Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 15, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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f . . . _ _ V.
L D pV' '
* L9 sizi
'lo Hie
Farmers' ' Live Stock Ooraissian co ,
Rooms 209 anil 211 Exchange Bldg. South Omaha.
"We have just received a carol Slndebaker I'.i
and Spring1 Wagona. Like all other busies ol this
make , tlicy arc the- best on whee.'s. ' Come in and see
the T\vo in One Hnyyy.
We have also gotten in a car of the Canton line of
Implements. These Listers , Discs- , and ( hdtivatoix
can't be beat. We can show you the best two rowed
listed corn cultivator made. The ( Irandetonr line of
Implements and the New Departure Ton neless Culti
vator arc ready for your Inspection in onr Machinery
Hall. If you arc in need of Kami Implements of any
kind it will be to your interest to see these oods.
Our stock of I Fan ! ware is complete. \\re have in
a new stock of Purnitu'-e. Jewell UUK stoves , ( Midden
Barb Wire and l'\
'I want io retire from business and I will sell mv
entire stock of g-oods and my store IwiUing ; or I will
rent them.
Cnll and sue mo for Low Prices on tlio
Host Goods mndu. - - - - -
Broken Boua
. j , A , illL. j jLJJLL. 1. 4s
. ? \V. A. GHORGIJ , I'll i ( . u
JUWJS IIAUMONT. Vicit 1'iiHS. K. n I'ICtCKTT , A sis'r rim ; < ii $
* . "
ikVs ikVw
uv S
t.V SS
There is n guaranty of deposits in this btutk. Vou nto S
to call utul inve-itignte ottr method : : : : 8 !
. .
jjTK 'njrs n n mr. tyti irrn. irfmp
$1000 , $1500 rxnd $2000 F. O. II. RACINK. WIS.
Til5 ar Arrived Friday , Feb'y 5 , 09.
Come in and Look it Over.
W. E. Taltot. A. G. Martin.
Representative Hayne of New
Yolk : "I will inak no promises ,
Mr Cbuirman , becuuac [ a in anx-
tuus to I > K ( at the cnrvjideratioti
ot this bill and pain it through
thf llntisk1. Tin- country irt wait
ing lor the action of Congress.
Trade is wailing. The wheels
of industry are silent until the
action of Congress upon this hill.
The husincss interests of this
country and the business inter-
e'Us throughout the world are
waiting for the action of this
Congress. 1 want the hill passed
at the first possible moment , and
I believe that when it is passed
and signed by the President of
the United States it will accoin
plish the purpose which was de
signed in training it. "
" 1 believe it will open the
ports of other countries. I be
lieve it will give better trade re
lations the world over. I believe
it will not stop the labor of a sin
gle hand. I believe it will start
up industries throughout the
United Slates. 1 believe that
labor will be fully employed. 1
believe thai good and blessing to
the people of the United States
will conic from the passing ol
this bill , and my ambition am
hope is that at the earliest pos
sible moment the bill will go
thiough the House and to the
Senate , on its way to become i
law. " U'Oitd and long-continue *
applause on the Republican side
The exhibition season of the
Lincoln baseball club promises
lo be Ihe besl Ihis year in Hie
history of the club. Some ol Ihe
more important games are as fol
lows : April Sth. Chicago White
Sox ; April 'Hh , and 10th , Miu
neapolis ; April I'Uh ' and 20th ,
Omaha ; April 2.rd and 2-lth ,
Nebraska Indians.
In outfielder Neixell , whom
Manager Pox picked up in Min
nesota this winter , the baseball
learn has one of llu : most promis
ing youngsters ever seen in uni
form in Nebraska. 1'residcnt
( Jreen traded for Waldrou of f
Denver , late in the winter , else
Neixell would easil- win a regu
lar place on Ihe Lincoln leant
Ibis year. As it is , he will prob
ably be placed wilh a lea in in
Ihe Three -I league for a pea-
sou's experience and brought
hack lo Lincoln next season.
' ( ieorge Hull , the famous coach
' f the University of Illinois base-
all team for so many years ,
leoommcnded to the Lincoln
baseball team this spring one of
bis catchers ; by the name of I la-
son. Hason has airived in Lin
coln and has been setting the
town afire by his backstopping ,
hitting and throwing , lie is al
most sure to remain a regular on
the team this season.
Frank iJude , the little Chip-
pcwa Indian outfielder of the
Lincoln team , has reported to
Manager Fox , and is looking1 bet
ter than ever. President Green
has two Indians on the Lincoln
team , both of whom are stars ,
They are outfielder Jude and
pitcher Johnson.
In answer to the question o ;
"what are the best towns in Ne
braska ? the Lincoln Daily Star
unhesitatingly declares they are
those towns whose newspapers
carry the largest amount of ad
vertising. It never fails to show
up that way , and you can safely
count upon any locality whose
merchants arc sufficiently wide
awake to advertise- and to advei
tise right. Miller Forum.
Carl Jeffoids who is a Senio
this year at the State University
came up from Lincoln last Thurs
day , to spend the ICastervacatiot
with his parents.
Last week Ed McComasreceiv
ed compensation from the Ifur
lingtou R. k. Co. , for the damag
of his Auto by a switching car
'last ' Oct. Id.
MovIt Originated as a Farhlon En >
press Josephine's Lace
II ' appphrs ( lint some of the prea-
ent'chn , fn-slnons one tlieir origin to
physical defects. Th elevated
hniidnhakc1 is olio of thp * , and n
I'aria contemporary throws an in-
R light upon its origin , ft
( hut u prince , a load or of
in tlio Krorirh capital , had ale
lo or porno such incomonicnt
and painful growth on his shoulder.
