Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 29, 1909, Image 1

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Junior Normal term will last eight weeks
Instead of six as last year first
tow weeks will be for instute
County Superintendent Pinck-
uey was called to Lincoln last Fri
day to join with others interested
in a | conference concerning the
fans and work of the Junior Nor
mal for the coming summer. The
conference lasted through Fri
day afternoon , Saturday forencon
and afternoon , and was marked
by intense interest and earnest
discussion. Mr. Pinckney re
turned on the late train Monday
night , and reports as follows :
Prof. Elliott , recently elected
as Supenntendeut of Broken Bow
schools for the coming year , will
act as Principal of the Junior
Normal , Dr. Clark not being at
liberty to return for this session ;
Supt. S. E. Mills , of Ravenna.
who was so greatly appreciated
last year , has made arrangements
for work elsewhere , hence , will
not be here this summer. With
these exceptions , the faculty will
be the same as last year , with the
possible exception of Supt. Howe
of Ord , who is asked for at an
other Junior Normal. If the re
quest is granted , some other com
petent person will replace Supt.
The instructors who were em
ployed last year and who will be
uere-again this yearrare : Rupt.
H. M. Pinckney , Prof. J. G. W
Lewis , Prof. Mclndoo , Miss Alice
Burley and Prof. Loren Cornett.
The entertainment course will
consist of two numbers , possibly
three. Frank A. Hoberson will
give one of his world famous
"Travelogues , " the subject being
L "The Last Days of Messina. "
' " Mr. Roberson was in Messina a
few weeks previous to the earth
quake , and took a large number
of views. Upon hearing the
news of the earthquake , he re
turned to Messina as soon as he
could secure a passport , and
spent several days in taking
views of the scenes of the ruins
and of the relief work. He thus
has probably the most complete
and the latest series of views of
the city before its destruction ,
And the earliest views afterward.
pVT ,
These will be shown both in the
moving pictures and in the mag
nificent colored stereoptican
views which have delighted Rob-
erson's hearers in every part of
America ,
The second number of the
entertainment course will be pre
sented by Adrian M. Newens ,
who needs no introduction to
Broken Bow audiences.
The Junior Normal term will
last aight weeks , instead of six
as last year , beginning June 7th
end ending July 30. The first
two weeks will be the Institute
for Custer County teachers , and
probably for some of the neigh
boring counties.
Closing Exercises.
The closing exercises of the
East Table b'chool , taught by
/ Edna Russom , took place last
' Friday afternoon. There was a
much enjoyed literary program
and a fine exhibition of school
Work. A large number of friends
And parents were present. Miss
IRussom is to be congratulated on
the years work , for being the
most successful in the history of
the school ,
The Custer County Sunday
School Association at its 25th
Annual Convention held in Brok
en Bow , last week elected the
following officers , for the coming
year ; to wit ; President , J. M.
Podge. Vice President , D. M.
Amsberry , Secretary-Treasurer ,
Mrs. E. Shepardson. Supt Elem
entary Dep't , Mrs. W. H Dan
iehon of Anseltno. supt Teacher
Training osp't. H. Lotnax , supt
Homeoept , Mrs. L. W.McCand-
less , snpr. Terapsrance npt. J ,
H. Currie. supt. Adult Class nept
Mrsi J. J. Tooley , Anselmo and
Rev. J. T. Carsyu of Ansley.
Mr. Paul S Dietrick and Miss
Margrett Brown the state Field
workers were with us and added
vrcy materially to the interest
and success of the convention ,
The former was with us the 21st
at all of the sessions , closing
with a fine address in the even-
ug. The latter coming to us
at the morning session and re
maining through out the day.
This was the very best conven
tion that the Association has ever
icld. The work is becoming
better understood by the schools
over the county and a greater
nterest is being shown all along
the line. The finances are in the
best condition they have ever
been , all expenses have been met
and the State apportionment
> aid , with a little balance in the
reasurer hands. All feel that
he cause of our God is being this Interdenominat
onal work. May we see yet
for "Our . "
) etter things King.
