Surveyor subject to the expiess- cd will of thu ineinhei.s of my party ill the primary. 1 liuve served as Deputy County Surveyor for the piibt 3 years , and previous to the practical end ac quired my education in the County schools of Cnster County , inthcl-'icmont Normal school nntl the Nebraska State University , 1 have always lived in Custcr county nnd have always support ed the Republican ticket. A. J. VANANTWIUU" COUNTY bU I desire to ar.noiuice my candidacy for the oniceof County Snperltitei dent , subject to the wishes of the voters and HChool patroiu of the county. I was born In Cnstcr comity and received my common school emicallnn In her schools , Hlnco then I have taught fcuvcral years In the district and village schools of the county ; have received a professional state certificate and completed a full colk'eo course. I believe both education and experience lit me to do cfllcleut wark for the county. C.AKLANl ) K. LKWIS , Anselmo , Ncbr. CANDIDATE'S NOTICE. 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate lor the nomination for the onico of county treasurer , miblcct to the decision of the He- publican voter * _ at the coming primary elcc. tton , I have been a resident of Ouster County Hln'ce 18SI and respectfully solicit your support. Juuus P. OTTUM. COUNTY SUIIVEYOH. I hereby announce to the Republicans of Custcr County , that 1 am a candidate lor the nomination to the ofllcc of County Sur veyor , subject to the expressed will of the members of my party at the primaries. I finished a civil engineering course at the University of Michigan , and have had 20 years actual experience In all the different lines of engineering and more than ten of those years In land surveying. Have lived live years In Custer county. j. L. FuunUflON , Sargent , Nebr. The Argosy ia pleased to an nounce that Geo. E. Porter has announced himself as a candi date for the republican nomina tion for register of deeds. Mr. Woods , the present incumbent , has decided not to enter thcrz.ce , and as Mr. Porter is the present deputy register of deeds , he is in position to be well acquainted with the duties of the office and if nominated atid elected , which is a foregone conclusion , he will make one of the best officials that Custcr county people have had the honor of supporting. Ausley Argosy. A. J. VanAntwerp has an nounced that he will be a candi date for the nomination , for county surveyor on the Republi can ticket. Allic was born and raised in Custer County and has lived in thin county all his life with the exception of the time he spent in college. The major ity of his life has been spent in helping his father survey , and he has held several terms as city engineer , of Broken Bow. He is a young man perfectly compe tent for the office , and our people ple should help him get the nom ination regardless of party ties. Oconto Register. . For Surveyor- . A. J. Van Antwerp , of Broken Bow , requests us to announce him as a candidate for county surveyor subject to the decision of the voters at the Hepublican primary. Mr. Van Autwerp has served as deputy surveyor for'the past four years and has given universal satisfaction lie is well qualified for the place he seckn , having taken a course in engineering at Fremont and also at the State University , in Lin coln. As a Republican , he is always found in the harness and pushing on the collar for the best interest of the party. His many fricnda in this section will be pleased to hear of his nomi nation and election.Calhway Courier Tribune , Osborn Well l.iked. As the time for the primaries is approaching the crop of can didates for county offices arc springing up like mush.rooms in June. Nearly every office has from two to four aspirants. If the crop will be as bountiful as the present outlook indicates , the voter should not experience any difficulty in securing his pick.For For the office of County Clerk , the present deputy , W. II. Os- born , is the only Republican can . didatc , though he has not pub licly announced that fact , yet it is known that he is in the race , i Hi1 * candidacy is generally met j with a universal approval by the j party here. Many complimun-1 lary words are being expressed ; IH to his efficiency as an officer. -Sargent Leader. The following clipping from the Omaha Bee indicates that Senator Burkett is taking an active part in the discussion of the tariff legislation in Congress : "Persistent hammering on the part of the progressive senators brought an admission from Sen ator Aldrich that the schedule relating to window