Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 22, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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    1 ' 1
The post mortem statis
tics of the big New York
hospitals show that sonic
cases of consumption arc
due to unchecked dyspepsia
especially when the victim
was predisposed to tubercu
Dyspepsia wears out the
body and brain , the weaken
ed , irritable stomach ia un
able to digest food , the body
does not receive the requir
ed nourishment , constipa
tion ensues and the victim
becomes thin , weak and
haggard , As u result the
body becomes a fertile field
for the germs of disease to
lodge and flourish.
Therefore , the person
who permits dyspepsia to
progress unhindered is guil
ty of contributing toward
the development i f one of
the most insidious at d fatal
diseases known to mankind
Dyspepsia is curable if
properly treated. The PM.
McCotnas Drug Co. sell a
remedy which they positive
ly guarantee will cure in
digestion or dyspepsia or
they will pay for all the
medicine used during the
trial. This remedy is an
absolutely new medical dis
covery aud has been named
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets.
Certainly no offer could be
more fair , and the offer of
the Ed. McComas Drug Co.
is proof positive that Rexall
Dyspepsia Tablets are a de
pendable and infallible icm-
cdy. Inasmuch as the med
icine will cost you nothing
if it does not benefit you we
urge you who are suffering
with indigestion or dyspep
sia to try this remedy. A
twenty-five cent box of Rex
all Dyspepsia Tablets con-
tians enough medicine for
fifteen days treatment. Kc-
mcmbcr Rexall D\bpepbiu
Tablets are only sold by
ED McCoMAS , Druggist ,
Broken Bow , Neb.
[ E HAVE purchased
the Tin & Plumb
ing business form
erly run by Mr. W.
P , Koyers , and will con
duct our business in the
Same old stand , and do
the same first class work- .
In addition we will do
Sanitary Plumbing1 and
Heating' , in Tlot Air , TTot
water , and Steam , and
guarantee all our work to
be perfectly satisfactory ,
and will appreciate the
opportuniy to make esti
mates on work in our line.
Utl/ ) / iicu/r /
Lumber , a Inrifc assortment
and complete stock for Uuihk'n
to choose from. Let us estimate
on your contracts. We always
try to please.
Lumber fit Conl
South Midi * .
* * .
t * * * -
NiiTK'U 01' 1T.T1TIUN'
ot Jusvph A lUliLiu U ild r.isc-d In
( uuntv Court of Custci I'
' 1 he bt.ile of NubrnsU.t , To .ill IPCIIHIIM In
trii sled in salil estate , take notli c iliat .1 | > c
tltlon has been Illocl for lUo .iii | > olntiiifiit ot
George \V. llabcock as adutlnlstiatui < it
salil estate , ulilcli has been set un
In lulu , on May 'JO , 1CW at looik.iU a. in
U-lt.'il April 80 , 1009 A H. Hl'HI'HHh\
a.'J-lul3 It. CountJuil
In the c'utintv Coutt of Custor count\p Nib
in thr matter of the nutate ofvuu.nn J
U'.inu decease , ! .
The State of Nebraska to I'tPilltois ol
s.UU Kst.lte.
JU-Notice , that I will sit In the Count\
Court Room , In llroken How , in Salil Count ) ,
on the SOtu day of May 100 , and the iBth d.i >
ol November 1POP , at 10 o'clock a in to 10
ccivo and examine all claims Died anil fro
Rented against said estate with a \lo\\ to
theirailjustuu t and ailon ante * on
ic Hi st date above named the petition ot
the widow will be hoaitl foi hemet > tead ix
einptiona find allowance , and othei itat
utotj lights
Thi * time limit foi the presentation ot
claim * against said estate U six inont'it ' , from
the 20 day of April 10 * , and the time limited
foi the payment of debt * IN one vcai I mm
said date
ll.ltcd I 50 IfJ A U IllIMI'llllKV
a11.1 ml34t fountJiilgr
In the Ulstiiil Couit of t'ustcr I'ountv
Nebiaaka. '
Isaac A , Roneau 1'lalntlffsVm 11 Poul ,
llonry Paul , et al , DelendantH.
