4 L'JJK Ot Ttilrt COTNTV , NEBRASKA. tr r'TSl ' TSS22K CISTER COUNTY REPUBLICAN . . . IJUII I ! - ! SUBSCRIPTION /8lS PER AHHUM ADVERTISING RATBS. Wlttrn matter I * net on-wood liases electrotype n Hat nrluo nf tu-cnty cents ptr IncU.nliiHlocol- tiiiiiti ( or each lim-rilon , twoortuoni Iniartlmi * IScRiil * tier Inch. Special | iofllUiin , nliiRlo in. Ki'rtlon f > cents JUT Illcli. Metal liasn. elcctrorf- ivonr tnoio tliiH'H , IS ccnmper Inch. I'ayiucnl Urn of each tmmili , Local advertlnlnu fl TO cents TIT lltir c'.irliln clnircli cliurcli falra , Hiiclnlilp * and /iilrrtalniticiitu wlioti * iimnnv Is cliaruodt out * Imlf r.lloH. Dsfttli HullccB tten , Imlf i riro for i Card o ( ThntikN , 10 ecu A , LrKul nuilcoH at rates provided lotntos of . nollconninl ti-i oliitloiiaoiio-lini ! raid notices fieo , ball price for n l of ptoaontB. at Hrokcn Ilou' , Nnbranhn , for traitn- mliilon In tin : United Stated maiU at Bcconil class rates. llcrlicrl (1 , Alycrs , lidllor find Publisher Poliflcnl Aiiiiouiicciiicnl. Uolng prompted by a drnlrc to lead nnd dlrccl tbc cducatlunal forccn of the- great cndllly of Glister , In wliuie Nihouls t W.IH a pupil nearly no years ago , 1 hereby formally ( Uitiounro myi > elf a candidate for the position of County Superintendent of I'ubllr Inntrur- tlon. I have advocated republican princi ples for Id years and am tlnm asking the.dln UiiKiilHhud honor of beliiR Its nominee at the cnmliiK flection. W.u/inn . \ VTUIIH. . I huiuby annoiiiico to the Republicans of Custur Couuty tlial I inn a cnndidiito for the nomination to tbc oflku of Comity Surveyor , subject to tbc cvprcss- ud will of tlie nicnibuis of In1 party nt ' the primary. I have served as Deputy County Surveyor for the past 3 yetus , and ] ) rcvious to the j.tnclicnl cud ac quired my education iu the County schools of Custct County , in the I'reiuoiit Xotinnl school nnd the Nebrnskn State L'uiveiiity. I have always lived in Cluster county and have always suppoit- t'd the Republican ticket. A. J. VANANTWKUl' . i\lcn \ may come , and men may but let the work of progress for the city of Broken Bow jjo on forever. Broken Bow needs a young men's commcrical club. Give the young' fellows a chance to show what their energy and ambition can do. The grading for the tailroad improvements began Tuesday. Here's hoping that it is the. be- gining of the work for at least a passenger divison at this place. Don't stand back and criticise Ihc work that some other man is trying to do for the city bul I get in and do something for im provement yourself and you won I have so much time to talk about the other fellow. When it comes to "boosting' for Broken Bow tlic Commerica Club cannot do it all. The clul must have your co-operation. / few men working against tin club or even a few men standing by and refusing1 to help may , rncnn the work that it undertakes will not be accomplished. "Never judge n m in In In - clothes , " mourns an < < ' "ani-.f. " "The m.iM wilh the ugp'd > inl , lotirh lial , and worn otil sho. s , may be the editor "of your local paper , while the man with the stylish suit and patent leather men may be si.11 ply one of his delinquent subscribers. " When Congressman Kinkaid was n candidate for re-election at fall he announced llml he would oppose the tu-election ot Junnon for fpoakor of UK House. Tlit" lecord of tin- plot red jfS in the Ilou e on March 1Mb shows that IK * voted for Catuion. How do > ou an ount for It socmw to be a little h.ird to tell just whereCongicssnian Kinliaid in going to stand when a tpt stioji coti.es to a vole in the HOUSP. Sometimes he votes with the "insurgents" and so me time a he voles with the "regulars. " He voted wilh the "inburgi-nts" for the revision of the rules ol the House bul he doscn't seem to be staying with them all of Un tune. ! ! M ' ttm * We arc not only able now , but willing to