Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 06, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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At The Book Store.
Wo give Cash Register Checks
With Every Purchase. Tlicso
chocks are good for Sochi and J
ice Cream. - : -
Ask the Clerk at Ihc Book Store.
First Door South of Post Office
2S3E2E3ffiK22n3CSffit ra > 3I
o 95
Silas A. tlolcornb ia expected
home Friday.
The Baptist church is being
r -shinglcd this week and a new
flour will be put in.
P. C. Alberts returned laat
week from Hut Sritigs , where he.
hns been taking treatment at
the sanitarium
The Mnzuraa N. I. T , club will
yive Su nineteenth annual May
party at the Opera house m.'Xt
vv edncsdiy evening.
Tlie roof of the po-Uollice at
'A agner was taken off Saturday
af-.c-rnoon by a Nebraska aephyr ,
A part of the lumber was car
ried a half mile.
About three hundred people
attended the May party yivcu at
the opera house Tuesday evening.
They were entertained with a
program , games and refreshments.
R.iy McCamllcRS was driving
soutli on fifth avenue today with
a load of hay , when his team be
came frightened , making a
quick luin to the left and broke
tlie tongue ol the wagon.
'jattVimss *
T !
a mKsicMm M V
[ Centerville , Nebr. , Ga/ette : ]
John Schoenfeldt went down to Council HluIVs New Year's day
to look over the Jackson automobiles. Xow John wanted to be sure "
about the hill cli nbing qualities of any car that he might purchase ,
and lie had heard of the Jackson Model U's hill climbing qualities ,
and after the usual demonstrations he inquired if the car had done
the best it could. The Pioneer Implement companies had in reserve
a thriller for the buyer who wants to be shown , and as John asked
for the third degree , he got : t.
Gaily Model C moved the paved streets in search for "hills to
conquer. Quite innocently it poked its radiator up Tenth avenue ,
and with the sudden roar of the opened muffler it fairly jumped at
the two block straight run up the paved hill side. The hill seemed
to fairly rise up to meet friend John , and as IhcfamoiH hill climber
increased its speed and the road seemed to terminate in a perpen
dicular bluff , tnulegy seemed imminent. With a sudden whisk at the
end of the pavement the car vas off at a racing speed sharply to
the right. Below the housetops , to the left the rearing hill , ahead
only a few hundred feel the empty air. Suddenly the car swung to
the left , and below were the roads previously traveled , only fifteen
feet away horizontally , but suffering Jehosaohat ! how much perpen
dicularly ? To tlu right once more , around a tree , always rising ,
always racing , the c'ar sped on over a little shelf of road dinging
dizzily to the side ol the blulV. Now to the right , then again to the
left , directions were ut'ter'y ' lost ; Suddenly between the trees the
car brought into view , Plattsmoulh , twenty miles away , and llelle-
vue. Lake Manawa was actually f-mr miles away , but it seemed as
though the car must shoot into space and land in its waters. A quiet
turn of the wheel l > v the driver , the racing for higher heights -swept
v&ww Model "E Tourabout
At every second it seemed as though the car nuisl jump into
empty space or crash into the side of the bin IV. A sudden whisk
through a forty foot cut and the dales of Fairmont park were entered
and still the car sped on , rising , turning , whirling onward and always
upward , until with a last final turn the peak of the blulV , 22G feet
above the car's start. Only seventy brief seconds brought John and
the little heroic Model C into the rarilied atmr sphere at the top.
Quietly the car rolled along the roadway at the peak , while our
friend John wiped the water out of his eyes , filled his lungs with the
gusty winds , and then John quietly melted down into the big leather
seat and asked to be taken home by some other route less hazardous , II I
No persuasion could induce our friend to ride down the road he luul I
come up.
01 that " No Hill is too Steep "
Sand is too Deep" for the Jackson ,
\7ra. 0'fBryan , Broken 'do-.22
Bessie It StUcts , Broken Bow. 21
An. l-ToQdruan , Mason City. . 32
Alma Iojd , M asnn City 20
Number of Unions Between Couslni
Belonging to the Famoua
,71)0 ) founder of the Rothschild
family , Mayor Amschel of the fted
Shield , dying in 1812 , exhorted IIH
live sons , engaged aa lounmongora
under him in Frankfort , Vienna ,
Loiulou , Paris and Naples , not only
to remain faithful to the law of
Moses and stand ever united , hut to
umlcrlako nothing of iiuportiinu1
without first consulting their mother.
Xalhau , founder of the London
hraiif'h , also was so convinced of Hie
luisinesq onpacilios of hia wife , u
Cohen , that he not only left the luigo
residue of his fortune nt her dis
posal , hut added instruction that Ilia
, to in underlak-
-ons wore cngago no -
iii } ; of moment without her consoni.
Jfow far the instruction was oh-
wned one is not in n position to
-ay , hut if is certain ihc Tiolh childs
have done their best to live in fam
ily unity , for from the gentile point
of view the number that have mar
ried cousins is appalling. Of the five
children of the great Nathan each
inn mod n cousin.
And coming to contemporaries' ,
Lord "Rothschild is the son of cousins
mid the husband of a cousin. Ke-
turning to Nathan , the Sidonia of
'Coningsby , ' ' though his offspring
married cousins , a reaction followed
m the next generation , for three of
his granddaughters , two of whom
have boon already named , married
not only out of the family , but out
of the faith.
St. Helena , our little Napoleonic
colony in mid-Atlantic , is a model
lommunity. Its governor , Col. Gall-
woy , is also its judge , but in the lat
ter capacity he has little or nothing
to do. lie holds court at stated
times , but the only business is the
presentation of white gloves.
