Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 29, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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Notice is herein- given that pursuant to an
nriler of the District Court of Caster Coum >
Nebraska made hv the Hon. Bruno O. Hos
ti-tler. .ludgc said of District Court on the M.
i.iv o < [ Vbruarv lH ( In tlir case of 1) M
Amsueri v vi the HroVeil How Iluslness ami
4.1 , , lay o , May , 1W
at 2 o'clock i ) . in . at the east front door of
the Court house In the city of llrokcn How
Nebraska , soil at nubile sale for rash , lots a
: tand t of block P Hallroad addition to
.llrokcn How , Nebraska , to-gether. with all
liuilcldiiiH and nmnirtenanres on s.ild lots.
UaU'if this 1st d.iv of April 1M.
A 1 u > r.t . .lohn M. TtmsEii Uccelver.
Ustateof .fosrph A. Habcock , deceased. In
County Court of Custer County , Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska , To all persons In
let ebted in said estate , take notice , that a pe
tition has been nied for the appointment of
uvoigo \ \ ' . IJabcock as administrator of
"said i-Dtate , which lian Ueeq set for hearing
"iiereiii. ( m "May CO , UK)9. ) at 10 o'clock a. in.
' 'uated April 20 , 10 9. A. H. HUMI'JIUKV.
aft-mis-lt. County Judge.
In the county Court of Custer county , Neb-
'raska. . . . .
In-llie-inatter of the Estate- ofVllllain J.
Wantz. deceased.
The State of Nebraska , to Creditors of
said Estate :
Take Notice , that I will sit In the County
Court Hoom , In Urokcn How , In Said County ,
on the ! ; 0th day of May 1WP. ( and the iflth daj
of November 1'Jjy ' , at 10 o'clock a. in. , to re
cetvc and examine all claims tiled and -fir
M-nted against said estate , with a view to
their adjustment and allowance ; and that on
lie tlrst date above named the petition of
the widow will be heard for homestead , ex.
emptions and allowance , and other slat-
. uipry rights.
The time limit for the presentation ot
claims against said estate is sU motif's from
the 20 day of Alfrtl JD'JO , and the time limited
for the payment of debts Is one year from
K said date.
Dtted 4-20-M3. A. H. IlUMt-imnv.
County JtJge.
An onllance vacating to the use of the
Chicago , nurlington and Qulncy Kailroad
Compai.y. all that part of what was formerly
North Hallway Street In railroad addition to
Itrokcn How , lying south of tin- southerly
line of blocks one hundred seven (107) ( ) and
one hundred eight (10s ( ) of Greats Addition
to Broken How , and all that part of North
Tlrst Avenue , lying south of a line extend
Ing from the south east corner of lot four ( I )
in block one hundred seven (107) ( ) , in straight
line to the south west corner of lot live (5) )
in block one hundred eight (108) ( ) of Greats
lie it ordained by the Mayor and th
Council of the city of iirokeu How , custer
County , Nebraska :
Section 1 , All that part what was formerly
North Railroad Street In Itallroad addition
to itroken iJow , Nebraska , lying south of
thesuothefjy line of blocks one hundred
s-even (107) ) and one hundred eight (10S ) In
Greats Addition to Itrokcn How and all that
l rtot No'th First Avenue south of a line
drawn fiom the south east corner of lot four
( ) ) In rilork one hundred seven (107) ) In a
Bright line to the south west corner of lot.i ( )
In block one hundred eight (108) ( ) of Greats
addition to Broken Bo.v , be and the same are
ln-relij vacated to the use of Die Chicago ,
HuriliiKtnn and Qulncy Railroad Companj
fur railroad purposes.
Section a. This orldance shall take effect
and lie In force from and after its passage.
approval and pnbllcitlon as required 1 > > law
ISBAI/I W. A. CiKouoi : . Mayor
Attest. K 3 HOI.CO.MH C'Hv Clerk.
In the District Court of ( 'lister C'ouutv
; A. Iteneau , Plaintiff , vs Win. II I'or.l ,
Henry I'aul , ot al. , Uef omlants.
