Mv ttv wwM AA4U f : CUSTER COUNTY REPUBLICM. VOL. XXVII BROKEN BOW , OUSTER COUNTY NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , MAY 20 ( 1'J ' NO SO MAKE GREAT PLANS FOR CELEBRATION Held Tuesday Starts Organiza tion to Work. COMMITTEES 4RE SELECTED One of the Greatest Celebrations Ever Seen in Western Nebraska is Being Planned by the Committee. A. E. Anderson was elected chairman and H. G. Myers sec retary of the meeting of the Fourth of July contributors held in the court house Tuesday even ing. Monday , July 5th , was selected as the day for the cele bration on "account of the 4th coming on Sunday. A commit tee consisting- A. E. Ander son , Sam Lee , Sam Miller , J. K. Herman , Joe Molyneux , Raniah Ryerson , and II. G. Myers was selected to have charcreof the work of preparing for the cele bration. This committee organ ized Wednesday morning by electing A. E. Anderson chair man , Joe Molyneux treasurer , and II. G. Myers secretary. This will be Broken Bow's first celebration in about eight years and the committee plans to make it'a hummer in order to make up for lost time. The merchants , have subscribed very liberally v and the committee is amply sup plied with funds. It is planning wv.Jr to have one of the best displays of fireworks ever seen in this part of the state. One of the new and most attractive features "will be the automobile parade. The committee will offer a prize to the three , best decorated autos in the parads. A cqmic parade ' ' will a 'new and unusual feature. One of the best speak ers in the state will be secured at once. The committee de sires to secure the services of three bands to furnish the music for the day. All kinds of sports will be arranged for. The pub lic square will be elaborately decorated. Farmer Burns , the world cham pion wrestler , will be here with his two boys and a good wrestler. The committee has arranged to have the farmer's two boys give a free exhibition during the day and the wrestle between Burns and his opponent will probably be in the evening. The following is a list of the sub-committees appointed by the general committee : AUTO PA n A UK. J S. McGffiw , O. II. Conrad , Aubrey Martin and W. E. TnMit. COMICAL PARADE. W. B. Schaeffer , A. R. Hum phrey and II. F , Kennedy. SPOUTS. Dr. W. J. Buckley , 0. S. Martin , -C. W. Bowman , W. A. George and Sam Miller. Music. " * Luther Miller , Ramah Ryerson and A , J. Elliot. . CONCUSSIONS * > Sam Miller , J. K. Harmon , S. R Lee , A. E. Anderson , J. S. Molv- neux , Ramnli Ryerson , II G. Myers and D. R. Rockwell. N. T. Gadd , J. S. McGraw , II. N. Sullivan and R G. Moore. AnvcRTisino. A. E. Amloraon , C W. Beal , E R. Purcell , H G Myers. DECORATIONS. 0. H. Enqlaml , Put Stevenson , S. R , Leo , F. L. Roeoker. Grand Open Air Concert. The committee appointed to make arrangements for weekly band concerts in the public square during "the coming sum mer has been able to complete satisfactory arrangements with the band leader , F. D. Taylor , and the first of the concerts will be given next Saturday evening The committee plans to have these concerts given every Sat urday night that the weather is favorable. The committee con sisting of II. G. Myers , Sam Lee and Ramah Ryerson will begin next week to raise the necessary funds by subscription. The fol lowing is the program for the concert Saturday evening : 1. March "The Promoter , " O. E. Holtncs 2. "Mlgnonncttc"-Overturc Facile FacileJ. J. Dauman 3. The Old llarn Dance-"Fluffy Kuffles" . . . ' jocll' . Cortn I. American Fantasia "Owns of Stephen Foster" \ Tbco. M. Tobanl fi. March "The Prospector".O. E. Holmes 0. Overture-"Silver Star" . . . .Edward Hazel 7. "Q-Jcrida" Mexican Serenade . . ' , . . ' H. A. Vamlcrcook 8. March "Loyal and True" Gco. Itoscnkraua WORKING FOR BASEBALL LEAGUE Committee Desires to get Five Teams Into the Organization. The baseball committee con sisting of F. C. Kern , Ray Kuns , Aubrey Martin , and F. LRoeck - er met this week and organized by electing Mr. Kern chairman and Mr. Kuns , secretary. The matter of the organization of the league of teams has been turned over to them. The committee is planning a league of five teams and they expect each team to play two games ? . week , one at home and one in foreign territory Andrew Christensen , who has been visiting relatives here , left Tuesday night for Portland to take up his work as chief of the Field Division- number 1 of the General lyana headquarters in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hunter re turned Thursday from an ex tended tour of four weeks through Oklahoma , Texas and Mexico. Bob says he likes the southern country , but he did not find anything that would beat Custer county. The annual exposition for the patrons of the public schools of the city -will be given next Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. All of the rooms will be open to the public , and the patrons are cordially invited to see the work that has been done during the year. year.The The religious services for Dec oration day will be held in the Christian church in the after noon of May 30th. The other ceremony in commemoration of the dead soldiers will be on Mon day. Hon. J. B. Dunn , of Calla- way , will deliver the address of the day. Mrs. A. J. Elliott left for Springfield , Missouri , Sunday night for an extended visit with her sister , Mrs. F. H. Goss. She will be accompanied on a trip to New Orleans by Mrs. F. H. Goss while absent. This is Mrs. Elliott's first vacation since she came to Broken Bow seven years ago. ago.