'iiu ; J < KPTBLICAN , cra'KK COUNTY , NEBRASKA. CL'STER COLNT\ REPUBLICAN SOBSCRlFflON itl * * * * * ADVCK'IMSINC KA.TU9. U'litti ! tnallur is Hi't on ttmiil li.iH a Hal pi lee ol turn ly cutilH per I noli , si iiule col umn , for each Inicriion , two or iiiotu InmrtloiiH 15 coiilH i > t'r lucli. Special ixmltlon , HliiKln In. turltou < ) centH pur inch. Metal IMHU. eluclroi- u\u or inoru tlnirx , 15 rviitH pur Inch. l > .iyiii nt next of cacli nmntli. Local tulverthliiK n it- rents i > rr line rirli : In Notleeot cliurrli clnircli f.ilrn , soclabli-n nnil rfimnaltimcutrt wlirte nionny In churuuil , one half rate * , Death Uullcei ( tee , half rrlie ( or pulillihlnir ubttimrle * . Cart ) of Thauka , TO cen t. Legal uotlco at ra'et ' provlileil sutnteu nf Nebruika. Society notices ami lofolulloni , one-hall tji "SVcJUIng aotlcti ) finu. hull ( irlcn ( ni nm nf pioeati. KuurM at broken How. Nelnaaka , fur trnnt tlio Unite. ) StutUH inalU at iiecopil class rati-a. Herbert ( i , Myers , Editor and Publisher Political Announcement. llclni ; iiromntcil by a U-slrc to irail direct the educational forceof tin- county of Custcr , In whose schoolM 1 was a liupll nearly 30 years ; i ( ! , I hereby loriually announce myself a candidate for the position uf County .Superintendent "I 1'ubllc Instruc tion. I have advocated lepubllcan prlncl- plus for IS yearn and am thus asulut ; the.dls tlnguUlicd honor ol belnt'ltH nominee at the coming election. WAI.TKU . WAT BUS. 1 hereby announce to tltc Uepuhlicnns of Custcr County tbat I nut u cnndidate tor the iiomliiatlou to the oilicu ol County Surveyor uubjcct to the express ) ed will of the members of my party at tbe primary. I have served na Deputy County Surveyor for the past 3 years mul previous to the practical end no quired my education in the Count } schools of Custer County , in the 1'rcmon Normal school and tbe Nebraska State University. I have always lived it Custer county and have always support ed tbe Republican ticket. A. J. VANAN'fV/HUr. UNIVERSITY fiXTHNIIONS. Au unsuccessful attempt was made in legislature to prevent any part of the University's ap propriation being used for the University extention work. Thi department of the University is a new one and its object is to give the people who for one reas on or another cannot go to Lin coln for instruction , an opportun ity to have the advantages of the % State's greatest instruction of learning. The attack on this department was made by Senator Tibbcls of Hastings through personal motives. The number uf * Union I * 'who ire scenting infraction by ir- espondence ii lapully unread- ing and the instruction hei uioie Hlicient as litnt * } , r" < "i mi Out : ol the gii'at piiviitf i < ii- - pomlencu si heels now hui $ uvfi ' K.OOI ) atudents in the state. One of the most uprising thing' , ahout this school is that it hr ; ; 2,100 corrospcndencc student- Lincoln where the opporlunites for Hchool work aie greater < hin : in any part of the state. This in itself is conclusive evidence that correspondence instruction is popular and c flier I w. The University of Nuhrnska is mil ) keeping ahieast of tin- times when it launches a ( orri'spuit- dence department and this de partment iu deserving of llu- sup port of the people ol the state. The tuition of the private sehooh is more than three limes the tuition authorized by the regent ! ) for the Univiseiity's de partment. The private corres pondence schools are p.iid over * 200,00t ) annually hy students in the state who may now yet the instruction through the Univers ity for ahout one third the cost The extention department of the University should have .WOO students in the slate in the course of the next two years. Have you "boosted" for Bro ken Bow in any way this wceK ? Broken Bow has , in the past few years , been making progress. However , its strides in that direction have been as rapid as they might have not been on ac count of the lack of unity and or ganization in pushing its inter est. We