TlJJfi REPUBLICAN , OlM'JfiU OOUMrNlCI3ilA3KA ; Schedule of Dioken Dovr.Malli. rocctm ran IUB KAST cLoiu i F Train No 4 > . 0 a 111 Train No < i . 'i * > a m Train No 44 . " 'SO t > u roucnr.sroK TJII : west CLOSE A Train No 41 . 8jW am Train No 41 . 13U | p m OltiM opAtiSuailitr fromb.SO tu IDIMJ. Ul utck days , fl M a. m to 7 'JO P m . B. & M. Train Schedule WEST HOUND EAST HOUND No , 37 6Z1 : a m No , 40 0:40 : , i in No , 41 11:87 : I'ni No. 4 ? tM ; a m No 43 S-.lln ui No. 44 11:27 : p m Nns 39 anil 40 run between Lincoln and UroUcn How only , ami not on .Siiiul.iv. Krclf lit trnlni No 47 ami 4S carry patten uorv tint ata run ai yxtran The City Livery And Feed Barn Feeds your horses 110 jxx > r gruiu nnd will supply you with good Horses and Hi at reasonable prices , Cotue nutl see me. W. A. Tooley Not a Dull Spot in the May EVERY BODY'S MAGAZINE. That's why it holds the undoubted supremacy. Even if you arc not a mag- nzinc reader , try it. There is an unusual line of fictioij this month. Read "Grimsden House" jfyou like a "thriller. " TOR SALE BY C. II. & A. W. I10LCOMB J. L FERGUSON POK COUNTY SUIIVhYOK The subject of this sketch wat borne Juno \ ( > on a farm iti Jaa- per County , Iowa , attended UK public bcliools , entering and taking the course of civil engi' nccring at the Iowa State Col lege in IfK-l attending there twc years , one vcar in the Held with a corps of engineers of the U. P. R. K. Two years at the Iowa Stale I'liiversity and finishing the courscj3 J.Mj/U10iigiiK'LMMji { . ' JtuT'yL'nTlater at the Universilj if Michigan. Located at Chicago cage in 1892 , accepting a posi lion as civil engineer ol the Na tion Linseed Oil Company with a capital of $18,000,000. Made surveys and complete drawings of their filly-eight planls. Aftci completing this work he was rcc ommended lo the big packers , Nelson Morris iV Co. securing similar position. Fiotn there he was given a place by the latf Chief ICngincer Blake of the C 15 & Q. R. R. in the engineering department ami at one time \vav urged and slated for City ICngt- necr of Chicago. Not wishing (0 ( enter politics he asked for his name to be withdrawn. Kor fif teen years Mr. Ferguson followet his profession as Civil Kngince in many different lines ol the work and therefore { ot the prac tical with the tlieortica parts making him a proficien ami efficient engineer. Five years ago Mr. . "Jtist stop and cast your eyes on iho buggy Miller & Kennedy are giving uwny. K is in their window , drop in and learn the full particulars. Get a ticket , they are going Fast. JOHN DEERE MACHINERY Our line of machinery is complete. NVe han dle the John Deere line. The best quality your money can buy and at the right price. Sec the new No. 9. Edge drop corn planter. CREAM SEPARATORS If yon arc thinking of a Cream Separator don't overlook the Sharpless. Easy to run , easy to clean , no wabble and no worry. GASOLINE STOVES See our new line of ( lasolineStoves , also the celebrated Blue Flame Oil Stoves. When you think of getting ready for the hot days. . Dome in and see how cool we can keep your house. We have a choice line to pick from. HARNESS and REPAIRING Our New Harness Machine is installed. We are able to do all kind of repairing while you wait. GENERAL DWARE tni r nj'1'lS.g-J'.l ' ' MlP.LE # It wasn't the name that made the fame of It was the goodness of the crackers that made the fame of the name Sold only in Moisture Proof Packages NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY was engaged to make a map sur- yey of one of the eastern coun ties of Nebraska while here do ing the above work and liking the pure air freedom of Nebras ka remained in > our midst in Custer County. Four years ago he located on a farnrncar Lee Park again taking up the work of civil engineering. Having been urge : ! by his