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Altnon M. Baker , who have been guests at the home of the latter's father , J. Sheffield , left this morning for Humbolt , Nebr. , where they will visit a short time , after which they will return to Coffeyville , Kansas , where they will make their future home. Undertaker Cole was called to Berywn Wednesday to prepare the body of Mrs. Diana McRay for burial. Mrs. McRay died of dropsy Wednesday morning at the age of 67 years , three months and 22 days. The funeral will be held in Berywn Friday. Her husband died about three years ago. She leaves two daughters to mourn her loss. , THE MARATHON HABIT WTX ( yns % 4mW COLLEGE STUDENTS TO PUT ON PLAY Mrs , Ilattic Spcakcs lias Been Eleven Students for the Cast. Bar Haven , a three act comedy drama , will be presented by the students of the Broken Bow Bus iness and Normal college at the Broken Bow Opera house on the evening of June 3d. The play is written by Gordon M. May. Eleven of the college students will take part in the play. Mrs. Hattie Speaks has been training the cast for a couple months. Mrs. Speakes-lraS * coached some very successful home talent com panies and this play gives prom ise of being a very successful one. Following is a east of characters : Captain Hiram Hopper , an old fish erman , A. C. MoClintook. Elardy Stone , hia helper , with atnbi tion to be Kate'a. Murl G. Welob Leo Brady , in search of an heir Herbert Derris Gideon Graham , a wealthy raaca' ' Roy E. Thompson Rev. John Wesley Wiggins , parson atBr Haven..Ray McOandleas Oy Braokett , who is fishing for fifth and Arabella. . . .Ray Lanphear Mrs. Wardell , of "Tbe Manor" Lulu Williams Florence Wardell , her daughter. . Emma Johnson [ Cite Wnrdell , who comes into her room Minnie Foster Spray Hopper , the Captain's dangh ter , who laughs at love Mabel Smith Arabella Wartendyke , between the devil and the deep sea M ry Bernsobein. SCHOOL BOARD PLANS BUILDING Committees Instructed to Obtain Informa tion Prom Other Cities. At the meeting of the school byard held last week the matter of the erection of a high school building came up for consider ation. The board voted to send L. II. Jewett and E. R. Purccll to.IIoldregc and Aurora to look over the buildings there and S. M- . Derris and Jules Haumont will go to Alliance to inspect the Alliance building. Iloldrcge an , * . Alliance have builditfgs which are used exclusively for high school purposes. The Hoi- drege building cost $23,000. The school board plans to build the new building for the exclusive use of the high school. The wo pres ent buildings will about accommodate the grades and the board plans to have a third ward building in the east part of the city at some future time when the enrollment increases suTfi- ciently to demand it. After get ting reports on the buildings used in other cities the board will decide on the amount nec essary to build a proper building for Broken Bow. It will be nec essary to get a majority of the legal voters in the school district to sign a petition asking the board to call a special election to vote bonds before the board can call the special election. Dr. Pennington returned Wed nesday from St. Joseph , where he went with Walter Cole. He says that Walter underwent the operation in good shape and seemed to have some chances of recovery. A postal card written POPULARITY A Foreign Dispatch 8aye Teddy Will Bo Lionized Abroad. by his father this morning states that Walter is doing nicely and that the doctors feel encouraged. The operation was performed to remove the pieces of broken bone. CRIPPLED MINER STOPS IN CITY Alan Who Was Injured by Explosion in Canadian .Mine . Pound in bad Condition. A man who later gave his name as Huff man was found partly unconscious in W , A. George's yard Sunday by Deputy Sheriff Craig. On investigation the man seemed to be i a criti cal condition. lie had a bad fracture in the left side of the skull and the right sTdc was partly paralysed. In talking about the matter later Huffman stated that he had been working inthc silver mines in Colbart , Canada , and had been accident ally injured. lie entered the mine one day just as an explo sion occurred in blasting and a sixty pound rock struck him on the head. lie was in the hos pital in Canada for ten