Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 01, 1909, Page 4, Image 6

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Wlicrn matter la net tin wood bamrU-ctrotype
a ll.U prlco of ixu'iitv ccntu per I ncli.HliiiMp col
umn , tor each limeruuii , two or tnoru liiHertloiiN
ISCcnlH per Inch. Hprelal position , hlnu'lii In ,
crtlon 20 cents pur inch. Metal l > ase , electros-
two or itKiro limes , IS ceit IK per Inch. 1'ayinrnt
IlrHt ( if each month.
] < ucil advcrtislnir fire cents rer line each In
I portion.
Ne/tlccof church church fairs , mtclabli's anil
intcrtalmncntH whetc niunuy IH tliarni < l. one
half rates.
Dtatli notices free , ualf crii-c for piibllslilnir
Card of Thanks , 0 cen H.
I.cKal notice * at ra'vv ' provided Htatutci of
.Society nollccunml toHolntloiift.onc-liaMr.iies
Weddlujr uotlcoa fieu , half prlco for nut of
Hutercel at Uroken How , Nebraska , for trans
mission hi tlio United SUUea malls
at Hccond cliiHH ratca ,
Herbert G. Myers , lidilor and Publisher
Political Announcement. -
Hclng prompted \iy : i desire to lead and
a ( tlrccl the udticalloual lorces of the urea !
county of Guster , In whose nrtinolH I was a
pupil nearly : u > years affo. i hereby fonnally
uniiounre myself a candidate tor the position
of County SUierintenOent ) of 1'ubllc Inslrur-
( ton , I have advocated republican princi
ples for lf > year * and am thus askliiK the dls
tltiKUlshed honor of being Its nominee ut the
routing election.
I hereby nnnouncc to the Republicans
of Custer County tlml I mil n candidate
for the nomination to the office of
County Surveyor subject to the express
ed will of the members of my party at
the primary. I have served an IJepuly
County Surveyor for the nnst 3 years ,
and previous to the practical end ac
quired my education in the County
schools of Cusler Comity , in the Fremont
Xnriiwl school and the Nebraska State
University. I have ahva > .s lived in
Custer CounU and have always support
ed the Republican ticket.
What is everybody's business
is nobody's business This prin
ciple usually comes in for a part
in the management of municipal
- A man will give more time ,
attention and thought to a busi
ness in which his money is in
vested than he will when he is
employed to supervise it for the
Considering- condition of
the city's finances today and its
experience with the waterworks ,
municipal ownership of an elec
tric light system does not com
mend itself to our business judg
The rates given the city on arc
lights under the proposed fran
chise will enable the
M company
H which gels the franchise to make
I'r. but a very small profit. The
f rates are very low and the fran
H f chise requires that the service
* diall be the very best obtainable.
Tlie City Livery
And Feed Barn
Feeds your horses no poor > ; rititi
and will supply you with
Horses and Eig
lit reasonable prices.
Conn : find see me.
W. A. Tooley
The principle reason why pub
lic ulililies under municipal man-
agcmcnl are not as efficient .is
under privale ownership is found
in the difference in the care and
interest which a manager takes in
his own business as compared
with the interest he takes when
working1 on something1 in which
he is not financially interested.
Xtimbrola Zephyrs.
Oscar Tappan has been quite
sick for a lew days. Ur. IVn-
niugton was called ,
Mr. Nine McComas and wife
were unable to attend tlu "Dutch
Party" on account of master Billy
getting something into one of
his eyes.
Kalph Johnson returned from
New York last Thursday morn
ing. The young man who waste
to have home with him to
work this season took sick sud
denly and died of typhoid fever.
A "Dutch Party" was given at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Koozer last Friday evening * . It
was in the nature of a welcome
to the new neighbors in the val
ley. The ladies wore "Dutch"
caps kerchiefs and white aprons.
A "Dutch" program was ren
dered early in the evening when
several recitations were given
in dialect , also several musical
selections. A real German
song by Mrs. Parker and Arlic
Grant was one of the features.
After the program a delicious
"Dutch" lunch of wiencr-wursts ,
saner kraut , apple pie , rye bread ,
salad , cake and coffee was served.
'Ihcre were nearly seventy people
presents. All departed at a late
hour feeling that a very cnj'iyabk-
evening had been spent.
Mrs. Fred Pershall's father ol
Iowa is here for a visit. He ar
rived Sunday.
Johnny McCleary is staying at
Mr. Mouths' and going to schoo
in Tappan Valley.
Rollie Lester , Charles and Ma
bel Williams started to schoo
Monday morning1.
J. KooHer and family spcu
Sunday with J. F. Persliall aiu
D. and J. Predrnore and fami
| lies of Ormbsy were enterlainet
j at Butler Sand's place last Sun
C. W. UOWMAN has bought the Joel HIucUoll ranch
of 720 acres on the famous Clear Creek Valley , 0 miles
northeast of Broken Bow , This is a fine farm and ranch
finely improved , 330 acres in cultivation , J'20 acres in
alfalfa. Clesr Creek runs through the ranch. Plenty of
timber to do for all timo. 1 % nine barn with hay fork.
