Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 06, 1909, Image 1

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Attend * Aleellng Held There of Ameri
can Pen Women.
Elected State Represen lathe
She Had Some Difficulty in Reaching tljc
Meeting Owing to Getting on the
Wrong Street Car.
The Gladstone ,
1423 R. Street , N. W.
The trip from Baltimore to
the City of Magnificent distan
ces , is made in one hour. This
time limit seemed considerably
shortened by the unexpected
presence of my sister's brother-
in-law , Sir Knight , Harry E.
Buckingham , senior warden of
the State of Pennsylvania , whom
I have not seen for six years.
The time passed swiftly in remi
niscent talk.
At seven thirty , Monday even
ing , May the third , we arrived
at the handsome , new and im
mense , though not quite com
pleted , Union station , at Wash
ington. It is impossible for mete
to give you an adequate idea of
the size and beauty of the build
ing and its surroundings. It is
by far the finest in the United
States , if not in the world. Be
fore leaving the station I tele
phoned my.friends of my arr'val ' ,
at the same time informing them
of my intention of attending the
meeting at 8 o'clock , of the
League of American Pen Women
at their headquarters , 1347 L.
Street , N. W. As luck would
have it , we took the wrong car ,
and was obliged to transfer ;
that alone would not have been
so bad , but the lo"g wait for the
car , was annoying to say the
least , even though I was assured
that they would not open the
meeting on time. Mr. Bucking
ham left me on the very thresh
old of the "Sanctum Sanctor-
iurn" of the League ; at the same
motn.ent \ was greeted by a cor
dial hand-clasp from a member
to whom I confided my name and
state. The historian wa's more
than half through reading the
history of the past year and so I
missed mention of Nebraska. At
the conclusion of the reading ,
and the brief discussion it called
forth , Mrs. Rachel Tongate
Beck , 2nd vice-president , pre
sented me to the president , Mrs.
La , Salle Cprbell Pickett , who
gave me a yery cordial welcome
to the annual meeting. I assur
ed her of the pleasure it afforded
me to be present at this time.
She then presented me to the
members collectively and not in
dividually. It was left for me
later to speak to them individu
All the annual routine business -
ness was promptly dispatched.
It included reports from all the
The president was requested
to name a comrnittee to draft
resolutions on the death of a for
mer president , Mrs Morgan.
When the committee retired
the president called on your So
ciety reporter for a speech. The
call was so sudden she could
only remark , she came to hear
and not to be heard , and I ex
tended greetings from the Ne
braska members.
When the committee on reso
lutions were ready to report , the
president requested the mem
bers to stand during the reading.
The election of officers for the
ensuing year was a revelation in
more ways than one. In the
first place , neither the officers
or members paid strict attention
to parlimentary rules not that
there is any question as to their
knowledge along those lines , but
it did seem unnecessary , where
all was such sweet and charm
ing graciousness , and where
such deference was paid to the
wish of each individual. There
was positively no electioneering ,
no rival candidates at sword's
points , no antagonism of any
kind , peace and good will reign
ed supreme.
Your reporter received the
unanimous vote for representa
tive for the state of Nebraska.
At the close of the meeting a
pleasant social half hour was
much enjoyed , after which I put
myself in care of the historian
and new first vice-president ,
Mrs. Heck. On the car the lat
ter lady gave me a lovely copy of
her poem , entitled , "The City
Beautiful , " ( Washington ) and
finely illustrated by the husband
of the historian. Before leaving
me at the entrance to the "Glad
stone" the historian invited mete
to luucheon on Wednesday. I he
president , a charming woman ,
was iu evening dress , and pre
sided with winning modesty and
grace. There was nothing of a
social nature planned , owing to
the serious illness of her mother.
It was a surprise to > find so
many of the League are members
of the D. A R. It is a cause for
deep regret that my visit did not
include that National conven
tion held here only a week or
two ago ; at which time a num
ber of social functions were
given in its honor.
At 10:30 : my friends were anx
iously awaiting my arrival , when
I was surprised and pained to
learn of the death of my friend ,
Mfs. Nagel's' ' husband , last De
In my next letter I will tell
how it came about that I .had
the pleasure of meeting Presi
dent Taft. *
Sincerely ,
Committee Appointed to Raise Funds for
The Occasion ,
Sentiment Very Generally in Favor of
The Celebration and it Promises
to be a Hummer.
