Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 08, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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X C.
TE ARK now prepared to sell you plants in Uoomall kinds. If
yon do not see what you want in onr show window jtisl nsk nhout
it , and if we have it not we wil ? get il f ° r J'ouA litltlc early for
faster Lillies , leave your order for them , we will gut you bean-
tics and deliver them at your convenience at a small cost. Roses , I'nlins ,
Peons , Agalias , Carnations. I'ansies , 1'ncias , Degonias , Ililiisrus , lljdran-
gca. All kinds of Plants , Bulbs , etc.
Stock Dip. Stock Foods. Hofi Regulator. Chick Foods.
Panacea. Worm Powders. Etc. Etc. Etc.
Vegetableand Flower Seeds , all fresh. Master Kgg Dyes. Hosier Can
dies. Honolulu Lady Pine Apple , large cans ssc each. Port Dear Horn
Corn Syrup , its fine , 25 and 500. Grand Canon Pie Pumpkin , the finest ,
I5ca can. New Moon and Star Kissed Oranges.The sweetest. Hairy
Sodas , plain and Salted , the habys cry for them.
Heinz Tomato Soup with Cream , just fine , aoc a can 2 for 350. Our now
Tomatoes the Superba in 3 Ib cans , 2 for 250 red cans full. Fresh bottled
horse radish loc a bottle. Our Teas and Coffees are the finest grown , Ksk
the t'sers.
. Bowen
MARK Pure Food Products
Have You Worn Your "Rut" So DeepI
And Wide That You Can Live In it ?
To the merchant who is destined to build a big stoie success , tlu1
question "Can I aftord to advertise aggressively'--nevei occurs unless
it occurs as a mere absurdity.
The merchant nho is absorbed in his store-making tusk will 1MND
WAYS TO "AFFORD" more and more advertising and his very enthus
iasm will breathe life into his ads. , and "will make them minor his store
as it is , and as it SHALL BK.
"The Palterers who ask for ceitainty" will always fail as merchants.
They will stay in ruts until they wear these ruts deeper and wider -and
until those same ruts will seem almost like little \voild. , and fit to live in.
The awake merchant will make his advertising bla/on the path for
his stsre a new path and leading to a new success.
We have leased the HENEAU HOTEL of
I. A. Reneau and are now ready for busi
ness. We have thoroughly cleaned the
building' and have added new bedding and
furniture. Call and give us a tria } .
MEALS 25c. BEDS 25 , 50 ( Si 75c.
Managers ,
Almedia ReiritT amPhus-
band to Hichard Jeaudoe
and Frank Pilsher , K.O
acres in Sec. 7-12-T20-
Rg 17-18 i ? 2100
Alice Daugherty widow to
Mary L. Brown S 10'4 ' of
blk Id in Jewells and
Lilly's add B. Bow % 0
Elmira Tobey and husband
to Alfred J. Watkin lots
7-8 and ' ) in blk , 1 Tobcy
add to Oconto 125
Emilian Knoll to Frank E.
Knoll and Mary F. , 160
acres in 13-1 < > .21 6000
Frederick L. Hoffman to
R. E. Brega , 160 acres
in 7-14-23 3000
Roy R. Bernard and James
E. Ogden to John Clark
lots 20-21-22 and 23 in
blk 31tnCallaway 1000
Robert R. Naylor to Fred
erick L. Hoffman , IdO
in 2005
acres 7-14-23
R. E. Brega to Frank
Fntchmau , lots 5-6 in blk
4K in Callaway ( > 0
Leonard L. Dody lo N.
Pearley Grout , 160 acres
in Sec 2-35 snd M-Tp 15
Elizabeth McLaren to A.
J. Perriu , 5 acres in 3-1't-
1S 200
George R. Ball to Stanley
T. Stevens , ! ( > < > acres in
27-l'-17 6300
B. C. Einplield to George
KillinISO actes in Sec
20 and 17 Tp lS-Rg-20. . 15000
Stanley T. Stevens lo
Henry Schnider , IdO acres
in 27 IS. 17 7200
Daniel McNully to James
B. Simmons , IdU acres 1-
13-22 5000
And res w Juel lo Eloy F.
