Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 18, 1909, Image 1

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Vote lo Grant Electric Light Prancliise
and Don't Want Pool ( Mils With
Proper Police Regulations.
The court room was well filled
when the citizens caucus was
called to order Tuesday evening.
Joseph Pigman was chosen chair
man and W. B. ICaslham and
Ross Pickclt secretaries.
Mayor George made the fo'.low-
ing report of the condition of the
cities finances :
CVsh on hand VI Mjj | X >
dish due on tax uncollectctl J > wii uw
Uuah due onvalor ' - u }
t'j : ts : > ou
Due electric lichl fund 7cuuno _ _
SI "SO iw
Kxpanqps from May r , 'OS , to
Al.rnli 15 , 'OU.
\Vator Bpeciitl
Wort H ciiBli
1'orinanent linp'v'tH..S't < J ! > ii | j W M &
Total expenditures . SI5 1111 U7
Total collected from water tikorH.S3 : TOO 00
Hal. duo Iron ) wulor takers . _ ulu
Total leveiuie . . . . . . . - . - s uluu
Cost of lunninir plant , labor and
t > X P f 1 1 b I' H . ' * _ _ _ _
To apply on permanent impVla. "C'J 00
Two candidates were nomi
aated for each office and the bal-
-loling resulted in the selection
of the following- ticket :
For Mayor
Oity Troiwuror { } & , JJko
lot ward JJ * M. Klmborliriir
JA.J. VanAntworp
. , ndwjud J K Anderson
| j. a. squires
I Jan. Lcdvvich
I ardwnrd Mi&iH
IU. 11. Knirland
The resolutions committee con-
sisliug of I. A. Reticau , A. K.
Humphrey and John Squires re
ported the following1 resolutions :
The citizens of Brjken How , in mass
convention assembled , declare for J
clean , economical and business adminis
Iratlon for the Uit > for the coining fibeal
year and plediro the nominees of thin
convention for and to carry out thf
policies expressed herein for the better-
inent and the advancement of our citks
i iterest.
linsT We are in favor of cruntinir a
franchise for II e pur pose ol s-i'curintr an
electric liirht plant lor tint city ul sulll-
. duiii size , powm- and capacity to nihuie
* continuous and tlrst cl.iss service to our
.1 citizens and to the city. Said franchise
\ to bo trranted to citizen or coiporatiua
iff under such regulations and n'strictioiiH
as the Kood iudirmeiu of the .Mayor and
L/ity Council shall determine.
SKCONDWe are in favor of chnriiinir a
Hulllcient tarih to \ % ater users of the city
water plain to pay for the cost ol main'
lainlnir our present vn'cr system , and t'j
that end we favor the veiy mininiiim ol
expenses in the service and management
oi the water plant to the < jn < l that water
may be furnished to consumers \\itliuut
any piollt to the city.
THIRD Wo favor extending the water
Hystcin wherever it is possible or practi
cal to thu remote parts of the city to that
und that the purls of the city not now
within ttie corporation may be included
therein .tnd such cUizens furnished with
water for private use and hydrants for
lire protection.
KouuTU-We recommen 1 that a lire
limit be immediately established for the
protection ol the business interssts of
the city.
Kuril--Alter mi experience of more
than ten years as a non-saloon city , dur
\i\K \ which time our population has
doubled and property values have irene
far beyond expectations ; we express
ourselves satisfied with this condition
and pledge the nominees ot this conven
tion airiuw t the iuauanco of saloon
licenses and druu'Uisls permits , and to
use the most strinuent methods to wipt
out the use of all intoxicants and prose
cute to the limit the boot-letrer wherever
found : and to that end we recummem
that the question of licensing the sale o
Intoxicating liquors of any kind be nut
submitted to a vote ,
SIXTH-We are in favor of leaving thi
nut'Htloii of pool and billiard hall am
bu\\ ling alleys to the police reirulali.i
of the city authorities and reconiinctit
that the major and council pass ai
vrdinance pr-scribini : the limit in whiel
Miich occupations may be conducted am
the conditions under \\hieh the saint
inuy bo licensed and proxiding that m
puison or persons shall be liccnsi-d to
run such occupations without lirst lllinu
with the city clerk a petition signed 1 > \
HU3h number ul free holders of the wan
inhlch Hiich occupation is proposed to
bo carried on as the council , by ordinance
shall determine , which petition shall be
allowed or rejected by the council , and
when HV.cli license is issued the same
nhall not Do sal.iblo or tr.uisforablo in
tiny manner.
