Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 08, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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l.slatt- J.itnrs M C.lldueU Hcrc.iscil in
Counu court ol Custer County Ni-lir.i > k.i
' 1 lie Statiof Nebraska , to iill persons in
trn-sti-il Inilii : estate , take notlritli.u the
esrcrtitors ol salil estate have lltnl a tliul , u
count and rpenrt of their
and a petition lor Dual settlement and ill-
charite as such , which have been set lot
hearing betore said Court on April licli.
I MI at 10 o'clock A. M. . when you Way .ip
pear and contest the same.
Dated March Kira , unw.
A. II. iii'Mi'iniur , County Juitge.
Tlio Stiite of Nebraska , j
CtiMtcr County , J-ss.
In the County Court nf said Cmuur.
In the Matter of the IMato of William .1
Wantz Deceased.
On reading and llllng the petition of liar
ley O. Wantz pravlng that the Instrument
nled on the-'ard day ot March iftw and purporting -
porting to be the last Will an * Testament of
the said William .1 Wantz ilcte'iscil. may be
jTovrJ ipprnvi-il. probated , allowed , and
lec.iided as the last will and Testament ot
lIn- said . : . William W.tnu deceased , and
that tin- execution of said Instrument may
he i oimnltUHl. and the administration ot
s.ild estate may be ranieil to Aimira K
Want ? as esecutrls.
( UlDr.HKU.TIiat ApillIUh 11WJ at 10 o'clock
A. M. , Is assigned lor hearing salil petition
when all persons Interested In said matter
mav appeal In a County Court to be held In
and for xald County , and show cause why
the prayer of petitioner should not be
l\i.tilled ! and that notice of the pendency ol
said petition and the heating thereof be
Blx I'll to all persons interested in said mat
ter by publishing a ropy ol this order In the
Iteptibiiculi a weekly newspaper printed In
H.ild county , forthreo succeislvu weeks pri
or to said day ol hearing.
A. 1 ! . lUTMi'iiliuv. County Judge.
. M 2.YA.S.11
rs SAM : .
Notice is hereby ( liven. That bv virtue of
an Order of Sale , issued to me Irom the Dis
ttlct Court ot Custer County , Nebraska. HII-
on a decree of foreclosure rendered in said
court , ai the l-Ybru.iry 1W term
wit : On th/1 ith day o't IVbruarv UM.i in laver -
or ofVllliam Wilde and against"n. J. and h
S Manlshy.
1 have levied upon the following pescrlbed
real estate. to-\\U the North ' . nf the South-
eait ' 4 and the South } j ot the , Northeast '
4il .Section 23 township it ) Kanpe 2.'i In ouster
County , Nebraska and 1 will , on the llith day
ill April IMI. at 'J o'clock I' . M. , at the east
iliior ol the Court House , In the city of llrok
en flo\\ . Nebraska , in said county , sell said
real estate at public auction to tinhigheM
bidder lor cash , to satlsly said decree in
terest and costs , the amount due theteim
to thesum of iflW.'i.cri with 0 pet cent Interest
Irani Kebruarv iith HHJU and couit i o ts
amounting to J.V..OO ami accruing costs , said
above real estate will be sold snbjei t to all
pi lor liens and incumbrances , as per i ei
tlllcates on Hie in District Clerk's ollli e.
Dated this IStli day of March I'.iOi ) .
II."F. KCNNKDV. Shevill
A. I' . JOHNSON , Attorney.
M IS A-lf-fit
llepartment of the Interior , U. S. l.aml
. Olllce at uroken How. Nebr. March 1.V IIHK >
Notice Is hereby given that Thomas s.
Smith , of Uound Valley , who , on Decembet
1st , HUM , made Homestead entry NO. OIUTI
serfal No. SIM. for N. ' , N. K. section i- . ' .
township 18 N , , raiiije 111 W. . sixth principal
meridian , has Hied notice of Intention to
make final live year proof , to establish rll.un
to the land above described , before Heglster
and Iteclever at Broken lion , Nebraska , on
the iltth day ol Mav , 1WW.
Claimant names as witnesses :
Douglas Thompson , Uound Valley. Nebr.