glass ought to be re-constructed , and at the end of Senator Burkett's speech the schedule was passed over for purposes of revision. Senator Burkett , without mincing his words , showed that manufactur ers were selling glass at less than the Dingley tariff ; that if a man , was given his "window glass in Europe h6 could not afford to pay the tariff on it and bring it to this country ; that thcrelore there was no necessity for such high duty as carried in the Al drich bill , Senator Aldrich ad mitted that the schedule was too high. It was the first admission of that kind by the Rhode Island Senator. It is now expected that he will make a number of other concessions before the bill goes to conference. " Practice What You Preach. The Beacon for last week con tains the following pointed para graph : "Now , Herbert , if you believe in 'honest , straightforward jour nalism , ' come out and admit the truth of what these men say. Admit that when the party ( the Republican party ) promised a a revision of the tariff downward they were seeking success under false pretenses. " Just what the Republican con gress now in session will , jjo towards the revision of the tar iff cannot be determined at this time. We must await their final action on the bill. But , Brother Beal , when you speak of keeping party pledge * and ask a Hepublican editor to look lifter the affairs in his own party , why don't you practice what you preach ? Perhaps you will recall that the last Demo cratic platform contained the following plank : "We demand the immediate repeal of the tariff on wood pulp print paper , lumber , timber am logs , and that thsse articles be placed on the free list. " Why , Brother Heal , don't yet get after the thirty-eight Demo crats who voted in the House o Representatives for a protective tariff on lumber in defiance o of the Democratic platform dec laration for free lumber ? Wh } don't you get after the twenty three Democrats who votct against the modification of th house rules and to sustain Speaker Cannon and his organi Cation ? Better not have too much to say about the Republi cans , Charles , until you clean up your own party a little. Stock Market Report. 1 South Omaha , May 12 , ' 09 Cattle- : Receipts this week have been moderate. Monday's and Tues day's trade was quite a repetition of the market during the closing days of last week , the packers holding off at the start , but later on falling over each other for supplies. Today , with Chicago lightly supplied , and a very broad outlet our market was 10 to 15 cents higher , this advance shows up on both steers and butcher stock , the latter class being in especially good request. A small supply of feeders has come on the market this week. . At these high prices the country inquiry has been , very narrow , with the result that trading in this department 'is rather slow. We quote- : Good to choice beeves 6 10 to i6.85 ; fair to good $6.10 to $6.35 ; common to fair $5.10 to S6.UO. Good to choice fed stock $5.50 to $6.10 ; fair to good cows $4.60 to $5 35 ; Cauners and cut ters S2.60 to S.4.35. Veal calves $3.60 to $6.85. Bulls , stags $3.35 to $5.35. Choice to prime feed ers $5.00 to $5 60 ; good to choice $4.40 to 4 90 ; fair to good 4.00 to 4.40 ; common to fair 3.00 to 4 00. Stock heifers 3 25 to 4.40 ' Hogs- : Hogs have changed little in the last two da > s. Today we had more heavy hogs than for some time past and these sold readily to both local and outside uycrs. $7.30 was the top today nd the bulk of the sales being nade from 6.80 to 7 15 , values hat are anywhere from strong o 5 cents higher than those on yesterday. Sheep- : Trading in this department las been on the sensational order for sometime past and- values have gone above all pre vious records. Wooled lambs lave sold as high as 9.35 with shorn lambs up to 8.20. Even at these high prices trading has icen very active. Of course , receipts have been very light and here is no possibility of getting an over supply now before the grass sheep begin to come. To- lay the market is not as brisk and salesmen claim prices were any wkere from slow to 10 cents ower. This is the first backset that the market has had for sometime , but it was expected. The quotations given below are for shorn stock , wooled grades sell from SLOO to 1.25 above these fierures. Good to choice lambs 7.85''to 8.30 ; fair to good 7.00 to 7.85. Good to choice ight yearlings 6.35 to 6.85. Good to choice ewes 5.75 to 6.25 fair to good 5.25 to 5.75. Good to choice wooled lambs 8.85 to 9.35 ; fair to good 8.15 to 8.85. ZUMBROFA ZEPHYRS. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bishop arc expected home from Illinois in a few days , where they went to attend the funeral of Mr. Bishop's father. Mrs. Ralph Johnson has been enjoying a visit from her sister and husband and little daughter , who spent the winter in Califor nia , and arc on their way home to New York. They left here last Monday. Mrs. M. D. Stone is improving. Mr. Williams is ill and one of his sons has the mumps. Arthur Cole planted corn for Mr. Small and for Mr. Williams. Chas. Sands spent Saturday night with Chas. KooHer. Mr. Pedcu is doing some more fencing with woven wire. Mr. Sharp has been fencing a pasture. Oren Cole is employed with the telephone company. Mrs. Maud Holcouib , of Brok en Bow , is assisting Mrs. Callcn with house cleaning. Windgate Foster is helping with the farm work at J. T. Cole's. A good rain would be very ac ceptable. Last Thursday quite a storm visited these parts. Fierce for a time and quite a little hail fell , but the rain ceased falling too soon to giveTis much moisture , A terrible misfortune befell Walter Cole on Friday evening , May 14 , which all sincerely hopp will not prove fatal. He and his sister , Olive , had started out for a horse back ride. Walter was riding a very fractious animal , and when they were part way down the drive way his horse reared upon his hind legs , and Walter , seeing the forthcoming danger , got off , but rather fell in a heap and before he could move the horse fell back upon him and poor Walter suffered the disloca tion of his back. His sister , who being frightened , began to scream , which brought assistance from the houso. Walter was car ried in a blanket to the house and Drs. Penningtou and Mul- lins were there in a very short time to set the broken bone , but it was Monday morning before the suffering boy could rest easy. On Tuesday he was put in a plaster paris jacket and left same night for St. Joe. He was ac companied by his father and Dr. Pennington , This is sad indeed. Walter is an energetic young man , who is a friend to everyone and the accident is to be deplor ed very much. The doctor is very much pleased with his progress so far , NOTICH. All unauthorized persons are hereby notified to not interfer in any way with street lamps , man tles , and fixtures under penally of the law. a-2'2-a29 WKSTKKN LIGHT and Fum , Co. TRADE Pure old cider vinegar MARK Pure Food Products Wrights smoke for meat , 75c a battle. Knock out prices on Utah gallon fruitsr lull gallon pears , per can 4oc Full gallon peeled peach per can 40c Full gallon apricots per can ' 40c These goods are cheap at the price. Just think of it , only 4 cents a Ib. Hurry up won't last long. Fresh goods daily at BOWEN'S Very fancy 4 crown Cali fornia raisins , the best grown. 5 pounds for 50c Fancy evaporated pears , 4 pounds for oOc Large fancy fafc prunes , 8 pounds for $1 A beauty of a Muir peach the finest ilavor and fine eating , 9 pounds for $1 A good peach 11 pounds lor $1 We test and pay Knock out prices on Dandelion and the highest all weed killer price for cream. fancy evaporated guaranteed to Cash on day , . . do the work. of delivery at 50c a can at ' ' BOWEN'S BOWEN'S BOWEN'S CUT GLASS INDICATES REFINEMENT. It is a sign of an artistic tempcruicnt in those who desire to own it. It is uscfull as well a sen sible , serviceable investment. We have a tempting array of these goods. Kvery de sign is new , and we can offer our customers some excep tional values. Many people hesitate at buying CUT GLASS , on account of its supposed cost liness but dollar for dollar it reveals a richness that is possessed by few other arti cle of art or utilily. Come in and let us show you our display if the least bit interested. A li ? MAKE YOUR HOME MOKE BRIGHT AND CHEER FUL BY PAPERING IT Have you seen our new line of samples of high grade wall paper ? No store in town can offer you a collection of such rare bsaiity and elegance to choose from at such reason able prices. It will be a pleasure to you and to us to have you -y look them over. i Aj I The Busy Druggist The following offer contains only selected uiagaxines of the highest merit. The nec < ls und desires of every one will be found represented in this list. Women , Literature. Reviews , Juvenile , Outdoor interests , Fiction , Technical , Music , Art , lite. Custer County Kepublican , and Cosmopolitan or American or Success.