THE REPUBLICAN , OUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA : l LEGAL NOTICES f \ Estate of James M. Caldwell Deceased in Couiitv court of ( Mster County. Nehr.tblc.i Tlic State of Nebraska , to nil person * in U-resti-d in said estate , take notice , that the i-M-cutori HI said estate have filed a final ac vomit .uid rpooit of thcMr administration and a volition lor final settlement and dis Uiar o as such which have beeu set Jor heat Ing before said Court on April 17th , IM ) at 10 o'clock A. M. when you may ap lu'tir and contest the same. luted March Mrd. 11-09. A. It. utTMi'itiinr. County Judge. M--'n-A-ir.n - - - - t-T'S SAL.K. Xotlce Is hereby Given. That by virtue of au Order of Salc.lssiiud to me from the Dis trict court of Custer County , Nebraska , up on a decree of foreclosure rendered la said rnurt , at the February loot ) term thereof , to. vIt : On the 6th day ot February IHiW la fa\ or of William Wilde and against E j. and L. * 1have let led upon the following Described real estate , to-wii the North ' < , of the South- i-ast Vi and the South 14 of the Northeast H ot Section S3 township 19 Ranges : In Custer County. Nebraska and 1 will , on the intli day nt April 1P09. at 3 o'clock 1 > . M. , at the east door of the Court House , in the city or iirok- < -n now. Nebraska , In said county , sell said real estate at public auction to the highest bidder tor cash , to satisfy s < tid decree , In tel est and costs , the amount due thereon to the sum ot JiH)3.t.5 ) . with 0 per cent Interest f trotn February 8th HHW and court costs auiouutlng lotW.OO ami accruing costs. Said above real estate will be sold subject to all prior Hens and Incumbrances , as per cet tltlcates on tile In District Clerk s ofllce. Dated this 18th day of March \m. II. F. KONNKUY , Sheriff. A. P , JOHNSON , Attorney. M-18 A-ISSt NOTICE FOH PUHMC'ATION , Department of the Interior , U. S. hand Oillce at Broken Dow , Nebr. March l.V hint Notice Is hereby given that Thomas S. Smith , of Round Valley , who , on December 1st , IB0.1. made Homestead entry No , OI07J serial No. 3120 , for N. V , N. K. section . ' , township 18 N. , range 19 W. . sixth principal meridian , has filed notice ot intention to make llnal live year proof , to establish cll.un to the laud above described , before Register and Ueclcver at Drokon How , Nebraska , on the fifth day of May , 1909. Claimant names as witnesses' Douglas Thompson , Itouiul Valley. Nebr , Nathan A. Smith , of Hroken How , Nebr Kdward Smith , Uound Valley , Nebr Sam uel Thompson , of Hound Valley. M-18 A-8Z C-t JOIIN HKE K , Register. NOTICE OF RECEIVERS SALE. Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to an order of the District Court of Custer County Nebraska , made by the Hon. Hruno O , Hos teller , Judge said of District Court , on the 'JO , day of February 1U09 In the case of D. M. Amsberrv vs the llrokcn How mislness and Normal College et al. I will on Tuesday the 4th day of May , 1009 , at 2 o'cloc p. m. . at the east front door ot the Court house In the city of Broken How , Nebraska , sell at public sale for cash , lots a and 1 of block Os Railroad addition to Hroken How , Nebraska , to-gethcr , with all buildings and appurtenances on said lots. Dated this 1st day of April 10U9. A 1195t John M. Tiw.NEii. Receiver. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE. In the District Court of Custer County Nebraska. In the matter of the Estate of William Thompson , deceased. This cause came on for hearing upon the petition of T. T. Hell , administrator of the estate of William Thompson , deceased , pray ing for a license to sell the south west quar ter of the north east quarter and lot two In section one ( I ) In township fourteen ( II ) [ north of range twenty-one ( il ) west ot the Uth principal meridian in Custer County Nebraska , era sutllclent amount of the same to bring the sum ot $17500 tor the payment of debts allowed against said estate , the cost of administration and the expense ot this proceeding , there not being sufilrtent personal property to pay said debts and ex penses H Is therefore ordered that all persons in- infested In said estate appear betore me at jvparney Nebraska , on the 15th day of May , J'.Wflat < imt o'clock ' p in. to show cause why a license should not be granted to said ad- inlnlstrator to sell so much ot said real rstate of said deceased as shall be necessary to pay said debts and expenses. Notice to be published In Custer county Republican , luti-d this 25th day of March UU'.i HIIUNO 0. HOSTRTLEH , judge. A I A 22 5t KOTICi : TO CUEDITOUS. I" In the county Court of custcr County No- ' ' \ In'the'matter ot the r.stato of Daniel T. I , Matik. Deceased. Notice to Creditors : The State of Nebraska , to Creditors of said Ksutu : Take Notice , that I will sit In the County Court Houui. In Hroken How , In said County , on the nuih day ot April IIHW and Die llth of Octoher liwy at lu o'clock A. M , to re- ri-f\f and examine all claims Illed and pre sented against said estate , with a view to their adjustment and allowance ; and that on the llfbt date ahove named the pi-tltlon ot the widow will he heard f < , r homestead , ex emptions and allowance , and other .statutory rights. The time limit for the presentation of claims against said estate Is six months from theSO , day of March ItKWand the time limited for tlie payment of debts ! > one year from said date. Dated March 30 1009. A. H. HUMpniiKY , County Judge. A-l-23 NOTICE FOU 1'UIihICATION Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Otllce at North 1'latte Nebraska , March H. UKI. ) Notice Is hereby given that cliarles Koch , of Urokun How , NeLraska , wlio , on March H , 1UOI made Uoraestead Entry . < o HIS u. lor M tr , ( > rtlnii nli > i > ii. tnwnshln it ! north. range 2i west of the sixth principal meridian , has Hied notice of his intention to make final live year proof , to establish rlalm to the land above described , beforu A H. Humph rey , county Judge , at Hroken How , Nebr , on the eighth day of May , 190U. i laimant names as witnessess- Emmet LShoup. Sylvester Dale Joseph Obde , Michael Onde all of Hroken How Nebraska. M. II A. 15 6t J K. KWNS Iteglsti-r. Silver Laced Wyndolles. Pure bred Silver Laced Wyn- dotte eggs for sale. 50c per dox. Mrs. Lizzie O'Rorke phone 2672. The City Livery And Feed Barn Feeds your horses no poor gruin aud will supply yon with good Horses and Eigs at reasonable prices. Come and see me , W. A. . . Tooley -4 ur * < * T ? * * , $ - i. . „ . . * * . „ Younger f § By ROBERT W. CHAMBERS , ® Author of "Tho Fighting Chance , " Etc. ® V Copyrltfht , 1907 , by Hubert W. C h a in b c r a ] : ' Vi ( Continued from last week. ) "Then what Is It ? 1 have boon have loft mo HO nuicli alone tills winter - tor , niul 1 supposed I understood" "My work , " ho said , lint she. sraree- ly know the vnloo for hK "I know ; yon have had no tlino. 