Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 01, 1909, Page 6, Image 4

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3ilS g&aa&a2gitt l
We have Hie following1 lands for sale. Most of
them on very easy terms.
100 acres unimproved $10.00 ' per acre
100 " improved $25. OU " acre
100 " " $40.00 " acre
240 t ( grass land $13.00 " acre
2-10 acres , 45 acres new breaking , $30.00 acre
320 acres improved $25.00 per acre
2SO ' " $35.00 " acre
320 " " $30.00 " acre
400 acres , buildings , fence. $25.00 " acre
GSO acres cultivated land , fence , $35.00 an acre
' 100 acres grass land , $1'J.50 per acre
500 acres grass land improved $1'J.50 per acre
3'JO acres school land leased 25 yrs ,
fenced and 140 acres cultivated $12.50 an acre
You ought to find something in the above list
that will suit you ,
Broken Bow , - Nebraka
Of course yon can see farther , lint it will enable
yon to look over our goods to a bette.i advantage.
'The Davenport Wagons
Are fully guaranteed in every respect. Made ol
steel with roller bearing axles. They stand up
under one-third heavier loads and are handled
with a third less power. Made by John Deere
a firm with a reputation. Prices right and terms
to suit.
A Good Single Harness
A Coed Single Harness lor $12.00. Xew goods
just received , ( lood single Harness $12.00 bel
ter ones for # 15.00 and up to 1S.OO.
j The Two Row Cultivator -
Made of Mallable Iron and warranted to do better - <
ter work than any other machine on the market.
Deere No. 9 Edge Drop Corn Planter
That guarantees to give yon 1 S per cent drop.
The planter with the most rigid Irame made.
( lood steel used on this planter makes it right.
Look at That Carriage
We have on sale for SliJO.OO. Cast your eve
around while you are among the buggies and'see
the Merry Widow , the smartest one of the line.
Don't wait too long , a look today is better than
a disappointment tomorrow .
Sharpless Cream Separators
( Jives you more cream and lasts longer than any
other make.
See the New Gasoline Burner
Absolutely safe just the thing for the hot days
that are coining. Let us show you why it "
the best.
Our lines are complete. Take your time , have a
talk with us and we will explain ail toou. . Let u- .
show yon that we have good goods and i ijju pi us. .
Bcnj-imin K. Kicker 320
acres in 35-20-IS S 20SOO
Line.-In I , uid Co to Alice
Peliik , lot 10 in blk 1 ,
Lincoln add to Ansley. . 175
Josi ph N. Davis Single to
John C. Henderson 100
acres in 32-10-21 4000
William N. Greenfield to
Fnedrick Wagoner , 320
acres i n ( 13-22 K.OOO
Horace F. Kennedy Sheriff
to NVls Lee , lot 2 in blk
o oiiginal town of Ans
ley 100
Au u > t Wisching to Silas
13 Hoffman , 7 acres in
10-15-23 also lots 5 0-7-8
in blk 9 lots 5 to 12 in
blk 10 H,00
Win. 11 Bybcc to Charles
J.ickobson IdO acres in
21-15-25 4SOO
Jesse lt. Van Uurkirk to
Arch Parr lots 10-17-18
First add to iMcrna 2100
Jonathan Kamuliucr to By
ron Leonard , Parcel in
lL-l'i-22 3500
John Krohn to IClixabeth
Huckner , 79 acres in 5-
1321 2500
Win. W. Kice to D. W.
Xehr 125 acres in 13-19-
1 s 3000
Chas. H. X.ichry to Henry
Xichry luO acres in 12-17-
2 ? . . . ! 4400
George Kelly to Warren S.