J. M F.
Eight men who had attended
he State University , three who
lad been at Weselyan , one from
ho University of Iowa , one from
Franklin College and one from
Grand Island College were out to
the College men's banquet at the
Turlington hotel , Monday cven-
ng. Coasts were responded to
by Will McCandless , Dr. Chris-
ensen , Ross Moore and II. G.
Myers Edwin F. Myers acted
as toastraaster.
After the banquet , E. F. Myers
was elected temporary chairman
and Clifford Lomax temporary
secretary. H. G. Myers , Will
ilcCandless and Ray Kuns were
appointed as a committee to ar
range a permanent organization
and the next banquet.
A meeting was held at Ed
House's office last week to dis
cuss the base ball situation.
After some discussion it was de
cided to try to organize a Custer
County league , composed of a
team from each town in the cou
nty. Fred Hays and Luther Mil
ler were appointed as a commit
tee to organize the league , They
hope to have the organization ol
the league completed and com
mence playing on the regular
league schedule about Juno 1st
A meeting will be held in the
court house at Spin , May 4th to
decide whether or not Broken
Bow will celebrate the 4th of Ju
ly , Everyone who is interested
on one side or the other of the
question is urged to be present
The jolly Linger Longer club
attended the star Theater las
Friday evening in a body.
Bishop Graves Visitation ,
Bishop Graves will make his
annual visitation to St. Johns
Episcopal Church next Sunday ,
May the 2nd. The choir is pre
paring some cxcellant new music ,
for both morning and evening
services. The church ia fortun
ate in securing the services of
such well known musicians , as
Mrs. George Russotn , Miss Francis , -
cis Wilson and Mr. Frank Tay
lor. Also a number of soloists.
At the evening service a largte
class will be presented for con
firmation. An invitation is ex
tended to the public to attend
these services.
I. 0. 0. P. Anniversary Service.
The anniversary service of the
Odd Fellows lodge was conduct
ed at St. Johns Episcopal church
last Sunday morning. Nearly
forty members attended in a
body. The services were state.
ly and impressive.
The Hev. Xanders preached tea
a crowded house , an able and
eloquent sermon on Friendship ,
Love and Truth The consensus
of opinion seems to be that it was
one of the ablest sermons ever
heard in the city
The music by the choir was
exceptionally fine and received
the warmest praise. The caster
music was repeated at this time ,
with one or two changes.
The church was appropriately
decorated for the occasion.
Elect Officers.
At the close < pf the evening
services , a congregational meet
ing was held for the annual el-
lection of officers , which resulted
in the re-election of Mr. George
Purcell to the office of Senior
Warden , which office he has held
for many years ; Will Purcell
Junior Warden ; Andrew Horn
Treasurer ; Mrs. C. L. Gutterson
D. of II.Meeting /
At the regular meeting of the
Degree of Honor held Tuesday
evening , the lodge was honored
by the prehence of the Grand
Chief of Honor of this state ,
Mrs. M. H. Cleaver of Neligh.
Vt the earnest solicitation oi the
Chief of Honor , the Grand Chief
) re8ided. During the evening ,
bhe spoke of the work of the
order and of the earnest effort bo
ng made for this state to again
) ecome the Banner state organ-
Mrs. Cleaver is a pleasant speak
er , mingling pleasing anecdote
with sober fact , thereby making
a deep impression on her audi
There was a large attendance
of members and a few friends
from Anselmo , including Mrs.
Alemeda Elder , Chief of Honor
of the lodge at that place.
At the close of the meeting , a
fine banquet was served under
the direction of Mrs. Burke and
Messrs. Gus Humphrey and
Charlie Martin , the latter gentle
man proved himself a hummer ,
not only on ordering refresh
ments , but on serving them as
well. Here's to Charlie !
Birthday Surprise Party.
