Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 15, 1909, Image 1

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A Number of Slate Sunday School Wor
kers Will be Here and People From
all Over the County are Ex
pected to Take Part.
The twcutyffith Annual Cus
tcr County Sunday school con
vention will be held in this city
on Wednesday and Thursday of
next week in the Presbyterian
Prof. Paul S. Deitrick , State
Field Secretary , Miss Margaret
Brown , Elementary Superinten
dent , of Lincoln , and Sunday
school workers from all over the
county will be present and take
part in the meetings Three ses
sions will be held each day.
The county officers arc anxious
to have each school in the county
become a banner school. To do
this they must send in their re-
pDrts with the five cents per
capita tax to meet the state ap
portionment and send a delegate
to the county convention.
The following is the complete
program :
Wednesday Morning April 21
10 00 Ie\otional Services
Uhler N.T. Uarman
Address of Welcome . . . . J. K. Cavunee
Response . . Kev. 1) G. Wagner , Anslej
Appointment of Committees
1030wnat are the Uenellts Derived from
Interdenominational Sunday
School Workr..Kcv. W. M. Huswell
Ueticral Discussion
11 10 Address. "All In None Out
Prof. Paul S. Deitrick. State Field Sec' >
Assignment of Visitors
13 00 Hunedlctlon
Dinner ,
Afternoon Session.
eao Praise and Song Service
Hamali Ujmson
2 4' , "What the Home Department Is
dolntj. " Mrs I < . Mccandlesb , Supt
3 00 "Hound Table" .Prof , Uletrlck , UiiLoln
a , U "What Organized Classes Do'
Mrs. J. J. Tooley , Anselnio
3:45 : Conference on same
Director , KeA T Norwood
4 00 Enrollment of Visitors . . .
Evening Session
8 00 Special Service , "Around the Qua
ter Concur ) Mile Post . . .
8.45 Address , "Ten Heasous Why Men
are not In the Sunday School . . . .
Prof DC trkk
Announcement' ) and lieiiedli tlon. .
Thursday , Morning. April 22.
9m : Praise Services..II. D. Allen. Coinitock
V-.40 Verbal Reports by Delegates
10.UQ Reports of Officer ? ; Nominating Lorn-
mlltots and Election of Quicerij
] 030 ; "Value of Right teaching In the Primary
' * Mrs.
mary Age' Loniaij
10:40 : "Conference on hamo. Miss Mar-
garct Brown , Elementary Sup't , uf
Ijlucolti. . . . . . . . .
ll-.WDIfficnltlci. of the County Sunday
School and how to Overcome Them"
Mlsa Gertie Mason , Cumro
11:20 Address Ml s Margaret Hrottii
Afternoon Session.
2:30 : "Tea Minutes with the Word"
Rev. A. T. Norwood
' . ' 45 'What Part Should the Sunday
School Take la Temperence Move.
meat ? "
Rev. R. U , Thompson
General Discussion
315 ; "Teachcrb Training" Rev. J ,
D. Urady. Moina
f.CO "LllUe People , Big Plans , Proven
Possibilities" Miss Margaret Hrptui
Evening Session.
8OOSoiig ; Service Mrs. Jos. Plgman in
820The Louisville Convention , as I saw
It" - . . . . . Lomax
8:50 Address. "What is Thy Hand"
Miss Margaret Broun
Offering for State and county Work
Benediction , Hand Shaking , and Good-
li > es
The land necessary to assure
the Burlington railroad improve
ments has been secured this
week Fred Ebert has sold his
lot to the Company and the
council at its meeting Wednes
day evening passed an ordinance
Vacating the streets for the ure
pf the Company.
Juo. McGraw sold a Jackson
Model p auto to Sam Wells , of
Merna , last week. They left
Omaha at 4-10 p. m. Monday and
arrived in the city about 5 p. m.
Tuesday , making the trj'p ' iq
about twenty-four hours witLput
a mishap. John is selling spme
of/the / nobbiest autos ever seen in.
jhe county.
L. WUUa ana J. ft. Spain
mad.e a flying trip to Anselrao in
WiUte' Auto Wednesday and
brought Dr. Pritchard down to ,
the city.
Samuel Thciire Arrested Charged with
Prescribing Medicine
"Dr. " Samuel Theure was ar
rested Wednesday morning on
complaint of County Attorney
Gadd charged with practicing
medicine without a proper li
cense. The complaint alleges
that he has been prescribing for
a number of people in the city and
charging for his services when he
is not properly authorized to dose
so according to law.
Mr. Theure came here last fall
and stated that he was looking
for a location for a sanitarium.