Nevertheless St. Ilclona has an
"inspector of police , " and as tin-
withdrawal of the garrison , hitherto
the chief consumer of local products ,
hns adversely affected the finances
the St. Helena Guardian urges the
abolition of this "unnecessary of
ficial who hns practically nothing to
do. " His salary should go to a
"much wanted assistant surgeon. "
There } s only one surgeon in St.
Helena , and if he became incapacL- ,
tntcd the little community on. the
lonely Napoleonic rock would be in n
parlous state.
Texas school land is selling
for five dollars per acre. For
cheap railroad rates see Jesse
K IIAVK purchased
the Tin & Plumb
ing business form
erly run b ) ' Mr. W.
P. Rogers , and will con
duct our business in the
same old stand , anil do
the same first class work.
In addition we will do
Sanitary -Plumbing and
Heating , in Hot Air , Hot
water , and Steam , and
guarantee all our work lo
be perfectly satisfactory ,
and will appreciate the
opportuniy to make esti
mates on work in our'lino ,
Jubn McGrat ? is in Omaha to
day to get ITTO more Jackson
autos. One of them he has sold
to Dr. R. n. Mullina and the
other goes to Gust Taylor.
They are both $950 runabouts.
W. A. George purchased the
Cole place one and one half miles
west of Tlerv/yu , of R. C. Shiley
this week. 1 he consideration
WKS $20,000. Mi , Shiley pur
chased Mr. George's store in
Uerwyn and hit ) auto. The con
sideration for the store was
$8,000 and the auto 1700.
The council committee sent the
amended electric lighting fran
chise to John W. Pdrly last
Monday , hut it has heard noth
ing from him since that time.
He has ten days to send lib ac-
ccptancn to the committee and
must begin the erection of the
plant within six days after he
accepts the franchise.
For Sale One "cenR-r table
and five chain. D. Christen-
sun. -18 It
la fcj Cojnt ? Couil ut Cvatt Ccuotr.
In MIC nntlrr of the estate of George F.
flunked , deceased.
Tlio State of Xebraotea. To all t > cr onn la.
t rc ! ted In talil ootrvlc. taVo nutlcr : That an
aiipNcailnn li.ii been filed In the County Court
of ald coaiit" for ( lie probate of an irslrmnetU
purportltifr to be an Autlitnticatp.l copy of tha
la ! tu 111 and tcatamont of' call ilttoased to-
gulbor with the probate proceeilinm dad there-
mt beforu the tirubatecimrt ot the County of
L'nlon , In the Stain of New Jetboy , auit praying-
tor a d PC ret of Uil cotiit admitting tlie same to
ptobate a the foirltfn will of S'nci deceased , hns by eel st-t fut liaailnif b.Moiu till *
( ourt ii the 1st ilav of June , I'KV jt to o'clock
a in .it uliiUi ti tie all pei nrn Inti-rosied in
suJ ! cMato m.iv apponr luil mull si the same
I ) t < l Mv tli l'0r' '
4331 A K. llUMriinrr. County Jiulire
If there h any vitality in the hair roots
Uexall " 93" Hair Tonic will positively
grow new Inir and cure baldness , We
want you to try this preparation at our risk.
We'll return the money you paid us if you
are not entirely satisfied. Two sizes , 500.
and Si. oo.
Drugs and Jowulry.
Another Good
On May 22ml the Government will open it's second tract
of 12,000 acres of perfectly irrigated land in the BigHorn
Basin , near Garland and Powell , Wyoming. This irrigation
project of the Government is 11 st-class and reliable. This
land is adjacent to and along side of the Turlington Road.
Powell and Garland are prosperous towns- The community
is absolutely first-class , and there is not a better place to
live in : he whole west for climate , sunshine , productiveness
of soil and many other good reasons , than the Big Horn
Basin. This land is $45 an acre in ten annual installments
without interest.
320 ACRE MONDELL ACT : Select locations for homesteading -
steading in Wyoming near Newcastle , Upton and Moore-
crofc. Plats on iile. Write me.
I conduct an excursion on the first and third Tuesday of
each month. Only $27.oO round trip homeseekers excursion
rate. No charge for in } ' services. Write me at onee about
this new tract. The excursion of May IS or June will be in
time for good selections.
D. CLEM DEAVER , General Agent.
Land Seekers Information Bureau , Omaha.
\Ve were compelled to take our buggy that
is to be given away on Jxily Fourth , out or the
window to make room ror other display goods.
There are n "few iiclccts left. Get in on the
Stoves Garden Seed
Our line of oil stove ,
We have a choice lot
gasoline stoves , washing
of fresh , ne v garden
ing machines , wringers
and churns are up-to- seeds that will grow.
date. Look them over. Also blue-grass , white
You can't help but find clover and alfalfa.
something you want.
Farm Harness
TVlackinery Everything in the
harness 1'nc ' and with
Our line of farm
machinery is up-to- our new machine we
date. Look over our are prepared to do 30nr
stock of cultivators , repair work while you
plows , listers , wagons , wait.
buggies , m a n u r e
spreaders , n ) o w e r s , Rubber Hose
binders and hay tools
and Lawn Sprinklers
and when you get
ready to buy you will See that new garden
know where to go to hose. Something that
get what you want. '
will last ten and
' years
The DEERE line can't
be beat for quality at prices that will as
and prices. tound 3'ou.
Tlie SKarpless crjam separator still leads , Call and see
tnem. They are tlie closest skimmer and
tnc easiest cleaned.