THE HKPUB'LICAN , OUSTER COUNTY , KEBKASKA , $1000 , SI300 and S2000 F. O , D. RACINP , Wit * . This Car Arrived Friday , Fcb'y 5 , 09. Come in and Look it Over. W. E. Taltot. A. G. Martin. Good work Harness $22.00 and up Fine single Bugfg-y Harness 7.0O and up Good leather 1 # inch Hauliers.05 and up IMiese arc real bargins. Beat them if you can ! Remember we arc carrying the finest line of Buggy Whips in the city , and we give you your choice of 150 whips and a number on a siljt plush robe for 50c. Robinson fe ? Tuttle. THE HARNESS MEN . a i A.nlfljIiilia.M'lfl 'II ' ! f ft r 'ISlH ' ' 'K ' All A \ Joke will be on you if you buy before you see tne following : Farm harness $23 and up Disc Harrow $23 and up Harrow 3 sections - $15.00and up Sulky plows - - ; $35.00 and up Clang1 plows $55.00 and up Breaking- Plows $9.50 and up Corn Planters $34.00 and up Cultivators $14.00 and up Wagons , a few left $05.00 and up American Hog Fence 22c and up Fine top buggies $55 and up See the Clover Leaf manure spreader. Its a beauty. Our motto : ( . - I To sell as low as the lowest. Quality considered. mpim To buy advertised things is to buy " Wortk-Wkile" Things ! The advertised tilings are the ones thai will "stand the test" of publicity of the spot-light , of comparison and close inspection. Things that could not thus " muster" advertised for it "pass are not , usually , vould. most positively , NOT PAY to advertise them. ourse In riculture Corn Growing By C. V. GREGORY , : / "Division , latva &tatc College Cupyrltfht , 1001) , by Anicrlcnn Prcsi Asiuclatlon KTJ it'f the most important fac lorn In crop production Is the si-lection o ? seed. 1'hla Islin purtant nut only In producing a large yield , but also In obtaining n product of tlio highest ( iniillly. Tin' use of the fanning mill IIB n iiiL-niH of sorting out tlio heaviest , plumpest grains was ripoki'ii of In the pii-vloiis article. The Importance of tlll.S IIIL'MIIM Of SOOd Selection CllllllOt IC too gionlly emphasized. Ono of tliu prlnc'lpnl ronunns for se lecting the largest grains for seed Is that ( hey contain .so much more food for the young plant. This enables It to make a strong , vigorous start. "Such pla nts * fiave'morb'vltiillTy , " grow faster and produce larger yields than plants from shriveled Heeds , which have a slrugglo for existence from the time they germinate. Another reason for selecting plump seed Is that the remitting crop Is likely to beef of better quality and will thus bring ti higher price when sold. The old law of "like produces like. " applies to plants as well as to animals. One of the surest ways of bringing about Im provement Is by using parents of the desired type year after year. Selecting seed according to size by screening out the small grains Is not Fid. XIII GOOD AND J1AU TYl'lSS OP BMCD WHEAT. [ Xoto tlio shriveled , shrunken condition of tlio kernels to tlio rlcht. ] enough. Some of the largest grains uru shriveled and light In weight. Tlio only way to separate these Is to use plenty of wind In the fanning mill so as to blow them over. Such grains are all right- for feed , but arc entirely out of place In the seed bin. This method of selection Is especially Important In the case of yhent , as It separates the hard from the soft grains to some extent , slnco the soft nui'n urn llulilor. Ilanlnosa la nn 1m- portaut factor to look after , since a hard wheat Is much more valuable for milling purposes , making n larger amount of high grade Hour. If the most value Is to be obtained from the rfelection of seed some rtefl" nlto plan of Improvement must be fol lowed. Hy a little care n variety of wheat or oats may be so bred up as to Increase the yield from ton 'to ' twenty bushels per acre. The work Is a small Item as compared with the benefits. In starting the work of breeding the variety which does best In your par ticular locality should bo selected. Go Into the field Just before harvest dime and select forty or fifty of the best heads. In doing this the size nd plumpness of the grain and I he length of the head should be considered. This hitter point has a great deal to do V-lth the yield , slnco a long head often contains twice as much grain a a shorter one. The character of jhc straw Is also Important. It should be straight and strong , with no tendency to rust , as a weak straw or one that Is badly rusted cannot hold up a heavy head of grain. Another point to notice In tliu stoollng that Is , the number , of stalks that grow up from one seed. When tlio required number of such heads have been found they should bo put away In a dry place until spring , when they should be thrashed out sep arately and planted In a little plot In the garden , The seed from each head should be sown In a row by Itself The rows should be about four Inches apart and the plants the same dis tance apart In the row. As harvest time conies on a great difference- these rows will bo no- th-cd. Some will be badly affected with rust. Some will have weak straw and will go down badly. Some will have short heads containing but a few grains each. A few of the rows will contain jrtants and heads of the type you are looking for. Select the best heads from these rows to plant In next year's plot. The second year , If the first year's selection was properly carried on , con slderablo Improvement will be observ ed. This year the seed from each of the strongest rows should be saved In bulk after sorting out any heads that nro not of the required type. The seed from each of these rows Is to be plant ed In a little plot by Itself the follow ing spring. Notes on these plots regarding the strength of straw , amount of stoollng nnd resistance to rust should be care fully kept. The main point to be