now have the organiza tion and if the people will only stand united behind i great things may be done. Count that day lost whose low descending sun views from my hand , no worthy action done. This is'an excellent resolution for an individual to make and why wouldn't it be a good one for the city of Broken Bow ? We should count every day lost whose low descending sun views , no work done for progress and improv- ment. Let each day be one of life and energy for the whole city. Kna.be Marshall Everett and Wendell PIANO SPECIALIST Herbert A. Watts SELLING TUNING WATTS BLDG. PHONE 179. IIROKKN HOW. SATISFACTION POSITIVELY GUARANTEED Cable Haines Bros. Wellington Bush ftnd Lane V R N C z O T E T R aSrsSJiry . Bowen MARK I'm o Fond Products IMIISI I'lAMS ' KIK S\ll CMOS I Vk/MUIUtl MOrtlHS 'urin.1 - little Chirk Feed l , M cJills a suck. It keeps them we'll and makes them glow. Louse killer for your poul try at 25c ii box. Keeps tliein healthy. Panacea the only egg producer. 2 c and dlc ) sixes. Oyslcr shell for poultry'-V net pound. $ l.f > 0 a hundred. Buy tliiu and note the result. \Vi > have a line hog regulator later it is put up in $1.00 size packages warranted to give results or money hack. Try a box. I We never get tiied harping - ing on our blue Hell Pea'.i a Broken Bow , Au rora and Mason City Hour. M Kli YOUR HOMI : MORI- BRIGHT NI ) CllliliR. TU , JV , liRINfi IT Have you seen our new line of samples of high grade wall paper ? No store in town can offer you a collection of such rare beauty and elegance to choose from at such reason able prides. It will be a pleasure to you and to us to have you look them over. The Busy Druggist AIS ) rilAP PAY. Lee Tlaney advertising man ager fur the Colorado Midland railroad , in a recent interview , vith a'ucwspaper man in Omaha , said , in reference to newspaper publicity : ' 'There is no clais of advertising to be compared with the ad. in the colums of the news papers so far as practical results are concerned. We are making no idle statement when we say this : we have a system on the Midland by which we can tell exactly what our different depart ments of advertising are bring ing and our investigations and calculations have led us to the knowledge that for tangible re sults no line or class of advertis ing it ; to be compared with the newspaper. It is a strange thing to me that the billboard patron doe not awake to this fact. Tin billboard ad. may start the hur rah , but it docs not sink in and bear the iruit. " Any man is short sighted who through motives of immediate personal gain docs anything to retard the gtowth of the city He may seem to be sacrificing a few dollars now if he assists in cause of progress but he will receive great returns from it in the future Good roads are to the farmer what good streets and sidewalk arc to the residents of a city. Plymouth Rock lijjjjs. Full blooded Barred Plymouth Rock eggs 50 cents per setting of 15. $3.00 per hundred eggs. J. K. Wilson , phone 355. altf We are in the market FOR WHITE and YELLOW COUN Will pay the highest price of fered on the Broken Bow mar ket , Call and see us before sell ing. 34-tf S. J. can fur l.V. Silor < * > ' . Our ( tullon can apricoK at SSc is dirt cheap. \fi\\\ \ \ \ \ can and good fruits. We have a can peach put up in Michigan 2'Ib ' * of solid fruit , worth 25c. Our | > rice ' -'Or. a can or U for$1.14 Our lea leaf Japan tea is. the favorite and so recon- nized by l * > a drinkers. We sell it at 5c. ( ) Sold every p where at GOc a pound. Our ( Jasoline stands the state of Nebraska lest. 5 gallons I or $1.1" . The laws of the slate of Nebiaaka cut out red coal Hj oil. W Fresh Bread daily I six loaves for 2" > I ceil Is. n ION. Mrs. I5i'st > ie Anderson is on the > ick list this week. Ora IJrowii sjient f undny in Swiss Valley. Miss Mina I'crnie is staying with Mrs. Anderson this week. Mrs. Ford is visiting witlf her aunt Mis. Peter ( iovearls.v Albert K eeb and wife visited with Mr. and Mis. John Kleeb , Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Powell were in Broken Bow Thursday puichasing furniture. hi'//ie Barns attended the Kaster services held at Westcr- ville Sunday morning. Miss Li/.x.ic Dowj-e , our teacher closed her schonl here Friday and returned to her home near Comstock , Saturday. Mr. Wolf from Tabor , Iowa , gave an instcrsting talk aftct Sunday school , Sunday at the M. R. church. Quite a snow storm visited this localitv ICastcr evening , which keep several people from attend ing church. Those who attended the enter tainment given by the pupils of the IClton school Friday evening report a line time. The program was well rendered , which nol only speaks well for the pupils but the teacher also. WI-smiYII.U : llli.MS. . The Rebeckah's \Veslcrvillc had a basket supper on Saturday night which was well allcmlet and they had a nice progran consisting of recitations , voca and instermental music Tin proceeds are to buy a gas light for the hall , They raised about 150. Weddings arc in fashion in Wcsterville. S. P. Blown and Mn. Uffler were quitev ! married on thf 8th , and the lie > i chivare etl them and afterwards gavi- Ihnm n line scl of dishes. Dr. A. J. McArther and Miss Mable Miles were married on the 'Hh and have gone housekeeping. There arc now two Pool Hall in Wcnlervillc in full blast as the boys seem to be all busy. H. II. Hein is hauling wheat to Anuley for $10r > per bushel. A. W. Copaey goes to Lincoln Wednesday to a aanilarium for treatment. llarve Mattox took a wild goose chase to Alliance but we ! notire ho came back. Milton Copsey , Harry Burn- ham , M Stcinman and John Crimea are getting seed oals of John b'cotl. John Peter and Inn Bishop are to be married on the Hth , at the home of Albert Sherback. A petition is being circulated among the lax payers for the town board to purchase an eleva tor grader for the roads in the township They have enough signers now. New things in the stores -odd , beautiful , strange , alluring new things -but read the ads. Barrel of Dried Peaches , while they last , 11 Ibs for $1.00 The Famous Sun Kist Oranges , according to size , per doxen 20c to SOc Red Apples from Washington , per don 50c & Woolen Spice Go's Coffees , per Ib I5c to10c Try the two Ib. Red. Corn for 50c Princess Royal Grand of Canned Vegetables. Cu Corn per can i5c Peas 2 cans for 35 Golden Wax Beans per can I5c Stringleas Beans per can I5c i H Lima Beans 2 cans for ' . . . 35C Tomatoes 3 Ib can 2 cans for 35c Rover Brand Tomatoes 2 cans for 25c Hover Brand Peas 2 cans for s 25c a A. B. C. Breakfast Food per pkg . * . I5c Cream of Wheat per pkg 15C Mothers Oats 2 pkgs for 25c tljg Salmon , Luxor , Brand , per can 25c Cash Paid For Crcarn. ROCERY COMPANY Phone 58 roken Bow 1 W v t ' t&'NH t. . _ Llll5lM WRONG WATCHES MADE RIGHT Hvetv tiek that that watch of yours makes while it needs cleaning means a shortening of Its life. A clean watch is just about fric- lionless. A ditty watch is u , watch that is ticking its way to destruction. Don't jou knnw that our lupaii dcjiHttinunt e.vislo for the pur- pcue of putting \\totig watclieb light. "Tis a fact. Can we IIP ol setvioe to YOL' in tliis Twelve hundred dollars has been subscribed for the building of a new Catholic church at Anslcy. It is planned to erect the church the coming summer. (5o to Con Cannon's restaurant for home made pies and all short orders. aS-)5. ) m 1 While the other factor ies have gone crasy on the four-cylinder propos ition , the Jackson fac tory retains its nanity , and through it has pro duced the best four-cyl inder cars the world has ever known. It still continues n tinues to build the Model C , framed for hill climb ing , framed for taking care of the hard proposi tions. Simple in con struction. , big in its en gine equipment , hand some in outline and big S and comfortable in its V * proportions the best car v S for the money in the 0 Automobile world. Let M me show you our cars. [ > > > _ Kpnmiaaammaa if II John cCraw , Agent.