The defendant , Henry I'aul will take IK ,
lire that on tlie lltli day of A Til. I IMS ) . Win
II. I'Virtl , oueot the dutendatits lu tin1 aiJo\c
ciultled action filed his answer and Cro s.
jit'tltlon In said action in the District t'oini
of Custer County , Nebraska , the object and
player ot which said Cross-potltldii in llk-d
by Unpaid delcndant.m. . H. rord against
tiip s.iid dRfciidiiu , Henry 1'a.ul , are , to set
ilalilu , vacate arid cancel a certain mortgage
made h ) the pluiiililf , Ibaac A. Itencau and
his wile to the bald defendant , Henry I'aul
on tlio Hist day of December , 19 0 upon the
Nortli we-t quarter of Section lf > , Tow iibhlp
so , llanire 20 In dialer County , Nebraska ,
which mortgage was given tosecuic the pay
ment of 113JJ.OO , the same being due and pay
able on tlie Ilrst day of December , Ml and
drawing Interest at the rate of O'i per rent
per annum until paid and which mortgage
is. recorded in Hook 73 at page -IGO ol the rcc-
ordb of Custer County , Nebraska.
Said Cross-petition alleges tint at the time
said mortgage was made that the defendant ,
Wm. H , Kurd was entitled to said laud by
Virtue of a contract which he had entered ill
to In tlie early part of 1000 witty tilt , then OH npr -
pr of thp sarap , Edward t , . J'ord , and that
lrdcr ( | and by virtue of said contract of pur
liaso. the said Wm II. Ford , at the time of
the execution of the said mortgage was In
open , notorious , absolute qud exclusive pus-
EeiSilon of said land of vtylch possession the
defendant , Henry I'au ) had notice and was
bound to take notice. That said Cross-petl.
tlon further alleges that the said pKilntlif
Isaac A. neneau had no right ot authority to
execute said mortgage or to encumber said
land for the reason that he well knew that
the said defendant. Wm. II Ford was entlt
led to the bntne and was in poseb-ilon of the
You. the said defendant Henry I'aul , are
feriuircii to auswcr said Petition on or before
Dated thia wh day of April IMS ,
WILLIAM n. roan
Ily S. A. UotCOMB ,
alO-mClt. and A.WAM. . , his Atty s
Parties wishing1 services of t >
first class shire stallion will find
same at my ranch at farm prices.
a 2 } ui-f ) F. II. WEISKNKEDKS
Plymouth Rock Dggs.
Full blooded Barred Plymouth
Rock'eggs SO cents per setting-
15. , ; $3.00 per hundred eggs. J.
15. Wilson , phone 355. altf
. Author of "The Fighting Chance , " Etc.
Copyright , 1007 , by Robert W. Chambers *
( Coutinuetl from last week. )
oiTl n \ \ ofil"hma lI oycs TsToalTt , ILo
innlsttiro vlsililo on llio rldKo of his
iosi' , his red , blunt liiiuils ( landing ; ns
lie walked , ttohlml him a hiokvy
hnighotl. . . . . . . .
* "
. . , - - . * - . .
In duo ( Imi1 Koorgnrd. who ntlll
ioiit hla pmiuy on n morning pniu'r.
read about the Orchil ball. There were
three i-olimnw ami several plcnnvi.
lie rend every Item , every name , to
the last tmheello pi'floil.
Thou ho rose" , weavlly - and started
downtown to see what his lawyer.- )
could do toward rolnstntlni ; him In a
ftub that had expelled htm-to llnd out
If there lemalned the 'slightest trace of
a chance In the matter , lint oven as
he wentjio knew thuru conld bo hon .
There was n new ptessure whk-h lie
was beginning to feel vaguely luMllu
to him In his business ontcrprhos-
liltclics In the negotiations of loans , '
delays , perhaps accidental , but annoy
ing ; changeof policy In certain linns
who no longer cared to .consider acre
age as Investment , and a curiously
veiled antagonism to him In a certain
railroad , tin ; reorganization of which
ho had dared once to aspire to.
And mm day , silling alone In his of-
lice , a clerk brought him a morning pa
per with one column marked In a big
blue penciled oval.