1 know that. I nunut to know It by thN Ilino. for 1 have told uiysolf often enough. And yet when wo are to It N- 1ms becu--dllTerent Bother NIt - - ( ' 'nn yon toll moliy ? Do yon think ino ehiinged' ' " "Yon must not change , " ho said. The mounting sea of passion swept him. lie turned on her unsteadily , Ids hands clinched , not daring to touch hor. Shame , contrition , horror that the damage - ago WUM already done , nil were forgot ten. Only the deadly Brim duty of the moment hold him back. "Dear , " ho said , "hecanso I am un changed-because I--1 love yon so- help mo. and Cod help us lioth ! " " 'i'ell mo. " slio said steadily , lint It was fear that stilled her voice. She laid one slim hand on the tahlo , hear Ing down on the points of her linger * until the mills whitened , lint her head was high and her eyes met Ws , straight , unwavering. "I-1 knew It. " she said. "I under stood there was something. If It Is trouble , and I see It Is bring It to mo. If I am the woman you took me for , give me my part In this. It Is the quickest way to my heart , Captain Sol- wyn. I ask It. " "Why ? " Her eyes wavered , then returned his gaze : "For love of you , " she said , as while as death. He caught his breath sharply and straightened out , passing one hand across his eyes. When she saw his face again In the dim light H was ghastly. "There was a aomnii , " he said , "for whom I was once responsible. " He spoke wearily , head bent , resting the weight of one arm on the table against which she leaned. "Do yon under stand V he asked. "Yes. Yon mean Mrs. Kuthven. " "I mean her. Afterward , when mat ters had altered. I came home. " lie raised his head and looked about him In the darkness. "Came home , " he repeated , "no lons- pr a man the shadow of a man , with no hope , no outlook , no right to hope. " | Ie leaned heavily on the table , Ids firm rigid , looking down at the lioor as ho spoke. "No right to hope. Others told me that 1 still possessed that right. I knew they were wrong. 1 do nut moan that they persuaded me. I persuaded myself that , after all , perhaps my right to hope remained to me. 1 per suaded myself that I might lie , after all , the substance , not the shadow. " He looked up at her. "And so I dared to love you. " She gazed at him , scarcely breathing. "Then , " he said , "came the awaken ing. My dream had ended. " She waited , the lace on her breast scarce stirring , so still she stood , so pitifully still. "Such responsibility cannot die while those live who undertook It. 1 be- lle\ed It until I desired to believe It no longer. " lie took one step toward her , and his yolce fell so low that she could just hear him. 'She has lo t her mind , and the case i-i hopeless. Those to whom the laws if lh > ' land have given care of her turned on her , threatened her with dis grace. And when one- friend of her- ' halted this miserable conspiracy her mal.uly came swiftly upon her , and Middonlv she found herself helpless , penniless , abandoned , her mind already iouded and clouding faster. Klloon. was Uiero then the shadow of a doubt us to the responsibility ? I dare not niter one word of love to yon. 1 dnre not touch you. What chance Is there for such a mini na } ' ( " "No oliunco for us , " she whispered , "no ! " For a fiocoad he stood motionless , then , swaylnu slightly , turned on bin heel. And long after he bad left the house Hhe still stood there , eyes closed , col- lips set , her slender body quiv ering , racked with the llrst fierce grief of a woman' * love for a man. Chapter 26 EUfl.YTCU had already begun tu make mistakes Tlie was In thinking that , among those whose only distinction was their wealth , hl.s own wealth permitted him the same Inso lence and ruthlessnes that so t'rc- fluently characterized thorn- Ho had sneerlngly dispensed with Gerald ; bo had shouldered Fane and Harmon out of his way when they objected to the purchase of Neer gard's acreage adjoining the Slowltha preserve and Its incorporation as an integral portion ot the club tract ; thus he vras preparing to rid himself of i < < liv > > n foiimilW.r r. > nKiin ItUt ho was not jet unite n .id > in spurn Until ven , beein ! ii ho wnntod a little more Qlinlys Orchil. out of him , Just