Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 06, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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SlOOd , SI500 nnd S2000 F O. D. RACINE , \VI5-
This Car Arrived Friday , Feb'y 5. 09.
Conio in and Look it Over.
W. E. Taltot. A. G. Martin.
l&ffttSStt S& > StI3XttSS&iam&\ka
Good work . 'arness $22.00 and up
Fine single Huggy Harness 7.00 and up
Good leather 1 ( inch Hauliers .65 and up
These arc real bargins. Heat them if
you can ! ' '
Remember we are carryitrylhe finest Hue
° f pujTg.v Whips in the city , and we give you
your choice of 150 whips and a. number on a
silk plush robe for Doc.
Robinson Sf Tut tie.
The joke will "be on you if you
"buy "before you see the following : I
Farm harness § 23 and up
Disc Harrow $23 and up
Harrow 3 Section $15.50 and up
Sulky plows $35.00 and up
Gang Plows $55.00 and up
Breaking Plows $9.50 and up
Corn Planters $28.00 and up
Cultivators $14.00 and up
Wagons , a few left , -$85.00
American Hog Pence 22c and up
Fine Top Buggies $55 and up
Clover Leaf Manure [ Spreader
Its a beauty , see It.
Our motto Is to sell as low as
the lowest. Quality considered.
L. W. Wilson of Merna , is a
city visitor today.
A. 1 * . Leach , of Kingston , is
vi&itiny relatives iu this uty
this \vcek.
Attorneys Sullivan and John-
on made a business trip to Mul
len thi.i tuorning.
Nt'ls Lie f-prnl Wulnr&dny in
Mi-rna visiting1 his daughter ,
Mix Lcbtcr Curlett.
Jii-'ne ' Humphrey was a
* . niivt this morniny for Dun
ning1 He will ( hive from Dun
ning' to Brewster.
Joljn .Myers , of Georgetown
was in the city Saturday to
attend the meeting of the board
directors of the Security State
Mr. a d Mrs. James Chittidc ,
ol Gothenburg , spiMit Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. I'igmau.
Mr. Chittick is a former deputy
register of deed of this county
and is now the manager of the
Farmer's elevator at Gothenburg.
W. E. Morrison , of Denver ,
moved to this city the first of
the week. Mr. Morrison took a
homestead at Ansel mo in 1S87
and lived in U is county a num
ber of } cars. lie says the alti
tude is too high at Denver and
he expects to locate here perman
J. S. IJiisch began thecscava
ting work for the erection of his
two story l > uilding between the
Juster National and the Walts
store this week , lie expects to
complete the building- July.
J. Jj. Stone , who will be the general -
oral manager of the new store ,
states that he expects to have
the stock of goods ready to open
about August 1st.
P. II. Reed , managerof the
Buckeye ranch , was in the city
on business the first of the week.
\ir. Keed says that it is reported
that the mountain lion , which has
jeon making its appearance at
different times in the southern
part of the county , has killed
three or four head of cattle and
the cattlemen have gotten to
gether and offered $150 reward
lor the animal's scalp.
Superintendent Pinckney - has
received a number of pictures
taken by Frank A. Roberson ,
the popular lecturer , in the Mes
sina before and after the earth
quake. These pictures will be
uisplajcd for a time iu his office
nnd will probably be put in the
postoflicc later. Mr. Hoberson
will give an illustrated lecture
It pro ( Inrimr thp. itininr normal
using these pictures and others
taken by him to show the condi
tion before and after the earth
The RiU'umjc.VN is in receipt
of a copy ol the Boston Herald ,
of Boston , Mass. , announcing
thai a world's exposition will be
held in Boston in 1920. The ex
position will be given to com-
meratc the three-hundredth an
niversary of the landing of the
Pilgrims and the founding-
New Kugland. The Herald an
nounces that the movement is
started at this time in order to
give ample time for the prepara
tions and to make the exposition
the greatest that the world has
ever seen.
Tuesday afternoon , May -1th ,
the W. C T. U. met at the home
of Mrs. Thostheson. The mem
bers were very agreeably sur
prised by their hostess , the
genius of the society , inviting
about forty of their neighbors to
meet with them. After devo
tional exercises and a short pro
gram the meeting was turned
into social chat , chickens-and
little sweethearts being the
principal subjects. Mrs. Thos-
tcsou was assisted in serving a
delicious three-course luncheon
by Mrs. Lomax , Mrs. Ida Pal-
: mcr and Miss Kdith Lomax. A
\ delightful time vas enjoyed by
? all. The next meeting will be
at the home of Mrs. W. II. Peun
the first Tuesday iu June.
We arc desirous of placing
with farmers a few more con
tracts for growing cucumber ,
musk melon , water melon ,
squash and pumpkin seed. Also
awcet and Hint corn. Our prices
arc , tltc highest in years and the
season loolts favorable.