Nathan A. Smith , ot Hroken How , Nebi.
ICd\\ard Smith , Hound Valley , Nebr. : Sam
uel Thompson , ol Round Valley.
M IB A 'J2 ( i t JOHN KEKK. Register.
Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to an
order ol the District Court ot Custer Coiintv
Nebraska , made by the Hon. llruno ( > flos-
teller , .liiilgesald of District Court , on the 5. )
day of February 1WW in the case ot D. M
Ainsberry the Hroken llou iiuslness and
Normal College et al.
I uill on Tuesday the Ith dav of Mav. HKV.I.
at'J o'clock p. in. , at the east trout door ui
Hie Court house In the city of Hroken lion
Nebraska , sell at public sale for cash , lots _ '
: l and I ot block ti-j Railroad addition to
Hroken How. Nebraska , to-gether , with all
buildings and appurtenances on said lots.
Dated this 1st day ol April lOJii.
A 1 ill .It John M. TITIINKII. Keceixir.
In the District Court of Custer Comu\
In the matter of the Kstate of William
Thompson , deceased.
This cause came on lor hearing upon the
petition of T. T. Hell , administrator ot the
estate of William Thompson , deceased. pta\
ing for a license to sell the south i\est qnar
ter ol the north east ( [ iiarter and lot two in
section one ( t ) in township lourieen ( ID
north of range twenty-one ( west of the
iith principal meridi.n in Custer I'omitv
Nebraska , era sulHcfent amount ot the
to bring the sum ol ilTri Oil for the payment
ot debit , allowed against said estate , tin-
cost of administration and the expense ol
this proceeding , there not being suttli lent
personal property to pay said debts and ex
it is therefore ordered tint all persons in
terested in said estate appear before me , il
Kearney Nebraska , on the i.'ith day ol May.
I'.KJ'at ' one o'clock p m. to show cause whva
license should not be granted to said ad
ministrator to sell so much ol said real
estate of said deceased as shall be necessary
to pay said debts and expenses. Notice to
be published in Custer county Hepubllcan ,
Dated IhlsSMh day ot March IDiU. O. HobTirii.Eli , judge.
A I A ' . " . ' 3t
In the County Court of custer County Ne
In the matter of the Ustate of Daniel T.
Mauk , Deceased.
Notice to Creditors :
The State of Nebraska , to Creditors of
said Instate :
Take Notice , that I will sit In the County
Court itooiu , In Hroken How , in bald County ,
on the 30th day of April 1003 and the nth
day ol October iiKW at lu o'clock A. M. , to re
reive and examine all claims tiled and pre
sented against salil estate , with aiew to
their adjustment and allowance ; and that
on the first date above named the petition ot
the widow will be heard for honies'ead. ex
emptions and allow ancc , and other statutory
The lime limit for the presentation of
claimsngalnst said estate is six month * from
theiw , day ol March unround the time limited
lor the pa ) mem ol debts Is one jear from
haul date.
Dated March : io 1009.
A. K. lU'Ml'llllf Y Countv JiiiU1'-
The City Livery
And Feed Barn
Feeds your horses no poor grain
and will supply you with good
Horses and Eigs
at reasonable price' . .
Come and see me.
rwty ? M W. A , Tooley
e 0
rr t
* ®
* < * O
45 *
Author of "The Figliling Chance , " Etc.
* ? * Copyright , 1007. by Robert NV. Chamber9 (
( Coiiliiutcil from last week. )
Utit HIP Ifli'iiruiit wiMil ( o lih i lull
mill \vat ted for him n.t tv. niul incun-
miotlipr tt-l nrrlvcil nt hH
liy n ifiilni'd
And viiiic MI M Krroll In llu M > r. ( IN
lionso lay In n Iinllimd fnvorcil
p wnltinir fur him , wlillp Mini
nud Aiisll'i. rending 1'ielr i-M-nlnir jm
HITS. cNcluvroil sliilllcinl " '
: : ! filunci"-
fr. : ii t ! ii ; to tlin < \ I IIP umn ho n\vall
oil SMI in tlip llvlr r room In a little
vlllu til
"ITcw long lui she been
asked Selwyu under his breath.