Last Monday afternoon , Mrs ,
Joe Molyneux , entertained in
honor of her mother , Mrs Mathews -
ews birthday anniversary. The
affair was a complete surprise
Verbal invitations were issuet
to a number of Mrs. Matkcws
friends , to assist in making this
mile-stone a memorable occasion
The rooms presented the ap
pearance of a typical bee-hive
including a few drones. At
work and at play the afternoon
passed swiftly , Mrs. Molyneux
i arranged a short impromptu pro
gram as follows-
The Telephone. . . .Mrs. Xtvndora
Instrumental Music. .Mrs. Iszard
Transcendentalism , or should \
married men work. . .Mrs. James
The Sculptor. . . .Mrs. Chrislman
Thought Mrs. Gutterson
All the members received
rounds of applause ,
At five o'clock a substantial
course supper was served in the
dining room , the gueets being
seated at two long trbles. Cov
ers were laid for twenty-five.
The place cards wore decorated
with colonial figures , arrayed in
all the splendour of the styles of
that period , and were used in
honor of the National meeting
of the D. A. R's held in Wash
ington D. C.
The table decorations were
pink carnations and American
beauty roses , resting on beauti
ful lace and embroidered centre
Bunches of the same flowers ,
decorated the music and living
Mrs Mathews received many
useful tokens of regard , as well
as congratulations and best wish
es from her friends , for many
happy returns of the day.
With pretty girls , beautiful
scenery , gorgeous costumes and
a specially selected company and
after a run of seven months in
Sew York the Runaways will
be seen at the Opera house
Wednesday evening May 5th.
The book is by Addison Bukhart
author of the Mimic World and
the music by the world famed
composer Raymond Hubbcll who
wrote the music for Fanataua ;
nitnic World Mexician and most
of the successful operettes of this
lay. George Ovey , who headed
he cast as Blutch the Jockey is
a demiuutive comedian who
lelights his audiences with his
strange antics. He possesses a
style all his own , which keeps
lis audiences in a continuous
uproar. He is supported by such
well known musical comedy fav
orites as William LennoxFrancis
Carrier , Louis Homer and Care-
inc Cantlon
George Kiffin , of the firm of
Kiffin & Locke of Gortlaud , Ne
braska , was in the city the first
of the week and arranged for a
ive year lease on the two-story
building to be erected by J. F.
Baisch between ihe Custer Na
tional and the Holcomb Book
Store. The firm will put in a
$25,000.00 stock of dry goods and
ladies' and mens's furnishings.
J. N. Stone who has been in the
employ of II. B. Drake for some
time will be general manager of
the new store. The financial
standing of the firm combined
with Mr. Stone's experience as a
dry goods merchant should make
it one of the leading stores in
this part of the state.
C. PentT& Co. have just recciv-
ed a new line of pattern hats
and some new milan and straw
shades and we will make a spec
ialty of graduating hats , we
have also a nice line of children's
Jack Miller , the wrestler
who wrestled Frank DuCray a
the Opera houseTuesday evening
left this morning for Ravenna
where he has an engagement Fri
day evening ,
The first May party of the
season will be given at the
Great Opera House May * th.
All are invited. A literary and
musical program will be given ,
The corardittee is making elabo-
ate arrangements for the decora-
An Elgin gold watch , a Mas
onic locket , and a grey overcoat
was stolen Irom Felix Rothchild ,
a Chicago traveling man who
was registered at the Grand Cen
tral Hotel Tuesday. Rothchild
went to his room about 3:30 : in
the evening to sleep until the
11:27 : train came in and when he
awoke hia belongings were gone
le reported the matter to the
officers and offers $50. reward for
the return of the property and
will give $25 , additional for the
arrest of the thief.
It was learned lattr that a
nan giving his name as Charles
Sllis and claiming to be from
Billings came to the hotel early
Tuesday morning an 1 aecurod a
ootu. He claimed to be sick and
wanted to rest while he was
n his room all day and his meals
were sent to him. He left some
ime during the night without
laying 1m bill and took with
liui a pair of pants belonging to
o Luther Miller. A pair of
[ loves was found on the back
steps indicating that tie had
gone out the back way. lie
eft a fairly good over coal and
wo pair of pants in his room
Phere was considerable difference
n the size of the pants and this
s taken to indicate that he had
tolen them some where else and
d left them in order to get
id of them. Nothing further
has been Vicard from him.