Big double corn crih and granary. Good hog house and
farm scales , Good wind mill , cistern r.nd tanks. Good
frame house. All improvements nearly new and in first-
class condition ,
This is one of the best farms and ranches in the country.
Consideration paid $18,000.
I will offer this ranch at a small margin for a short time
on easy terms. You will have to see this ranch to ap
preciate it.
I will show this ranch to any one interested. If you
arc looking for a good farm and ranch , finely improved
and cun he bought at a bargain on easy terms
Come and see me.
Broken Bow , Nebraska.
Mrs Carpenter and daughter
who have been visiting at M. L )
Stone's are visiting this week
with Mr. KiiigerstafTs folks west
f IJroken Mow.
Mr. Allen has been helping at
he J. K. Cole farm for a short
Ralph Johnson and family
Sundayed with his brother K. LJ.
ohnson in Bear Canyon.
Mr. Monell has started farming
n these parts.
Roy KouUi and wife was in
his vicinity on last Saturday on
Ernest and Saul Jackson have
) cen acting as agents in selling
ip-to-date necdlc-s and have been
c.'iiivasing this neighborhood just
F. A. Hertran who used to
ive in the Valley is loading' his
car for Kansas and will leave
his week. The family have
ivcd in Broken How for some
hue. Boat wishes go with theme
o their new location.
Doubtless many will remember
he Doolev family that lived in
this vicinity a few years ago , so
) erhaps that it will be of interest
o them to know that five of the
joys arc preparing to go to South
Dakota this week with intentions
of making it their permanent
; iomc. It is hoped that they will
be favored with good luck in
that part of the country.
Fred Persliall had some surgi
cal work done on his right foot.
The trouble was caused from an
ingrowing toe nail.
Chas. and Chas. Sand
attended the Custer College lit
erary Tuesday evening.
mourn : i OWN.
Mr Frank Spry and wife were
guests at Win. Sprys' Sunday.
Peter Ilcrk purchased a horse
of C. C. Smith last week.
Frank Cotilcy of Broken Bow
visited this burg1 Sunday.
( I. Curkham is building a
buggy shed.
Vida and Floyd Spencer of
Broken Bow visited at C. C.
Smiths' last Wednesday.
Karl Smith who is attending
school at Kearney' is home for a
week's vacation.
John Mulvancy and son Bennic
were Oconto visitors Saturday.
P. F. and Herman Campbell
shelled corn last week.
Philip Berk , Vance Smith , and
C. 10. Smith were numbered with
the Ooonto visitors Saturday.
S S. McConncll dehorned cat
tle Wednesday and Thursday ,
fie was assisted by Willie Spur-
qin , Kobl. Fulls and Morris
The Temperance program giv
en by the Georgetown M. 10.
Sunday school March 28 , was
ccrtainls' a credit ( o the school.
Two of the strong members deserving
servingof mention here was a
solo by Moiris Myres entitled ,
"Was it You , " and a recitation
by Mrs. Win. Sprv , entitled.
"The Death of Little"Jim. . " The
attendance was very good con
sidering the stormy weather pic-
Ruth Viola Pierre , the eight
month old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Herman Pierce died Thurs
day afternoon from lung trouble
aftrr a two days illness. The fu
neral was held Friday sftcrnoon
from the store where Mr. and
Mrs , Pierce have been residing
the past mouth. The interment
took place in Pork Valley ceme
tery north west of Sunnier , Mr.
and Mrs. Pierce have a large cir
cle of friends in this community
who join in extending to them ,
sympathy in this sad hour of
their bereavement.
New Hope Items.
Rev. Myers preached at O. K.
last Sunday.
Minor Taylor and his little
niece Gladys Taylor , went to
Lincoln on "Monday of last week
on a visit.
Miss Alice Iluffaker's school
closed last Tuesday.
J , A. Owen has been hauling
bay to Broken Bow the lasl Iwo
Junnie Clinc returned home
last Friday from Lincoln where
she has been visiting friends Ihc
past three weeks.
Reorganised Sunday school al
O. K , lasl Sunday. Time for
Sunday school 10.30.
Alice and Lcota IIulTaker went
to Broken Bow last Saturday.
Mr. Bush has been hauling
corn from J. A. Owens.
W. TI. Cline has been quite sick.
KiiPi Bfca ! ! ! w >
Have you seen our new
line of samples of high
grade wall paper ? No
J store in town can offer you
a collection of such rare
beauty and elegance to
choose from al such reason
able prices.
II will be a pleasure lo
you and lo us lo have you
look ihcm over.
Th Busy Dug : gist
Jerome Taylor made a business
trip to Broken Bow last Satur
Dick Anderson returned to his
home at Kearney last Tuesday.
Suppose Clarence Huffakcr will
moving1 in his new house soon.