Horn , 14S--17-100 acres in
'M3.21 ' 'OH '
F. E. Knox lo James
Fletcher. .SO acres in 2-
14-17 2600
Lissa Calglaxier to F. 10.
Knox and S. L. Knox ,
SO acres in 2-14-17 260o
Charley Dye to Mary Ann
Ilidingcr , 200 acres Sec
23 22 in Tp 1'J-Hg 17 3500
David L. Hopkins to Ben-
jrmin J. Laughlin , lots
' ) -10 and 11 in blk 3d R.
K. add to Callaway 1000
Henry H. Deal to R. E.
Brega , lots 1-2-3 andI
in blk 51 in Callaway. . . 1 250
Albert Ross Jr. to John D.
Booker , lots 34-78-11-
12-13-14-15-16 IV- 212.1 -
23 and 24 in blk 10 Orig
inal town of Callaway. . 2300
Charles Wake to Dan S.
Bohrei , lot 1 in blk 'J R.
E. Allan's add to Arnold 25
Carrie I * . Ilendrickson and
husband to Magdalcna
Frost 170 acres in 2'J 20-
IS 5000
Henry J. Pfrchm to Eli B.
Ash , SO acres in Sec 14-
23 in Tp I'J-Rg ' 20 700
J. G. Leming to B. C.
Empfield , IdO acres in
d-20 25 1200
Elmer S. Eggleston to
Garfield F. Eggleston
Und. 2 3 hit in N E- , ' )
B. C. Empfield to Silver
Crist , lots 10 11-12 in
blk 7 in Anselmo 215
Sylvester Robey to Jonn
D. Spraguc , Utul } $ Jnt
in SO in 24-15-1S 1600
Peter Peterson to John E.
Prest , lot 7 in blk 3 1st
add to Comstock 1150
George S. Porter to Roy K.
Welch , 160 acres in 5-15-
1 ) 1400
W. A. Ellingsou to Fred
II. Witteuger , 5 acres in
10-1'MS 525
Timothy Maroney , widow
er , to John Leonard , SO-
acres in 11-1' ) 24 2100
Mary A. Slingsby lo Al-
berl A. Slingsby , 160
acres in2'-17-17 SOOO
C. J. Carolhcrs lo Lars
Blixl , lols 1-2 in blk 43 ,
R. U. add to Callaway. . 1550
B. C. Slephcnson to C. S.
Cat-others , lols 1-2 in blk
43 R. R. add to Calla
way 1400
Allan A. Ellis lo George
F. Palmer , S 12ft lot 4
and 7 and lots 5 0 in blk
69 Groat's add B. Bow. . 1100
Margaret A. Maupin and
husband to B. S. Wells ,
160 acres in 32-18-24. . . . 4800
Louis Lund to Chris Appel
in : 4800
320 acres 1-13-18
Shuman A. Robinson to
Alfred J. Watkins , lots
'J-10 in blk 24 in Oconto. 80C
Maurice Trutnbull to Lute
M. Samp. ICO acres in
250 (
Arthur II. Cooksley to Earl
A. Pernie , Parcel in 6-
1 17-18 140 (
Ida M. Drum and husband
to Benjamin F. Masters
lols 78in blk 2S K. H.
i add to Callaway 1201
We expect to make a definite
proposition for sale of 1200 acres ,
well located , with three sots of
improvements. Fine farm land ,
and fine grass land , A fine
Hanch or individual Farm Pro
position. : : : : : :
Announcement Next Week
Broken Bow , - - Nebraka
Zumbrolacpliyrs. .
Miss Mabel Tappan was ab
sent from school all last week ,
treating- a troublesome sore
\ V.V. . Bishop's Snnclayoil with
M. D. Collcn's.
Miss Loy Ream of Ormbsy was
Uie guest of Olive Cole Saturday
night and Sunday.
