Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 25, 1909, Image 1

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    BOO\M r
Committee Appointed to Appraise School
Land and a Number of Minor
Matters Adjusted.
The chairman of the county
board appointed L. Cushtuau ,
James Lee and Edward Foley
as a committee to appraise the
school lands of Chris and II ,
Hilderbrand on the northwest
quarter of sec. 36 town 18 range
18 ; also school land of Henry
Kelley on N % of S } ' * of sec. 35 ,
town 19 range 23.
The road committee reported
favorably on the Thanel road
and instructed the county sur
veyor to survey the same to be
gin at station No. 41 , thence
west on half section line about
60 rods to a point on east bank
of canyon at that point ; thence
north westerly following east
bank of canyon about 15 rods
south and 0 rods past of south
western corner of northwest sec
tion 20-17-23 , thence north sec
tion line between section 17 and
Section 20 town 17 range 23.
The $2.50 poll tax was ordered
refunded to the following II , Bur
row , Will Lewin , Mike Foley ,
W. B. Grey , Agnes Smith , S. F.
Willard , Roy Wells and A.
Anderson ; and < $2.CO to J. E.
Werber , and Chas. J. Lawson.
The countv treasurer was in
structed to write a tax sale cer
tificate in the name of the county
pn the east YI of lots 5 and 6 , in
block 4 M. A. Wests addition to
Broken Bow and assign the same
op the payment of $ was ordered refu.nd.ed to.
the Anselmo State Bank on ac
count of double assessment .of
On recommendation of the
committee the following judici
ary claims were allowed :
P. F. Campbell . $16.40
p. A.YaJton . fc.OO
E.d Siminonds . 16SQ :
\\T. \ A. Caslpr . 35.20
p. H. Miller . 10.20
Anton Dobesh . 21.00
F , E , Delano . 9.50
S. A. Perkins . 25.00
. Jasper W. Robinson . 12.20
George Pelkey . 20.40
J. L. Ferguson . 21.00
F. A. Bertran . ,1.20
. ' . E. If ecdhatq . . . 25.00
(3. ( A. Qlseu . ! . 22 QO
Q. W. Dayton. , , . 17.00
Harvey Leach . 23.80
George Laugblin . .17.60
G. T , Kobinsou 12.2U
John O. Kennedy 2000
Ab Butcher 19.20
Frank Anderson , 25.50
B. C. Johnson 34.30
Joseph Maroney 20.80
Henry Reeder 16.60
C. E. Cannon 6.00
S. B , McKenty 6.00
A. A. Lamphear 6.00
Willfam Schaad 600
fjeo.'B. Mair Clerks Costs . 3.55
CJeo. B. Mair " " 8.30
Qeo , B. Mair ' ' " . 25.50
Hugh Kenoyer Bailiff 26.00
> -W. M. Westbrook 9.80
/ C. H.Kennedy , meals jurors 9 75
And the following claims were
allowed in the case of State vs
James Haddix , v Dipsomaniac. )
V . 'E. Talbot \ day member
QfB.oard , Eanination of
patient MO
fleo. B , Mair 1 day member
of board , Clerks Costs. . . . 5.50
E. M , Coleman 1 dav as
witness and 20 miles. . . , 300
L. W. Wilson 1 day as wit
ness and 20 miles 3.00
Jos. Sittler Jr. 1 day as wit
ness and 20 miles 3.00
Geo. E. Petty , 1 day as witness
and 20 miles $3.00
R , R. Duncan , 1 day as witness
and 20 miles 3 00
And that the claim ot C. U.
Richardson for $1243.00 was al
lowed , same being balance due
on salary as sheriff for 1908 , and
deputy hire. And that the bal
ance of the claims were rejected.