It v\as only about Gerald Krroll and
Gladys Orchil , who had run av.-ay ami
married because they happened to bo
lu love , although their relatives had
prepared other-plans for their sep
arate disposal. The column was a full
pno , the heading In- big type a good
deal of pother about a boy and u girl ,
nftor all , particularly as It appeared
that their respective families had de
termined to make the best of It.
It tool : Neorgard all day to read that
column. 'Jhen ho went home with
a mental lassitude that depressed him
and loft him drowsy In his great arm
chair before the grate too drowsy and
apathetic to examine the letters and
documents laid out for him by his sec
retary , although one of them seouied.
to 1m Important something about
alienation ol' affections , something
about a yacht and Mrs. Huthven , and
a heavy suit to be brought unless oth
er settlement was suggested na a balm
to Mr. Ihtthven.
To dress for dinner was an effort
a purely mechanical operation which
was only partly successful , although
his man aided him. I'.ut he was too
tired to continue the effort , and at
last It was his man alone who disem
barrassed him of his heavy clothing
and who laid him among the bed
clothes , where ho sank back , relaxed ,
breathing lotu'.ly In the dreadful depressed -
pressed frtupor of utter physical and
neurotic prostration.
. & * (
- ' Chapter 27 3
before Neorgard's 111-
Hulhven's ( lomtislie
: ind financial affairs worn
In a villainous moss. Hid
of Neorgard , he had
ucnnt to deal him n crashing blow at
he breakaway which would settle him
orovor and Incidentally bring to a ci'l-
| H bin own Hiatus In regard to hla
Whether or not his wlfo was men-
ally competent he did not know. IIo
lid nut know anything about her. Hut
- mount to.
That rhc had been and probably now
ivns under Sohvyn's protection ho be-
leved. What she nnd Solwyn Intended
; o do he did not know. JJut he wanted
; o know , lie dared not ask Solwyn
la red not because ho was horribly
if raid of Holwyn dared not yet innUo
legal Issue of their rel.Ulons , of her
sequestration or of her probable con-
: Iuucd Infirmity bocunso of his phys-
"cnl fonr of the map.
lint there was , or ho thought that
[ here had been , onp way to begin the
natter , because the mailer must soon
er or Inter bo begun , and that was to
pretend to assume Neergard responsi
ble and on the strength of hla wife's
Bummer sojourn aboard the N'lobrara
turn on Neergard and demand a reck
oning which ho believed Solwyn
would never hoar of.
Huthven wns too deadly afraid of
Bolwyn to begin suit at that stage of
the proceedings. All he could do waste
to start , through his attorneys , a
( , oarch for his wlfo and meanwhile try
to formulate some sort of definite plan
In regard to Gladys Orchil.
This , In brief , was Thithvcn's general
rchcmo of campaign , nnd the entire
affair had taken Borne sort of ahapo
Jind was Blowly beginning to move
when Nonrgord's Illness came as au
Absolute check , Just ns the Ilrst pa
pers were about to bo served on him.
There was nothing to do but wait
until Ncoigard got well , because his
attorneys simply scoffed at any sug-
rcstlon of settlement out of court , nnd
Huthven didn't want a suit Involving
Ills wife's name while ho and Solwyn
were In the same hemisphere.
Rut he could still continue an unob
trusive search for the whereabouts of
lila wltfik wJlkk. UQ dUL 4P1
chances \voro 1iiat bin afforncys would
llnd her without great dllllmlty. because -
cause Solwyn had not the slightest
suspicion that ho was being followed.
. . . *
In' these dnyB Solwyn'a llfo WIIH
mothodlcoi nnd colorless In Its rou
tine to the verge of dreariness.
When he was not nt the government
proving grounds on Sandy Hook lit )
remained lu his room at Lansing's ,
doggedly forcing himself Into the only
nltornalo occupation sulllclent to dull
the sadness of his mind the prepara
tion of a history of Hrltlsh military
organization In India and Its possible
application to present conditions In the
lie had given up going out made no
further pretense-and Hoots let him
Once a week he called at the Go-
rards' , spending moM of his time while
there with the children. Sometimes ho
saw Nina and Klloon , usually just re
turned or about to depart for some
function , and his visit , as a rule , ended
with a cup of tea alone with Austin
and a quiet cigar In the library.