He claimed to be a doctor who
was not practicing on account of
ill health. He also stated he
was a reformed Jewish priest and
won considerable favor with the
religious people of the city. He
occupied the Methodist pulpit
one Sunday evening and address
ed the students of Custer College
on two different occasions.
Mr. Theure asked for a contin
uance of 30 days and H. M. Sulli
van went on his bond. He has
accepted a position as farm hand
and expects to work the rest of
the summer.
A lodge of Pythian Sisters will
be organized in this city next
Wednesday evening. Up to date
the lodge has thirty nine mem
bers. Mrs. J. K. Wilson has
been acting as temporary preident
and Mrs. George Porter has been
temporary secretary. It is ex
pected that Miss Alice Trttell , of
Lincoln , Grand Chief of the
Pythian Sisters , will be here to
install the lodge. A meeting of
the charter members will be held
at the Burling ton hotel tomorrow
afternoon to complete the plans
and a supper will probably be
arranged for.
Sheriff Kennedy received a let
ter this week irom Sheriff J. J.
Bouquet , of Woodward County ,
Oklahoma , who was here a short
time ago , stating that he had
found Geo. Lovett , for whom he
was looking , in Kansas City.
Lovett ran away from Woodward
with a young girl and her parents
were making the search , trying
to find her. Lovett and the girl
were not married yet when they
were found in Kansas City.
Last Friday afternoon the
Senior Glass gave their last pro
gram. Included in the program
was a class poem and a clas
prophesy , the horoscope was
cast for fifteen years hence , and
was not all that could be dcsir
ed by some members of the class
There was quite a large attend
ance of visitors and friends.
The new Star Theatre will be
complete and ready for business
the first of the week. Manager
Crawford plans to change the
pictures each Monday , Wednes
day and Friday making three en
tirely different shows each week.
A childrens matinee will be given
each Saturday afternoon.
Q. J. Shaw , of Aurora , and
Jfohu W. parley , of Cplnmbus ,
arrived in the city this evening.
They were called here by the
city council in order that they
might take up their electric light
franchises with them and finally
settle the question of who is to
get the franchise.
Miss Maggie Gilhland , of ,
Jamison , Missouri , spent a few
days in the city the past week
and returned home today.
C. L. S. C.
The Chautauqua circle will
meet next Monday afternoon
with Mrs. John Caranell.
I. 0. 0. P.
At the regular meeting of the
I. O. O , F's Monday night , the
members voted to attend ser
vices in a body April 25th , at St ,
Johns Episcopal churchr
Inciting Parl >
Miss Irma James will entertain
a small party of friends , this
evening at the Commcrical Hotel.
Whist will be played during , the
evening and at i a late hour
refreshments will be served.
To Demcr
Mr. W. II. Xauders has accept
ed an invitation from her brother
Mr. S. Ferry Laucks of Yorkv.
Penna. , to be his guest on a few"
days business trip to Denver.
Mrs. Xanders left today to join
her brother at Grand Island.
Auto Party.
Last Thursday Mrs. Joe Moly-
neux took a party of young people
ple to Merna , in honor of the
Misses Dierks and Folsora of
Lincoln. The parly took supper
at the Ortello Hotel and after
taking in the town returned to
the Bow at eight o'clock.
Ala7iiinn Meeting.
Mrs. Edgar Osborne an honor
ary member of the Maxuma N
I. T. entertained the club at her
cox.y home Monday evening.
Elaborate preparations are be
ing made for the 1'Hb , anuu 1
May Party to be given at the
Opera house , Friday May the
seventh. Mrs Osbrone served
delicious refreshments
I \\o O'clock Dinner ,
Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Roeckcr
entertained at two o'clock dinner'
Easter day. Their guests were
Mr. and Mrs. Haeberle and four
children. J. O. who has not
been able to accept invitatiots
to "dine out" for some time ,
found this one so delightful ,
that he was heard to declare ,
nothing short of an earth quake
could keep him away again.
Poster Dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Martin
entertained at a one o'clock din
ner Easter day. The table dec
oration was a nest made of green
crepe paper full of tiny chickens.
A four course dinner was served.
The guests were : Mr. and Mrs.
E. C. House ; Mr. and Mrs. Will
Martin ; Mr. and Mrs. Will
Thompson of Ansley
Miss Lottie Juker and Arthur
Perkins were married by R. Bel-
lis on April Oth at the home ol
the brides parents near Berwyn.
The wedding took place at 1.
p. m. and was followed by a mar
riage feast. The young couple
were the recipients of many beat
tiful and valuable presents. They
start ou life's journey with the
best wishes of their many friends
near Berwyn.
