Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 13, 1909, Image 1

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Society and Other Matters of Interest in
"City Beautiful"
A Visit to the Historic Mount Vcrnon ,
the Charming Home of Our Pirst
President , George Washington.
The social whirl is still on at
the nation's capitol , and is likely
to continue while the houses of
congress are in session ; indica
tions now point lo Ihe laller
part of June , or even so late as
the first of July for adjournment.
Two days of the week society
is on parade o& the Patomic
drive-way. President and Mrs.
Taft were there \ \ ednesday
afternoon ; both were in excel
lent spirits and the center of at
traction. Mrs. Alice R. Long-
worth and Miss Ethel Roosevelt ,
who is her guest for a few /days ,
late in the afternoon came spin
ning along in an electric run
about. They at once became the
cynosure of all eyes. On these
afternoons the Marine band gives |
concerts iu the park along the
drive-way. Aulos and vehicles
of every descriptiqn are seen.
Horsemen on spirited , prancing
steeds and the gay and lovely
hals and gowns of the ladies ,
present a kaleidoscopic scene not
soon to be forgotten.
Dinners , teas and receptions
are Ihe usual Ihing , but Mrs.
Taft is planning for a number of
garden parlies for the near
The Episcopal diocesan con
vention is in session this week at
Epiphany church.
Wednesday Mrs. Wildner eu-
lerlaiucd at a 1 o'clock luncheon
in honor of your reporter. It
was a dainty four-course affair.
Roses and lluer-de-lis were used
as decoratiois. The olher guests
were , Mrs. Millmore , the widow
of a sculptor , and Miss Webster.
The conversation of the ladies
was very enlertaining , and I
came away with new and some
what advanced ideas.
In the evening I was a guest
at another small affair at Mrs
Milluiore's , where I saw some of
her sculptor husband's work a
bust of Wendell Philips done in
Italian marble , which is consid
ered especially fine. Her deco
rations were pale pink carna
tions. It was here I had Ihe
pleasure of meeting Ihe lalenled
husband of the historian ,
painter , illustrator , and now en
gaged in scientific research for
the government , I think for the
elimination of disease ; when suc
cess shall have crowned his ef
forts , the milliueum will have
Thursday directly after an
early luncheon we took the elec
tric cars for historic Mt. Ver-
non. We passed the new espla
nade , crossed the mile-long
bridge over the Patomic am
were iu "Virginia , with Marylam
on the opposite bank of the river
and away off in the distance , un
the hillside , the Lee mansion
and near it the Arlington Na
tioual cemetery , where Ihousands
of soldiers and heroes lie burie (
beneath the shade of a forest o
beautiful Irees , awailing Ihe cal
of Ihe last trumpet.
In Alexandria we visited th
quaint old-fashioned church
where General Washington at
tended services. From there ou
we were entertained by Ihe Mag
F aphone man , who lold us lha
away off to the right was the
4 Episcopal Theological Seminary ,
where Phillip Brooks and other
noted divines received their
training , that the red cedar-root
fence we were passiutr was made
forty years ago ; that the bridge
to the right over an arm of the
Patomic was used by Washing
ton in his journeys to and from
Alexandria ; lhat General Sher
man's army crossed it on their
march lo and from Ihe sea ; that
the continuous performance
stunt , done by the boy ( passing
postal picture cards , picture
books , guide books , maps , etc. , )
was worlhy of every passenger's
considerati.onj.that the original
Mt. Vernon estate included 8000
acres ; that the booklet entilled ,
"What to sec in Washington , "
was free.
All along the way were innumerable -
numerable cedar trees that look
ed like black , slim marble shafts
of all heightSi marking Ihe bur
ial place of some pre-hisloric
race. They also formed avenues
.nid were used as hedges.
In Ihe flower garden at Mt.
