THE REPUBLICAN , CTSTEU COUNTY , NEBRASKA. ggj > aa iManatfMii7 fiMfr n To I he Farmers' ' Live Slock Commission GO Rooms 209 and 211 Exchange Bldg. Soulh Omaha. We want to call the attention of every one to our new SPRING and SUMM1CR goods. It is a perfect and beauti ful assortment. As it is about time to get ready lor spring we would be glad to have your order. We guarantees absolutly everything , fine Woolens , smoothest fit , up-to-date and particular styles to the in dividual and first class workmanship. If you arc a fat man , we make 3'ou n fat man's unit. Are you thin , young or elderly , we make your suit accord ingly so that it has a real tailor made and artistic appearance. Sec us at our new location over the Furniture store of D. C. Konkcl. BROEGG You Worn Your "Ret" So Deep Wide Thai You Can live Sn SI ? To the merchant \\lio is ilcslined to ImiM a ! > ! stoic Micci-s's , tin- question -Gnu I afford to advertise aggressively ? " never occurs -link" * it occurs as a mere absurdity. The merchant \\lio is absorbed in his slore-nmkmg task \sill IMNH WAYS TO "Ain'OUD" more and more advertising and his very enthus iasm will breathe life into his ails. , and will make them mirror'his store nail \ \ and as it SHALL HI ? . "The Palterers who ask for certtiiutj" will always fail as merchants. They will slay in ruts until they wear these tuts deeper mid vsiilct ami until those same ruts will seem almost like little \\orliln , ami fit to listin The awake merchant will make his aclvuitising bla/on the path fin his stsrea new path ami leailiu to a new success Barrel of Dried Peaches , while they Inst , 11 Ibs fet $1.00 The Famous Sun Kist Oranges , according to six.e , per dozen 20c to 5c ( ) Red Apples from Washington , per do/ 50c Woolen Spice Go's CotTecs , per Ib 15c toI0c Try the two Ib. Red Corn for 50c Princess Royal Brand of Canned Vegetables. Corn per can 15c Peas 2 cans for 35c Golden Wax Beans per can 15c StringleBs Beans per can I5c Lima Beans 2 cans for 35c Tomatoes 3 Ib can 2 cans for 35 c Eovcr Brand Tomatoes 2 cans for. 25 c Hover Brand Peas 2 cans for 25c A. B. C. Breakfast Food per jkg. , 15c Cream of Wheat per pkg J5c Mothers Oats 2 pkgs for 25c Salmon , Luxor , Brand , per can. . . 25c Cash Paid For Cream. EAGLE GROCERY COMPANY Phone 58 Broken Bow RFAI rSTATF. TRANSPFRS. > n t ) Hengcr to J II Drc- ki-r , I3H acrei in HM5-21 840" I , A Wiyht toGro F < Crook- ham , 100 arrt-3 in 32-14-20 2 00 James V Devine and Frank J Devirii- thf Farmers Bank of Oconln , lot 18 blk 4-1 in Oconto ( .50 Gar lie Id 1C g gle H to n to ICltnei ICgglcston. mid 1 < inst in 100 acres in 2'J- If. . Iff 133 Fred J Drum to John Moran lot 13 in blk 28 R R add to Callaway 125 Charles Make to Ilarl J Brown , lots < ) .10 in blk ' ) R 1C Allen add to Arnold 100 Dan S Bnker to Ilarl J Brown , lot 1 in blk 0 R K Aliens add to Arnold. o ( ) Wm I ) Cocke to Harl J Krown , lot H in blk 10 R 1C Aliens add to Arnold. 40 Mari'n K Dickman and W 1C Dickman to J V and F J Dcvitif , lot 1-2-3-4-5- 07 8 'J blk 1 in Oconto. . 425 Frank and J V Devine to John McGuigan , lots 1- 2-10-17 in blk 44 Oconto 20iO ( Lovria and L Allen and husb to Lillie AHHOH , lot 1 in blk 3 R 1C Aliens add to Arnold 00 The First Nail Bank of Ansley to Chas II F. \ Steinman , lot S in blk ' ) original town of Ansley 2300 L 13 Wilson to Wm G Purcell - cell , lots 13-14 in blk 11 original town of B Bow. 2000 William II Reeder to Win- ficlcl S Pieipoint , lot 15 in Recdcrs add to Merna 100 Winfield S Pierpointto Jos B Smith , lot 14-15 in \ Reeder add to Merua. . . 