The annual contest of the Cus-
ner County High School Associa-
ion will be held at Broken How
on May 8th. The indications
are that this will be one of the
nest interesting meetings ever
icld by the association. Four
3igh Schools will be represented
n the Declamatory Contest , and
two in the Oratorical Contest.
The prizes in each class will be
, he same as last year , a Gold
Medal for first and a Silver Med
al for second. The schools that
have planned to take part are
Broken Bow , Auslcy , Mason City
and Merna. The Athletic prog
ram will be unusually full of int
erest and will probably beheld at
the Fair Frounds , as it is plann
ed to charge a small admission
fee , to betray the necessary ex
penses and to provide medals for
the victorious contestants. Among
eng the probable events may be
mentioned the mile running race
and a five mile relay race neither
of which have hithertofore > ) een
attempted. A game of ball will
be played between the represen
tatives ot two of the schcols.
Watch for a complete program
in next weeks paper.
It has been rumored for some
time that Co. "M" might be mus
tered out , and when Horace Ken
nedy was in Omaha the first o
the week , he requested Adj. Gen
Hartigan to give him an oppor
tunity to reorganize the company
in case he thought it best to mus
ter it out. According to specia
order No. 15 , issued by Adj , Gen
Hartigan , the resignations o
Lieutenants Oxford and Joync
are accepted and Capt. Kenned ;
is authorized to organize a com
pany to be known as Company
"M" . Mr , Kennedy took thi
action on request of the Commer
cial Club.
Representative Taylor deduces ( hat Sen *
utor Ollis should he classed Hilti
Senator Hanson of Omaha.
Twenty-two Democrats , two
Republicans and E , R , Purcell
oustituti'd crowd which
n as-
cinblcd in the court house last
Saturday afternoon , for the con-
crence of the Democrats and
Populists. Mack Warrington
vas elected temporary chairman
and Edward Foley , Sr. was chos
en secretary. Representative
Taylor was present , and he wan
culled upon for a speech. Mr
Baylor stated that hu considered
hat the legislature had done
omc work that was coiumend-
ablc and some that was not com-
ncndable , and while ho believed
hat it should be commended for
he good work it had done , he
lid not believe in whitewashing
over the condemnable part of ila
vork ,
Resolutions were introduced by
C. W. Heal , declaring tlje coti-
ilined faith of the Democrats in
he National Platform of 1V08 ,
lematiding tarifl' revision and an
ncoiuc tax at the present con
gress , and commending the sen
ator and representatives from
this district.
Taylor had intimated before
that he and Senator Ollis bad
not agreed perfectly and he now
stated that he did ndf care to
lave his name included in a resolution
elution commending Mr. Ollia.
Marshall Eddy , Ross Moore ,
fob n Squires , 11. J. Shiuu and
W. B. Eastham all took part in
the debate on the question of the
idoplion of the resolutions As
the discussion grew warm , Tay-
or declared that Ollis was as bud
or even worse than Senator Ran
som , of Ouidha , who was the
recognized corporation tool of
the Senate , and that his name
could cot be coupled with that
of Ollis with his consent.
The trouble between Taylor
and Ollis seems to have arisen
very largely over the-question of
the passage of the Physical Val
uation bill. Taylor insisted that
the South Omaha Stock Yards
railroad should be included in
the bill , while Ollis opposed that
and favored excepting the one
road from the operation of the
At meetings of the city coun
cil held Wednesday and Thurs
day of this week , the electric
lighting franchise was granted
to John W , Earley , of Columbus ,
Mr. Earley offered five free arc
lights instead of four , and made
the city a rate of $6.75 per arc
light for the twenty-five arc
lights that it is to take , This
is seventy-five cents per arc light
lower than any other man offered ,
He has ten days in which to ac
cept the franchise and must be
gin the construction of the plant
within sixty days after he ac
cepts the franchise. He must al
so put up a certified check for
$500 00 as a guarantee of good
faith , and have the plant in op
eration within eight months.
Mr , andMrs , S , O. Miller who
live near the King school house
are the proud parents of a baby
girl this week.