acknowledge a rival wet thy of our steed. The Kici'uu- T.ICAN has at last waked up from a Rip Van Winkle sleep under the energetic leadership tf a bachelor boy. who wants to be like us only the grapes look s'ntr , and who evidently has a good deal of heart and plenty of brains. How often have we longed for just such a rival as the Ki'rm.i- CAN has become , that we might dent its polished armor occas ionally , and theieby ad brilliancy to our own "Beacon" ligh * Custer County Beacon. V , 1-ISSliU I MMS. : Theo Fiscorn just returned from Omaha where he shipped 132 head of hogs averaging about , % SO bs ftlna Kvans came home Satur day for n few days visit. Charmer Noble stepped into a | badger hole and sprained his leg which the Doctor , says will al ways trouble him. Tice Case was trying to tide a fractious broncho and got throw- ed oil and was unconscious for several hours , lie is belter at this writing. Ada Hence was helping Mis. Ruben Campbell while shelling corn. Kail Pirncy bought a Inule team of Mr. Harold and now has a delivery man on the road and , he has also enlarged his store. Jack AppVcart has moved into Send your Abstract Orders to Jf . Bonded Abstractor Office in Security State Bank'BMd'ng Knabe Marshall Everett and Wendell PIANO SPECIALIST Herbert A Watts SELLING TUNING WATTS ULDG. IMIONE 179. BROKEN BOW. SATISFACTION POSITIVELY GUARANTEED Cable Haines Bros. Wellington Bush nnti Lane . C. 'lit * < ) llt Clilnr MARK 1'iiru I1 niul Product ; ; j IHlliSI IMAMS Kill SAII Purina - Little Chick I'eed .W cents a sack. It keep- * them well and makes them fjrow. Loiii-c killer for your poul try at 23c a box. Keeps tlirm healthy. Panacea the only egg producer. 25c and ( > 0c sixes. Oyster shell for poultry 2r IHM IIOIIIK ! . $1 .SO a hundred , lluv this and noli- the result. \Vt : have a line hey reyu- lain ) it is put up in Si.00 si/f packages wat muted to ; results or money hack. Try a box. We nevet fjet tired harp ing on our Blue IJell Peas a Cookies of all id kinds also fresh crackers. Hrokcn How , Au rora and M.ISOII City Hour. iMAKli YOUR HOMl : MORI' : BRIGHT AN ! ) CIIIiliR- IIL : BY PA PORING IT Have you seen our new line of samples of high grade wall paper ? No | ! store in town can offer you a. collection of such rare beauty and elegance to choose from at such reason able prices. It will be a pleasure to you and to us to have you look them over. R IFF ui Ei , LLL Tie Busy Druggist D. J. Rockwell's house. Ptotractcd meetings closed Saturday evening. Kev. Chamberlain was visiting- Chns. ( Jovicr Thursday. Ira Starkspurchased four bush els of Alfalfa of Arthur Cooks- ley. Mr. Alex Pirnie was in Brok en Bow Friday. The young men in Wcissert felt so much like rejoicing over the fact that the old men were getting matricd that they got a keg of beer and a lot of bologna and had a feast. a i ON i runs. Art Cookslcy made a business trip to Sargent Friday. Mr. Wolfe is working for Wil liam Mclntosh this week. Clinton Calhoun went to Dun ning , the first of the week to hold revival meetings. lie will be acsisted by Mr. Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Walters arc the proud sarcnts of a baby girl , who arrived on anril Hth. ) Mrs. Kva Ilaumont and Miss Myrtle Bishop made a trip to Berwyn Friday. The Carpenters have Mr. IIol- lenbecks new house erected and most of the shingles on Mr. Karl Pernic , our merchant is enlarging hts store. He will be prepeted to carry a larger rftock of goods hereafter. There is to be a missionary talk given by Mr. X.ook at the Weissert M. 1C. Church on Tues day evening April 20th. Mr. Xook has spent ten years in In dia and two years in Japan , and will doubtless have some inter esting' accounts to give of the work in those countries. I'KAIRIi ; HILL The farmers are all busy put- OKDMIS lAklMURCLI IKWLItS can for I5c. Six for 7S- . Our ( Jallon can apricots at 55c is dirt