THJfl REPUBLICAN , OUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA. V W WT WV W i * * * rm'f - - - -v- J BUSINESS DIRECTORY , $ J THE REPUBLICAN I JOB PRINTING 1 AS VOU LIKE IT ALL ui Consult him if you want water. IlHOUEN BOW Kllf. | EDWARD DODD j ' PHYSICIAN" & SURGEON i I Diseases of women a Specialty. Of- . I f.ce and Residence phone a.jS. All j j cases promptly attended. : s BANGS STUDIO : EAST SIDE OF SQUARIB J Aircnts for Clilckcrliie , Ivors auill'otnl S and Star Plauos. : : ! : ' ' + \ WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY imimiimt iiiianiiinimiii'i ' mr 1 'UIOIIIIItmitilllllMIIIHIf lUIII'IIMC * DR. G EYE , E.VU , N > V AND l CHKOMv ' TC'3 , I 1 Fitting of Glnssco . oyecialty. p 1 orricn IN REAMTY JJLOCK i a 5 ilHIIIIIIMItlltlltmlllt ! lltlllllllllllimHIimillllllimillimm lltlllttllllllll tlinillltlll lltlWHimMIHt J Silas A. Holcomb. Edwin F. Myers. Jj | HCXLCOMBct SEVERS I j > ATTORNEYS < > Special attention given to Litigated S > matters , Probate matters and col3 j lections. . . . . . ' . . ' . J ! OFFICE IN MYERS BUILDING t Broken Ilow , - - Nebraska , j A A fLJLrfk A jl * AJl Jk * V A * A * fc A A A A JVA * A A ifi J. L. FERGURON 5 Notary 1'ubllc , * Comstock , Nebraska. Nebraska' REATj ESTATJ3-IXSURAN013 FARMS AND RAHCHES FOR RENT LEGAI , PAPERS DRAWN Surveying and Platting Neatly.Done Vk A A 4k AJt A J % rfkrffc * kA A .A. A A..A A A A A iftl HARRY ICIMBALL , Practical Undertaker Lica53Ci mbalmor Business phone , 301. Ilc&ideucc 33 tB Dralcoa ta\v , I < cb. i. N. DWIG11T PORD ATTORNEY AND COUNSF.LOR AT I.AV/ Annour-IIauua Block ANSU3Y - NEOR. John S. FARM AND CITY TjO INSURANCE AND SURKTY BONDS O1TY I ROPCRTICS DR. G. F. BARTHOLOMEW Physician & , Surgeon All calls promptly attended day or"night. PHONE 61 Office in rear of Realty Block National Shining Parlor PMvale Chairs For Ladlis Five cents every day $1.00 A Month DAY SlIINIi Clothes Cleaned Suits $ 1 00 Pant s SO Coats - 50 Overcoats 06 N. T. Gadd ATTORNEY-AT-IvAW Cffioe over Watt's Music Store Phones. Office 208. Residence 209 DR. JESSE L. HULL OSTHOPATIIIC PHYSICIAN CALLAWAY - NEBR - STRICTLY PCRSONAL The store whose ads do not do this is not "er.ruius" your pat ronage. Guy Lanphear , of Wester- ville , visited his uncle , A. Lan- hcar , in this city Friday. MissEulalha Street , of Mcrua , was visiting relatives and friends in the city Sunday. W. W. Burton , of Morna , was in the city Saturday and made thia office a pleasant call. Mrs. Bade Skinner's sister , Mrs. Wilson , left Monday morn ing for her homo in Lincoln. D. C. Koukel went to Hastings Monday morning- take in the convention of the Pythian sisters. If a merchant cannot meet his competition in qualities and iriccs it will not pay him to idvcrtise. Mrs. E. II. Taylor , of Whit- nan , was in the city last week visiting her sister , Miss Martha K. Dill. Dr. Pritchard came in Monday noruiug from the west after making a tour of inspection in the western part of the county. , , 'hey dent know exactly what I want nor where 1,11 find it , , shoppers should read the ads n justice to the stores Not to know whether or not there are any imporant ads in todays paper to be reckless of thicr personal interest. Mrs. Oscar Gore , of Callaway , was in the city last Friday vis iting her aunt , Mrs , A , < au- jhcar. Buyers of things are not mind readers they are ad-readers. They dent know what you have to sell until you tell tfccm. Mr-s. Sam Clayton and children of Omaha , came up Sunday night to visit a few days with lier parents , Mr and Mrs W. P. Hogers. Miss Cutler , of-Merua , is vis iting in in the city this week. She is a member of the Mazuuia dub and assisted the girls in making preparations for the May party. Mrs. J. E. Wilson and W. B. Rchaffer , of this cit } , went to Hastings Monday morning as delegates to the convention of Pythian sisters. They will be gone three or four days. J. Sheffield , who lives south of the city , is enjoying a visit from his and son-in-law daughter - - , Mr. and Mrs. Baker , of Coffey- ville , Kansas. They are out