1100 Thomas J Jackson to II A Sherman , 100 acres in sec 1-12 tp 18 rg 17 1000 Cdgar D Miner to Andrew Ross , SO acres in 35-1' ) 17 1500 J Stevens & Co to James L Eurton , lot 12-13 in blk 4 in North Ausley 175 IbertIC Brigham to Robert C Chumlcy , parcel in 31- 32 tp24 rg 21 150 I he Union Laud Co to 9 A Robinson , parcel in 26- 13-21 . - 435 Mbert Pinckney to Peter Burton , all of blk 3jn A F Pinckley add to Ansley 300 saac Dcardorf toFGCald- well , 320 acres in sec 30- 15-17 27200 F Rusell to Peter Burton lots 4 5-0-7-8 in blk 12 in Ansley 500 losephine C Dale to August Isaacson , 100 acres in 28- 15-25 5000 M Ouick to Margaret A Maupin , parcel in 32-17- 20 1700 [ , ovira L Allen and husb to Mary A M arris , lots 13-14 in blk I in R 1C Aliens add to Arnold. . . 00 P T Varney to Mary A Davison , SO acresin2-15- 1' ) 3000 George N Gould to J L Donuhue , 80 acres in o- IS 21 1000 Solie Namskae and husb to Joe Xouk , 120 acres in sec 12-1 tp IS rg 17 2500 ICli/a Vallenwcider to Her man Volenweider , 240 acres in sec 5-32 tp 15-10 rg 23 2500 Chester 1C Green to C Mouse ? SO acres in 5-17-1' ) 7000 Willie Brcga and husb to Thomas Baker , lots 8-IS in blk 11 R 1C Allen add to Arnold 50 Jmcs Ledwich to Marcus J Chrisman , parcel in 8- 18-20 IOC SGGillautoJ II Bailey 80 acres in 10.18-24 025 The Ausley Banking Co to Chas W Hawk and F Hawk , lots 7-8 in blk S origioal'town of Ansley. 100C R 1C Brega to Minnie L Carter , lots 3-4-20-21-22 in blk 45 in Callaway. . . 4C The Union Land Co to trustees of M 1C church Callaway , lot 7-8 0 in blk 51 in Callaway Si James ColTtnan and et al to Grace Owen , lots 7-8 in blk 8 original town ot Ansley 5 ( Jenas L Barnes to May L Douglass , lot 20-21 in blk 3 ) R R add to Callaway 120 ( The Union Laud Co to J J Douglass , lot 21 in blk 35 R R add Callaway. . . 250C Xenas L Barnes to J J Douglass , lots 22-23 in blk 39 R R add to Gal- lawy 250 ( I IL ACLvhJS i in proved with fair Inn 1 dings and fence located on Muddy Valley sold last week for ir ( ) . . " ) a PIT acre. Whether yon want a farm improved or unimproved , a Kanch small or large , improved or unimproved , yon can find it in C'nster County. We will be pleased to render you every possible service in obtaining what yon want whether you buy of us or not. Nebraska - - Moses Brown to William Carl Stucky and et al , lots 4-5 in blk 5 in north Ansley 150 John F. Ilalsey to Maggie 10 Pfclm , 100 acres in 2 ( > - 20-20 2S50 Stock to Pasture I can pasture ( it ) head of cattle al -10 cents pin- month or (10 ( head of horses at . " > ( ) cents per montv. A i hi h grade 1SOO lit stallion will make the season at my farm 1. $ miles southeast of Hroken l o\v. A. C , Crawford. Personal Mention EVERYBODY'S MAG AZINE has come back to town on a visit , after nearly two weeks' absence. He says he hopes to stay quite a while with a number of the best families ; he brings with him a lot of new stones good ones ; his health is much improved , 1'OR SAI.U BY C. II. & A. W. IIOI.COMB Sunny Monday The King of Laundry SOAPS. Yellow soaps contain rosin. SUNNY MONDAY contains no rosin. t'Sunny Monday bubbles will wash away your t.roubes. " UseCJold Oust it , is better and cheaper than yelow soap. Buy Sunny Monday and ( Iold Dust -of- J. N. PEALE f W. A. GEORGE , PRESIDENT I , , n. JRWRTT , CASHIKR \ S JUI.ES IIAUMONT , VICR Pans. R. D. PICKETT , Ass'T CASHIER SECURITY STATE BANK S I V i" " > i"T RESPONSIBILITY $500,000. $ BROKEN BOW , NEBRASKA I s There is a guaranty of deposits in this batik , You are invited to call ami investigate our method : : : : : : ; it YOUR BUSINESS SOLICITED