Vernon the box wood hedge
planted by Washington himself
so many years ago , was receiving
its annual clipping , and we were
allowed to-help ourselves. The
air was heavily laden with its
peculiar , pleasant odor. The
hedge measures four feet across
the top. Colonades connect the
mansion with smaller buildings
on each side the one is the old
kitchen which is now a curio
gallery , for sale. The mansion
lands on an eminence over look-
ng the Potomac and is full of
aluablc , nay priceless'treasures.
There is such H variety of
arge , beautilul trees. There
vas a magnolia tree coveted with
ts wax-like bloom ; trees with
ed bloom ; with pink bloom and
log wood with itsj white bloovm ,
nowballs , bridal wreath , and
he tomb some distance away , of
he Washington's and their forty
elativcs is hung wilh ivy and
garlanded wilh wisleria's purple
Alter we had visited all the
points of inlerest on the estate
ve returned to the front portico
0 rest and enjoy the magnifi
cent view. We were scarcely
seated before we were earnestly
requested to join the group for a
jicture , and nothing loath , we
iclped to form the last row of
the large group of men and
women. Presently Ihe phologra-
} her iusisled on Ihe last row
coming to the front , and of
course we did as we were told ,
never dreaming of a rude awak
After the pictures were taken
and the crowdhad starled for the
boat I asked one of the photog
raphers where I could get a pic
ture. He said I could see Ihe
proof lhat evening at the hotel ;
1 said I am not at the hotel , and
he answered it would be in he
Reading , Perma , Sunday edilion
of the Eagle , or you can have
the large pictures for fifty cents
and Ihe piclure posl cards , twofer
for five cents. Mrs. Nagle said
she had a friend lo whom she
could send for a paper. As they
hurried away the one we had
spoken to looked back at us and |
there was the funniest look on
his face that we understood late
that evening. We watched the
steamer leave the landing and
steam into mid-stream , Ihen re-
lurned to the portico to enjoy
the view of the river , which :
looked like a broad band of pur
est silver , with sail boats fioal-
ing on its shining surface. We
tamed until the last stroke , of
the last bell , telling us the mo
ment for our departure had ar
rived , died away.
That evening there were a
number of callers and we told of
our afternoon experiences and tc
our mortification we learned that
| we were prominent in a group of
Special Correspondent Roosevelt Hal I Have a Tip That Mr , Roosevelt
velt la About to Slay an Elephant. It'll Make a Hot Story.
Fawable Replies Received by Secre
tary House.
V Number of New Men May be Devel
oped for the City Base Ball
Team and Several Old
Men will Play.
The prospects for a Custer
ounty base ball league sceui to
be good. Secretary Ed House of
the Commercial Club has been
corresponding with some of the
"fans" in the towns in the county
and has received favorable an
swers from Sargent , Ansley ,
Merna , Oconto and Conistock.
These towns have indicated
their desire to send a representa
tive to the meeting for the or
ganization of the league.
The committee appointed to
secure iunds for the local team
lias met with unusual success
and the prospect for getting
started off well is good.
Several of the "men who played1
on the Broken. Bow team last
year will be here again this sum
mer. Fay Thoppe , Lew Swope
and Aubrey Martin are among
the last years men who will be in
line for the team this year.
Thorpe plays short stop and
third base. Swope can give a
good account of himself as a
first or second baseman or fielder
and has done some very good
work in the box as a twirler.
Martin was unable to play last
year on account of his not being
able to leave his work , but will
probably be able to play this
Anderson and Forney , who
bought out the W. P. Rogers tin
shop , are new men who are con
sidered as likely material. An
derson played on a semi profes
sional team in Lincoln , Kansas ,
and Forney played in Clarinda ,
Iowa. Henry Beal is now at
tending Grand Island college and
it is possible thp.t the local man
ager may be able to make some
arrangements whereby Henry
hosiery employees from Read
ing , Perma sent to Washington
to protest against a reduction of
the tariff on their particular line
of goods. Think of it , imagine
it ! In the front row of all those
photos. We joined in the laugh
on us until the tears rolled down
our cheeks , while I recalled with
what disgust I had only a few
days before read this head line
in the paper , "Women protest
against reduction of the tariff on
hosiery. "
( Continued on page I. )
will be able to play with the
team this summer. Aside from
these there are three or four
other local men who might be
developed into suitable material
for the team.