HKVKNTH-In view < > l the in a n y
permanent improvements made by the
present administration , we heartily
congratulate the city ulllcen * for the
irondvoil ; done and recommend that Mie
Hnnie line of Improvements ) in the matter
of their bounty and permanency be oon-
tinned by the incominir adininisliatlon.
Respectfully submitted ,
I A. iteneau ,
A. If , Humphrey
J. S. Squirt's.
The first resolution for the
granting of a franchise for
au electric light plant was strenu
ously opposed by Councilman
Taylor and the advocates of the
municipal ownership. The ina
bility of the city to make the
vatcr works system a success
Inaucially furnished the basis of
Considerable argument in favor
of granting the franchise. The
evolution was adopted by quite
i large vote.
The resoluliali relating to the
) eel halls was defeated by a very
close vole. , -
The school caucus held Mou-
lay evening for the purpose of
nominating candidates for places
on the school board resulted in
he nomination of Mrs. C L.
Outtcrson , Jules Ilaumont , 13. R.
'urcell , Sam Davis , George Wat
ers and O P. Johnson. At the
election on April dth three mem
bers will be selected from this
When the matter of the croc-
ion of a new high school build-
ng came up L. II. Jewctt and
V. K. Humphrey who are inem-
) crs of the school board stated
hat the public schools had been
ising one room in the college
building and that they would
robab'y ' have to use two or three
icxt year They considered that
he best policy would be to delay
voting the bonds for the erection
of the new building until next
year. S P. Great stated that
ic had recently been in Ord and
hsy had just completed a $35,000
school building there and he
thought that Broken L5ow
ought to do as well at least as
A resolution passed by a very
; losc vote instructing the board
of education to call a special
election for the purpose of bond
ng the district to the limit for
the erection of a high school
jttilding. The next meeting of
the board will be the first week
n April and they will set the
late for the special election at
that meeting.
The valuation of the school dis
trict this year is about Sv > Sf,330.
It is expected that this valua
tion will be raised somewhat this
year and probably it will pass the
$400,01)1) ) ) mark. 'Hie limit lo
which it can be bonded is ten
per cent of this valuation. This
would bond the district for about
Manager Great of the opera
has made arrangements
for a wrestling match Saturday
evening between George Gion ,
the middle weight champion of
Nebraska , and Jack Dempsey
who has been winning a number
of matches in northwestern Ne
braska. Mr. Great would not
prmit the holding of the match
in the opera house until he had
thoroughly satisfied himself that
the men were trained wrestlers
and that the "match would be
no fake. " Gion who is the mid
dleweight champion of Nebras
ka , comes here to defend his title
against Dempscy who has won a
string of victories in northwest
ern part of the state and claims
to be able to take the title from
Mr. Great says that there is no
question but that the men have
the skill and that the match will
be fast and interesting.
Miss Mable Frakcr , of Grand
Island , has taken the position aa
stenographer for O. II , Conrad.
Incorporate Arnold ami Call Tor llalance
on Treasures Salary.
