Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 29, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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To The
Farmers' ' Live Stocl Commission GO ,
Rooms 209 and 211 Exchange Bldg , South Omatia.
A Full Page Acl is Worth Four '
Times'as Much as a Half Page-
According to "Advertising Arithmetic ! "
There are some stores in this town that
would be great stores hustling1 , bustling1
If ihey Were Advertised Just Twice
as Much as They Are Now !
Of course , if a particular store were'to
"begin at once to double its advertising in
amount , it would more than double it in eJl'ec-
tiveness. This is one of the' vagaries of' 'store-
arthmetic. " Two columns of space are worth
more than twice as much as one column in
store-advertising. A full page is worth four
times as much as a half page but , of ,
is not charged for on that basis.
It's important for you to find out whether
your store may not be one of those that ought
to be advertised jnst twice as at present.
We want to call the attention of every one to our new
SPRING and SUMMER goods. It is a perfect and beauti
ful assortment. As it is about time to get ready for spring
we would be glad to have your order.
We'guarantces absolutly everything , fine Woolen's ,
smoothest ? fit , up-to-date and particular styles to M\e in
dividual and first class workmanship.
If you are a fat man , we make you a fat man's Huit.
Arc you thin , young or elderly , we make your suit accord
ingly so that itjlias a real tailor mudc and artistic appearance.
See us at our new location over the Furniture store of
D. C. Konkel.
JUDITH BASIN , MONTAA. Oa the Ore at Northern line between
Billings and Great Kails , a fine area of reliable production , with
splendid chances of profit for early buyers. No irrigation ; average
moisture 17 inches , which is enough to insure heavy and varied
crops. Send for Judith Basin folders.
SUN RIVER , MONTANA. Government irrigated land , 275,000
acres near Great Falls , Mont. First section now open for filing ;
only $30 an acre in 10 annual installments. Send for Sun River
Project folder.
BIG HORN BASIN. A new government irrigated tract of 12,000
acres near Garland , Wyo , , to be soon open for filing. Watch for
this and make your filing early on a choice location. Write me.
ROUND TRIP RATE. Only.$27.50 to above localities. This is a
low rate for an extensive trip into these fast developing1 sections.
Take it this spring or summer.
on the first and third Tuesdays of each month to the above locali
ties. No charge for my services ,
Write me ( or folders , technical Information about takluir up liounMead la ml *
etc. I was lor tuauy year * conuectdil with the L. ml Department of the Government.
1 can help you make jiood selection.
H. L , Ormsby , Broken Bo\v , Neb.
luilinpnH. Ticket Agent.
L. W , WAKKI.RY , G. P. A , , OMAUA.
( Continued from page three )
.Mill cllllll/CII T oi )
1' K Utithrey , uobn foi Uomt IhniHti ' . ' 75
L 11 I'olivlewlnir body of K It
Huxtfiblo , 5 00
Dii-ikH Lumber & Ooal Oo. , coal for
Aim Uwcunoy , 4 SO
Dierka Lumber it CoaJ Uo , coal for
AIrn Uubrey , l M )
Ulf-rkH Lumber & Coal Uo. coal lor
Airs Larnon 4 JO
UlcrkH Lumber & Uoal Uo , coal for
HlttonliuiiHO a 00
i Dlerku Lumber & Uoal Uo , , coal for
Hwi'cnoy. . . 7 23
, DlnrkH Lumber & Uoal Uo , , coal for
1 AlrH. LiirhJii 4 CO
It. li. dole , funernl expense of Itlch-
nrd l.'lulsman 25 no
U II. it A. W , Holcomb. 0 quarts of
Ink . . . . . C 00
Tli-rixjy Bros , meat for Klttenhouau l 10
JOB. I'iirniun nxpuiiNe 'or laying out
lluifmaii A Stuppleboen road 22 00
Knmnuu jAnderstoii. coal for court
houso. . . . . . 75 40
UiiHimtH Aridurson , coal for .Mrs.
\\itrirlo. ' . 4 00
L. W. Wll on Company , coal etc ,
for JainriH lladdlx 11 US
li. U. 1C. I'ciininitton , expense for
fumliralor 1375
Dr. U. i-J. 1'iMinliiirton for caie of
Hill Unmpbell 42 00
Hlubco it KeycH merchandise 145
.MIH. livu Keynoldu , caie for Klsei
chlldron 12 00
H , Uotfonbauuh. provisions for John
lya and family 260
1C HVaid. . for < imunntlnlnir and
h-iine of Deo. Uooley . . 7 50
J U. liuwun , provisions for U. A ,
Clianln 2000
J. t' , lioweri , provisions for Uourl
HOUHO , . 045
J. U. Hov.'en , provisions for Win.
Conrad. , , i > 5
J , 1) ) . ( Sow-on , provisions for 13. P.