* * *
The elopement of Gerald and Gladys
made a splash In the social puddle.
Kiloon , loyal , but sorrowfully ainas-
oil at her brother's exclusion of her In
such a crisis , became tilowly over
whelmed with the realization of her
loneliness and took to the seclusion of
her own room , feeling tearful and
abandoned and very much like a very
little girl whoso heart was becoming
far too full of all sorts of sorrows.
Nina misunderstood her , finding her
lying on her bed , her pale face pil
lowed In her hair.
"Only horridly ordinary people will
believe that Gerald wanted her mon
ey , " said Nina , "as though an Krroll
considered such matters at all or need
ed to. Hoots H a dear. Do you know
what he's done ? "
"What ? " asked listlessly , rais
ing the back of her slender hand from
her eyes to peer at Nina through the
glimmer of tears.
"Well , ho and Phil have moved out
of Hoots' house , and Hoots has wired
Gerald and Gladys that the house la
ready for them until they can llnd a
place of their own. Of course they'll
both come here. In fact , their luggage
Is upstairs now. Hoots takes the blue
room and Phil his old quarters. Itul
don't you think It Is perfectly sweet of
Hoots ? And Isn't it good to have Philip
back again ? "
"Yes , " said Eileen falnUy.
Nina laid a coo ] , ntuooth hand aerosn
her forehead , pushing back the hair , a
light caress sensitive ns nn tmaskcd
Hut there was no response , and pres
ently the elder woman voso and went
out along the landing , nnd Kileen
Hoard her laughingly greeting Hoots ,
who had arrived posthaste on learning
that Drlna was Indisposed.
"Don't be frightened. The little
wretch carried tons of Indigestible
Ktuff to her room nnd sat up half the
night rating It. Where's I'hlllpV"
"I don't know. Here's a. special de
livery for him. I signed for U ami
brought It from the house. He'll bo
hero from the Hook soon , I fancy"
Half an hour later Drlnu was asleep ,
holding fast to Hoots' sleeve , and that
young gentleman sat In n chair beside
her discussing with her pretty mother
the plans made for Gladys and Gerald
on their expected arrival.
Kllcen , pale and. UOAVy lidded , looked
in on her way to some afternoon af
fair , nodding unsmiling at Hoots.
"Have yon been rilling the pantry ,
: oo ? " he whispered. "You lack your
isual chromatic symphony. "
"No. I'm just very "tired. If 1
wasn't physically afraid of Urlna I'd
; ret you to run off with me nnywhcio.
What Is that letter , Nina ? For me'/ "
"It's for Phil. Hoatri brought It
ironnd. Leave It on the library table ,
Uunr , when yon go down. "
Klleen took the letter nnd tnrnt'd
away. A few moments later as s > ho
laid It on the library table her ejes
Involuntarily noted the superscription
written In the long , angular , fashlonu
ble writing of n woman.
And slowly the Inevitable question
tool ; shape within her.
How long she stood there she did
not know , but the points of her gloved
fingers were still resting on the table
nnd Ifer gao was still concentrated on
the. nnvolope when she felt Selwyu's
presence In the room , near , close , nnd
looked up into his steady eyes nnd
know he loved her.
And suddenly she broke down , for
with his deep gnzo In hers the overwrought -
wrought specter had lied.
"What Is It ? " he made out to say ,
managing also to keep his hands off
her \\here she sat , bowed and quiverIng -
Ing by the tublu.
' "N-nothino n a little crisis over
now nearly over. It was that letter-
other women writing you-and I out
lawed tongue tied. Don't look at me ;
don't wait. I I nm going out. "
lie went to the window , stood n mo-
mer t , cnmo bacl : to the table , took hla
letter and walked slowly again to the
After awhile he heard the rustle of
her gown ( is she left the room , and a
UUloljjt r ho Ktrajghtonod. ujx passed
his hai r across hfs ( Ireil eyes"and" ,
looking down nt the letter In his hand ,
broke the seal.