We would be pleased to cor
respond with any ous jnterested.
Respectfully ,
Tint C. Ilitunim'r COY Sunn Co.
ui6-m27 C. II. COY , Pres.
Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee
Roasted fresh eve y day , 24-tt.
John Barrett , of Merna , was a
city visitor last Saturday. I
iMisa Martha Dill has been en- ,
jrt.virig a viaU thia weektrom her
sister , Mra/E. H. Taylor , of
F. C. Beavers want to Hot
Springs last night to undergo an
operation for appendicitis. He
haa been troubled with it for a1
number of years.
Twenty members of the M. B.
A. lodge'of thio city went to !
Ansl'jy Friday f r the meeting
of the lodge at that place. The |
Broken Bow degree team went to
A-nslcy to initiate a class of sev
Jefferson Daggett moved this
week to his homestead near Sen
eca , Nebr. Mr. Daggett has
filed on 280 acres there. He con
tested a quarter and expected to
get three more , but before the
contest case was settled another
party came in and took a part
of the land he was expecting to
( Jrlello Happenings.
Omitted ( ruin lam week.
Albert Hill visted at S.
Waddingtou3 Sunday.
Ida Ingram visited at James
Milligaus Sunday night
Mr Vanice of Broken Bow
preached at Ortllo Sunday
Mr. and Mrs Seevers visited at
N. Jacquot's Monday afternoon.
Chancy Sittler made his reg
ular visit at Mr Hills Sunday.
Mr and Mrs Knapp visited at
Mr Kiell near New Helena Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Ingram visited at
MrSachorys on the tableland
Sunday afternoon ,
Mr N. Jacquot expects to
leave the last of the week for
Lincoln and accompany Mr
Jacquot to Texas New Mexico
and Gala.
For Rent The rooms in the
Union Block Cole's
over estab
lishment are for rent for office
purposes. See George M. Flicker
or 1 * . A. Reneau * 4S-1
J. C. Bowen gives ten cents off
in live hundred lots of Broken
Bow , Mason Cit } ' , and Aurora
Fine Residence property for
sale. Call on I. A. Coleman of
Broken Bow. Fcb'y 25-tf.
Kvery household has
need for an :
and other Rubber
We have a complete stock
of every sort of House
hold Rubber Goods.
The prices are very
low. The quality is
Al. And \ve assure
you satisfaction in ev
ery particular.
J. G. Haeterle
Broken Bow , Nebr.
Department of the Interior. U. S. Lane
Oiitcu ut itritkcn How Nebraska. Aprl
21. 11HJU.
Notice Is hcrutiy given tliat James Dar
of Hates , Nclr.iHlc.i. who. on Septembe
1H 1WU made Homestead Kntry M > 1 serla
Xo. UIIM for nff * wi ( iw' < HL'U. Section > u ,
T ION. KSrtw. & prime merldlun. has tiled
notice of Intention io make llnal live year
proof , to establish Urim to the land above
described , before ItegUter and receiver at
Broken Jlow , Nebr. , on the 4th day of June ,
fa * .
> lalmant names as witnesses : Hcnjamln
O KrllocRand Oliver M. Swick of dates ,
Nebr Frank Doty and Oliver M. Swlck ol
Jens UKCHE , Hcgl.stiT ,
The Kingof Lnui.dry
-SOlPS. Yellow soaps
contain rosin. SUNNY MONDAY contains
no rosin ,
i'Sunny Monday btibblos will wash away
your troubes. "
Use Gold Dust it
is better and cheaper
than yelow soap.
Buy Sunny Monday
and Gold Dust
We want to call the attention of every one to our new
SPRING and SUMMER goods. It is a perfect and beauti
ful assortment. As it is about time to get ready for spring1
we would be glad to have your order.
We guarantees absoltttly everything , fine Woolens ,
smoothest fit , up-to-date and particular styles to the in
dividual and first class workmanship.
If you are a fat man , we make you a. fat man's suit.
Ate you thin , young or elderly , we make your suit accord
ingly'so that it has a real tailor made and artistic appearance.
See us at our new location nvcr the Furniture store of
D. C. Konkel.
iir i i.1 HIN WA
la i
The Broken Bow Steam Bak
ery Is selling goods as follows :
White Bread 7 loaves for 25 cents
Bye Bread 7 " t ; 25 "
Graham Bread 7' " " 25 4
Cream Bread 7 " ; i 25 "
J All kinds of cookies KCJ ) per dozen
Doughnuts lOc per dozen
Buns 103 per dozen
Cream Puffs 25c per dozen
Macaroons 30c per dozen
Layer Cakes 35 and 50c each
Angel Food 10 and 15c each
Pound Cake lOc each
Jelly Bolls lOc each
Cup Cakes 15c per dozen
Fresh Hot Pies daily 2 for 25c
We have only one reason why
you should patronise us and that
is because you get more for your