enough to place him on a si't'tiro footing among those of the younger set where Kulhveii , a-i hack cotillon leader , was regarded by the young with wide eyed awe. \Vliy Neergard , who had forced hlm- self Into the Slowitlia , ever camu to commit so gross a blunder as to dra goon or even penult the club to ae- Ittire the acreage , the exploiting of which had threatened their existence , is not very clear. Mready the familiarity of Ills ap pearance and his name seemed to sanction his presence. Two minor clubs , but good ones in need of dues- had strained at this social camel and swallowed him. Card rooms welcomed him not the rooms once Hung open contemptuously for his plucking , but rooms vthoro. play was llercer and where those who faced him expected battle to the limit. And they gel it , for he no longer felt obliged to lose. And that again was a mistake. He could not yet af ford to win. George Fane , unpleasantly involved In Hlock Copper , yngry , bat not very much frightened , turned In casual good faith to Neergard to ease matters un til ho could cover. And iS'cergard locked him In the tighter and shoul dered hla way through Hosamund'n drawing room to the sill of Sansnn Orchil's outer olllce , treading brutally on Harmon's heels. Harmon In disgust , wrath and fear went to Craig ; Craig to Maxwell Hunt ; Hunt wired Mottly ; Mot My , cold and sleek In his contempt , came from Palm Hcnt'h. The cohesive power of caslo Is an unknown element to the outsider. That ho had unwittingly and prema turely aroused some unsuspected force on which he had not counted and of which he had no definite knowledge was revealed to Noergardhen he de sired Rosamund lo obtain fur him an Invitation to the Orchils' ball. It appeared that she could not do so that even the threatened tendency of Ulock Copper could not sharpen her % \ Its to devise a way for him Very Innocently she told him Ilia I .1 u I ; Itnlhvon was loading the Chinese co tillon with Mrs. Dolmour-Carnc" . I nun one end , ( lerald ICrroll with ( ! lid.\- : froni the other a hint that a card ought to bo easy enough to obtain In spite of the strangely forgetful Or chils. Long since he bad fixed upon < ; iadyH Orchil as the most suitable silent part ner for the unbuilt house of Neergnrd , unconcerned that rumor was uliv.idj sending her abroad for the double pnr pose of getting rid of ( 'erald and of giving denervlng aristocracy a look In at the fresh youth of her and her sell ng price. Ho had porno < n various occasions lese to the unrullled skirls of Mils oung girl not yet , however , In her own house. Hut Knnxon Orchil had ecently condescended to turn around n his olllce chair and leave Ids amus- ng railroad combinations long enough 0 divide with Xcergurd a quarter of 1 million copper profits , and there was another turn to be expected when Xoergard gave the ward. Therefore It puzzled and confa ed Neergard to bo overlooked where the gay world had boon summoned with an accompanying blast fiom the pub lic press ; therefore lie had gone to Itosnmund with the curtest of hints that ho would llhe to liuvo U cnrd to die Orchil affair. "There Is no "use In Kpcaklng t George- , " she said , Blinking her ln-ad. "Try It , " returned Xeoigaid , ' "h n hint of a snarl. And ho took his u-uvo and his hat from the man In waiting , who looked after him with the Blight est twitching of his aim veil upper lip , for the lifting of an oyohrow in the drawing rooms becomes warrant for a tip that runs very swiftly below Blairs. That afternoon , alone In his olllce , Koorgnrd remembered Gerald , aud for the ilrst time ho understood the mis take of making an enemy out of what he had known only as a friendly fool. But It was n detail , after