cheap. Full can ami good fruits. We have a can peach put up in Michigan 2lIbs of solid fruit , worth 25c. Our price 20c a can or U for $1.1 Our tea leaf Japan tea is the favorite and so recog nized by tea drinkers. We sell it at 5c. ( ) Sold every- wheie at Mc ) a pound. Our Gasoline sliii'ls the slate ol Nebraska tuil 5 gallons for $1.1 u. The laws of the state of Nebiask.i cut out red coal oil. Krcsh Bread daily six loaves for 25 cents. ting in oats. Rev. Thompson of Broken Bow preached at the school house last Sunday and will be there again - gain in two weeks. Miss Yum a Proyvcncc of the loup is visiting- her uncles Mr. Morford's. The circle will meet with Mrs. Boliu Thursday , April 2' ' ) . RUBBER SUPPLIES 10 very household has need for an : ATOMIZER , FOUNTAIN SYRINGE , HOT WATRtt BOTTLE .ind other K'uhhc-r articles. \\V have a complete' stock of every sort of House hold Iv'.iliher ( loods. The prices are very hnv. 'Phe quality is Al. And we assure yon satisfaction in ev ery particular. J. G. Haeterle Druggist Broken Bow , Nebr. UKUUNCB. An urdlanrc vacating to tin- use of th CliliMgn , liurllnpton and Qulncy Ratlro.i i ; Cutniini.y , all tliat part of what was orm .ri\ North Kulluny Street In railroad addition to Broken How hlliR south of the notithcii. lintnf him ks one liuiulrotl rvon (107) ( .nni ' oiu- hunched tlplit < lu i n ( unmts Addition I in Hinkrii linn ami all that pan of North i I'list Ati-mii * . IMng south of a line cxu-n-i I lug liuin tin- south wiit c rncr of lot fotir ( ti In liloci : otic luiMilrcd i < vcn (107) ( ) , In tinny lit , lint' to the snutti west corner of lol five r > i I n block one Imiidml eight ( ID ? ) of crunt- Addition. . Hf It ordained by ttic Mayor and the C'ouncll of the city of ijroken Itow , cufttcr Couuty , Nebraska : Section I , All that part what was formerly North Hatlroad Street In Kallroad addition to liroken How , Nebraska. Ijlng south of the huothcrly line of blocks one humlrod seven (107 ( ; and one hundred eight (108) ) In Greats Addition to Ilroken How and all that l irt of No-ih rust Avenue south of n line druw n fi oin the south east corner of lot four (1) ( In block one hundred seven (107) In a strlght line to the south w est corner of lot(5) ( ) In block one hundred eight ( IBS ) of Oroat- addttlou to Ilroken How , be and the same atv hereby vacated to the use of the Chicago Ilurllngton and Qulncy Railroad Cotnpnin for railroad purposes. Section i ! . This orldancc shall take effect and be In force from and after Us passage approval and publication as required by 11\ " [ HLAT.l W A. OKOIIOH. Mavor Attest , ! : S HOUOMII ( Mtv Clerk Sheppa-rd . - & Bnrk ML A. Wish lo full your attention to the fine line of VHGKTABLIte they have on hand such as : Carrots Onions Parsnips Beets Turnips Lstiuco Cabbage Celery Wo have the FINEST FRESH OYSTERS in the city , shipped direct from Baltimore. Sheppard & Bnrk AT KONKLIy'S The World's Best Automobile I Tr3BTJL37 Ti 1 - 3BTJL37- 1i 1s i . s jp xx > xx > s < xxxxxxJC < X3 AX / ? < iicooco : < xxx.xxxxxxxxxx > c : o : v II , ! Alarm Clocks School lime alarm Work time alarm. Medicine time alarm. Tmin tirac alarm. Get up time alarm. At prices 'hat wont alarm. A j ovl nickel alarm clrxk. PLice $1.00 iJ * VV'iilc the oth r factor- ' , 'v > q ; ( . have gcv.o cray : : on sh the four-cylinder prcpos- b it-mi , the Jackson fnc- lh tory retains it" sanity , - and through it has pro- , duccd the best o four-cyl- > q inder cars the world has p ever known. 1 * still con- > q tinues to build the ilodel sh C , framed for hill climb- : - ins\ framed for taking jj- care of tl'e hard proposi- tii'iis. ' Sitrple in cou- , " -duction , big in its eu- b - u- equipment and big < j .uid coin fort j bl e iu its ; b proportions the best car : V3 for the money in the Automobile world. Let me show 3011 our cars. II John S. Me Craw , Agent