1 > . B. Sands cntertatned Oscar
Tappan and family last Sinday.
The young people spent a very
pleasant time last Friday even
ing at Mr. M. I ) . Stone's. The
occasion was in honor of his sis
ter , Miss Carpenter , of low- * .
The time passed swiftly by
in playing- number of various
g-amcs. Refreshments were
served at midnight and all de
parted for their homes , feeling
that every one had an enjoyable
There arc quite a few young-
chickens in the neighborhood.
Mesdames Tappan , Routh and
Gallon's incubators have made
vuu.vil l in. 11 lununn , YYIIII.II niv.ino
, * ery satisfactory to all con-
Mr. Pcdcn put some cattle in
lis pasture last Monday.
M. Edwards is doing1 some
building- his farm in the val-
Mr. Healey of Now York is
working- for Ralph Johnson and
expects to remain the entire sea
Mr. Allen has accepted em
ployment on J. G. Brenizer's
ranch for the ensuing year.
E. B. Barber has a new plow ,
called "Good Enough. "
Mr. W. H. Jackson has sold
his farm to Mr. Lomax of the
Bow. Mr. Jackson will remain
there this year.
Mr. Small , Prank Roulh and
W. U. Jackson , purchased seed
oats of J. L. Koozer , this week.
Miss Madge Bishop gave an
"Easter Hunting Party" last
Saturday between the hours of
2 and 6 p. in , Previous to the oc
casion , sixty eggs had been col
ored in various shades and hid
den about the yard. There were
several prizes to compete for. One
finding the most eggs were given
a pretty cup and saucer. Miss
Olive Cole and Miss Lcona Heaps
both found the same number.
They were obliged to have an
"egg rolling" to see which de
served the prixe. Miss Heaps
came out victorious in this , and
won the cup and saucer. Til
lable was decorated very pietty ;
some little nests with eggs , and
the centre piece was a large nest
filled with the eggs that had
ribbons attached leading- each
place card. The place cards were
daintly made with the name
written in gilt and little chick
ens and rabbits helped to give
the finishing touch of same.
There were two eggs in the cen
ter piece that were filled with
candy. Those fortunate to draw
these won 'I'he prizes
were drawn by ALnira McCotnas
and Maud Callen. Lola Koo/jr
and Ethel Bass won the booby of little brown rabbits for
finding one egg each during the
hunt. The refreshments con
sisted of sandwiches , pickles ,
devilled eggs , potato and fruit
salad , with four different kinds
of cake. Those present from
town were lOlhi'l Bass , Mary
Eastman , Helen Rom-an , Moi-
ence Matik and Clara Taylor.
Loy Ream of Onubsy , Lcona
Heaps of Snake Kun ; and those
! rom Tappan Valley , Olivp CoV ,
Mable Tappan , I { flic- and Y n t
Sands , Adeline and Hat riot John
son , Aliuira McCoinas , Aland Cal-
le'i and Lola Koox.'r It is need
less to say that the girls ivporl a
good time.
Mrs. Carpenter and daughter
Cora , expect to leave Friday the
' 'th ' , for their home in Iowa.
Harriet Johnson had the la-
grippu last week which kept lur
from school a few days.
Prink "Blue Ribbon" coffee.
Roasted fresh eve y day. 24-tt.
Farm and City loans at lowest
rates. M-ll-tf JAMUS LKIVIUI. .
Dr. Bass , Dentist. Over McCotnas'
We want to call the attention of every one to our new
SPRING and SUMMER goods. H is a perfect and beauti
ful assortment. As it is about time to get ready lor spring
we would be glad to have your order.
We guarantees absolutly everything , fine Woolens ,
smoothest fit , up-to-date and particular styles to the in
dividual and first class workmanship.
If you are a fat man , we make you r. fat man's suit.
Aie you thiu , young or elderly , we make your suit accord
ingly so that it has a real tailor made and artistic appearance.
See us at our new location over the Furniture store of
D. C. Konkel.