-Yalue S2QOforgl.65 Greatest Subscription Offer Through a most unusual arrangement with the publishers we are able to make this remarkable offer to subscribers Four Great Publications and a Dress Pattern E3 OS Bepublican SLOO Pictorial Keview 1.00 Saccess Magaz ine MOutl"lorSeyYear 1.00 TVTr rlnvn TVicnilla ( Fancy Work ) .50 IVlOaein JLllSCllld , Monthly One Year . Pictorial Eeview Pattern .15 To be selected by the subscriber from the styles Illustrated In Pictorial Review at any time within two months after rcceivinir the lirst copy Total yearly subscription price of these 4 mattazlnos and pattern $ 3.05 All of the above together with the Republican sent one year for $2.15 And Value Cost And Value Cost And Value Cost Mairaziho $180 for $235 Illustrated London News $70) for 04.S Reliable poultry joar"p' . . . . .ii so for American Hey 200 " 1 05 Independent 11 oo Review of Reviews . . 4 00 aoo American Homes am ! Hardens. 4ft ) " 3 60 International Studio 000 525 Rudder . . I oo 2 r > American Motherhood 200 " i 75 JudifC t. OOJ 52i scicntlllc American . . 1 00 a oo American Poultry Journal ISO " 1 JO Keramic Studio 5 ft ) 4 ro Sfleiitlllo American and Sr 't 800 OKI ) Appclton'H Mavuzme 250 20 ( ) Ladle's World 1' 0 1 35 scrlbner's Magazine . . 100 Atlantic Monthly 500 425 Leslie's Weekly < 00 5U1 Smart set , , . a so Automobile 400 325 Life ' * ' s s-- Smith's 2 20 Illick Cat 200 ' 5 ? Llpplncott's Mairazine o & 275 St. Nicholas 4 co a BO Itlue Hook 250 Little Toll's [ Sileml new 200 1 < n Strand Maga/.lne UfiO 2 II ) HohenUan 250 2oi ) McCall's Maitazlnoand pattern i 50 140 suburban ilf < - ' 100 2 3.1 Ilook.Kcepcr 210 105 McClure's Matrazlne. 250 Sunday school Times. uoo 1 65 Hook man a 50 310 Metropolitan Matrazino 2W ) 1 05 Sunset Magazine 2M 1 KO Iloston Cooklnir S heel 2 ( XI 1(15 Modern I'rlscllla. 150 System , : u-o 280 It rceder'S r.azelle 3H ( ) 'Jit ) Mothers Mairazine 1 50 135 Table Talk 200 1 03 Hnrr Mclntosli Monthly 400 303 Motor Aero . . . . 40' ' ) 3 V5 Taylor-Trotwood Matazli e 250 200 Century Mairazine S ( xl 48) Motor Host. . . . 3 M 2,0 ( Tei-lmlcul Worhl Matazli e 2.10 00 Children's Mairazlno. . . . 200 1 05 Musician 25-.I 2 < 0 Theatre Magazine. . . 400 a a.- > Christian Herald IN. Y. 250 2 10 Nation 4 IK ) 373 Toilettes : ioo 23.1 Country Life in America fi ) 4 IX ) National Home Jonri 1 150 125 Travel Magnzihc. . . 2 SO 200 Craftsman 4 00 335 National Migazliie. 2 c,0 son Van Norden Magazine. 2.V ) 17.1 Current Literature 40J 325 National Sportsman 200. Vogue 5 00 I HI Designer I 50 135 New Idea IN. Y.I fashions 151 > 135 Wide world Magazine 220 21.1 Dressmaking at Homo. 200 Normal Instructor 175 150 Woman's Home companion 22.1 1 90 Kducatlonal Review. . . 400 II W ) Norm American Keview 500 45' ) Woman's National Dully. 200 ICO Klectrical World 4 CO 363 Outdoor Life 250 U25 World To-Day SfiO 200 Electrician A Mediant 200 1 65 Ontlner Mau'azlne.- 4 CO 2115 World's woru 100 3 8.1 Ktudc ( for music lovers a on Outlook 400 Farm Journal t- years ] 1 5 125 Pacific Monthly. . . . JW 2W You May Add to Your List Field and Stream. . 250 200 Paris Modes and Patten 150 135 Forum 300 235 Pearson's Mairazine. . 2 0 200 All Magazine. . . i-'or $1 oo Harden Mairazine 2ft ) 1 65 Peoplu's Home Journal 1 35 125 Story , $ ioo Good Housekeeping 200 165 Phllllstlnu 200 Argosy " i Colliers"Weekly 020 Coed Literature. . . . 135 125 Physical Culture 200 U5 Weekly Hampton's Mairazli a 25 < ) 200 Pictorial Kevlow ai.d Pittern 20J 1 < > s Delineator ' 1 00 Harper's llazaar 21X1 165 Popular Magazine . .250 2 2' ) IJverybocly's ' Magazine 1 HI ' Monthl 400 3 so Ladles' Homo Journal 15) ) MX ) 450 Science Maiazlnc Harper's Popular . ? . . . . . ' . . . 5i > 0 450 Kdncatlon 225 2oo Literary Digest 3C. ) Weekly. Primary Harpor'i * ' . . 200 1 < > 5 Munsey's Maga/tne. . . . i 00 Plans. Home Needlework. 1 75 1 50 Primary 600 510 popular Mechanics. . . . 1 uo : House Iteautlful. . . . 350 325 Puck , \ Housekeeper 175 1 W ) Putuam's-Rcader . 400 235 Saturday Kveiunt ; po j ro 125 40. ) 23-1 scrap iinok 1 Oo Housewife 135 Kccreatl < n Unman Lifu 200 165 Ked Hook 250 21.5 Youth's Companion. . . . i , - , - , Custer County Republican , Everybody's and Delineator-Value $3.50 For $2.50 All subscriptions are for one full year- Subscriptions may bo new , renewal or extensions. Mauazmes may be sent to ono or to separate addresses. Additional postaeo Is chanted on Canadian and Koreliru subscription * . If you do not timl what you want , send us your list , and we will quote you the lowest possible price. We will duplicate any offer made by any aireut , aircm.y or publisher. Custer County Republican , iroken Saw , Nebraska