nll-mcrcly a slight error in assuming too early au arrogance ho could have afforded lo \\ult for. He had waited H long , long . \\hilo for some things. ( As for Fane , ho had him locked up with his short account. No doubt he'd hear from the Orchils through the j Fanes. However , to clinch the matter he thought ho might as voll slop In to see Kuthven. So that afternoon lie took a hansom at llroiul and Wall streets and rolled Miioothly uptown , not seriously con cerned , but willing to have a brief un derstanding with Ituthroii on one or t\\o subjects. As his cab drove up to the Intricate ly ornamental little house of gray Mono a big touring limousine wheeled out from the curb , and he caught sight of Sanxon Orchil and I'hoenlx Mottly Inside , evidently Just leaving Uuthven. His smiling and very cordial bow- was returned coolly by Orchil and ap parently not observed at all by Mott- y. He sat a second In his cab motion less , the obsequious smile Htlll sten died on his Unshed face. Then the Hush darkened. lie got out of his cab and , bidding the man wait , rang at the ise of Ituthven. Uuthven In a lounging suit of lllae silk , sashed In with Hcxlble silver , stood with hli : buck to the door as Neergnrd was announced , and even after he was announced Huthven took his time to turn and stare and nod with a deliberate negligence that ac cented the a IT rout. Neergard sat down. Ituthven gazed nut of the window , then , soft thumbs hooked in his sash , turned leisurely In impudent Interrogation. "What Is the matter with you ? " asked - ed Neergard. " 1 see ( hero's some trou ble somewhere. What Is It ? What's the mailer with Orchil and that hatch et faced beagle pup , MottlyV Is there anything the matter , .lackV"- "Nothing Important , " said 'Rutliven ' , with an Intonation .trhlcli troubled Neergard. "Old yon come here to ah-ask anything of me ? .Very glad to do anything , I'm sure. " "Are you ? Well , then , I want a card ( o the orchils' . " . . "Awfully .sorry. " "You mean you won't ? ' ' "Well , If you really Insist they ah don't want you , Neergard. " "Who why how do you happen to know that they don't ? Is this some petty spite of that young cub , Gerald , or"-and he almost looked at Ituthven "Is this some childish .whim of yours'/ " "oh , really now" "Yes , really now , " sneered Neergard. "you'd heller tell me. And you'd bet ter understand now , once for all , just exactly what I've outlined for myself so you can steer clear of the territory I operate In. 1 need a little backing but 1 can get along without It. And what Fm going to do Is ( o marry Miss Orchil. Now you know ; now you nn derstaiid. 1 don't care n bang abon the Krroll boy , and I think Fll dls count right now any Intentions of an.\ married man to bother Miss Orchl ! after some Dakota decree frees him from tin.1 woman whom he's driven Inti an asylum. " Ituthven looked at him curiously. ' So that Is discounted , Is It ? " "I think so , " nodded Noergard. "f lon't think that man will try lo oh aln a divorce until 1 say the word. " "Oh , why not ? " "Meeause of my Knowledge concern ng that man's crooked methods in oh tabling for mo certain options thai neant ruin to his own country club/ said Neergard coolly. "I see. 