Will Jenkins from Broken Bow ,
was in this vicinity on business
last Monday.
.Myron Taylor has been baling
ha ) for Mr. Bryson.
F. A. Wyneg from the eastern
part of Ihe slale has purchased
the hardware and grocery stock
of Marsmaut & Simms at this
Gco. White-head and James
Runyan wore county seat visitors
the first of the week.
M. C. Wainington wenl lo
Omaha Tuesday cveiling- .
B. Anderson is very sick at this
B. A. Danan B & M. agent at
this place is enjoying a vacation.
He expects to visit the south be
fore resuming work.
Mrs Harrison of Grand is very
sick at the residence of her
daughter , Mrs. Jas. Smith.
The infant son of Geo. Schultx
was taken to Omaha the lirsl of
Ihe week to be operated on for
F. S. Moomcy is having one
of the rooms in the opera house
block repaired. We are informed
that a restaurant will be opened
there in the near future.
Dry Valley.
Albert Todd was in the Valley
last Thursday for seed oats.
Jack Dickson and family were
visitors at Mrs. Kuschons' Sun
1'ld Twombley is having his
corn marketed , price 55 cents pcv
,1'aios Woilcy was a visitor at
Mr. and Mrs. KmersonV Sunday ,
O.utc a mercurial change in
he weather the thermometer
gcjiug down several degrees.
J. L. Ferguson purchased the
finest j ick in Custer county last
Ben Manning was seen lasi
/ . D. Amos has changed the
road on the cast side of his nortl
It looks as though beef cattle
are not going to bring enough to
pay the feeder for the corn.
Corn is worth 55 cents per bu
shel having gone up 13 cents per
bushel from the low point one
mouth ago.
Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee
Roasted fresh eve y day. 24-tt
Farm and City loans at lowcs
rates. M-ll-tf JAMUS Lnrnvicu
Fine Residence properl y fo
aih. Cillon I. A. Cilem an'
'JU BV. Fob'y 25-
Dr. Bass , Deulisl. Over McComas
Drink "Blue Ribbon" colTec
Roasled fresh every day. 24tf
Drs. Farnsworth it Beck
Few S.\ wish lo sell 1113
residence properly. A six roon
house , a nice orchard a goot
well and a fair barn and is fence
ed chicken tight , Apply fo
particulars to m-18-lf
W. A.
Schedule of Broken Bovr Maili.
' Train No M 0 a tit
I Tram No U J:3U : a m
I Train No-II 7:30 : p m
Train No W 8:00 : a m
Train No 41 < : A > P in
OIIPII Sunday from 3:30 : to 10 Si a m
week daysO.M a m. to 7.30 p in.
B. & M. Train Schedule
No. 3' < > ; lfi a m i N'o.40 G-.IOam
N'.41 187 ! ; pm ' No. 42 Pf : > 0 a m
Ni A3 S22ant ; , No. 44 11:27 : p m
No * 3' ) and 40 run between Lincoln and llroken
How onlv. anil tint on Sundays
Frci littr.iiii NoH < and 4S carrr uasscnifcrs.
but are run as extras
We are in Ihe market FOR
Will pay the highest price of
fered on the Broken Bow mar
ket. Call and see us before sell
ing. 34-tf
The Public Like
/ \
to trade where there is an assortment of
goods such as they require , and not to bo
continually told that "we don't carry them. "
Wo do. We carry a bigger assortment of
Forks etc.
Spoons , , .
than ever before , and as people become
more fully posted as to their wearing qual
ities , and the general trade increases , our
line is added to almost daily. You should
buy "Silver Plate that Wears. " Let U3
supply you.
We want to call the attention of every one to our new
SPRING and SUMMER g-oods. It is a perfect and beauti
ful assortment. As it is about time to get ready for spring1
we would be glad to have your order.
We guarantees absolutly everything1 , fine Woolens ,
smoothest fit , up-to-date and particular styles to the in
dividual and first class workmanship.
If you are a fat man , we make you n fat man's fniit.
Aie you thin , young or elderly , we make your suit accord
ingly so that it has a real tailor made and artistic appearance.
Sec us at our new location over the Furniture store of
D. C. Konkcl.
Theonly tiling you need lo bother about in buying1
K I' P REX MKIMER CLOTHES is lo pick the suit that
that looks good to you. We've taken the proper care
to have everything else right.
Here are the MPTY STYLUS
demanded by yoim ; men to-
day. I lie Collar Lapels , Cuffs
Skirt and length arc dressy.
In order to get the right
effect the designs ha\e to be
mnile by especial designers
wliosc whole work and thought
is confined to this special line.
Elegant Spring
Showing at :
S lO.oo $ B2.5o
15.oo 17.oo
20.OO 22.5o
25.00 TheHousr CopjiiaM of Kuppennrimei IW )
A Loanliful showing of the famous Moqajv 1 \
duett shirts. Don't fj\iUoscctlie.seexclusive designs
in shirts before bn'ing.
Prices * $1.00 1.25 and i.50