The meeting called for last
Tuesday evening at the court
house to determine whether or
not Broken Bow would celebrate
the Fourth of July , was unsuc
cessful , due very largely to the
many other attractions on that
evening. A committee of the
commercial club consisting of A
E. Anderson and Joe Molyneux
had been appointed to raise the
money for the celebration. The
committee finds the sentiment in
favor of celebrating very strong
and its expects to raise about
$1,500. Aside from the money
subscribed by the merchants , it
will probably suspend ropes from
each corner of the square to the
flag pole and advertising space
on these ropes will be sold. The
committee may also secure a
moving picture show to be given
in the Temple theatre. If tins-
is done it will be to keep a second
show from coming in and tin
proceeds will go to help pay tin
expenses of the celebration.
Manager Great of the opera
states that Sanford Dodge will
be here on the 27th with a largt
company. Mr. Dodge is one oi
the best known actors in the
country. He has put on the play
of Damon and Pythias in this
city and made a great hit with
the audience. Watch for full
announcements later.
Definite Announcements arc Appearing
Non-Partisan Election Ballots.
Candidates for Judge and County Super
intendent iMinit Pile for the General
Election ,
The changes which were made
in the direct primary law by the
last legislature will tend to take' '
considerable interest out of the
coining primary this summer
aud may cause some changes in
the line-up of the candidates.
The law now provides that the
candidates for university regents ,
supreme judges , disttict judges ,
county judge and county super
intendent shall file their appli
cations to be placed on the bal
lot at the general election and
th2 names of these candidates
shall appear on a uou-pnrtisaii
ballot. The object of the law is
to take these offices out of poli
tics , though it is doubtful if it
does that when put into prac
tice. The constitutionality of
the law also seems to be some
what in doubt and it will prob-1
ably be tested in time to deter
mine the question before it is
too late tn file for the primary. i
The candidates for county
judge and county superintend
ent are required to file a peti
tion signed by 200 voters when
they file their application to
have their name put on the nonpartisan -
partisan ballot.
W. W. Waters , of Wester-
villc , and Garland E. Lewis , of
Auselino , have announced that
they will be candidates for
county superintendent and it is
possible that J. R. Teagarden ,
Supt. Pinckney , and Prof. Me-
Incloo may join the list of ap
plicants. Ex-Judge Armour will
be a candidate for county judge.
N. D. Ford , of Anslcy , and A.
R. Humphrey arc also consider
ed as possible candidates for the
county bench.
W. II. Osborue , jr. , will prob
ably have a clear field for county
clerk , as he is regarded as one of
the strongest men in the county.
George Porter will be a candi
date for registrar of deeds and
Horace Kennedy will make an
other try for sheriff. Both of
these men are very popular fel
lows and will have easy' sled
ding at the primary. D. V ,
Joyncr , of Mcrna , was in the
city last week and filed his ap
plication to have his name
placed on the ballot for county
treasurer. Julius Ottun , of Sar
gent , will also be a candidate for
the treasurership. A. J. Van
Antwerp and J. L. Fergerson
will oppose each other at the
primary for the nomination for
county surveyor.
Carlos and England are to Fill Vacancies
of Led\vich and Teagarden.
W. A. George Closes Work of Three Suc
cessive Seasons * Rockwell
Announces Appointments.
The city council met Tuesday
evening in the city hall for the
first meeting of the new council.
Clyde Carlos and C. II. England
issumed their duties as councilmen -
men to succeed J. R. Teagarden
and James Ledwick and Dan
Rockwell took the mayor's seat
which has been occupied by W.
A. George for three successive
Mayor Rockwell appointed
Hugh M. McBirnic water com
missioner ; P. M. Towsley , street
commissioner ; Elmer Draper ,
marshal ; Dr. Pcnniugton health
officer , and A. P. Johnson city
attorney. Mr. Towsley will act
as marshal during the day time
land Draper will be on duty at
Managers J. II. Currie and
Lee Pickett were present repre
senting the telephone company
and asked that some changes
be made in their franchise. The
matter was referred to a com
mittee consisting of Comici'mcn '
Taylor , Kimbcrling , and Carlos.