Harrett 35 Ifl
J. U. llowen , nroilimWH for Airs ,
WnuiiloB U 49
J U. Howen , provisions lor Ale-
Uleary 1577
Sdward Koluy Hr. , board work and *
niileacc . . . . . . 1C (10 (
JaineH Leo , board work and lull.-
n BC , ' . 28 SO
J , li. Glliiioiu , board \voik and mile-
acre 1910
Ueo , W. Hoadley , bridire and board
work and miliate 21 00
J , li. Clrlnt , brldiro and board work
anJ uillcngo. . . . 42UD
MIMI I * . AlorrlH , brldcu work and
board work 3250
L , Uutthman. woik on Hullivnn
brldce and board work 2j CO
M. K , KoHtur , county auueHHor , pout-
ace. oxpruHH , etc 10 "U
M U li'oHter , co. uHHOHSor , ualary 115 00
Kov 11 Oiuliiuiiiilsun. care , railroad
fare and expeiiHeu of Hitter chil
dren UC 70
N T Uadd , railroad faro and board
to HiiBtiiitra , Olio
N T Uadd , ono months tialary IIH
county attorney 8.1 00
UiiHtur County 1'cncon , publication
of brldjre and road notices 42 00
Henry Kelley , vital HtatiHticn 'J 00
if At Blnitnoiu-lH , vital Htatistioo & oo
12 UHchwind. vital Htatistics 7 CO
( ) \V liarnard , vital Htatiatlcs U 55
AI LLamb 8 75
10 , ) Francis , vital statistics a 00
Win. bhennan , vital statistics C 25
lloniur liardln , sub-reirlstrura l 70
And that tlm claim of Dr. G. E.
Pennint'ton for $57.10 be allowed
for § 42.00 and the County Attorney
iiiHtructsd to collect that amount
from Del Campholl.
L. Ouahinan )
J. E. Qrint I Com.
. Jutnau Lee )
It WOH movcid and carried that the
report of iho tjominitteo bo nooeptad
and ndoptod ad ruud ,
Tdo Road commUtee inndo the fol
lowing report on the L. P. Iluflman
road iu to-vn 10 and 17 run o 2-J.
\Vo r ( JDnimrtiid that the potitio-i
bo gfAtiluil HB ro'.o ' ntnondud by lliu
oointniiijinuor , find dfuiiiiyuu allowed
us ( o'.lovva againflt roit-J dialriot No. IJ
Cliff twp :
Rnmiiol Nevi $2000
Kltjah Lust ) 1000
J U llronlzor 150 00
Huwtoii Ulazlor 1000
,1 IJ linHHett. ( WOO
Alortrau it aklllinan 6000
J Ij IlntciiiHOn 1500
Divnoiiie1 m n-2t 2 ; . oo
H W Foster 25 00
Owner n'-i seM ia-1-21 2000
And a aintH No 2 , Triumph.
WLWoodwotd . w oo
Os nao-Ji . 2000
Statu of NebranUa . ai ) 00
\V 1' ' Kuril , ( laiuatrit to luatio on
30-17 21 . . . 25 00
K I . .lolinsQiiid nw NO nw no H\V
2 I-VJI . H5 00
With iho privile u of ( -reo'ing and
n catllu olinte nt liia own
with handrails on same.
. _ . ( Stupplolioon no HW 2-1C-2I as no
J llUassell w'v ' nw 2-ii-2i ( luo oo
And that all other ulainid ! ) . re-
ioctod. *
Wt fnrtliur roooininond Unit the
ounty Clerk \.o \ dirrutnd to refund
upoditR iiioimy on M II. Stuppln
) pen rej oted by the Hoard Dec 'J7 ,
li)07 ) , KKIUO bein included in the
survey on the within petition.
Aiul ua followa upon llie petition
of II. II. Andrews ct ill for vacation
of a port of road No. tfyS ) .
We recommend that the within
petition bo grnuted as reumunondcd
by the CommiasiotiHr.
And ns follows upon the petition
of M. K. Jonns et ul for a change in
road No. 8S5.
\Ve recommend that the within
petition he granted na rocoinmemlod
by the Commissioner.
Wo ulna ruuommond that the fol
lowing diiuflgo claima he allowed ,
ouiUHd by the location of the John
Thanel rend , urnnled by the Board
March 17 , JDOO.
TliB o nor of the S2 SW4 and the
NK-i of the SW-I Seotiou 20 , Town
17 , ftanjjo 2J ! i-75 00. John Than-
el * 0-1.00.