"An hour. She fretted a peed deal
been use you had not rome. ThN after
noon she Riild she wished to drive , and
1 had the phaeton brought around , but
when phr t < nw II she ehiiu'-vd her
mind. 1 was rather afraid of an outburst
burst- , they come sometimes froiii loss
cnnse Mnn t'iit- : o I did not urge her
to j'o 'Hit. Klie played on the piano
for n long while and sang some songn
lliuse curious native songs she learn
ed In Mnnil.i. II seemed to soothe her.
She played with her little trllliM < pilU'
contentedly fora time , but soon began
and ashing why you had
mil iime. She had a bad hour later ,
She i-i ipiile exhausted now. "
As lie went out tbe nurse said : "If
you w Kli to return to town , you max
1 think. She will
fonM about you
for two or three
dii.\s. as usual.
Shall 1 telegraph
It' she becomes
rest less V"
"Yen.V I ) n t
does the doctor
: ' say today V"
- : ;
> Tlu'hllm mirso
v v s f' / ' y looked at him
/5 ? * fe = ' \ /
/ u u d e r 1 o v o 1
* $ $ fis brows.
- - JlvtI" "Thpre Is no
c li u u K P , " she
"A'o hnpc , Captain said.
"X0 hopo. " It
"No hope , Captain Sclwyu.- "
llo stood silent , tapping his leg with
tin ? stiff brim of hN hat ; then wearily ,
"Is tiipre iinything more 1 c-aii do for
her ? " - - -
"Xotliinj , ' . sir. "
"Tliank you. "
He turned away , bidding her good
night in a low \oice.
winter promised to ho
busy one for Selwyu.
ir at first IIP had had any
( ll't > 111' ' ol ' % nforcpd Idlc-
ness , that worry , at least ,
vanished before the first
MIO\V flew , for there came to him a
secret communication from tlio govern
ment suggesting , among other things , IIP n port three timers a week at
the proving grounds on Sandy llook ;
that cxperiniputs with chaosltp as u
bursting charge might begin us soon
as lie was ready with Ida argon primer.
This meant work - Inird , constant ,
p.nicnl work. Kut It did not mean
in-iney to hulp him support the heavy
biirdiMm he had assumed. If then. '
were to be nny rotiinis , nil that part of
it lay lu tlio future , nnd the future
could not hplp lilui now.
Yet , unless still hpa\ler burdens
were laid upon him , he could hold on
for the prosput. Ills bedroom o t him
next to nothing ; breakfast he cooked
for himself , luncheon he dispensed
with , nnd he. dined at random- any
where Hint appeared to promise seilu-
Blon , cheapness and Immunity from
anybody he had ever Known.
As for his clubs , he hung on to them ,
knowing the Important c of appear
ances in u town which Is made up of
Iheiu. Hut thjs expense was all lu
could carry , for the demands of the es
tablishment at Kdgewater were stoud
lly increasing with the. eaily coming
of winter. Ho was sent fur oftener ,
and a physician was now In practically
i outinuul attendance.
Also three times a week he boarded
the Sandy Hook boat , returning al
ways at night because ho dared iwl
remain at the reservation lest an Im
perative telegram from Udgewnter find
Ida. unable to respond.
So , when in November tlie llrat Cow
hut Tying Buowflokcs whirled in among
ihe dt.v's canyons of masonry and
lion , Selwyn had already systematized
hU winter schedule , micl when MII.I
opened her bouse , returning from Len
ox with Klleeu to do KO , she found that
i SHwyn had made his own arrange
lueuts for the winter and that , accord
Ing to the programme , neither bite nor
anybody else was likely to set- him
oftciier thuu one evening in u week.
To Iluuts she complained bitterly ,
haUng had visions of Selwyu and ( Jerald -
ald us permanent fixtures of family
Mippurt during the season now Imud
"I eunnut understand , " she said ,
"why Philip In aetlng this way. Ho
need not work like that. There Is no
uoi'"ssy. | | because he has u comforta
ble Income. If he Is determined to
maintain a stu.Yy apartment some
where , of course I won't Insist ou his
coming to us. us he ought to. but to
abandon u < s In Ihls manner makes me
almost ludlgu.iut. Ke ldes. It's having
anything but a salutary effect on HI-
"What effect Is it having ou UlleonV"
llliUlred | I'.oolM curiously.