The defendant , Henry Paul will take no-
tli.e that on the lull day of Airll. 100Vm ,
II Kind , ono of the defendants in the above
entitled nctlon Illed his answer aud Crobs.
petition In said action in the Ulstila couit
of Ouster county , Nebraska , the object and
prayei ot which said Cross petition - > o filed
by the said defendant , Win. II. I'ord against
tlic said delendant , llenrv Paul , arc to iel
aside \.trait * and cancel a ceitaln iiioriii.iKe
nade by the plaintiff , Isaac A Itencau and
his wife to the said defendant Henry Paul
on the tlrst day of Deceuifoei , 100 upon the
North \\cM o.uarter of faectlon 15. Township
Itanue 30 In Cusler County Nebraska ,
which moitpage was. given to secure the pay
ment of J130J.OO , the same being due and pav-
able on the first day of December , ion and
drawing Interest at the rate of 0' , per cent
per annum until paid and which mortgage
Is rccoided In Hook TJ at pa0o ICO of the rec
ords of Custer County , Nebraska
Said Cross petition allege * that at the time
said mortgage was made that the defendant
\Vm. 11. l-'oul was entitled to said land by
virtue of a contiact whUh he had entered in
to in the early part of 1POJ with the then own
er ot the same , Udward L Ford , and that
under and by virtue of said contract of purchase -
chase , the t > nld Win II. Kurd , at the time of
the execution of the said mortgage was In
open , notorious , absolute and cxdusUe pos
session of bald land of which possession the
dclciulant , Henry Paul liad notice and was
bound to fake notice. That said Cross pell ,
tlou fuithcr alleges that the bald plalntin ,
Isaac A Kcncau had no tight or authority to
execute said mortgage or to encumber slid
land for the reason that he well Knew that
the said defendant , Win. 11 1'ord was entit
led to the same and \ \ as in puscsslon ol the
You , the said defendant Tlonn Paul , aie
required to answer said Petition unoi befoie
Monday , the Slth day of May iww
Patod this Ilth day of April IPOJ ,
WJU.UM u. PoitD
lly 9 A IIOU'OMlt
c I , GurruusoN.
ul mull ami A WAI.I. his All ) s
Wilson , Manniup- , and Ridcnor , I
were Merna M itors Tuesday. i
Inliti Whelinjj u cnj lyinjj a
viiit from liia sister thia week.
Work was I't' un Mondavi on
the Noman ( 'alholic oliurch at
II. R. Joiner and wifeofiMerna
visited in th city Kiiday , Satur
day and Sundjiy.
W. II , Wells made a business
trip to Gregory , South Dakota ,
last week ,
Mr. and Mra. H. S. Hennctt
went , down to College view Sani
tarium last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Walker of Wai-
worth are the guests this week of
Mr. and Mrs. I. A Coletnin.
John Finch. H. R. Black , and
C. M. Hlowera came over fioru
Arnold together last Friday.
Alex and Missea Mina and
Elsia Pirnie of Wuisscrt were
LJroken Bow visitors last Friday.
Mrs. C. M. Leisure and four
daughtets loft last week for their
new Home at Portland , Oregon.
Miss Ora Heck wh'i in teaching
at Thcdford visited Saturday
aud Sunday with relatives in this
Mrs. Bean , and Mrs. Tut lie
returned Wednesday night from a
ten days visit in Lincoln and
Fred Baisch came home last
Friday evening and has been sick
since that time with a brouchil
John Gilling1 ? who has been in
the land oflice at North Platte ,
lelt last week to assume his new
duties at Cheyenne , Wyo
Mr. and Mrs. J. G VanCott ,
Mr. and Mrs. II. Hangs , and Dr.
Willis Talbot were in Omaha
last week.
Mr. II. T. Bruce , will leave
Friday morning for a few days
visit with rclativies at Iloldredge
and McCook.
Miss Kthel Diffendaffer , a
student at Custer College spent
the E ister vacation at her home
in Ravenna.
J. A. Amsberry of Mason City
who was a candidate for State
Representative last fall was in
the city last Friday.
D. K. Wilson of Wahoo arrived
in the city ibis evening , and will
spend most of the summer with
his son J. H. Wilson Esq.
Judge U. F. Good , of Wahoo ,
who wa * in the city on leyal busi
ness last week , returned to
Wahoo Thursday morning.
I'Mtor ! C. W. Meal is enjoying
a visit this week from his lather ,
W. II. Ik'al. Mr. Heal likes
Nebraska but thinks there is no
place like Missouri.
On application of Kli Cox two
of the Cox children which have
been under the guardian ship of
Samuel Palton were turned over
to him by Judge Humphrey last
Agent Moultou , of Anselmo
office of the Uurhngton railroad ,
was in the city today. lie was
brought here by Sullivan and
Squires to take his desposition in
a railroad damage case.
Patties wishing services of o
first class shire stallion will find
same at my ranch at farm prices.
a-22 m- ( > F. II. WUISKNKHDKK
PI ) mouth Rock PJTJJS.
Full blooded Barred Plymouth
ROCK eggs 50 cents per setting of
15. $3 00 per hundred eggs. J.
13. Wilson , phone 355. altf
Nuu Hope Items.
The party at Mr. G riffles a
week ago list Friday night was
well attended and the evening
was enjoyed uy all present.
Bertha Iluffakcr came home a
week ago last Friday for a short
visit returning to her school near
Anselmo Sunday.