Linger Longer Club
Tuesday evening Miss Caroline
Reed entertained the ' -Linger
Longer" whist club , at her pleas
ant home on south 5th avenue.
A number of games were played
during the evening. At a late
hoyr delicious refreshments were
served , after which the members
" " business
"Lingered Longer" over
ness details concerning the future -
ure welfare of the club. Mr.
Herbert Myers was the guest of
the evening.
. Afternoon Party.
Mrs. S. L , Cannon , entertained
Tuesday afternoon , in honor of
Mrs , Glass , who expects to leave
shortly for an extended visit tc
the eastern part of Iowa , The
ladies brought their fancy work
and enjoyed 'a ' delightful social
afternoon. At five o'clock a two
course supper was served in the
dinning room. The decorations
were carnations and geraniums.
Covers were laid for Mesdamcs
Glass , Jcwett , Orr , Colcman ,
Deming and J. Campbell.
last Meeting of the l/hii ! Club.
Judge and Mrs. C. L. Gutter-
son entertained the H'/.hu Club
Wednesday evening , at their new
and comfortable home ou the
north side. Whist was played
at six tables. Tiny good luck ,
black ' cats were on the tally cards.
On ( the ladies were also sugges
tive ' sayings of great men , and on
the ' gentlemen's the name of the
great ' man ; in that way the
gentlemen secured their partners
for , the lovely supper served late
in the eecning. As this was the
ilast meeting of the Club for this
eisou there was a vein of sad-
ics mingled with the mirth.
Mr. and Mrs. 10. Taylor and
Mn. W. II. Xuulers were the
efuista of the evening.
Last Thursday April the eight
at the home of a friend in Daven
port ; Iowa , Mrs. Nellie Marquis ]
of Broken How , Nebraska , was
Harried to Mr. Alton C. ' 1 aylor
a Chicago broker.
Mrs. Marquis has resided here
or a number of years ; prior to
her husband' death four years
ago , and also since that time ,
and is well and favorably known.
Mr. Marquis left his widow
fiuaulially well cared for in the
way of real estate and insurance.
Mrs. Marquis-Taylor is at pres
ent in the city , looking after
business interests , and in a few
days will leave for Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor expect to
cave in a few weeks for an ex-
; or.ed ! tour of the Pacific toast ,
taking in the YuKon Exposition
at Seattle.
0. I' . S. Kensington.
Mrs. Chaltncr England and
Mrs. Dodds entertained the O. E.
S. Kcnsington.Tucsday afternoon
at the home ol the former.
There was visitors from other
chapters. After a busy and
social hour , the secretary and
treasurer gave her annual report.
The annual election of officers
for the ensuing year , resulted in
Mrs. I. A. Colcmau , being un
animously re-elected president
and Mrs. Xoe Bruce secretary and
treasure. A rising vote of thanks
was tendered Mrs. Colcman for
her untiring efforts as president.
The hostesses served a dclicous
buffet luncheon.
Mrs. Dodds , society reporter
for the Chief served Mrs. Xan
ders , society reporter for the Re
publican , a specially prepared I
luncheon for which kindly atten
tion. Mrs. Xanders takes this
opportunity of thanking her
charming contemporary.
Annimsary of the P. I. I ) .
Last Friday evening , the tenth
anniversary of the P. E. O's
was celebrated in right style , at
the pleasant home of Mrs. II , L.
Lotnax. The husbands and child
ren of the members were the
guests. Mother Goose pictures
were attached to the walls of the
rooms and the guests were re
quested to guess the rhymcsi
Later cards were passed four of
the guests at a time with the
names of familiar tunes on them
which were to be sung by each
group. At a late hour a course
supper was served the guests
from a table in the dining room ,
The table looked lovely with its
yellow and white decorations o
carnations and daffodils , candle
sticks with white candles and
yellow shapes. The refresh
tuents were also yellow au <
white , the chapter colors , TUi
proved to be another red letter
day for the P. E. O's of Broken
Easter Sunday at live o'clock
in the evening Miss Agnes Rec
ord , of Upton , Wyo. was united-it !
marriage to Mr. Edwin S. Powell
at the residence of Mr. and Mr.
John Hrowu. Hcv. Ilarman
pastor of the Christian church ,
performed the ccrmony.
Mrs. William VanWiukle and
Miss Maggie Powell , mother and
sister of the groom came over
from Cnllaway and were present
at the wedding , together with
intimate friends and relatives ,
numbering in all eighteen guests.
The wedding supper was serv
ed at eight o'clock at the Burling
ton Hotel. Mr. Powell has been
day operator at the B. iV M.
station for the past few years ,
and has proved himself an ituluR-
tiious and worthy young man.