, The mayor appointed the fol
lowing committees :
'Water : Taylor , Baisch ,
'Side walk and crossings : Car
lo ? , Baisch , England.
Supplies : Squires , Carlosj
Kim bed ing.
Parks : England , Carlos , Tay
Finance : Baisch , Kimberling ,
Streets and bridges : Kiuibcr-
ling , Taylor , Baisch.
Program in Parlors of Kurliiiglon Hotel
One Interesting Clinic Promised.
The Custer County Medical
society will meet lor the spring
session in the parlors of the
Burlington hotel next Tuesday at
2 p. in. The officers of the so-
cict } ' announce that the } ' will
have at least one interesting
clinic. The following is the
program for the mectiag :
Paper by Dr. G. E Pcnuinglon ,
Broken Bow ,
Paper by Dr. G. F. Bartholo
mew , Broken Bow.
Paper by Dr. E. F. Ward , of
Ansclmo. "A case of Typhoid-
with interesting complication
and sequela. "
Paper by Dr. F. W. Buckley ,
of Broken Bow. "Aids to
Diagnosis. "
Mother's Day.
You are invited to conic to the
Mother's Day service at the
Presbyterian church next Sun
day morning , Wear a white
carnation in honor of your
mother. The church will have
the ( lowers , and all mothers who
come will receive flowers free at
the church. Others will be sup
plied at the McComas' drugstore
at a nominal cost. Mother songs
will be sung and souvenir pro
grams of the occasion will be
issued. Autos will call for all
mothers whoae names are tent to
the pastor.
One of the most interesting
wrestling matches eyer seen in
Western Nebraska will be pulled
off at the opera house on the
15th. Farmer Burns , the world
champion wrestler , will wrestle
Jack Miller who wr.s here re
cently for a match with Frank
DuCray. The two men are
about the same weight , aud they
are said to be evenly matched.
The wrestling skill shown in
this match will be second to
none in the county.
John E , Myers and son , Mor-
lis , were in the city yesterday.
While here they purchased a
Percheron stallion of Miller and
Nelson. The stallion is a three-
year-old weighing 1835 pounds.
He is one of the finest built Per-
chcrons ever seen in Cusler
County. Miller and Nelson have
been shipping in some of the
best horses in the country and
they consider this one second to
none that they have put on the
market here. He will stand at
$15.00 on the Myers ranch on
the South Loup.
Old Company Mustered Out by Mnj.
Kennedy Mustering Officer.
Kcuoycr Will be Captain. Molyneiix
I'irsl Lieutenant- Meeting
I'riday Night.
Ass'l Adj. Gen. Phclps , stale
inspector of small arms practice ,
was in the city last Saturday and
mustered out Company M. This
was done in accordance with
Special Order No. 15 issued by
the adjutant general last week.
Mr. Phclps stated that the Com
pany was mustered out in order
that it might be rc-orgaiiigcd
aud that it was not the inten
tion of the adjutant general to
discontinue the existence of the
Company here. He simply be
lieved that it would be bettor for
the Company to have it mustered
out and re-organized. lie said
he wished to state that a great
deal of credit was due Captain
Ilollandsworth for the hard ,
earnest work he had done for the
Company. lie considered Mr.
Hollamlsworth to be one of the
very best men in the state in
taking care of the equipment of
the Company.
Horace Kennedy has been
authorized by the Adjutant gen
eral to muster in the new com
pany if the commercial club suc
ceeds in effecting a new organi
sation. The committee of the
commercial club believes that
the first aud most essential thing
in > thc organisation of the com
pany is the selection of good
commissioned officers. After
considering the matter for some
'imc ' the club has selected Hugh
Kcuoyer for captain , Earl Moly-
ncux for first lieutenant , and
Homer Hupert for second lieu
tenant. Kenojer served as a
seargcnt in the Company during
the tfpanish-American war and
wasclcctcd a lieutenant after the
war was over. Molyneux re
ceived some military training in
the Kearney Military Academy
and has made an excellent rec
ord in the company here. Ru
pert was captain of the cadet
company , in the University
School of Agriculture , which
won second place in the com-
petivc drill between four com
panies. The Company will be
organized with the understand
ing that these men will be the
officers. Captain Kennedy an
nounces that a meeting will be
held in the armory soon for the
enlistment of men and the com
pany will be mustered in as r.oon
as they get the requisite
number of men.