Wells , li.O acres in-17-17-
21 4300
J. J. Beranek to Josephine
lieraiiek , 1U ( acres in 28-
20-17 51)0 )
ICva Williams and Hus
band to Alice Haisch ,
Parcel in 17-10-22 100
Warren S. Wells to George
Iwlly lots 1-2 3-4 in blk
02 2nd add to Merna 230 (
Key G. Waters to James
H. Kerr , IdO acres in 5-
H-l'i 2500
Callaway Improvement Co.
to W. 1C. Shupp , lots 3-4
K. B. add to Call way. . . ( .00
ICmeline Reyner widow to
Walter J. Woods , S 15 ' + '
of lot 1 I in F. Ueyncr's
add to 15. How 1,01
Daniel K. Rockwell to W.
B , Kennedy anil Samuel
L. Miller , lots 7 8 in blk
3 in JCmeline Kcyner's
add to B. Bow 200C
George N. Clingerman to
ICdwardCliugeruian , lee
1 acres in 32-15-19 1600
Thomas A. Newman to
w m F. Phi for , 80 acres
in2'Mr-25 2500
Stella J. Scott and Hus-
i band to Chas. W. Bow-
1 man , lots 0-7 S # of 3 in
i blk 94 Groat's add to
1 B. Bow 300
The Kearney Land Co. to
1 Barbara Scheihing Dietrich -
, trich , 100 acres in 34-13-
j 22 51.00
, John Keller to George W.
Franklin , Parcel in 5-14-
17 32
James 1C. Adamson to 1C.
N. Sillivaii , 100 acres in
f , l'-17 ) 7000
Chas D. Brewer to JCdward
N. Stllivtin Parcel in
Sec 32-31 Tp20 Bg17. . . 2000
Filcy { U. Ilaskell to J. D.
Ilaskell , Und Mint in
11-K.25 300
Walter 1C. Brown to B. A.
Darrow , lots 8 ( ) in blk 5
add to Mason 125
Stella J. Scott and Husb.
to Wm. J. Wilson , Nx'i
of lot S and lots ' ) and 10
blk M Groat's add B.
Bow 1200 I
Georgia B. Savage ami
and Ilusb. to Maggie B.
Pfrchm , lot 15 in blk 'J
ii Sargent 105
John C. Probst to Joseph
W. Smith , all of lots 4-5
o , in blk S in Sargent. . . 1500
Christ Christiansen to K.
1C. Brcga , 120 acres in
Sec 0-U and 12 Tp 10
Rg 23 and 25 1000
Win. Owen to Theodore
Parccll , lot 4 in blk 27
and Strip 20x112 ft S-
TC'.blk ' 1300
Lincoln Land Co. to Xinis
Preltyman , lot 0 in blk
"K" in Coms'.ock 100
James II. Bailey to John
TL Melton , 40 acres in
2'MS-24 SOO
James S. Caywood to John
11. Caywood , Parcel in
13-17-20 1400
ohn II. Caywood to Loren
Cornell , 10 acres in 29-
17-20 1000
Some of our farmers have be-
.jun plowing.
Louis H nil men I shipped hogs
o Omaha the first of the week.
Win. Mclntosh sold a team of
lorscs and one -mules , iccciv-
ng $000 by the transaction.
Mrs. Joseph Spencer spent a
cw days with her mother , Mrs.
.lottiuger. .
Miss Kitty Kvans is helping in
he Weissert store this week.
Mr. John Killmor of Lincoln
Bounty is visiting friends and
clativcs near IClton.
Albert Shafer and family vis
ted with the 1C. Mottinger fami-
y Sunday.
Stella Govearts is in school
ngain after an absence of three
lays , being sick with the meas
Mrs. Leonard Ilillon was called
lo Dunning on account of the
leath of her falher , Mr. Foole.
The pupils of the ICiton school
are preparing an entertainment
to be given at the close of school
on Ihe evening of April 9th.
Minnie Leek has an attack of
the measles this week.
Albert Kleeb made a business
trip lo Broken Bow Saturday.
Mr. Bishop sprained his shoul
der this week. He was hauling
alfalfa and had just reached the
lop ol the hill by his barn , when
the coupling pole of ihe wagon
broke and Ihe back wheels , rack
and alfalfa with Mr. Bishop on
it , ran back down Ihe hill. The ,
team ran off to the barn.
