1'IIE REPUBLICAN , ( TJTfcU COUNTY , NEBRASKA , 1,1000. f.r.00 mul 1.2000 IM M HACINh * . WIS This Car Arrived Friday. Fob'y 3. 0 ( ) . Come in and Look it Over. W. E. Talbot. A. G. Martin. Real iams In arness Good work Harness $22OO and up Fine single Buggy Harness 7.00 and up Good leather 1' . ( inch llaultcrs .65 and up These arc real bargins. Beat them if you can ! Remember we are carrying the finest HUP of Buggy Whips in the city , and we give you your choice of ISO whips and a number on n silk plush robe for 5Oc. Robinson & Tut tie. THE HARNESS MEN E , aasmassatassssssss. Bsssnra lm Just stop and cast you- ' eyes on the Im y Miller & Kennedy arc giving uvsiy. It is in their window , drop in and learn the Full particulars. ( Sot a ticket , they are oin fast. JOHN DEERE MACHINERY Our line of machinery is complete. \Ve han dle the John Ipore ) line. The iiest qn.ilily your money can buy and at the right price. See tin- new No. 5) ) . Kdgo drop corn planter. CREAM SEPARATORS If you are thinking of a ( 'ream Separator don't overlook the Sharpless. Kasy to run , easy to clean , no wabble and no worry. GASOLENE STOVES See our new line of ( iasolineStoves , also the celebrated Blue Flame Oil Stoves. When you think of getting ready for the hot days. Tome in and see how cool we can keep your house. We have a choice line to pick from. HARNESS and REPASRING Our New Harness Machine is installed. We are able to do all kind of repairing while you wait. Because they're the Nation's Choice Because Baking Perfection approved by the whole Nation made The National Soda Cracker NATIONAL Sold only in BISCUIT Moisture Proof Packages COMPANY | Drs. Farnsworth & Beck Dentists. Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee. Roasted fresh every day. 24tf. Farm and City loans at lowest rates , jt-ll-tf JA.MKS LEmvicn. Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee- Roasted fresh every day. 24tf. ERY VALUES The Broken Bow Steam Bak ery is selling goods as follows : White Broad 7 loaves for 25 cents Hyo Bread 7 " " 25 Graham Bread 7 " ' 25 Cream Bread 7 " All kinds of cookies lOc per dozen Doughnuts - lOc per dozen Buns 103 per dozen ( "ream Puffs ! 25c per dozen Macaroons JKc ) per dozen Layer Cakes J > 5 and oOc each Angel Food 10 and lee each Pound Cake lOc each Jelly Rolls - ] ( ) c each Gup Cakes lfC per dozen Fresh Hot Pics dully ' 2 for 2 , > c We have only one reason why you should patronise us and that is because you get more for your money. THE BROKEN BOW STEAM BAKERY \Ve have leased the RENEAU HOTEL of I. A. Reneau and are now ready for busi ness. We have thorough 1 } ' cleaned the building and have added new bedding and furniture. Call and give us a trial. MEALS 25c. I1EDS 25 , 50 ( Q. 75e. SHORT ORDERS AT ALL HOURS. Managers. CO SOMEWHERE THE SEATTLE EXPOS1TIO. Very low excursion rates \\ill make it possible tor you to make the most interesting1 railroad journey in the world at an extremely reasonable cost ; only slightly higher through California. PLAN NOW. ROCKY MOUNTAIN RESORTS. After June 1st very low round trip rates will be made to the delightful resorts of Scenic Colorado , to the Big Ilcrn Mountains , including ICaton Bros , famous ranch resort at Wolf , Wyo. , near Sheridan ; the Yellowstone Park , either via Cody , Gaidiuer or Yellowstone gateway , Hot springs of South Dakota , Big Horn Basin points , Thertnopolia. Basin and Worland. PLAN NOW. TO THE EAST. An extensive scheme of excursion rates to the Lakes , Canada and eastern sea-board resorts will be announced prior to June 1st. PLAN NOW. 4x Information in responce to inquiries will be furnished at the \ earliest date. Do not hesitate to write us for information and pub- lications. State definately what you want to know , It will be a pleasure to assist you to include all available attractions in your tour east or west. H. L , Ormsby , Broken Bow , Neb. , BufctaH. Ticket Agent. L. W. WAKBI.UV , G. P. A. , OMAHA.