'How extraordinary ! Hu1 : ho club has bought In all that land hasn't It ? " "Yes. but the stench of your trench > ry remains , my friend. " ' .Not treachery , only temptation , " oh honed Until veil blanUly , " 1'yu talket \ * i Impnrktnt , " said Tlitthvcn. It all over with Orclill and Mottly. I told Orchil what yon persuaded mo to do. " " " " ' "Yon-yon" "Not at all ; not at all ! " protested Ituthven , languidly settling blmuclf once more among the cushions. "And. by I ho way , " ho added , "there's a lav -bylaw. Homethlng or other thai understand mny interest you"- < looked up at Ncergard , who had sunk back In hl-j cli'-ii. ' ' "about unpaid UH- BossmentH. " Neergarii tttTT Tor liui rst time was looking d.'rocUy'BS hSrn. "Unpaid nfecsvmcnt , " repeated Ruth- von. ' 'Ifn n ( Ivtall a Jay , never en forced nulusi woahal < ! It couveu < lent lo rid ourselves of u member. "ThoiDjht It Jt < 5t as well to'mentloa It , " said Uuthwn blandly , "as they've been lit to take advantage of the ah opportunity - under legal advice. You'll hear from the secretary , I fancy Mottly , ynii know. Is there anything more , NeergardV" He looked at Ituthven , scarcely Bee- Ing him. Finally he gathered his thick legs under to support him as ho rose , stupidly , looking about for his hat. Ituthven rang for a servant. When ho came. Neenrard followed him "wltUj I ( Continued Next Week. ) 1 RAS ANDERSON DKAMCK INV I V I ccd in larjjc and small quantities at both wholesale S j ; and retail , K f Special aVtcn'ion given to filling- orders for coal ] ! j t 5u any quantity. i 8 Broken Bow , - - Nebraska & A HSTR A(1TI Ni BROKEN BOW ABSTRACT CO. BONDED Farm Loans Quickly Closed I. A. RENEAU i -toV5w$3yy ' J jjj atoitoiSsiAliM. > & fiSiyK'tX&ikltSkoih. / . riSsifc'wI iK wivk'jK.WW i" < 5. > S8.1J * g i f 1I7S7"o T e nit C3 > 37 < dLo3.'Bo - y Baldwin Nut and Lump f , Cannon and Nigger Head Coal jjjS WE ALSO WOW HAVE NICE PEA COAL | | iit-v ; c - p &v//s < ' ? v'.i ! ? yri/i7f.ff , . ; 's (7ikjai ! ta7KM&3W iTfc1 6 ir aw fY .W . IATSTI ) iM AN [ < ' YOU liavo u snap in a farm , or ranoli for sale list witli me. 11'you want io ; buy a snap in a farm or ranch come and see me. Phones , of fice 42 , residence , P29. HHOKF.N liow NKHH. She's Cured Thousands Given up to Die. Dr.CALDWELL of CHICAGO. Practicing Aleopntliy , Ilomcopntliy , lUectric and General Meilicino. ljr ! re < ( tlnst will vimt piutos Grand Cntral Hot , Broken Bow , May 13 eliirnlnk. I'vi-ry fmirci.kH. . ( iiii < > iit hrr wlii-n tin ; oiuiiiiininiv IH .it li.iiul DR. t'AIlWr.I/I , liiiniK , irr praUii-c to Ihe pecial iri-aliiiunl uf IIM-IKI | > H of thu llyo , Knr , -Joke. Throat. l.uiik'N , I'VmaliDlHtn cH , > ihujKtH ! of Children and .ill Clironlr , Nurvoim and SuiL'Ical Ulse.iM-H iif a curable ii.ilnie. ' . .irly roiiHiintplion. llronchiils , , Chronic ( , IIi-ml-Aclie , Con- illpullon , Klonmchi ! and llouel Troubles , lieiimatiMii , NeuralL'la , Kciotlca , llriKlit 'H ilHL-ase , Kiiliu-y Ii8i > ai s , | ) lhea i > n of Hie , lv < : r ami Illaililur , Ili/zliuhH. NeiVDIIHIICSK , inliiruHtioii , Ohchliy , Inteluiitinl Xiiirltion , ilcnv ( Inivvili In Chililion , anil all wiiHitiiK ) isi-asi-N in aihillH. UnfimniiiuH , Cliilfcet , 'urvaiiiuru of ihu Spunillsrasus ut llu > llraln , 1'aralVNln , Kplli-psy , lluarl DUcabu , Dropiiy , iwi-llinir of the Ihiihs. Stricture , Open Surun , 'alu In lliu lIi > iii-N , ( < raniilar nnlarKiiniuiilaanil til IdiiK-siaiulliiu disease * propt-riy ire.uuil. Iir.OOl ) ANDKKl.S' DISP.ASRS. I'lnii'lfs , Illolchi-H , r.niiitlons , Ilvcr Spot- I'.illiiiu' of tin ; ll.tir. Hail Complexion , licii'ina , Throat UlcerH. llune 1'aiiiH. lilaitili-r TruubUiH , Weak Hack , liuiiiiiik. Urine , I'-insinc Uiiui- lee often , Thu clfeclH of Kicli- i s or llie laking of ion inticli injuriuu > nieili- Ine recotvi-s tican-lilm. irc.itnieiit , pronipl relief anil n curuor life. Diseases of Women. Irrcunlar Meimtrallon , ralllni ; of lliu'oiul ) , Hearing Duwn 1'aiUH , I'eniale DiHidacenienla lack ul Tonu. I < uiic < jrrliea , Sterility or UarroiuuHs , conhtill Dr. CalJuell and uliu will uhuw them ilu ; caiue of lliclr trouble am ! ihu woy in becoiita ctirt-d. CANCHKS , dOITUH , riSTUIM. I'IMlS. anil enlarifed k'landn treated with Hie nub cnlaneoiiH iiiji-clion nielliuil , absoliilply with- util pant anil u-ltlinni lliu loss of.a drop of blood , IH one of her own dlscuvcnoH and i- rcally the mosi hcientiliu and certainly nun- cure method of Him an vnnced avu. Ur. C'ad well lias jiracuceil her profusion in HUIIH : ol ( he lariresl hoi4piiai-H ! iliroiikflioul the coiiulry. She II.IH no Hiiperlor in treating ami iluik'non n U of ilixeases , ilufornt lie- , , rtiShe ha lately opened an ( illuu : In Oniali.t , Nebraska , ulieru she will hfenil a portion of each ueel < ireannn her many palli--u. N ° incurablu case.s accepted for ire.tlii.cnl. Contiutlalion , uxamlualion and advice one dollir lo ihobi- ereHted. Dr , Ora Cnldwell & Co. , Omaha , Neb. Chicago , III. AdilrexH all mail lo i lieu Uulldlug , Omaha NobriuUa. 17 ( JTS. A DAY IJUYS AN This anii/liii ; ; nfTor lliu New Model Ollvr Typewriter No. r > at trcents a il.iy Is DIJOII to every tioily , every w here. It's our new : inil linineii.sely popular pt.ui ol NI-IIIIIK Oliver Typewriters on little easy p.iyniciits The sili.iniloiiiiient ol IOUK ) < < HUI In fiver : of clean , U'ultilo , lieniilltul l\in writ hi ) ; U the ncM 1't'eal Ntcp la human 1 1 mt ris \ ii'.iily-ln all lines nt Ijusltu'ss anil in all piiilrssliuis - 1 lie use of pell iiinl Ink IN irsii U ti-il to the urllliiK of slgnnluri-- ItiisiniColti'Kis anil IllgliSrhouls , id ! > tul ot the iri M I or puhlliHI mini ni. M . tralnliiK a.iM at in\ ot yiniiiK | n upli In ili ' U ie ul ( ) ll\ei ' 1 \ pit i K els The prompt ami MI u croiiN it-spun- ul lln- Oller Tp i w nit . ( 'oinp.'iny to tin- < > i i < i u lile ilemaii'l l"i uni veisul typi u i Itinn til-mi IIIIOIIN iniprtus'.to the n , < , ti iiu-nl Tin- ill\i ) i , with the largest hahul uiv Upewiltel in i-\stunco ! , wis : ma ( himlo take the Inlutlvu til. hi Inulnj' al uu tininilMisal .ise of typewriters It tln.m leails' Save your Pennies and Own The Standard Visable writer This 17ii-iils , i d.i ) it-Ill til * pi in m il.i Ihr Oliver as luu as lo rent. II plans l.i. marllliiellllln easy le.u li ol en.i \ lunm- every ludlvliliial. A ' - - . nun's --cigar num. y , t woman's "pin money"will buy u l'k-rls on small salaries i an now annul 1.1 own Olivers lly ulill/tngHpaicmuiiieiiis l i practlt-t-they may lit themselves for m.-ie Important positions. School boys and school girls ran bin ui vers by saving their pennies. You can buy an Oliver on this plan al Uio regular catalogue price IllW. A small Ui i paymeni brings lue machine. Then ) . " . save 17 i ems a Uay .mil pny monllily. AnU tin- possession of an Oliver Ti pe-vi Her i-nubU-s you luirn money to Uuluti lor Dieiii.ichline. . Tin- Oliver Is Hie The Oliver Type most highly perlei I writer tuins uui t-ii lypi-writor < iu thu more work ol bciii-r morkeihtnco I t s iiiallty | ami giu.u. > W > pt-r cent cniclcn- variety than an/ cy. ulher willing ma Among Its scores of ilunc. Simplli r \ convcnlL-iuew are MlreiiKth ease ul -i -the ititlanre Shltt eialiuu an. i vlial tlieUuling nevli-e lt > an- lie ! i i i. --tllt-lJoublg Helt-ase - . HlOlll-S IO 111 luM v. - Hie Uocomoil v ing supremai > in llase corrcspoiuien. . i- -tlie Atltom .1 11 c -C'arU Imlex \ \ .iii Spacer -'J'abuUtuil Kep , ri - liltAut 11 in ; i 111- Kolloiv Tabulator the DiHappeai lug \u e Indlcatm the AilJusUible Pa per Fingers Working on tlie Si-U-nUllc Con dentied Key Culling Mlrac-o- buaril ills Stencils Can you speml 17 cent * a Jay to better .id vantage than in the purchaneof tnu u-.mUai tul uiuitjlnc' ' write for Spec ! it 'llasy 'P.iymentVl'roposi tluu or bee the nearest Oliver Agent. The Oliver Typewriter Company 116 South 15 Street , OMAHA , - - NEBRASKA