It was from one of the nurses , Miss
Cassnn , nnd shorter than usual :
"Mrs. Huthven Is physically In per-
foci health , but yesterday wo noted n
rather stnrtllng change In her mental
condition. There were during the day
Intervals that seemed perfectly lucid.
Oneo she spoke of MIsa Uond as 'the
"Iher nurse , ' as though she realized
something of the conditions surround
ing her. Onco. too , she seemed aston
ished when I brought her n doll and
asked mo , 'Is there n child here , or Is
It for a charity bazaar ? '
"Later I found her writing a loltor
at my desk. She left It unfinished
when she went to drive , a mere fit-rap.
I thought It host to , which I
do herewith. "
The Inclosed ho opened :
"I'hll , dear , though I have been vorr
111 , 1 know" you are my owu Ihi8b'rin
All I ho rest was only a child's droani
of terror. "
And that was all , only this scrap ,
llrmly written In the easy ( lowing hand
ho know so well. ' He stt'dled it for a
moment or two , then resinned Miss
( 'arson's letter :
"A man stopped our clolgh yester
day , asking If he was not.speaking to
Mrs. Huthven. I was a trlllo worried
and replied that any communication
for Mrs. lluthven could bo sent to mo.
"That evening two men-gentlemen
apparently came to the house and
tisKi-d for mo. I went down to receive
lln-ni. Ono wns a Dr. Malllson ; the
i it her said his name was Thomas B.
Ilallam , but gave no business address.
"When I found that they had oomo
without your knowledge and authority
1 refused to discuss Mrs. Huthven'H
condition , and the one who said his
name was Ilallnm Kpoko rather per
emptorily and In a way that made mo
think lie might be a lawyer.
"They got nothing out of me , and
tlu-j left when 1 made It plain that I
hail nothing to tell them.
" 1 thought It host to let you know
about this , though I personally cannot
guess what It might mean. "
Solwyn turned the page :
"One other matter worries Mlsn
Uond and myself. The revolver you
s > ent ns at my request has disappear
ed. Wo are nearly Kiiro Mrs. Huthven
has U you know she once dressed It
n.s a doll , calling it her army doll but
now we can't llnd It. She has hidden
it somewhere out of doors In the
shrubbery , we think and Miss Bond
and \ oxpwt to secure It the next tlmo
hho takes a fancy to have all her dolls
out for a 'lawn party. '
"Dr. Wesson says there is no danger
of her doing any harm with It , but
wants us to secure It at the Ilrst oppor
tunity. "
lie turned the last page. On the
other side wore merely the formula of
leave taking and Miss Casson's slgnu
For awhile lie stood In the center of
the room , bend bout , narrowing eyc.s
fixed ; then he folded the loiter , pock
eted it and walked to the table where
tt directory lay.
He found the name , TTnllum , very
easily Thomas B. Ilallam , lawyer ,
Junior In the Ilrm of Spencer , Hoyd &
Uallam. They were attorneys for .luck
Uuthvon. He knew that.
Mnlll.son ho also found Dr. .lames
Malllson , who , it appeared , conducted
some sort of private asylum on Long
Island. What was Untliven after ?
Chapter 28
I'TIIVKN was after his
divorce. That was wha
It all meant. His ( Irs
chock on the long tral
came with the stupefy
Ing ne\\.s of Gerald's
runaway marriage tt
the young girl ho was
m.Ung his own plans to marry somu
day iu the future , and at Ilrst the news
staggered him , leaving him apparently
no Immediate incentive for securing
Ills freedom.
But Huthven Instantly began to real-
1/e that what he had lost ho might
not have lout had he been free to
shoulder aside the young fellow who
had forestalled him. The chance had
passed-that particular chance. But
ho'd never again allow himself to bo
caught In a position whore such a
chance could pass him by because ho
wns not legally free to at least inuko
the effort to seize It.
Fear In his soul had kept him from
blazoning his wife's Infirmity to the
world as cause for an action against
her , but ho remembered Necrgard's
Impudent cruise with her on the Nlo-
brara , nnd he had temporarily settled
ou that us a means to extort revenue ,
not Intending such an action should
ever come to trial. And then ho
learned that Neergard had gone to
pieces. That was the second check.