months and two weeks. He left there the lf th of March and went to Boston. The Boston doctors told him that the skull might be raised at the point where it is caved in and that if this could be done and a silver plate put in under it he would get over his paralysis. They told him that it would be a very dangerous operation and that it would be best for him to go to his home in Great Falls , .Montana , ad that relat/vcs could Jielp him and he would be at home in case the t operation proved fatal. lie had been sent on liis way home a short distance at a time by the people. Supervisor Cushman and Mayor Rockwell arranged for his transportation from here to Great Falls. The Broken Bow high school base ball team played the Ra venna high school team at Ka- venua last Friday and was de feated by a fccorc of 3 to 1. Garland K. Lewis , of Anselmo , who is a candidate for county superintendent ; was in the city Monday shaking hands with his friends. The senior class address for the graduating class of the high school will be given Sunday at 2 p. m. in the North Side Opera house. M. B. Reese chief justice of the Nebraska Supreme Court will deliver the address. No admission fee will be charged. The announcement of the can didacy * ot Julius F. Oltutn , of Sargent , for county treasurer ap pears in this issue of the R - PUHUCAN. Mr. Ottum is an old resident of this county and a man who is very favorably spoken of by the people who know him. The high school commence ment exercises will be held at the Great Opera house at 8 p. in. , Friday night , May 28th. The class of twenty-four pupils which will graduate this year is the largest that has ever been graduated from the city schools. The class of eighteen which graduated last year , is the second end largest. There were sixteen graduates in the class of 1000. Mrs. Nancy Clinebell , of Custcr Center , died Thursday morning at 10 oclock. Mrs. Clinebell was nearly 66 years old at the time of her death. The iuncral ser vices will be held Sunday at Cus- ter Center. Kev Buswell , of this city , will conduct the services. Mrs. Clinebell leaves a husband , one daughter and five sons to mourn her loss. BURNS AN EASY WINNER SATURDAY Wins r\\o Straight Tails in Wrestling .Match. MAY BE HERE AGAIN JLLY alii A l.arjjc Crowd Witnessed Hie .Match. . People Coming From all Over Custcr County. The wrestling match between Farmer" Burns , the world cham pion wrestler , and Jack Miller , of Chicago , last Saturday even ing in the Broken Bow Opera house brought out people from all over the county. A large crowd came from Mason City and Ausley and Berwyn were well represented. People also came in automobiles from the other towns over the county. Over four hundred people wit nessed the match. The first of the preliminaries was between Rodgcrs and An derson of this city and the second end was between two Mason City boya. The match between Burns and Miller was interesting and ex citing in spite of the fact that Burns seemed at all times to be easily the winner. Miller is con siderable heavier than Burns , but he hasn't the science to make his weight effective. Burns won the first fall in 19 minutes and 33 seconds , and secured the second end fall in 20 mionics and 18 seconds. ODD FELLOWS MAY PUT UP BUlLpING May I.recl Modern Opera House Just North of the Postofflcc. The Odd Fellows lodge of this city voted at their last meeting Monday to take up the matter ot building a new hall on their lots just north of the postoflice. A committee was appointed to take up the question of raising the money and to consider the advis ability of building an opera lionse. A number of Masons liavc expressed a regret that they did not build a building more suitable lor an opera house when they put up their hall , since there is a demand for a modern opera house located on the south side of the city. Miss Inc/ Spain , daughter of Mr. and Mrs J. II. Spam , left for the Hot Springs , South Dakota , hospital last evening to be treated for cancer. Callaway will hold a combina- nation race meet and celebration on July 2\ and 3.1 > The regular race meet will be on the 2d and the 3d will be taken for Uie cele bration. Capt. II. F. Kennedy , who is mustering officer for company M desires to extend an invitation to the young men in the country surrounding Broken Bow to come in uud join company M. ' Judge Cole and J. W. White arc cleaning up the city park this week. They arc planting some ilowers also , and trying to give things a more life like ap pearance. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Darnell's little baby died Thursday even ing. The child- was only one day old. The funeral services will be held Friday at 10 a. in. at the residence. L. O. Nelsou went up to Alliance Tuesday night to try and fix up the amount of the damages due L. O. Nelson & Co. from the Burlington railroad on account of the horses killed and injured in the railroad wreck.