Whenever a friend gavp him n hand
shake the operation sis fur as tlio
prince was conconn'il was most pain-
ful. To prp\pt | ) this IIP raispd hiii
lumd hori/ontally to his shoulder ,
and , ifu > may n > > o Ilic expression ,
liad "the whip'hand. "
This now iiiplhod of luiiuKhako
was ( he a tnuislimpiit and admira-
lion of certain poisons always on
the lookout for the latest in society ,
who thought that the prince had in
augurated a now fashion which one
sees daily in operation in the Strand.
The dainty lace handkerchief
which ladies use owes its origin also
to the defects of nature. The un
happy Hinprcss Josephine intro
duced the fashion. She suffered
from had teeth , and living in the
time whch American dentistry was
unknown , she cast about her for
some means to hide the defect. The
cambric handkerchief with rich lace
was the outcome. If the empress
wished to laugh or had to open her
mouth widely the handkerchief was
Again , yellow lace has its origin
in sadness , according to tradition. A
lady of distinction had lost her hus-
Vand by shipwreck or some other
cause. She was impressed with the
idea that he would return and vowed
In continue wearing until he was re
stored to her the lace which adorned
her dress when she said farewell.
Like Josephine's handkerchief , her
intimates thought her soiled lace
was an innovation in fashion and
adopted means to copy it.
An Kjrypliau mining center
probably worked as early as 2300
15. U. was in the eastern desert , bc-
twopii ( lie Red pa and the Nile. The
lately discovered remains described
by 0. ,1. Alfonl include1 small ir
regular stone huts , arranged in
groups of two or three , to towns
large enough for 1,000 men. The
ancient workings aru buried in sand.
The only vc tigps of mining appli-
arc elliptical rubbing stones
for eoiu > e criiihing and quartz mills
'or reducing tlio rock to line pow-
ler , ready for washing out the gold.
Missionary See here , young man ,
why don't I see you In Sunday school
any more ?
Kid Aw , go on ! Doy ain't oven
got do life of Jesse James In do li
We must vindicate the right of
each man to do what he likes , and to
gay what ho thinks , to an extent
much greater than is usually sup
posed to be cither safe or decent
This we must do for the sake of so
ciety , quite as much as for our own
sake. That society would be bene
fited by n greater freedom of action
1ms already been shown , and the
same thing nmy bo proved concern
ing freedom of speech , and of writ
ing. Thomas Henry Buckle.
" 1 fear no foe in shining armour , "
snug the man at a concert.
"Don't you , old chnp ? " grumbled
the bachelor in the front row. "Then
you try to open a sardine box with n
pocket-knife. " Penny Illustrated.
"What caused that awkward breai
in the conversation ? "
. . "Some one dropped the subject1
ficli Jula of tlrokea Bow Mnili.
POllOEC OK TUE btir CtOtl IE fOLLOV.'St'
Trniti No 4J . . . 0 a tu
IrilnNolJ ! .
O.JO a in
'llulnKo'H 7-30
p iij
Train No 48 S-00 a'til
Train No < 1 * .3u p ui
Offlco open SunJay fiom 9 po to 10iJ u. in
weet (3a ( > se 30a mto'.iWp ui
U & M Trnin
1-Jii a in No.-10 . 10 .1 ill
N'.i. * l . 1:37 : urn ' No.-I- . . . . q.W a in
No. | 3 . No. 41 11:27 : u ni
NM T > 3.111 ! 40 run bct\u-on Ijnooln anil Ilroken
tlmvonlv. .nut not mi SiniilJi-i
I'ru'irlit ' tmiim Not 17 acul IS t irrv
'ui' ' are ruu at extras
will soon be a
thing of 1,1 upast. .
I ran locate
you in Grant ,
Hooker and McPherson -
Pherson ( Jo's.
fall on or write
Lena , - Nebraska.
RflcPherson County.
mi Close
lias hocn sold to me by
J. IT. Sloggetl. I intend to
run a clean orderly house
and T invite all of tny friends
to call and see me and I hope
that Mr. Sloggetts friends
and customers will remain
as customers of mine. Conic
in and I will treat you rignt.
Remember that I can fur
nish you as good beds as
you can get anywhere in the
0 city and my price is 25c.
Don't forgot < ho lo-
enlion just south ol' the
Raileoiul Traek.
m. DEI
Lumber , a large assortment
and complete stock for Builders
to choose from. Let ua estimate
on your contracts. We always
try to please ,
H. T. B RU CE & CO.
Lumber & Coal
South aide.
Spains Teams and
Are Always Good
When you go out for a drive
you want a team that drives up
\\ell and u buggy that rides easy.
Thnts the kind I can give you.
My prices are right , too.
Don't forget that I have tny
corrals fixed up to feed and care
for vour stock.
Drink "Hluc Ribbon" coffee.
Koasted fresh every day. 24-tf-
Farm and City loans at lowest
ralCS. M-ll-tf JAMK3 ' RDWICH.
Slieppard & Burk
Wish to call your attention to the fine line of
VEGETABLES they have on hand such as :
Carrots Onions
Parsnips Beets
Turnips Lettuce
Cabbage Celery
in ( lie city , shipped direct from Baltimore.
Slieppard & Burk
Send your Abstract Orders to
Bonded Abstractor
Office Jn Security State BanklB'Id'ng