"Oh. I don't know , " said IN'lun. com
Ing perilously clo < e In a pout , "but I
see symptoms - Indeed. 1 do. P.oots
symptoms of shirking the winter's rou
tine , it's to be'a gay season , too , and
It's only her second. Tlie Idea of a
child of that age Informing me that
she's had enough of the purely
plut PH of lids planet ! Hoots , l'\o given
up nil hopes of that brother of mine for
her , but she could marry anybody If
she chose-nnyhody and she could
twist the entire social circus Into a
court of her own and dominate every
tiling. I don't know what to do with
the girl , riilllp never comes near us--
once a week for an hour or two. which
I * nothing and ( he child misses him.
There , the murder Is out ! Kllcen uitm's
him. What to do nbout H I don't know
- r.uols , I don't know. "
Lansing had censed laughing. He had
been indulging in tiyi : i shy \ Ice of
his which led him to haunt houses
where that out of fashion beverage
might si III be had. And now he sat ,
< up suspended , saucer held meekly
against his cliest , gazing out at the
pell Ing s-fiowllnkes.
"Hoots , dear , " said N'luu , who adored
him , "loll HIP what in do. Tell me
what has gone amiss between my
brother and Kilecu. Something has.
And whatever It is It began last au
tumn that day when-you remember
I lie incident V"
i'.oots nodded.
"Well , it seemed to upsel everybody
.somehow. 1'hlllp left the next day.
Do you remember ? And Kllcen lias
never been qnilo the same. Of course
1 don't ascribe It to that unpleasant
episode oven a young girl gets over a
shock In a day. Hut the Hie change
or whatever It Is dated from that
night. They , Philip and Kilceii. had
been Inseparable. H was good for
them for her too. And an for Phil
why , he looked nbout twenty-one !
Hoots , I I had hoped expected -and
I was right ! They were on the verge
of ItJ"
"I think so , too , " he said. "Hello !
Somebody's coming , and I'm off ! "
"I'm not at home ; don't go ! " said
.Vina , laying one hand on bis arm to
detain him as a card was brought up.
"Oh , It's only liosnmund Kane ! I did
promise to go to tlie Cruigs' with her.
Do you mind if she comes up' ' "
"Not if you don't , " said Hoots bland
ly , lie could no ! endure Iiosanmiid ,
and she detested him , and NInn. who
was perfectly aware of ( Ids , hud just
enough of perversity in her to enjoy
their meeting.
lEosamiind came In breezily , s.ibie'i
powdered with tiny lleeks of snow ,
cheeks like damask roses , eyes of tur
"How d'ye do ! " she nodded , greeting
I'.oots askniice as she clo-.od with XInji.
"I came , you see , bill do you w.inl In
be jammed and mnnlcd and trodden on
at Ihe Cralgs'V No ? That's perfect !
Neither' do I. Where Is tiie adorable
Eileen ? Nobody sees her any more. "
"She was at the Delinour-f'arnes' yes
terday. "
"U'as she ? furious I didn't see her.
They say. " she said , smiling , "that
some very heavy - _ = - . _
play goe.s ou in
that cunning lit
tle new house of
yours. Mr , Lan-
Hlng. "
"Itcally ? " he
usked blandly.
"Yes , and I'm
wondering if it
is true. "
" 1 shouldn't
think you'd onro ,
Mrs. Kane , as
long an II makes "H'/iur/K
a good story. " MUcn . ' "
Itosnmund flushed , then , ulwuyu alive
to humor , laughed frankly.