It is lucky that nothing more
serious happened.
Grandma Shafer met with quite
an accident Sunda ycvening. She
was just starting home from a
visit with her daughter , Mrs.
Mottinger , when the spring wag
on seal on which she was silling
became unfastened and fell oil
taking Grandma along. Her back
was injured by Ihe fall. Dr. Mc-
Arlhur was called. She is reported -
ported some boiler al ibis writ
Miss lC > i/.a Dowse spent Satur
day and Sunday with her parents
near Comstock.
Prairie Hill.
The sewing circle will meet
with Mrs Thomas , April 8.
Mrs. Bryan and children of
Union Valley spenl Fiiday night
and Satuiday at Mr. Thotuab'
There will be an ICaster pro
gram at the school house ICaster
Sunday at 2 P. M.
j The ladies circle will have
I will sell tit public auction at my farm 2i
miles southeast of Broken Bow 011 :
Wednesday Till 1909
, April , ,
lOsSO . 320.
I The following described property to-wit :
i Black Aiute in fonl , age Sl 1580
i Iron j'ray marp with colt by side ,
n e 11 , wt. 1600
i buy team mures 7 and 8 yrs wt.
I team nmrt-i 0 yrs old wt 2000
j i team mares 8 and n yrn wl 2300
I bay mare I yrs , wt ifoo
i team smooth mouth.
I mare cell 2 y s old.
1 stallion 2 yrs old , wt 1050.
} mare colt'i I yr old.
2 fresh cows ; with calves at side
2 milch cows.
< | dry cows.
2 yearling heifers.
3 yending steeis.
3 winter steers.
Some household ynods.
Seed corn.
Seed Alfalfa.
And other things to numerous to mention.
Sums of $10.00 and under cash. All over
r $10.00 u credit of 9 months with interest at 8 per
cent will be given. A 2 per cent discount for cash.
their Easter sale Friday , April
lf > . at Mrs. Shoup's and will also
serve ice cream iu the afternoon.
The public is cordially invited to
Bay and Longfellow arc shelling
ing- corn for Mr. Juel.
( Juite a few people from here
attended the box supper west of
Merna Saturday niglit.
The party given at Mr. Dave
Coulter's Friday night was well
attended. All report a pleasant
time. Refreshments were served
at midnight.
YOU M-r.l ) 10 KNOW MORI :
Aliout up-to-date S u n d a y
school methods and the County
convention of all the Sunday
schools of Custer county is the
place to get this knowledge.
4 sets neatly new harness.
single driving harness.
old hickory wngou
rack uncl wa ou.
good carriage
run-about buggy.
upring wagon.
heavy stock saddle.
iip\y badger cultivator.
Ohio cultivator.
tongueless disc.
1 Champion corn planter.
1 three section steel harrow , with
riding attachment.
I push grabs seeder.
I potato digger.
I stiring plow.
I walking lister.
I Jones hay rake.
I Keystone mower.
I lifting derrick.
i Ktnpire cream sepaiator.
3 or 4 lichen chickens.
April 21 and 22 is the date at
Broken Bow. Every up-to-date
school in the county will be
represented at this convention.
It takes n , ( \ ) report to the
county association , (2) ) a contri
bution from your school to the
county association of live cents
per member , (3 ( ; a delegate to
the county convention. Don't
let your school keep the whole
county back.
Sincerely yours ,
County Secretary.
15. Taylor who has been
attending Custer College left
Tuesday morning for Thedford
to visit her mother and sister.
The King of Laundry
SOA.PS. Yellow soaps
j contain rosin. SUNNY MONDAY contains
no rosin.
i'Sunny Monday bubbles will wash away
your troubos. "
Use ( Sold Dust it
is better and cheaper
than yelow soap.
Buy Sunny Monday
and Clold Dust