The Poor Farm committee made
the following report on the con
dition of the Poor Farm for the
year ending February 15 , 1909 :
For hogs sold , 128 head $1466.40
For cattle sold , 4 head. . 136 52
For grain and potatoes. 225.50
Balance on hand 1908. . . 5551.89
House and farm expenses
as per bill attached. . . 1529.16
Cash paid county 600.00
Balance on hand ( cash ) . 251.15
Stock and produce on hand
49 head of cattle 1131.60
100 head of hogs 424.00
Grain hay and potatoes. 1707.00
32 ( > 275
The committee appointed at
the January meeting to check up
the office of the Coudty Clerk
made the following report.
Summary of receipts and dis-
bursments of Coutny Clerks office
for the year 190R.
The next entertainment- the
Young People's course will be
given at the Temple Theatre on
Thursday evening , April 1 , by
the Artist Trio Doyle McGill
Deeriug Company. Thia is cons
sidered tp he the best poncert
trio ever presented to the public.
Miss Doyle's , "Mr , Dooley
sketches captivate all pf her
audienpes. Miss Flora McGill ,
contralto and pianist , is the
soloist in one of the leading
churches in Chicago and is a
lady of splendid personality ,
beautiful voice and unusual
musicianship. Miss Blanche
Deering , the third member of
the corfpany is noted among
America's most finished artists ,
both on the Piano and th.e viplin ,
Seats on sae March " 50th , at
Jlaeberle's drug store.
Charles Foote of Dunning , Ne
braska , died this evening on his
ranch seven miles south of Dun
ning. Mr. Footea an , old resi-
deqt of Oyster County having
been sheriff of this county about
twenty-three years ajjq. Mr ,
Faote was alao postmaster at one
time ,
Clyde Bredburn.
Clyde Bredburn , the six year
old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Bredburn of tbis pity died March
18th of heart desease in Nevada ,
Mo , The rernaing were shipped
to this city last Friday. The
funeral services were held in the
Methodist church and the body
laid to rest in t e Broken BQV ?
John Reese and Ray and Willie
Catlwell will hold a combination
hog sale Saturday in the old
College building on the north
side of the city. Reese will sell
50 head of pure bred sows au
gitjs from bis herd of pure bred
Duroc , Jerseys. The Cadwells
will sell three n.iales and 22 sows
from their pyre bred Poland
China herd. The college building -
ing has been fixed up and every
thing is in readiness for the sale.
8 § * 9
'gS * .
RooEovelt Has Asked the English Qo vernment to Keep Off Correspondents.
The choir of St. John's Episco
pal church re-iuforced by popular
singers of Broken Bow , assisted
by Taylor's orchestra , are pre
paring an elaborate program of
choice music for Easter evening.
After three weeks rest the B hu
whist club had an interesting
and enjoyable meeting Wednes
day night with Mr. and Mrs.
James Leonard. The usual re
freshments were served. Mr. and
Mrs. Gillings , rMr3. BeaV , aud
Mis. E. Taylor , were the guests
of the club ,
0. E S.
At the called meeting of Ar
row Chapter N.O. 16,4 , Order of
the Eastern Star last Tuesday
evening Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pickett
were initiated into the mysteriea
of the order. There waa a large
attendance of members and visi
tors. At the close of the meet
ing , refreshments were served in
the banqueting hall by Mrs. G.
H. Thorpe's division.
The Degree of IIonor , , h.eld
thejr monthly Kensington in
their Lodge room Tuesday after
noon. There was a large atten
dance and ftne refreshments
served by Mrs. J. G. Haeberle's
division. A short business ses
sion wan held at which time Mrs.
Charlie Martin was installed in
side watch , and Mrs. W. II. Xan-
ders organist.
Mr. and Mr9 J. K. Herman en
tertain a party of friend.3. this
( .Thursday ) evening in their cosy
appartments in the Dierks block.
Whist was played during the
evening. A three-course supper
will be served in the dining room.
The guests Mr. and Mrn ,
Eugene Holcoinb , I\4r \ , qnd Mrs.
Edgar Qsborne , the Misses Dor
othy Maulick , Caroline Reed , and
Messers Feli ? Lonergon and Ar
thur Ledwich ,
Three ladies , > irs. Glass , yrs.