on their wedding tour and stopped off here Friday. Mr. Baker is the head book-keeper in an ele vator at Coffeyville. The depot at Litchfield was burned last Saturday evening. The fire is supposed to have started from a spark from the engine of the extra which went through going west. C. O JoneF , who was an operator iu the city office here about a year ago and was transferred to be agent at Litchfield , lost about $175 worth of goods in fire. Drs. Farnsworth & Beck Dentists. A new four room house for rent. L. L. SHARP. [ E HAVE purchased the Tin & Plumbing ing- business form erly run by Mr. A\r. P. Rogers , anil will con duct our business in the same old stand , and do the same first class work. In addition we will do Sanitary Plumbing- and Heating' , in Hot Air , Hot water , and Steam , and guarantee all our work to be perfectly satisfactory , and will appreciate the opp'ortuniy to make esti mates on work in our'linc. Dr. Ilanua , of Ausley , was in the city the first of the week. W. II. Comstock , of Comstock , was in the city on husiucss Monday. If a merchant's prices are too high it will not pay him to advertise. If a merchant cannot offer ab solute values it will not pay him to advertise. Bro. Carl Anderson , of the Mason City , Siar , was in the city Monday. Harbert A. Watts , the piano specialist , made" business trip to filerua Tuesday. Dr. W. T. Pritchard. the gov ernment cattle inspector , was a passenger for Dunning Tuesday. Sam Swenson , deputy assessor for Loup township , was in the city Saturday. Sam is almost through with the work of assess ing Loup. A store that advertises on a large scale must be able to offer bargains and values on a large scale while the occasional advertiser will offer only an occfisional bargin. George Ash , who has been working in Omaha for a couple weeks , came in on Uie morning train Tuesday. lie reports that a good rain fell in Omaha Mon day evening. County Assessor Foster return ed Sunday from a trip through Grant , Wayne , Arnold , Klitn , Wood River , and Loup townships visiting the deputy assessors , He reports that the work is pro gressing nicely. The meeting called at the .armory last Friday evening for the purpose of enlisting men for Company "M" was quite well attended. Several men were en listed and another meeting will be held in the armory next Fri day to secure additional men. We Make Farm Loans , Afc ilio lowest rates ever offered in Ouster County and give you the most liberal terms. No cash commission charged. Attorney and Bonded Abstractor I' ' ( J , J. Boblotls , of TuckcrvilleJ was in the city Monday , Mr. Bobletls is bciny urged by some of his friends to be candidate for the Democratic iiotumatiott for county treasurer. The case ot the Stale of Nebraska vs John Butler cnmc tip for trial before Judge Humphrey Saturday and Butler was bound over to the district courl for trial. lie is charged with run ning a gambling house id the city. Professor R , I. Elliott , Gf Chadron , who has been elected superintendent of the city school * for next year , was iu the city Saturday and acted as one of the judges in the oratorical and de clamatory contests of the high schools of the county. Prof. Elliott feels-very enthusiastic over the prospects for the work in the high school here next year. The students of the high school at Chadron have been gel- ting out a very neat little month ly publication called the Chadroa High School Booster ami Mr , Elliott hopes to have such a pub lication here next year. The National Corn Exposition will be held at Omaha Decem ber ( > to IS , 1909. Every Ne braska boy who grows some good corn will be given a chance to enter ten ears of the same at the National Corn Exposition , This will not prevent partici pating in the county and state contests. A strong1 premium list is being provided /or both national and stale contests. All those interested are requested lo correspond with their respective county supcrintcmlc'its who will be provided with information relative to the work. This week Ihc Lincoln ball club is at