Oratorical Declamatory , Athclctic and
Other Stunts
A Large delegation is Expected Prom
Some of the Towns Sending
The annual athletic contest of
the Custer County Athletic As
sociation will be held at the fair
grounds next Saturday at 2 p.
m. The high schools of Ansley ,
Mason City , Mcrna , and Broken
Bow will be represented by
teams in the meet.
The events this year will
cover a little wider scope of ath
letic stunts than usual. It will
include the 100 yard race , the
quarter mile , the half mile , the
mile and the five mile races.
There will also be contests in
jumping , hammer throwing ,
pole vaulting , wrestling and put
ting the shot.
The interest in the meet and
the rivalry between the schools
is very keen this year and ri
large delegation is expected
from each school , It is reported
that thirty people from Anslcy
will accompany the Anslcy high
school team.
Hacks will bu on hand lo take
the people to the grounds. Fred
Russom is the manager of the
meet aud the credit lor its suc
cess is due very largely to him.
The Cutter County high school
oratorical and declamatory coti-
cst will be held at the Alctho-
list church in this ciiy at 8 p.
n. , next Saturday. The first
and third of the' orations men
tioned in the program below arc
from Mcrna and the second and
fourth arc from Mason City. The
tirU and sixth of the declama
tions are given by students ill
Broken Bow , the second and
fifth by Mason Cily students ,
the third and soviinlli by Mcrna
representatives , uid : the fourth
contestant comes from Analcy.
Program. ]
Murk- ' i
' ' " . . . . .
Oration -'Value of DllllctilUiiS" , v
. . . Mnlicl nticat
Oration -"P.itiiotlsm" . M , .Mould Oieen
OMllmi-"luck ami I'lncU" , . . . . .1,111.1 lllack
Oiatlon-"A KoiimliM llfo"0rvlll ' ( ! Kimy.ui
Declamation "The Soul of tlln Violin" . . . .
. , . Cl'ar.i DoJtls
Oacl.imallim "Ciirfow Slull not Uliiir ToM -
M I L' I it" . lU.iml Ctiilm
Declamation "An Olil AclotV Htiiry" .
. ljl//e | Komnu'i
Disclamation "Tim IyitlJiiiiiiot" | .
. M.ilicl Amlciunn
Declamation "llotf Ho S.ivoit St..MI < -li.iiilV'
. l llli Itrnsh
li > clamitloii"Suiiic : Off" . . . Ollxe OMimno
" ' .
' * .
Mfla'c v „ i , * t * * < - <
Report of' judges and "awat cl
ing of-meduls. / ; ;
Miss Mill'r , of York college ,
Prof. Vernier , of Grandf Island
college , and Supt. Bradford , of
Aurora , v , ill act as judges.
Committee Appointed to l&Kc the Matter
up and Itaisc Hinds.
The Commercial club has ap
pointed a committee ; consisting
of II. ( i. Mycw , . It. Lcc and
Rauiah . Jiyersou to raihC the
uiOKcy to hire the band to play in
the public square on every Satur
day night during tlic summer.
1'lie plan suggested by the officers ;
of the club a-ul the ono which
will probably be followed by the
committee is to ask everciliscen
of Broken Bow to pay one dollar
toward the fund necessary to
secure the music. It is expected
that the committee will be able
to gel the band to appear on
twenty occasions for something
like five hundred dollars. Defi
nite arrangements hava not been
made as yet owing to the fact
that Mr. Taylor is out of the
The committee plans'to publish
the list of coutiibutor each week ,
beginning' next week , in nil of
papers in the city.
It-tin : committee gets- the band
to play twenty nights the man
who puts up onci dollar will be
able to hear twenty concerto at a
cost of only five cents per con
cert. The opportunity to listen
to these concerts would coit an
individual at least twenty-five to
fifty cents per night so that if u
man gels to hear only four of the
concerts during the season he
will gel his money's worth.
Nothing is nicer tlun a good
band concert in the opin air.
Contributions will be received
by any member of the committee
and do not wail for the coimnit-
uiittee to call on you for it ; come
around and hand it to in.