The owner ol the sj $ BwJ < 5 and
Huc2J , 117 , rai 7500
JohnThanul moo
To bo levied against Road digt.
No. J , Triumph township.
And as follows ngiinst Road diat.
No. U , Cliff twp ,
Jphn'lJianoJ JC oo
I' W3" " 2500
W. P. llompstead 8i aores of
land * 122.50. Foouu $1.JQ.
Block chute $10,00 , same to be
erected and maintained at his exponao
with hand raila placed thereon ,
J J Ohrlstonson cs oo
We also recommend the following
datiiBgo claims bo allowed , caused
by the location of the J. 0. Russell
road in township 15 , raugo 19 , aauie
bnen granted by the Board
ut tbiir March 18 , 1DOU , meeting ,
5Hid Jinnies In be asaesaud ugaiuat
Rja-l Di-strot N.I . , ii , Uertvyn.
J. A. Wordan HB per agreement.
Land six acre * $ 40 00. FeUee
30 0 ( ) . Outtle chute HO.OO to
be'creoled and muintained at bis ex
p'jnsH and hand rails plnc.-d on same ,
C D HelltiH ' . UOO OC
We alsu recommend thxt the
survovor bo instructed to rr-jurvey
roi'l No. 803 acroBs section Ul , town
17 , RMi oiI. !
And tlmt upon the applioalion of
Joseph Harris f/r u stooK ohuto bn-
twuen Hoution 20 and 21 , township
20 , range 19.
Wo reaHutnend that the rfqmst
bd granted , ohuto t" be built and
maintained by the owner , with .hand
rails on same.
Wo alt-o recommend tlmt the
Routl ilUtriots in K'iltbil towndliip be
changed us follows : That all I he
territory in stid towuuhip north of
line Between towoantp i <
and 18 , 1m known as road district
No. 1. And that nil of the territory
sou h of Huid township line be known
as road diftrict No 2
Wo also recommend that the fol
lowing olaims bo allowed :
P K VanAntwerp. survoylnir and
commissioner on roada 26 60
R W Shaw , one day appralslnir L c
llolfman road a 00
H w bhiiA- , one day appratainir John
Thanol road 3 10
A I ) Hrown.ono day appraising road 8 20
A U day appraising : John
Thanol road 320
LnvrlH Kimberllnir , one day apprals-
Int : L. llolfman road 3 40
A { . J VanAntworp , suivoyinc and
plattlnir loads , 41 oo
It W Huokner , chaintnan on roads. . . U 00
A J VanAntwurp , surveying1 roads
and mlleago 4320
K.V. . Hucknor. cliHinman and coin-
iniHHioncr on roads 20 00
S H Brown , ono day ao flairman on
road No. 317 2 OJ
I1 red Dewey , ono day chainmen on
resurvey ol No. U47 200
J E. Qrint , \
James Lee , v Com.
L. Ouahmanj
It was moved and carried that the
report of the committee be accepted
and adopted as rend , and that the
roa-le bp , and earne are hereby es-
tHblishod and vacated aa located by
the committoe.
The minutes of the April 20 , 1900 ,
meeting wore then read and approv
ed , after which it was moved and
carried to adjourn until June ] 8 ,
1909 , at 8 a. in.
2 0th CENTURY' '
Lumber , a large assortment
and complete stock for Builders
to choose from. Let us estimate
on your contracts. We always
try to please ,
H. T. BRUCE ft QQ.
Lumber & Coal
South side ,
' }
There is a guaranty of deposits in this bank. You are invited -
& to call and
investigate our method : : : : : : : : : :
- - - , - , <
The King of Laundry
SOAPS. Yellow soaps
contain rosin. SUNNY MONDAY contains
n6 rosin.
'Sunny Monday bubbles will .wash away
yourtroubes. "
Use Gold Dust it
is better and cheaper
ihan yelow soap.
Buy Sunny Monday
and Gold Dust
Knabe Marshall
Everett and Wendell
Herbert A. Waits
Cable Haines Bros.
Wellington Bush anj Lane
Drs. Farnsworth & Beck
Drink "Bine Ribbon" coffee.
Roasted fresh every day , 24tf.
All unauthorized persons are
hereby notified to not interfer in
any way with street lamps , man
tles , and fixtures under penalty
of the law. a-22-a29
Farm and City loans at lowest
rates. M-ll-tf JAMIJS
Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee-
Roasted fresh every day. 24tf.
Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee.
Roasted fresh eve y day. . 2-4-tt.
A solid gold fob with C. M.
engraved on 'it. Finder please
bring to the Republican office.
a-22-a2lJ C. M. MARQUIS.