"What a nasty thing to Hay to u wo
man ! " she observed. "It fairly reekn
Impertinence. Mr. Lansing , jou don't
like mo very well , do you ? "
"I dare not , " ho sold , "because you
ore married. If you were only free , a
vlnculo mntrlmonH"
Rosamund laughed ngnln and sat
stroking her muff nnd sralllng. "Curi
ous , isn't it , " she said to Nine , "tho In
born antipathy of two agreeable hu
man bipeds for ono another' . ' " And
again to Nina : "Dear , have you heard
nnj thing about Allxe Hut liven'- 1 think
It Is the HtrniigpHt thing that uobody
seems to know \\here she Is. And nil
anybody can get out of , lu < k is that
uhe's iu a nerve factory or Home uueli
retreat and a perfect wieck. yho might
as well be dead , you know. "
"In that case. " observed Lansing , "it
might bG best to uhlft the center of
gossip. Ue i. ortuls nil nisi bonuin ,
which Is simple enough for any body
to comprehend. "
"That Is rude , Mr. Lansing , " flashed
out Itosumund. nnd to his astonishment
he saw the tears start to her eyes.
"J keg your pardon , " he said biilLllj ; .
"You do well In. 1 care more for
AIKe Huilneu than- than you Rive mo
credit for oaring nbout anybody. People
ple are never wholly worthless , Mr.
Lansing only the very young tUIuU "
Hoots mi Ul respect fully : "I nni sorry
for what 1 said , Mn . l''nuo. I hope
that your friend Mrs. Iluthrcn will
soon recover. "
Kosnmuud looked nt Nina , the tears
si ill rimming her lids. "I miss her
frightfully. " she said. "If somebody
would only tell mo Avhero slio ls-1 I
know It could do no harm for mo lo
see her. 1 can bo as gentle niul loynl
as anybody when I really cnro foi" n
person. DO you know where sluMulght
be. Nlnn ? "
"IV No. 1 do not. I'd toll you 1C I
did. Hosamund. "
"Don't you know ? "
"Why , no , " said KInn , om'prlsed nt
her persistence.
"Keen uw , " continued Kosatnuml ,
"your brother docs. "
Nlun straightened up , fJtlidioil and
"Why do you say thai ? " nhe asked.
"Hpcause he docs know , llo sent lpr [
to Clifton. The mold who nc.c'onu.vitiled
her Is In my service HOW. It's a low-
way of ( hiding out things , but wo nil
do II. "
"lie sent to-to Clifton ! " re
pealed NInn Incredulously. "Your rnnld
told you that ? "
L'of.awund finished the contYu ( of
her Him glnss nud rose. "Yen. and It
wns a brave and generous nnd loyal
Itdng for him to do. 1 cnro for Alive ,
and I honor your brother for what lie
did. "
Slip stood with pretty golden head
bent , nbvpnlly nrranging the cables
n round licr neck and .shoulders.
" 1 Innc been very horrid to Cnpfnln
Kelw.m. " she said quietly. "Tell hint
1 am Mirry , that hi has lay Wnpoi t ,
And If he cares to tell nv where
Alive Is 1 shall bo grateful and ilo no
liiirm. " ;
" ( iood nlp-ht , " raid IJoota to KInn.
Then he look l.osnimuiil down to her
broir liam with n silent formality that
touched her present sontnioiitt ! < l laoocl.
She leaned from her cnrrl-u-o win
dow , looking nt him where ho c.'ood ,
hat In hand , In the thlcl : ! ? r..lllng
"I'lcase without ceremony. : ! : . Lan
sing " nutl no lie covered htmsolf ,
" .May 1 not Jron you nt your desllnn-
"Tliank you , " In refusal.
"I thank you for being nice to mo.
Please believe there Is often less malice
than perversity In me. I I have a
heart , Mr. Lansing such as It Is. And
often those 1 torment.'most I euro for
most. It was so with Allxe. C.ood-
by. "
Hoots' salute was admirably formal.
Thru ho went on through the thicken
ing snow , swung vigorously across the
avenue to Ihe park wall and , turning
south , conl iniicd on parallel to It under
the naked Ireos.
Now he began to understand some
thing of tlio strange effnccmput of his
friend Sel wyn. He began to eompre-
Iipiid the cnriotiB- economies practiced ,
the continued absence from club and
coterie , the choice of I ho sordid lodg
ing whither Hoots , ono night , seeing
him on the street by chance , had
.shamelessly trucked him , with no ex
cuse for the Intrusion save his nlYec-
lldii for ( his man and his secret donbl.s
of the iiinii'fi ability to take care of
himself and his ore ill I , affairs.