The County Board met at the
Court House Tuesday for the
regular session. When the mat
ter of the report of the county
treasurer came up for considera
tion the committee reported that
Treasurer Cavcnoe had held out
$3,000 as his st lary for the year
1'JOS when the committee believed
that he was entitled to but $2000
and that he had retained S'100 '
as salary for Deputy Treasurer
Poor when the committee consid
ered that he was entitled to but
S'COO. ' The board at first planned
to commence ouster proceedings
and take charge of the treasurer's
office unless Cavcnec put up the
money , but after some consulta
tion a resolution instructing the
county attorney fo bring man
damus proceedings to compel
Cavenee to pay the extra $1400
into the proper fund was intro
duced by Grintand passed. The
law provides that the county
treasurca shall take his salary
out of the fees of the office and
Treasurer Cavenee and Deputy
Poor have held out the
$1400 as the additional sala'ry
they believe they are entitled to
under the increase in population
in Ue county.
A petition presented by a ma
jority of the taxable i habitants
of Arnold praying that the vil
lage of Arnold be incorporated
was passed upon favorably and
the village was incorporated.
John Finch , B E. K'obfnsou , F.
1C. Ncedham , J. M. Samuelson ,
and F. M. Spegal. were appointed
as trustees of the village to hold
office until their succcssots arc
selected as provided by law
The following township as
sessors were recommended to fill
vacancies by County Assessor
Foster and approved' by the
Sam Swanson Loup
Autonc Dobesh Algernon
Kaank Harris Anslcy
Eugene Chesley Triumph
J. L. Ferguson Comstock
Mr. and Mrs. Riser of Round
Valley who were iu county court
recently were sent for and ap
peared again yesterday in court.
Action has been brought to take
the children away from them and
send them to the home for the
friendless or lo some other place
in the direction of the court.
"The Irish Senator" a three
act musical farce under the direc
tion of John Ardcn and introduc
McCabe and Mack the well
known team of fun makers will be
at the Opera house on Tuesday
evening , March 23. 1 his big fun
show has created a most favora
ble impression everywhere it has
appeared this season and the suc
cess accorded it has been dcsirv-
ed as it is without dopbt the
best farce produced in years.
It is a farce comedy with a good
plof , which is a rare literary
achievement. It is replete with
humorous complication , running
over \sith witty thrusls and
choice selcclious of original
music , prelty dances and ensema-
bles executed by clever comedians
and pretty girls.
Mrs. ISlviry Simmons , who
lias been visiting her son 13. W.
Simmons for the last six months
left Saturday for her home at
South Bend , Indiana.
II. Lornax and 1C. R. Purcell
spent Monday and Tuesday in
Parcwsll Dinner in Honor of Mrs. .1. R.
( lean ( lie tctirin ! < r President.
The P. 1C. O chaplcr of this
city , mel in regular session last
Friday afternoon with Mrs. R.
A. Ilunlor. The piincipal busi
ness was the annual election of
officers for Ihe ensuing year ; and
the election of delegates lo the
Stale Convcnlion which mccls
Ihe third week in June at Beat-
rice. The eleclion of officers re
sulted in Inc election of Mrs. J.
1C. Wilson , President ; Mrs. W.
IC.istham , Vice Pres. ; Mrs. J. G.
Haebcrle , Rec. Sec ; Miss Mary
Pierson , Cor. Sec. ; Mrs , ICugcnc
Holcomb , Trcas. : Mrs. F. M.
Skillman , Chaplain. Mrs. Joe
Molyucux , Guard.
The president Mrs. Wilson was
elected first delegate and Miss
Ptfprl Hunter second delegate.
Alternates were also elected. At
7 o'clock a three course farewell
dinner was served in the dining
room in honor ot Ihe retiring
president Mrs. J. R. Dean who
has acceptably filled the office of
president for two years and who |
is on the eve of moving to Lin
Covers were laid for twenty-
two. On the place cards were
bunches of Marguerites , the'
P. 1C. 0 flower. The Chapter
colors , yellow and white were ef
fectively vucd as decorations
Broad bands of the two colors in
satin ribbon were placed on the
table in the form of a five-pointed
slat. * Caiullc stilus with" white
candles and yellow shades were
used , and bunches of pink and
while carnations rcsling on lace
and embroidered centre pieces
decorated the table.
