Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 20, 1909, Page 10, Image 10

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The Market
" "S" t !
.ti JUlvC/ >
The Jackson is the best all around car on the market to-day.
The car is good in all of its parts It is a leader in simplicity , in
power and in durabiliiy. Jt is so simple of operation that anyone
can run il. And then , too , the price is reasonable.
The .Jackson lias made its reputation on the fact that no hill is
too sleep and no sand is too deep for it. This is not simply an idle
claim but it is an actual fact which will be proved to your satisfac
tion if you will tfivo us an opportunity to demonstrate the car loyou.
JOHN S. McGRAW , Agent
Kocp Your
Poultry Healthy
It pays to feed your liens
and chicks some good reliable
poultry food occasionally
rather than let them droop
and die from cholera , it will
serve as a tonic and a preven
tive of diseases.
it also makes hens lay.
] have the GREAT AV10ST-
that is guaranteed to give
satisfaction , i also have in
sect powders and lice killers
which are an essential thing
to keep chicks healthy dur
ing the summer months.
The Busy Druggist
We arc desirous of placing
with farmers a few more con
tracts for growing cucumber ,
musk melon , water melon ,
cquash and pumpkin seed. Also
sweet aud flint corn. Our prices
are the highest in years and the
tseaaon looks favorable.
We would be pleased to cor-
fcspond with any one interested.
u Respectfully ,
Valley , Douglas Co. Neb
iu6-m27 C. It. COY , Pres
Representing Tennessee in the Unlte <
! States Senate.
Jb' YOU have a snap in a farm , or ranch for sale
list with me. If you want to buy a snap in a
farm or ranch come and see me. Phones , of
fice 42 , residence , 120.
A. W. Copa y i * in Lincoln at %
fie hospital.
The I. O. O. I ? , lodge at
VVestcrvillo was taken by surprise
on Saturday nig-ht by the Kebek-
aln. After lodg-e had closed the
Rebekdhs were on hand with well
filled baskets of refreanments
consisting1 of cake and icecream.
After refreshment were served
they all enjoyed a good time
with bath vocal atul instrumental
nusic. Come again sisters.
John Scott and wife have i enc
to St. Paul en a visit.
The following1 are fond parents
of baby girls born to them last
week : Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Allen , Mr. and Mrs. John Mills
and Mr. and Mrs. Win. Moody.
Mr. Mood said he had to plant
another acre of potatoes for his
Corn is nearly all planted in
this vicinity. There was a
heavy rain last Thuisday night
accompanied by quite a bit of
liail. No damage was done and
we can still stand more rain.
A large number of the patron *
age bills passed by our last legis
lature have been found on inves
tigation to be defective and will
not stand. Among the bills
which were found to contain de
fects i-i one which has a curious
bearing- the W. C. 1' . U. of the
stato. The bill was meant to
ivc a legal standing to a num
ber of different societies which
are leagalixed by the state. By
this act , or a part of the bill , and
m the case of the W , C. T. U.
the name was wrongly put in
the bill 'and the mistake was
never noticed until it had passed
both houses and been signed by
the Governor. The name in the
bill reads "Woman's Christian
Independence" so there is no
longer a W. C. T. U. in this
state as the bill excludes from in
corporation all except those
named in it.
J , M. Chrfotouaen , nn old gentle
inun who lived in the east ptrt of
the city , died at his homo lust Thurs
day morning , lie had worked iho
dtiy bofoto and was apparently in
huiilih up to the hour of his
The fuiijralvaa hold ut the M
1C. on Mjndny t.t three o'
clock p in nnd no conducted by
ftav. Ibompjon who preached HD
' 'iiriiosl uiul oloqnant Gorman ami
the remains worj conveyed to the
of inetery , where the Inat atul c I1' ' . ' " *
ot burial were porfortnod.
The dioedod o.tina from the eli }
OiHintry < J years ago and sottlec on
n homoatend near 13onvU , his >
county , where ha roared his family
and ubont three years Bgo , moved
to Urnkjn B i\v and nbnit six
montlia ago , hound hU faithful wile
olobrrtt nl the Coition anniversary
of their wedding.
liysidos a wife , ho loaves ten chil
dren to mourn him , four glrla mid
six boys , all of whom with the ex
Oc > ption of ono who is in the old
nolintry , attended the funeral.
inta.te ol .lolm Youugilale , deceaseil. lit
County Court of Ciibtor County , Ncbrahka.
Tliu State of Nebraska , to all iiersous in.
torcstuil In said estate , take notice , that
Henry Ki-llt-y lias iiieil a ilnal account ami
report ot Ills administration , anil a iietltlon
tor ilnal settlement , distribution ami ills ,
charge as such , \\lilclt have been set for
hearing before ( > alcl Court on June 17th.
UKW at 10 o'clock a in when
, , , you may ap
pear ami contest the same.
Dated May 13th , IP09.
