Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 22, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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Zuinbrola Zeph > rs.
W. R. Jackson is attcnd-
ing to business matters in Mis-
Walter Reynolds expects his
sister from Missouri this week ,
and will start to housekeeping'
immediately after her arrival.
Chas. Hall returned to Calla-
way last Tuesday.
Mr. Peden has stocked his
farm with a carload of Arkansas
hogs. They drove them out
from town the first of the week ,
but it will be some time before
they will be ready for market ,
considering- their breadth at
J. 15. Osbornc Esq. was tn these
parts last Mojday on his way
from the Bow to Sargent.
M. D. Gallon and Geo. Barber
marketed hogs at Broken Bow ,
last Monday.
Mrs. John Russotu our teacher ,
is ill Her sister , Martha Rector
is acting as substitute. School
w 11 be out in a little over one
On last Sunday the people of
this vicinity were astonished by
a woman of about ? 5 years old
wandering around , apparently
not knowing where she was
going , lit a short time people
were made wise by a man trying
to find her , and explaining that
the lady ha'l become unbalanced
in her mental powers and left her
home fhc previous evening. Air.
Peden in coming from town met
the lady , and when talking to
her in a kind manner , it seemed
to bring her back to her senses ,
and then she realized where she
was. lie took her to town. Her
home is in Hose Valley , and it
had been twelve years since she
had-been troubled in this way.
It was fortunate for all that she
was found as quickly as she was.
Mrs. Kobcrt Frills was a
Georgetown caller Wednesday.
G. L. Crookham transacted
business in Oconto la t Tuesday.
Glen Jackson of Oconto was
seen in these parls Thursday.
A. V. Spurgiu purchased a
new disc cultivator la"l week.
Grandpa Myers made several
business calls in this community
Mr. Frank Conlcy and Miss
Alice Heck visited at Win. Spry's
Sunday evening.
Simon Bttckner of Oconto visit
ed with his daughters , Mrs. Peter
and James Overgard the first cf
the week.
Kev. Scabrook of Callaway
will preach at Georgetown Sun
day , April 25th , both morning
and evening.
Henry Clousc of Simmer was
looking after buisncss matters in
this vicinity the fore part of last
All unauthorized persons arc
hereby notified to not interfcr in
any way wilh street lamps , man
tles , and fixtures under penalty
of the law. a-2'2-a2' '
A solid gold fob wilh C. M.
engraved on it. Kinder please
bring to the Republican office.
| a-22-a2'i C. M. MARQUIS ,
CIIia\(3 ( ) JACK' MILIJOir
\ \ lie was one of ( iotclf s trainers anil
seroiuls in the ( lolch-irackensmidt
Match of one year a&r > , has chal-
k-ntfcd I'T-iAXK N. DUC'UAY , the
present champion of Nebraska.
The stipulations are that
Chicago .lack shall throw DnCray
twice in sixty minutes of actual
wrestling- DuCra } ' wins.
Chicago Jack- weighs 15)4 ) pounds
when stripped ready for work and is
therefore L ? . " > pounds heavier than
I ) ilYay. lie is known as the heavy
wright splendid wrestler.
This will , without doubt , be one
of the greatest wrestling contests
ever seen in the west.
Ample accommodation will be
provided for the crowd , which will
he sure to see this great match.
Seats in the wings of the
stage will be provided
for the ladies.
Oenera ! Admission. . 'C ' Side Seals ,
Drink "Blue Ribbon11 coffee.
Hoastcd fresh every. day. 24-tf.
Farm and Cily loans at lowest
ratca. M-ll-tf JAMHS K
Fine Residence property for
sale. Call ou I. A. Colctnan of
Broken Bow. Feb'y 25-tf.
We are in the market FOR
Will pay the hig-hcst price of
fered on the Broken Bow mar
ket. Call and see us before sell
ing' . 34-tf
In the Distill I four ! of Cu'itri ( 'mint *
< iir M I'.uli.uik \ < .tt'imlr I , nubaiiK
.Irutilu I. non rc'lilrtit defriul.ini
Yon , ire lu'iclir notlticd dint on tlir inn
il.iof Api 11 UHIII O cai M r.ulmnk
lirtltlon agnliiNt jou In HIP DNtrlot ( 'unit
I'ustct Count ) Ni'tnnika. tinobji'i t in i
| irnci of talil petition ante obtain i
divorce from \ on oit the gum mis of ( tin
ami Inhuman treatment in that iil.iintifr
contracted bail disorder , roitiinnnlx < iilnl
Oonoirliea fiom jou nml ttiocculntod this
lil.ilutllf wtih said loatlisoniti illst'ascithniit
any fault on the patt of the iilnlntlir pl.iin
tltfalso thai god MUI li.nlin ? Dili It Inti-r
com so \ \ ttli p.i i ties unkmnv n to tills plainilfl
Yon , ne heiebieiUlveil | to an-moi 01
demur to said petition on the .Mill daol
May. ItKWand In rase NOU fall to .uiiwn oi
domnr jour default will be cnietrd and
decice tendeted .icioullng to tbe PI.IMI > f
the petition
N. T < iuiittoino \ foi pl.itutiii
A n MlHt
Nsvoi Close
lias bocn sold lo me by
J. II. Sloggett. 1 intend to
run a clean orderly house
and i invite all of my friends
to cull and sec me and 1 hope
lhal Mr. Sloggells friends
and customers will remain
ap customers of mine. Come
in and I will Ircal you ri | nl.
Kemcmbcr lhat I can iur-
nish you as good beds as
you can get anywhere in the
city and my price is 25c.
Don't forgot the lo-
c'ation just south of I ho
Rnilooad Trnclc.
Dr. Buss , Dentist. OvcrMcComn
I'OK SAI.KNew miKh iow v.itli
calf by "ido inquire if J. S.
Hcnjamin. s.s-1 t ,
Doctors prescribe very little , if
any , alcohol these days. They
prefer strong toiiics and altera
tives. This is all in keeping
with modern medical science.
It explains why Aycr's Sarsaparilla -
saparilla is now made entirely
free from alcohol. Ask your
doctor. Follow his advice.
Wo jnibllnli our Corniulfta
Wo l > nnmh nlcolial
from our mcdlolr ni
Wo urco you la
oonault your
ilo. lor
Unless there is daily action of the bow
els , poisonoti-5 products arc absorbed ,
causing hcaJnclic , biliousness , nausea ,
Jyspcpsia. We wish you would nsk your
doctor about correcting your constipation
by taking laxative doses of Aycr's Pills.
Miulo by tlio J. O Ayer Co. . Lowell , Man.
will soon In .i
tiling ol tin- past
I can Im-ati
you in ( Irani ,
lloolcir and Mr
Phcfson Co's.
Call on or write
Lcnn , - NchmsUn.
IVlcPliorsoti County.
uii 4K 3Ste idli i ijn
ijM ij
-H *
i ( M II
Offered in Your Town
An Exceptional Value in all
Goods. Sale closes Saturday and you
will lose money "by passing up this
great Bargain Sale.
Our goods are what the most ac
complished ladies would desire-
mt i i if > * n.i MI r ii
and See what Mrs. Eeyner's
system means to you. The prices are
truly remarkable.
B ,
Southeast Corner of Square. Broken Bow.