The Most Successful Party Ever Given
in the City at the Opera
House Wednesday
Nearly one hundred couples
were in the grand March at the
annual May party given by the
Mazurna N. I. T. Wednesday
evening at the opera house.
The party was the most succes-
ful ever held. The reception
committee consisting of Mrs. J.
G. Leonard and the Misses Jones ,
Uichardson and Reed , received
the guests under a canopy at the
entrance to the hall. Taylor's
orchestra furnished the music for
the evening. The grand march
was led by Mr. and Mrs. J. G
Leonard. The club officers , the
Members , the honary- members
and the guests followed in' the
line in the order mentioned.
There were twenty-two numbers
on the program for the evening.
The decorations were the most
artistic and elaborate ever seen
in a hall in this city , The dress
ing rooms to the east of the en
trance of the hall were elabor
ately decorated with bunting in
the club colors , blue and gold.
Rugs were spread and cozy cor
ners arranged to give the dress
ing room a very pretty and home
like appearance. The hall was
decorated with a drop ceiling of
strips of crepe paper in blue .and
gold interwoven in a lattice
work , the ends of the paper being
fastened to the side walls and
falling to the wainscoting
heighth. Japanese lanterns
were suspended from chandeliers.
Potted plants were placed in
front of the orchestra. A very
prettily arranged punch booth
was at the west end of the hall.
This was decorated with Japan
ese lanterns and plum and apple
The following is a list of the
costumes as nearly as they could
be obtained :
Mrs. E Taylor--White polka
dott swiss , carried carnations.
Mrs. C. L. Maddox White
silk chiffon trimmed in val lace
and insertion , carried carnations
and roses.
Mrs. F. W. Hayes Cham
pagne messoline satin with trim
mings of gold braiding , carried
red roses.
Mrs. McNeal Black silk , car
ried carnations.
"Dee Ilflhtedl"
1311 a n o r Richardson Light
blue satin Princess , trimmed in
Duchess lace.
Mrs. Gillings Cream and blue
French batiste , carried pink car
Miss Helen Spelts Light blue
satin , carried pink roses.
Ksthcr Beal Tan wool batiste ,
carried pink roses and pink and
white carnations.
Ola Coolidgc Wysteria satin
Mcssaline Pinafore Princess ,
carried pink roses.
Uac Cutler Green silk with
lace insertion trimmings.
Mrs. Booth Imported lace
gown , diamonds , carried Ameri
can Beauty roses ,
Mrs. Ernest Thompson Pearl
gray silk , carried carnations.
Beatrice O'Bryan Mais color
ed satin with embroidered net
trimmings , carried red carna
Mrs. J. 13. Isxard Black and
white silk , diamonds.
Mrs. II. C. James Black Mar-
qiicscttc over gray silk , with lace
Mrs. L. C. Cross Copenhagen
blue silk mull , trimmed in white
lace , carried pink carnations.
Nellie O'Bryan Princess Km-
pirc of light blue Mcssaline
satin with trimmings of pearls
and net embroidered with blue
and gold , carried pink and white
Irma C. James Pink satin
dress , trimmed with Irish point
lace and llowcrs.
Mrs. O'Bryau Blade silk , car
ried red roses.
Mrs. Leonard Blue Messoline
foulard with heavy band trim
mings of hand embroidered net.
Carried American Beauty roses.
Mary Duuibcll Pink balisle
trimmed in val lace and insertion ;
Carried corals and roses.
Gene Campbell White batislc ,
carried carnations.
Dorthy Maulick White em
broidered gown over blue , car
ried American Beauty roses.