( Seal ) A. U. HUMi'iiiiKV ,
County .l
our rubber goods to
the limit and note
their marvelous elas
ticity. This"- means
tliey are made of new
live rubber. ] Iot-
walcr bottles , syringes -
es and all needed sick
room appliances' ot
best quality are to be
found here.
The Doris Lake Openingwil
be on June 5th , All arc in-i
vitcd. m20 j3
A. E. Anderson was an Ausley
visitor Sunday. , _
John David , of Ansley , was a
city visitor Tuesday.
Dr. Wills , of Anselmo , was in
the city Wednesday.
J. W. IiulTaker , of Cusler
township , was a city visitor Mon
Mr. and Mrs. II. K. Atkisson ,
of Mcrna , were in the city Tues
U. S. Norn , of Bun Oak , was
ransacting business in the city
Fred Brittion , of Auselmo ,
was in the city on business
Morris Ryerson made a busi
ness trip to Ansley the. first of
the week.
I. A. Kencau made a business
trip to Omaha Monday , return
ing today.
I'M win P. Myers made a busi
ness trip to Lincoln the first of
the week
Mrs. W. T. Pritchard left the
first of the week for a visit with
her parents.
John Hcney , of Merna , was in
the city Saturday for the wrest
ling match.
Sam Torgenson , of George
town , was transacting business
in the city Monday.
Dr. J. II. Morrow , of Merna ,
came down in an auto Saturday
for the wrestlingmatch. .
P. II. Reed manager of the
Buckeye ranch was a passenger
for the east Tuesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Herman
and Mr and Mrs. Will Jenkins
spent Sunday near Walworth.
The Broken Bow second nine
played a game of ball Tuesda'y.
Callaway won the game by a
score of 6 to 7.
The college base ball team
will play the Ravenna high
school boys in Ravenna toinor
The Broken Bow high school
junior base b"ll team will play
the Merua high school juniors in
Merna Saturday ,
I ? . N. Mossman , of Mason City
vho was the Republican
candidate for supervisor from
iis district last fall , was in the
city on business Tuesday.
The high school juniors will
cutertciu the seniors in the
Temple theatre Friday evening.
They will give a banquet and
lave a number of toasts.
A fine rain fell Wednesday
Anslc ) ' now has two automo-
Dile liveries. '
Mrs. George Porter , of Broken
Bow , is spending a few days in
Ausley this week.
Miss Saville has returned
home after spending several
months in Lincoln.
Harry Phillipii commenced
the erection ot a dwelling in
North Ansley Ill's ' week.
The contractors for the erec
lion of the First National bank
and the drug store for C. II. F
Steinmeier commenced opera
lions several days ago. The
bank will be one of the finest in
this part of the state and the
pharmacy will be modern in
every way.
The Owl Club met at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Pinklcy.
It was the annual meeting and
the following officers were elect
ed : President , A. F. Piukley ;
V. P. T. T. Varuey , secretary ;
Mrs , T , T. Varney ; treasurer ,
Mrs. N. Dwight Ford. Great
interest is taken in this club by
its members. The membership
is limited to fifty anl the pro
grams are literary and musical.
I _ , . . . .
' - - - - - -
j.- -I---T- i .TiTmir
FOUND A fountain pen.
, Owner may have same by prov
ing property and paying for this
'ad. '
Jl IBM IHIililiMimM MHmMnilll | ill III IrtMinrii II
Custer County
Abstract Company
One price to all. No discount to "anyone.
Titles examined.
rrint' "in
At The Book Store.
We give Cash Register Checks
with Every Purchase. These
checks are good for Soda and
Ice Cream. - : -
Ask the Clerk at the Book Store.
First Door South of Post Office
( ,
e are snowing a full line or Keep Cool s
Goods ana as this is the time of year , it would
do you good to look over tins line of goods.
We handle all sixes and styles of screen wire , also
screen doors , ice boxes , gasoline stoves , The Blue
Flame Perfection oil stove. In fact everything to
make the kitchen up-to-date , cool and comfortable and
a pleasure for the cook.
Cream Separators
See our cream separators before you purchase.
We havj two lines to choose from. The Sharpies , tried
and true , also the Jersey Lily. See them.
Haying Tools
Our Ihie of haying tools are all in. Look them
over. We are all ready to start you in the Alfalfa
, Carriages , Lap Robes
We have a full line of buggies , carriages and wag
Lap robis , dusters andh'y nets , something cool for
the horses.
Things for the Lawn
Our line of lawn mowers are here for your inspec
tion. Look them over. Rubber hose , a good line ,
from 10 to IS cents per foot.
Harness and Harness Repairing
Our harness line is complete and with the new
machine we have installed Dock can iix you up on any
style while you wait.
The tickets are not quite our for the buggy we are
to give away July 4th. Avail yoruself of the oppor
tunity and get a chance. You might be the lucky one.
It don't cost you anything to get a draw. I.M
See our windows for bargains. \