home for the opening games on the local lot and great things arc being done to receive them in proper shape. All places of business , public , pri vate and otherwise will close at three o'clock on the opening1 day , May 12th'and a big parade with bands , etc. , will be pulled off. Governor Shc'lcnbargcr ' , who used to do stunts on the tnound twenty years ago , before there was a mound , will pitch the first ball and Mayor Love will don the cage and wind pad and re ceive Ihc Governor's donation. This stunl alone will be worth the price of admission. Last year Governor Sheldon pul a beauty at the batter which he was unable to hit and our pics cut Governor will climb the i mound aud endeavor to twist one around the neck of Mr. Kecad , the first man up for Paeblo. Pubelo will open with four games. Denver , Topeka and Wichita following with four each. This will make sixteen games on the Lincoln grounds starting May 12 Juniors to Play nlerna. The "Junior" baseball team of the city schools ia preparing for a return game with the Mer na boys on Ihe 22d. Under the supervision of Judge Humphre the boyD are arranging to have suils made and Ihcy are plan ning lo have several games dur ing Ihe coming season. Six oi the boys are in the seventh grade aud three of them are cigth graders. The following i Ihe line up. _ _ Guy Street , pitcher ; Walter Hurk , catcher ; Ilarve Porter , 1st base ( captain ) ; Kent Crawford , 2nd base ; Lewis Osborn , 3rd Lawrence Derris , short stop ; Roy Cole , left field ; Earl Martin , center field ; Fred Hunipbrey , right field. Marriage License. John W. Frederick , CalUway ; 23 Olive Parshall , Broken Bow ; 28 See C. C. Larts for blue prints. Phone 14fj. M 13-M 27 NOTICE. All unauthorized persons are hereby notified to not interfer in any way with street lamps , mm ties , and fixtures und-.r j > 1.1 . ! , of the lav/ . a T-- > Wisri-RN ; ; Lu nr and l\i > . fc25" > lei Porty-Fniir. fl' IT P , " > rO 6j > we Wh wl , with i " t l t , , < . in-k ui' Try It on The Hills Toil this car a I hah'pueed on a hjH or enncl , i XTVO. Vor fl1 " ovorir ounce of it is ,16' ! . < l Nottc * ? hr > v Ptoulily ami powerfully it prS ! < ? vitlM in , .iin ; .lv\ > ; > muter load. The t-if v iy of t' j ! < owbtcr engine for doing tins extra wuik H ni-1 ; . notictvblo atlrnv engine speeds. This iu bo < .jvujo oi tlio of i set i-Huik ehilt 'T > Car ftlih the Offset Crank Shaft iicoi\ The Car of Steady Service NM1IK. SayYou You Know That you arc missing the opportunity of your IJ fe by ' not buying your building' inateriul o ? us ? We1 1mvo ju t Avhat you ' want in the MMV of Oatalpa 'po te , cement , ] lastcr , steel clothea Imu peal , Hleel gates BtQcl porch Vco1 urnnrf and'all IdnJjj } of building - ' ing material. At the .same 1 < 1 wtaud. DIERKS LUMBER CO. Pkone 23 J. S.MOLYNEUX Manajjet" were compelled to take our bug y tliat . is to be given away on July Fourth , out of die window to make room for otlxer display goods. Tncre are a few tickets left. Get in on tlic t drawing. Stoves Garden Seed Our line of oil stove , \Wi have a choice lot gasoline stoves , washing - ing machines , wringera" of frCvsh , new garden ami churns are up-to- Reids that will grow. date , Luok them oycr , AK'o blue-grass , white You can't help but fintl cloer arid alfalfa. something you vant. Farm Harness Mackmery Fj very thing iu .the Our line of farm 1) ) irnesH lim and with machinery i.4 uy-to- our nc\v machine we ( kite. Look ovrr our fie prepan-d to do your stock of cultivators , p pair work while yn plows , listtrsv v ons , v. ait. bugglch , in a n u r e spreaders , m o w < r s , Rubber Hose bimler , > and hay l < * 61s and \\hon you get r\noi Lawn Sprinlclers ready to buy you will Sec that new garden know where Lo go to get what you wu-it. h , < je. Something that The DIOHIUC hiu can't \ ' last ten years and bf > bi-at for quality . .t priccH that will astound - aii'l ] > ' 'ici s. tound you. Tii ; : jj C.-JITI s ; | ' .r.at3r fC li IsiJ.Call and CO i , Tncy arj t'- : i > 1 . jj-t f\ . ' ' -tff ana i ca-a icJ.