Breniser , ajrs Frank Smith of the
Presbyterian church entertained
at Kensington Wednesday after
noon from 3 to 6 o'clock at the
home of Mrs. Smith. . Each mem
ber had the priviledge of inviting
two guests. About forty ladies
were present and r.p.eut a delight
ful afternoon ,
Many lovely and useful pieces
of fancy work were \n \ eyence ,
The hostenea * deserve much
credit for the fine supper they
served ,
Tuesday at high noon at
the Roman Catholic parsonage ,
Miss Rosa Greible was united in
marriage to Mr. Ira Williams ,
Father Moser , officiating. The
bride's gown was made of while
silk , with trimmings of lace ,
The young people drove over
from their home at Walworth in
the morning. Mrs. Florence
Greible sister of the bride accom
panied them ,
Mr , aud Mrs. Williams returned
o Walworth the. same day. The
SRPUBUCAN extends congratula
'Last Monday Mrs. J. A. Ar-
Ci > uravt a fa o'clock supper in
loner of her daughter Avis'
fifteenth birthday.
Ten , young ladies were invited
o the feast without Miss Avis
knowing anything about it until
hey arrived on the scene ,
A merrier lot of young people
would be hard to find. After
supper there was instrumental
and vocal music. Miss Avis was
'airly deluged with good wishes
'or many happy returns of the
lay and received a number of
useful preseuls.
Last Friday night , the Misses
Oral Richardson , Blanche Pros'
ton , Willie Smallcy ; Messers
Harry Derris Fred and Von Rus-
som , members of the eleventh
and twclveth grades at the lovely
country residence of Mr. and
Mrs. G. R. Russom ,
The teachers and pupils met
at the home of Mrs. Ed McCumas
and were taken to Russum's in a
large hayrack drawn by four
horses and in buggies and car
Music aud games furnished the
evenings entertainment. Delic
ious refreshments were served.
It was in the we $ ma.aU hours
of the morniqg when the party
returned to town , after having
been caught in a heavy shower
of rain and sleet ,
The piano students of Mrs. F ,
E. Taylor gave a recital at her
home last Saturday afternoon at
3 o'clock.
The bouse was decorated with
dozens of pink and white carna
A few explanatory remarks hj
Mrs. Taylor concerning the pupils -
pils aqd their grades , frora , first
to third preceded the beginning
of the program ,
The pupila were ranged in the
music room and the selections in
eluded French , German , Italian
and American composers. Such
variety of style could not fail to
please , The flowery descriptive
selections the dreatny waltzes ,
including a caprice , with , a daah , ,
of the classical.
Mrs , Taylor has a large class
of pupils aud it is hard to dis
criminate where all did so well ,
At the cud of the program the
pupils , parents and friends were
served delicious refreshments.
Mrs. Taylor was assisted in serv
ing by Mrs. Gutterson , Mrs.
Leonard and the Misses Jennie
Taylor and lone Russum.
Mr. and Mrs. William Jenkins ,
entertained last Thursday even
ing , in theit plesant apartments
in the Dierks Block.
Whist was played during the
evening. Very olabovate refresh
ments were served. Caudle
sticks with green candles and
shades , were used in honor of St.
Patricks day. The green was
used where ever possible. Mrs.
Jenkins was assisted by Miss
.lonen. The Guests were Mr.
and Mrs. James K. Herman. Mr.
and Mrs. Engine S. llolcomb ,
Miss Dorthy Maulick , Miss Caroline
line Reed , Mr. Edwin Myers , Mr.
Arthur Ledwich.
Sheriff John J. Boquot of
Woodward County , Oklahoma ,
was in the city Monday looking
for a man by the name of George
Lovett. Lovctt is a farm laborer
about 45 years old who induced
Miss May Wiley , , a fifteen year
old girl of Woodward , Oklahoma ,
to leave her home.