Jane Cooper White embroid
ered gown over pink , carried
Edna Bussom While balisle
trimmed with lace and insertion ,
carried American Beauty roses
and carnations.
Lcona Finlcn Green silk ,
satin stripe trimmed in net , car
ried roses.
Ruth Jones White batiste
elaborately trimmed in val lace
and insertion over pink , carried
Mrs. IIermon--While Mcsso-
line princess trimmed in pearl
trimmings and net with silk tas
sels , carried roses.
Mrs. Jenkins Wisteria colored
silk. Carried carnations.
YOung Men Discuss the Organization of a
Club to Aid in "Boosting" the
Interests of the Cily.
Some of the young men in the
city got logelhcr Tuesday even
ing to discuss the organization
of a young men's booster club
for Broken Bow. The youn { ,
men present seemed to feel tha
the young fellows were not tak
ing the active interest in boost
ing for the city that they shoulc
and that an organization shoulc
be effected to get them to work
in co-operalion with the Com
mercial Club Those presen
felt that the young men are
vitally interested in the progress
of Ihe cily and that Ihoy should
get logether and work togelhcr
to boost the interests of the city
Committees were appointed to
consider the question of organi
zation and to arrange for a
boosters banquet for the young
Dcfcalcil .Mason . Cily in Athlclics l y 165
, lo III- )
Broken Bow Won Both Places in the
Declamatory Contest. Merna Took
I'irst. Place and Mason City
Second in ( he Oratorical
The Custcr County high school
alhlclic association meet was
held at the fair grounds lasl
Saturday afternoon. Broken
Bow high school won the field
meet over Mason City , scoring
lf 5 points to 440 for Mason City.
The events resulted as follows :
Jumping : John Cadwcll , of
Broken Bow , first ; Morris Green ,
of Mason City , second.
Short distance race Morris
( reon , of Mason City , first ;
Ilollis King , of Broken Bow ,
second ,
Long distance race Carl Ams-
berry , of Mason City , first ; John
Cad well , of Broken Bow , second.
The pole vault wast won by
Scott Salisbcrry of Broken Bow
who went over the bar at 8 feet
4 inches. C. II. Whitchcad , of
Mason City , won tho. shot put by
a thiow of 39 feet 8 inches.
This throw breaks' the "Cusler
county record.
The senior base ball game in
the morning resulted in a score
of 13 to 10 in favor of Mason
City. The Broken Bow juniors
defeated the Merna juniors lo
Ihe tune of 3 to 1.
The oratorical and dccjauia-
lory contests were held ' 'In the
evening at the Methodist church.
Professor Vernier , of Grand
Island College , Miss Miller , of
York College , and Prof. R. I.
lOllioll , of Chadron , judged Ihe
two contests. Miss Clara Dodds ,
of Broken Bow , took first , placc
in the declamatory contest ami
Miss Olive Osborn of this city
won second. In the
contests Miss Mable Lucas , ot
of Merna , look ( Irsl atd ; MioS
VIorns Green second.
The 4lh of July celebralion
committee , consisting of A. E.
Anderson and Joe Molyneux , an
nounces that it has been pledged
the money necessary to make a
banner celebration. It has been
about eight years since Broken
Bow celebraled and Ihe business
men have been very liberal in
Iheir subscription for this oic
because they wanted to malic it
one lhat would make up for lost
time. The committee Ins called
a meeting of the contributors
to be held at the court .licu . e
nexl Tuesday evening ft > r Ih
eleclion of Ihe committees to
take charge of the work in prc-p-
aralion lor Ihe celebralion.
The Council is in receipt of a
letler from J. W. Early , of Co
lumbus , to whom the electric
lighting franchise was granted ,
asking for some changes in tin
draft of the franchise tent to
him for his acceptam.i\ It is
probable that th sc will be nr-
rangc'l satisfactorily and ih-j
final arrangements made in the
next few days , The franchise
gives him sixty days in which to
commence the construction of
the plant and he has eight
mouths in which to complete it.