con sidered , however , Is the yield. The grain from each of the plots should lie weighed and the preference given to the heaviest yleldcrs. Seed from five or six of the best producing plots may then be saved for larger plots the fourth year. The yield of tjiese , to gether with the quality of grain nnd strength of Mraw , will determine which strain Is to be selected for Held use. use.A A factor which often cuts off as much as 10 per cent from the yield of small grain Is sniut. Unlike rust , the treatment of this disease comes more under the head of preparation of the * ficeil than that of selection. It may be well , however , to give a brief outline1 of the methods of ptuvenllou here. Smut Is u fungous growth-that Irf , a low form of plant which lives on plants. It UHiuilly attacks the heads' of small grain , lining the place wherej the kernels should be with a black , \\nfrtliles.s Hums. The black dust of \\hlch this mass Is made up Is com prised largely of spores , which correspond spend to seed.1) of higher plants. These spores.bccomo scattered over the seed In thrashing and storing. In the spring , when the grain sprouts , the smut spore germinates also and sends a tiny" thread up through the stem to the head , where it develops Into the familiar smut ball. Often these smut balls are Inside of a hull that appears perfectly sound from the outside , so that the damage from smut Is much greater than would appear from sim ply glancing over thu Held. Any method of treatment which will destroy the smut spores on the grain will prove effective , although the smut tm which Is scattered In the Held some times Infects the plants the next year. KM When rotation Is practiced , however , this Is seldom thu case , as the oat Hiiiut will not attack corn , nor will corn smut grow on oats. The selection of seed corn la even more important than the selection ol small grain , since HO much less corn Is required lo plant an acre , thus per mitting of much more careful choice. The most Important point to be consld ercd In the selection of seed ears Is ma turity. An ear that Is not entirely ma ture will bo light , the kernels will be loose on the cob and have n dull , chaffy appearance , nnd the -germs will be shrunken and the back of the ker nels wrinkled. Such corn should not be selected foi peed because the amount of food ma terial stored In the kernel Is too small to give the young sprout much of a start. The germ is also likely to be weak from being frozen while still In the immature , watery condition. The fact that nn ear Is not entirely ripe Indicates , too , that It belongs to a variety Just n llltlo late for the local- ily. ily.Kars Kars that arc not entirely ripe are not nearly so valuable for seed as riper , sounder ones , even If the latter are not so large. By selecting only cars of this early maturing type n strain of corn can soon bo developed which can be depended upon to ripen lu the particular locality In which It Is grown. Slnco the size of the crop depends to a considerable extent on the size of the ear the seed ears selected should be as large as Is consistent with early maturity. Mere size of car Is not enough , however. The ears should be well proportioned nnd not too big around for their length , since cars of this sort are late In maturing and slow to dry out. The size of an ear should be made up of corn Instead of cob. This means deep kernels and a relatively small cob. There must also bo the largest pos sible amount of corn In proportion to pia. xiv A TYri : or SEED E the cob. To secure this the car should be well filled out at butt and tip and fairly uniform In size from end to end. The kernels should bo so firm on the car that It cannot bo twisted hi the hands. There should bo no spaces between the kernels next to the cob , nor should the spaces between the tops of the kernels be too great. They should not bo packed together too tightly at this latter polnt however , us this hinders rapid drylng'out. The rows should bo straight and the ker nels of uniform size. In starting out to select cars of the desired typo tlio work can bo done much more quickly If the corn Is laid out on a table or bench. Then by taking an car for a sample which most nearly represents your Ideal you can go over the entire lot nnd quick ly pick out the cars that nro most like It. The point of selecting cars of a uniform typo Is nn Important one , as only In this way can the corn grower hope to make Improvement from year to year , The methods of breeding corn to secure Increased yield will bo taken up lu detail In the next article. I , _ I1 sfiPB ygjeatjmaiifc The King of Laundry SOAPS. Yellow soaps contain rosin. SUNNY MONDAY contains no rosin. 5'Sunny Monday bubbles will wash away your troubos. " Use Gold Dust it is better and cheaper than yelow soap/ Buy Sunny Monday and Gold Dust -of- J The allurements of spring are now at their height , and summer is on its way. How about a new suit something made to your measure and your own choice' of style and N fabric. Come in now and look over the beautiful array of pure wool samples. They're very nobby. S8SZES222G53S32H3EEE2SSE3E BAK The Broken Bow Steam Bak ery is selling goods as follows : White Bread 7 loaves for 25 cents Rye Bread 7 " ki 25 Graham Bread 7 " " 25 4 Cream Bread 7 " " 25 " All kinds of cookies lOo per doen Doughnuts JOc per dozen Buns 103 per dozen Cream Puffs 25c per dozen Macaroons 30c per dozen Layer Cakes 35 and 50c each Angel Food 10 and J5c each Pound Cake lOc each Jelly Rolls lOc each Gup Cakes 15c dozen per . _ . _ _ .11 r x r r Fresh Hot Pies daily 2 for 5c We have only one reason why you should patronize us and that is "because you get more for your money. THE BROKEN BOW IAKERY