Kuthven needed money. lie needed
It because ho meant to put the ocean
between himself and Sclwyn before
cornmenclng any suit , whatever ground
ho might cheese for entering such a
suit. IIo required capital ou which to
live abroad during the proceedings U
that could be legally arranged. And
meanwhile , preliminary to any plan ol
campaign , ho desired to know where
his wlfo was and what might be her
actual physical and mental condition.
But Huthven was totally unprepared
for the report brought him by a pri
vate agency to the effect that Mrs
Ruthven was apparently in perfect
health , living In the country , main
tainlng a villa and staff of servants
that she might bo seen driving a per
fectly appointed Cossack sleigh any
day with a groom on the rumble and a
companion besl.tlohcri that B.hoficem
( Continued Next Week. )
Kccd in large" and small quantities .at both wholesale o
and retail.
Special attention given to filling orders for coal O
in any quantity.
1 Broken Bow , - - Nebraska
l5ilhvin ! Nut and Lump' 1n
ii" Cannon and Nigger Head Coal n
fe !
J& C3r 1" TTLLOriDLOX" Ia"fc > 3 OO.'M
[ YOU liuvo a snap in a farm , or ranch for sale
list with mo. H'you want ; to buy a snap in a
farm or ranch como and HOC me. Phones , of.
( ice 42 , residence , 121) ) .
vsa ;
i a a ( -
She's Cured Thousands
Given up to Die.
Practicing Alcopathy , llonicop tliy ,
Elecltlc nnd General Medicine.
Ity rciiuiMt will vis.t professinnally
Grand Cntral Hot ,
Broken Bow , May 13
rcturniiik' c\ery four \\ei-kH. I'misiil her when
the onixjituiillv. In at hand
l ) | { . CAt < I > WKT < l < liniuo tier prnctici * to lite
pedal treatment of disuasew of thu I'.ye , I'.ir ,
S'OHLTliront , Iiiuu'h , I'V-iualt Dlncasi-H ,
) iHeasuHof Clilldruii and nil Chronic , NVrvutit.
and Siirirlcal DISIMHUS of a cur.ilih : n.itme.
.arly coiihiiinptioii. Ilroncliltls , llroiichlal
ntarrali , Chronic Catirr.tli , Ilrad-Aclie , Con
stipation , Stomuclio and llowul Troublus ,
ciiniatl'in. Nuuraltrla. Sclotlca , HrlKlitH'g
-aite , Klilnuy DlNi'aios. Dlhi-ases of Hie
, | MT anil Illaddiir. UUziiusss. N'urvdiisncm.
ndiKestlon , Oln--sity , Interupli-il Nutrition ,
Slow ( trowth in Children , and all wastiiu ;
DUraKfS In adults. UufornilllcH , Cliib-fiu-t ,
Jurvantnru o ( thu SIHIRUiseasos of thu llraln.
l"aralyHl * < , Ilink'iHy , Hrart Dlhe.ihu , Droiisy ,
Swcllinif of the l.hubs , Stricture , Open SoroB ,
I'ain In the Iluiius , ( irnnnlnr lailariiuini'iHH anil
all lonv-Htaiiillnir diHuasus property treated
ni.ooi ) ANUSKIN
1'liniiltrs , IlloKlies , lirnptiuiH , SpotH
I'alllmr of thu Hair , Had Cuniph-xKiti. Kc/cnia ,
Throat ( ) lcer , llotiv 1'aniN , Ill.iililur Truulilns ,
\Veak Hack. Iturnlue Urine , I'.issm ? Uilnr
too oiiuii. The ulfcctn of constitutional
ness or trie takinir of too iiifich Injurious medi
cine trcutvus martlilntf treatment , prompt
rrllcf and a euro for life.