W. II Cline has been very sick
this week.
Clarence Iluffakcr moved into
his new house last week.
Alice Iluffaker went up to
Mulliti a week ago last Wednes
day to teach a spring term of
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Cline
went to Broken Bow last Thurs
Church was dispensed with at
0. K. last Sunday night on ac
count of the storm.
Olin and Warren Cline return
ed home last Sunday for a short
visit with their parents ,
Grtcllo Items.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Prfscolt
returned home Tuesday after a
week's visit with relatives at
Harrison , Nebraska ,
Mr. and Mrs , Hill , Mr. and
Mrs. Dyke , Mr. and Mrs. Knapp
and Lee Lawn visited at Mr.
In gram's Sunday.
Mi\s ICulnlia Smith was picas-
fintly j-urptisfd last Kriddy even
ing about twenty were presftit
and all report a line tune.
Mi. and Mrs. C. 1) ) . Day were
callers in the Valley Tuesday.
J. S. Baker died at his home
in Ortello Valley last Wednesday
and was laid to rest in the Orlello
cemclary Thursday.
F ( . Baker arrived to late to be
present at his fathers funeral.
Anslcy News.
Dr 1C. A. Ilannawas an Omaha
visitor thia week.
W. Butdett and N. C. Harm
have a moving picture outfit and
Ansley will have shows of that
kind. The first one was given
last Saturday night and was well
Rev. D. McKachem attended
the meeting of the PresbyUry at
Central Cit > last week. He ten-
deied his resignation to his con
gregation last Sunday. It is
understood that he has had a i all
to one of the laigest cities in this
part ol the slate. His ptople
here hope he will reconsider his
J. R. Rhoades ic presented the
defendant and N. D Ford the
plaintiff in the case of Amsbery
against Patrick at Mason City
last week. The case resulted in
favor of Amsberry.
R. G. Applegarth is making
extensive improvements on his
main street property.
Berwyn , now has a Modern
Woodmen Lodge. This lodge
was organized by oriraniser Mr.
K C. Cross with a membership
of twenty. Neighbors , you
should do your best , to swell the
membership and make this lodge
one of the best in the state.
Meeting nights first and third
Tursdays of each month.
Joe Peniston was the busiest
man in Berwyn last week.
A. T. Ilarvill has purchased
the lot just north of his new
The foundation for the new
church is being made this week.
Joe Pcuiston has purchased u
lot between the Livery barn and
Meat market and will move his
blacksmith shop on it as soon as
the weather permits.
A new building will be built
on the lot being vacated by Joe
Peniston. 'I his building will be
used to hold township meeting
and a place to put the road
Frank Miller went to Beaver
Crossing , Nebr. Monday to take
part in a target shoot.
II. K. iMuessel and men from
Antiley were painting and papei-
ing the opera house this week.
At the wrestling match meet
Tuesday night there will be pre
liminary contests by county
talent. You , who are lovers of
sport should attend.
Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee.
Roasted fresh eve y day. 24-ti.
C. M. Headrick , M. D.
Sanitarium Department ol tlie
Hastings Cily Hospital
> ; - . , &
Will visit Broken Bow on
Monday Uprii 26 ,
Free Consultation txnd Examina
tion Ulvcn nt these visits.
V\u ilic mon suiuUbi , tsr it is better to
conic to tlus uiitu mm , nul inumicr tin
caii'of i > ht > Uuu * ami tialucu nurbd fas.
cs that rciiuirc oporatlon ; . me under tin
care of sklllHil surguoni rot those wlio ar
not seil'jush 111,1 proUde .1 specl.U mean
for treatment at their own home ami tak
them at a low fee , to be paid as they ieccl\
Hopu jo sou you nt nbovu dntu.
Thejoko will be on you if you
"buy "before you see the following :
Farm harness $23 and up
Disc Harrow $23 and UTD
Harrow 3 Section $15.50 and up
Sulky plows $35.00 and UTD
K rt
Gang Plows $55.00 and up
Breaking Plows $9.50 and up
Corn Planters $28,00 and up
Cultivators $14.00 and up
Wagons , a few left , $65.00
American Hog Pence 22c and up
ti >
Pine Top Buggies $55 and up y
Clover Leaf Manure Spreader
Its a "beauty , see It.
Our motto is to sell as low as
the lowest. Quality considered.
Mirth , Melody , Music Funny Commetlians
Pretty Octoroons , Big Band.
At the Opera House Friday
Evening April 30th ,
The Greatest and most Pleasing Event
of the Season.
PRICES 25 and 50 CUNTS
\ .
Postmaster J. II. Walburn , of
McKinley , was in the city on busi
ness the first of the week.
J. N. Weeth of Ausley , wai
trausactiuy business in Hie city
last Saturday.