Mr. and Mrs. Powell arc hoard
ing with Miss knnkin until the
first of June , when they expect
to bo at home in the llillman
residence in the vicinity of the
Custer College.
Appropriate Sermun < Preached and I \ -
cellcnt Music Rendered
The Knights Templar , attend
ed services at the Presbyterian
church , Easter morning. The
church was beautifully decorated
and special services was rendered
Rev. Aubrey preached a pleasing
and appropriate sermon. A
noticablc feature was the wear
ing of white dresses by the ladies
of the choir.
At their evening service the
butterlly drillreceived the warm
est praise. Mrs. Kern deserves
much credit , for her cxcellant
work in behalf of the services
of the day.
St. Johns Ppiscupal.
'I he regular Easter services
were held during the day , and
were well attended. Thesetmon
by the rector , Rev. Xanders was
in keeping with day. The music
was of a high Older and was
well rendered.
Musical l'esli\al
The musical Festival in the
evening received merited praise.
Owing to the inclement weather ,
the members of the infant class
with but one exception , Miss
Josephine Purcell , were not able
to be present to take their part
on ( he program. The solos ,
duetts , and chorous , through
difficult were yleasingly rendered
even though some of the mem
bers of the choir were handicap
ed by bad colds. The work of
the soloists was cxccptionall )
fine. Mrs. Frank Taylor
was never in better voice
and delighted the audience
by her solo work. Miss Abbie
Wilson , in her solo number ap
peared to advantage as also Mrs.
Leonard and Miss Kuth Jones.
The church was handsomely dec
orated with palms and plants ,
and on the alter were bunches of
lilies of the valley.
Sam L. Miller went to Lincoln
Monday to attend the funeral of
Amanzel D.
his brother-in-law ,
Burr. Mr. Burr , who was deputy
District Clerk of Lancaster
County , died Saturday afternoon
of ptomaine poisoning caused
by eating cheese last Thursday.
He came to Nebraska in 1874 ar.d
since that time has been promi ii
nent in Lancaster County poli i1 i-
tics. Mrs. Burr died very suddenly
denly of heart failure about a
year ago , She was out sleigh
riding and got out of the sleigh
because it was stuck in a snow
drift , As she went to get back :
into the sleigh she fell back dead ,
Jeffords and Whilehead Again Tail ( o
get a Pall aflcr Fuenly Minnies
of Spirited Wrestling Gion
Won First Pall.
Frank DuCray of Lincoln won
the wrestling match against
George Gions of Aurora at the
Opera house last Tuesday even-
and now holds the middle weight
Championship of Nebraska.
A preliminary wrestle for 20
minutes between John Jeffords of
this city and G. C. Whitehcad
of Mason City resulted in no fall ,
These two 1 oys w test led for 22.2
without either one getting a fall ,
at the time of first match be
tween ( lion anil DuCray. The
honors are so far about even be
tween the two hoys and another
wrestle between them will pro
bably be pulled oil' the next time
a match is held in the city.
Gion secured the first tall in
H15 minutes and DuCray won
the second in 1 ' 5 and the thiul
in 25:30. : Gion previous to this
match held the championship of
the state and the title now passes
to DuCray. The match was in
tensely interesting from start to
finish. The men wera skilled
wrestlers and the wrestle was an
exciting one.
A letter from DuCray to man
ager Great states that he has ft
challenge from Jack Miller of
Chicago , better known as Chicago
Jack , and they are arranging to
have the match here the lattl of
next week or the first f the week
following. Chicago Jack is a 20u
pound man and a very Clever
wrestler. People came from all
parts of the County to see the
Gion-DuCray match and it is
probable that an even latget-
crowd would be out to see Du
Cray tackle Jack Miller.
Del Ash , the mail carrier ou
the Round Valley route , will
hereafter come back through
Swiss Valley and Senate Valley
instead of coming straight to
Broken Bow from Elton. This
will add about thirty more mail
boxes on his route , making a to
tal of eighty families getting
mail delivered by him.
Postmaster Haumout is in re
ceipt of a communication from
the postoflicc department with
reference to the road travel.d by
Henry Clouse on the Georgetown
route. The department asks for
a plot of the route and for other
information concerning it. A
petition is being circulated by
some of the patrons of the route
to get a public road from the.
Buckeye Ranch to the George
town postoffice , and it is quite
probable that nothing will be
done by the department at Wash-
ington until the petition for the
road is accepted or rejected.
The petition will probably be up
for consideration at thj coming
session of the County Board.
Judge John K. Thompson , of
Grand Island , was in the city a
few days the first of the week
looking after probate matters in
County Court.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A Gaorge re
turned Saturday evening from
Omaha where they spent a few
' days last week.