many frie.dR to be a candidate for County Surveyor of dialer County , Nebraska and after much consideration Mr. Ferguson has allowed his name to be presented to the voters at the Republican Primaries for a candidate for Countv S-'nrvevor. J. J. N. Wecth of Ausley , was transacting business in the city last Satuiday. FOK SAM ? My residence prop erty in south cast part of city , call or addrccs JAS. L. KIKO , a 15-tl Hrokeu Bow , Nebr. Stock to Pasture I elm pasture 00 hfnd of caltU' at ' 10 cents pei * month or (50 ( head of horses at . " > ( ) eotils per monty. A high grade 1800 1 ! ) stallion will make the season at my farm 1 . ' 5 miles southeast of Mrolu'ii How. A. C. Crawford. Drink "Blue Ribbon" cofT.-e. Koasied fresh every day. 24 tf. Farm and City loans at lowest rates. M-ll-tf JAMKS LKDWICH. Fine Residence property for sale. Call on I. A. Coleman of Broken Bow. Feb'y 25 tf. We are in the market FOR WIIITK and YELLOW COKN Will pay the highest price of fered oi ) the Broken Bow mar ket. Call and see us before sell- in g. 3-Mf S. J. LONUROAN SpainsTec ms and Livery Rigs Are Always Good When you go out for a drive yon want a team that drives up well uml a buggy Hint rides easy. Thais the kind I can give you. My juices are right , too. Uon't forget that I have my corMs 6pi ) m > to feed and care for your stock' . J. H. SPAIN NORTH SUM : LIVERY IJROKI-N BOW. . . NEBRASKA NOTICE TO NON UKSI iNT DKFi : NIJANT In the District Court ot Custc-t Countv Nebraska. Oscar M. Kubank vs Jennie f. . . Kubank. Jennie L , Kubauk non-rcsiiluiil ilefcml.uu Vou arc hereby nottlleil that on the llth < ) .iy of April 1909 Oscar M. IJubank illcil a petition agaliibt yon In the District Court of Ctihter County. Nebraska , the object and prayer of said petition are to obtain a divorce from you on the grounds , of cruel and Inhuman tieatinent In that plaintiff contracted bad disorder , commonly called Gonorrhea from > ou and inoci ul.ittd this plaintiff \\Hli h.iid loathsome disease \vlthout any fault on the part of the platntllf. plain tllf.ilso charged you haying Illiilt inter course with parties unknown to this , plaintiff You are hereby required to answer 01 demur to said petition on the S4tli daj of May , 1909 and in case jou fall to answer 01 dpmur your del.iult will be filtered and decree jendertid anording to the prayer ot Mi petition. N. T Giut ) . Attorney for plaintiff. A 15-M ( Mt Nevei Close Restaurant Has been sold to me by J. II. Sloggett. I intend to run a cleau orderly house and I invite all of my friendb to call and see me and I hope that Mr. SJloggetts friends and customers \vil ) remain as customers of miuc. Come in and I will treat you right. Remember that I can fur nish you as good beds as you can get anywhere in the city and my price is 25c. Don't forget the lo- eation just south of the Raileoad Track. FRANK DEAN Dr. Bass , Dentist. OverMcComas FOK SAUC New milch cow with calf by side inquire of J. S. Benjamin. aS-1 t , not needed Ayer's Sarsaparilla is not a strong drink. As now made , there is not a drop of alcohol in it. It is a non-alcoholic tonic and alterative. Ask your own doctor about your taking this medicine for thin , impure blood. Follow his advice every time. He knows. We publish our formulm _ Wo banish nlpnhol f from our medicines * uers Wo Tirgo you t consult your doator j Ask your doctor , "What is the first great rule of health ? " Nine doctors out of ten will quickly reply , " Keep the bowelg regular. " Then ask him another que- , tion , "What do you think of Ayer'fi Pills for constipation ? " -Modo by tlio J. C. Ayer Oy. . Lowell , Masa. - HOMESTEADS will soon be a thing of the past I can locate ' ' . . you in Grant , . Hopkpr and Mo" ' Pherson Go's. ' * > Call on or write" . . J , T. MORROW Lena , - Nebraska. . . McPJierson County.