He was previously employed by
Miss Wiley's father as a farm
hand. Miss Wiley was visiting
her uncle near Woodward at the
time and met Lovett in a town
about thirty five miles from
A few days ago a letter from
Lovett , postmarked Ausley was
received al Woodward by friends
of his and Sheriff Boquot came
here to get the assistance of
Sheriff Kennedy in trying to
locate him. They were unable
to find the couple though some
Ansley people remembered seeing
a coupjc that answered to their
Later information indicates
that the couple is in Kansas City.
A wrestling match between
George Giou of Aurora and
Frank DuCray of Lincoln will be
pulled off at the Broken Bow
opera house next Tuesday even
ing. Gion is the man who won
two straight falls from Jack
Dempsey last Saturday evening
and he holds the middleweight
championship of Nebraska. Gion
is quick and skillful. DuCray is
a former College football player
at Wisconsin and Nebraska uni
versities and has devoted his
time ( or a number of years to
athletic work as a professional.
The Benjamin Stock Co. passed 1
through this city Monday morn
ing enroute toMerna from Calla-
way. The company played a six
nights engagement in Callaway
and met with unusual success.
They played in Merna the first
part of the week and than went
down to Mason City.
Dan Erwin , Jr. , son of Mr. and
Mrs , Dan Erwin , returned Friday
morning fyom Conception , Mis
souri , where he has been attend
ing Conception College. He will
be at home with hia parents this
summer and return to icuool next
Misi Kiuely Hobertson of thia
city , came home last Friday from
Cuuiro where she has been teach
ing. Miss Robertson was com
pelled on account of sickness to
return home before her school
out ,
TO 1)1:111)1 ) : ) :
\V. A. George Has NVIIIicJrami a a
Candidate on Cili/ens Ticket and
Morgan Will Probably TaKe
His Place.
The city council at a meeting
held this week voted to submit
the question of whether or not
an electric light franchise shall
be granted to a vote of the
people. The council feels that a
question which elToccts the city
so vitally should not be decided
without giving- them a chance to
vote on it. If the people vote to
grant the franchise the support
given the company which gets it
should he better because it will
have the sentiment of the
people behind it and there will
be no chance for a man to sny
that he has not had a fair chance
n having his say as to whether
.he franchise should be granted.
The council committee is in
receipt of a letter which states
hat a franchise will be sent up
by John W. Earley of Columbus.
r Earley is now installing a
plant in Alliance.
W. A. George has withdrawn
as a candidate on the citizens
ticket for Mayor and it is proablc
that Alpha Morgan will' be. put-
on the ticket to fill the vacancy.
The vacancy is to beJllled by
ommitteetnan Purcell.
A. T. Allen who has had
charge of the postoflice store
since last September loft the city
rather unexpsctedly last Sunday
evening after having partly com
pleted arrangements Saturday to
sell the store to J. II Sloggett
for $400.00. Sloggelt was to take
at it the above price and pay the
amount to his creditors as Allen
stated that would cover all in
debtedness. Later developments
showed his debts would run near
seven or eight hundred dollars ,
aud the store was taken chargft
of by Vis creditors.
Miss Grace Douglass accom
panied him to Lincoln.
County Attorney Gadd pro
poses in the course of the next
week to have a number of people
nn in county court to answer to
the charge of boot-legging , and' '
gambling. He has issued a num
ber of warrants for the arreai oS
people on these charges and they
are now in the hands of Sheriff
He has also sworn out a war
rant for Amos and Hively of
Westelville for allowing minors
to play in their pool hall at Wcs-
terville. These cases will be up in
court aome time next week.
Mr. Gadd is also looking up
information concerning 40 head
of dead hogs found on a lauch iti
the county. The hogs died o5
disease last October aud should
according to law have beeu
burned or buried 18 inches undec
the surface.
Judge C. L , Guterson and II ,
W. George returned from Mexico ,
Saturday night , Marshall Eddy
of Merna , returned with them.