Into the doorway of Selwyn's lodg
ings Lansing turned. "When the town
was young a Lansing hail lived
there lu pomp nnd eirciimslauce his
own great-grandfather ami he mulled
grimly , amused at the Irony of things
'A slattern at the door halted htm.
"Nobody ain't let up thorn Blalrc
without my kuowln' why , " she mum
"I want lo see Cuplalu Selwyu , " ho
"Hey ? "
"Captain Selwyu ! "
"Hey ? I'm ' a lltlto dcef ! " B > reedicd
the old crone. "In It Cnp'n Bel wyn
you want ; "
A bove. Sel wyn , hearing his mime
Kd'oiimed through ( lie shadows of tlie
niiclfiil house ,
c a in o to I lie
stair well and
looked down in
to IhebhicUness.
"What is ll.
Mrs. ( ilodilcnV
he said shari > " -
iy ; then , catchIng -
Ing sight of U
dim figure
springing up the
Httilrs : "Here ,
I his way ! is it
for ine' . < " anil
as Boots cnuio
into Ihe light
front hi.s open
door , "Oh , " ho
w h lBperod > ,
u oin't let up
deadly pulo under
them stairs. "
der the reac
tion , "I thought it yjus a telegram !
Come In. 1 don't know how you en mete
to stumble In hero , Doom , " ho said ,
"but I'm glad to see you. 1it'.j uot
much of a place , " forcliitf n siiill.
"However. > mi see I'm so seldom in
( own. I'm busy at the llook , you
know. Kb I don't require anything elab
orate. "
"How are things. Phil ? "
"All right. Kirst rate , thank you"
Bouts removed the pipe from hi-t lu >
nud swore at him , and Sclwyu listen * <
with head obstlnuli ly lowered and
lean hands plucking tit his fniycd gir
dle. And when Hoots had ended hU
observations willi nil emphatic quo'i-
tlon Sclwyu shook Ids head.
"No , Hoots. You'ro very good to tisk
mo to stop wlth.oii , but I cin't. I'd
( Continueil Next Week. )
gSCOSaOOOO 3&00000900PB i IPfJUOi
< <
Feed in large and small quantities al both
ntul retail. V *
| Hpccial attention given to ijllinjr Oi 1cre for coil
in . < ]
ny quantity.
Broken Bow , Nebmkji *
Farm Loans Quickly Closed
Ikhhvin Nut and Lump
Cannon and Nigg'or Head Coal
4 '
iLtmV& & ' * * ?
< .UJSrfKR OO. I j AN I > MAIS
h1 YH > have a snap in a farm , or ranch for
" list with me. If you vwit to buy a simp i
farm or ranch' come and see mo. Uhone , ,
lice 42 , residence , 129.
' > > $ s\ - " * * " - V 7--- ' $ '
Wjk * " * ' ? ' ' '
- - - . ?
She's Cured
Given up lo DL\
of CHICAG/ .
Practicing Aleopathy , l.'or.ioop.i ' ,
Electric and General M ' 'trip" .
Uv r < cin-sl will I M iiinfc" IP i
Grand Central Kotc' ' .
Broleo Bow , ,
rt'tunuiitr every fmir < < * c '
IK. CU.WVI 1.1 , IMIIIIK „ . i i i
pc-i Ul IH'atlllc ll ol ilc-c l .i' . c.l .i ,
\'tic-- , Tli rum , LuMtf- , ! ' ' "
Ul r. . , M til i.lii.mi | iiiicl : ill l. M. . M
at il Uihi-.isi-i nf ; i .in
l'.irly L'uiihunii'ti'1" I'lmN nu
L.ilan.ili , i'liic.nic- I il in | , I | . i
siip.uiiiM , Sunn u In ntit I. * ,
K'lirim.ill-ill , Ni-mO 'i , S.
DMI-.I-.O , Ki liu-\ ln--.n--s. H
llv. i .iii.l 111uI U-r. Ill/ in.-
lmlir - < ii < > ii , Otic , is. In . > " , '
M v\ < .r-uvtli in CliililM-i , .t i
| M-4SCM HI .trlllll . . | l , I II 111
( . .iirv.inluri- llif Mmir. > * . -c
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