Diseases of Women. Irrcirular Menstration ,
ralllnifof the Womb , n ariiiK Down I' < jiii8 ,
female Dlsplaccmentii I.ncli of Sexual Tone ,
Lnucorrhea , Sterility or Jlarrenneis , consult
IJr. Caldwell and alia will Hhow them tlio canxe
of their trouble and thu woy to tiecomo cured
and enlarged elandR treated with the hub
ciitancouii Injection method , absolutply with-
lu palu and without the loss of a drop of
bioodi U ono of her onn dincorerics ami is
really the moil Hi. : ntllii. and certainly -tirr
euro method of tliU au vancrd apo. Ir Cud-
well has practici-d her profosslon in soinu ol
the lanfubt liuspaa'i-1 tlirouchout the country
She has no superior in treating and diaiiiioa-
ilk' of disease * , deformities , etc. Sim
lately opened au olllm lu Omah i. Nebraska ,
wheri > liu will spend a portion of each week
treatlnif her many pallo-ts. NJ niciirablii accepted for trcatiuuat. Cousultatiuii ,
examination and advice ouo dollir to tUose
Dr , Ora Caldvvell & Co. ,
Omaha , Neb. Chicago , III.
Address all malt to i ' lice Ilulldlne , Omaha
Nobr ka.
This amazing offertinNOW Model Oliver
Typewriter No. ti at ITrenLs .1 day Is open to
r very body , everywhere.
H'n ntir new and Immensely popular plan
of selling Oliver Typewriters mi little eas >
payments. The abandonment ol longhand
In Iivor oT clean , legible , bi'aiilllul lypewut
Ion IN the next Krcatstep In human prop ess
A ready- all Hues ol business and In all
prote.sslons - the use of pen and Ink IN l.u KI ly
lestrlited to tlie \\rllliiKol signatures ,
lltislne Colleges and HlijIiKi'liooI.s. utt < b
lul ol tlu > tren I ol
public seiitmeiit , an-
training a vast aim *
ol VOIIIIK people In tbe
ii'ieof Ollvei Typewrit
'J'lie prompt and Kn
el ous iespouseol the
Oliver 'J'yi | ewntei
Companv to'the win hi
u Mr demand lei uni
\er.sal type\MltlnK
ves treiiii-nilous impetiis'.to the movement
Tlie Ollvei.ulth tin- largest sale of am
typewriter lu exlsteiu e , was tlie logical ma
< hinc to tiikr tlie lultative lillbrliiclng about use of typewiltots. It
Save your Pennies and Own
The Standard Visable writer
This "ITeents a d.i > selling plan make
the oih'or as low as to rent. It piarot tin
machliiu willilii easy reach ol every home
every Individual. A man's "cigar moiiu/
a wumau'N ' pin muney"- will buy U.
Clerks ou timall salaries can now alfonl t"
ownOlIvcis Hy utill/lngtiparcniumeiits lui
practice they may lit theinsulvca for mon-
Important position * .
Scliool buys and sUioul ( Jlrls can buy in
vert by saving thulr pennies.
Vou can buy an Oliver un this plan at tiir
reguljr catalogue prMu $103. A small Hrii
ptyment bilngs llic machtno. Then > < " .
save 17 ( .cult a day and pay monthly.
And tliu possehslon of an Oliver Typu-yrlt
unable : , you to o.tru motley tu Unlsli paying
tor the m.tchlmc
Tlio uilvur Is the The Oliver T > PC
nsl blgtlly puctett writer turns out
id typewriter un the more workot betti r
inortet-tiunce i t * quality and greater
tuu pur CUIH efllclcu variety than any
cy. other writing ma
Amongltsscores of chine , blmplicfy ,
conveniences are. strength , ease of >
-the Balance Shift eratlou and vib.u
-theUallng Device Ity are the coru
theUmiblu Itclease htones to its tout
-the I.ocomo 11 v " lughupremacy in
Hase correspunden
-the Autom a 11 c Card Indus \Voik
Spacer 'tabulated Itepori- *
-the Ant o in a 11 c - Pollow upSjoteiin
Tabulator. Manifolding s. i
- the Disappearing vice
Indicator Addressing Uuvc
the Adjustable Ta lopes
per Fingers - Working ou Uult-a
-the Sclenttile Con Forms
( leused Key Cutting Mimco
board graphs Steuclla
Can you spend 17 cents a day to better
vantage than la tue parotiaieof tUl3 wona r
ful machine ?
write for Special * Easv 'Payment 'Proposi
tlon or see tlie nearest Oliver Agent.
The Oliver Typewriter Company
116 South 15 Street ,