Mrs. Hunter was assisted in
serving the dinner , by her daugh
ter , Miss Poail.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Purcell en
tertained the Ladies Library
Associalion and Iheir husbands
St. Patricks day in the evening ,
al Iheir home on Ihe Norlhside.
As Ihe gticsls arrived , they were
given their choice , between kis
sing the "Blarney Stone" ( a
fake one ) or taking a drubbing
from a shillaly ( the real thing. )
'Plie house was profusely deco
rated with imported shamrock ;
Irish lings , adorned the walls ,
and were suspended from the
Slips of green piper were
passed the guests , with a list of
questions relating to snakes ; the
first question was , "what kind of
a snake do women wear around
their necks in wintei'1 answer
"Rua. "
There was also a program of
music and readings. Mrs. J. 1C.
\ \ iison read a poem written in
1870 , while Mr. George Purcell
was in Ireland and which was
presented to him ,
The refreshments were in
keeping with the day. Sham
rock was used as favor.The
ice cream was tipped with a tiny
green paper ihigs. The evening
was one of rare enjoyment. Mr.
and Mrs. Purcell proved them
selves royal , Irish cnlerlaincrs.
The millinery opening of Miss
Todd Ibis week , beginning
Thursday , is certainly up-to-date
iu every respect. The decora-
lions arc very elaborate in eacl
of the windows is a large live
pointed star one covered will
American beauty roses. Withii
Ihe store is artistically decoratc <
wilh festoons ami draperies and
loops of white cheese cloth dolled
wilh llowcrs and foliage. Above
Ihe new long mirror is a canopy
made of white cloth and flowers.
The hats on disphy are wonder
ful creations of the milliners art.
Thursday morning at 10 o'clock
the clergy met at the M. 1C.
church for the purpose of organ
i/.ing themselves into a Minis
tcrial Association , Hcv. Bush
well of the U. B. church was
elected president. Hcv. Aubrey
of Ihe Prcsbylcrian church Sec.
1 he meetings will be weekly.
Mrs. V. C. Wilson came down
from Ansclmo this morning and
was the guest of Mrs , Joe Christ-
Miss May Hccs of Columbus ,
Ohio , who has been visiting Mrs.
C. Martin left Thursday for
Sparla , 111.
Last Thursday evening Mr.
and Mrs. ICugcne S. Holcomb cn-
lerlained a few of their friends
al Ihcir cosy home on the south
side. Whist was played during
Ihe evening. , At a late hour a
ilainty supper was served
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. W. Jenkins , Mr. Mrs. J. K
Ilermon , Miss Dorothy Maulick ,
Miss Caroline Reed. Messcrs
Edwin Myers and Ailhur Led-
Last Saturday afternoon from
Iwo until six , Mrs. Glass and
Mrs. Dctniug entertained at the
homo of Ihe former , in honor of
Mrs. Aubrey. About forty in-
ilalions were issued to ladies of
he Presbyterian church , The
afternoon proved to be one of the
arc pleasure.
An elaborale supper was served
) y Ihe hoslesscH , assisled by Mrs
/oc Bruce.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pig man
uiterlained Ibis Thursday even-
ng for their son ICldridgc the Olh
grade and their teacher , Miss
McConnell. Various kinds ol
unuscments were indulged in
luring Ihe evening. Refresh
nents were served.
Class parties a < e becoming
[ tiite a feature of the public
chools and are much enjoyed b }
cachcr and pupils.
Alaznma N. I. f.
The Maxumu N. O. T. Glut )
of young ladies , were pleasantly
entertained Monday evening , b )
vliss Ruth Jones , in Ihe apart *
neiilH of her brother Mr. Will
I ukins and his wife , in the
Jicrks block.
After the business meeting a
lainty supper was served. Three
of the honorary members were
> rcsent , Mrs. Xandcrs , Mrs. Her-
uon and Mrs. Jenkins.
Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Gus
: Iumohrcv entertained a few
'riends at an informal Kensing
ton. The afternoon passed all
too swiftly , A delicious three-
course luncheon was served.
White hyacinths were the table
lecorations. Covers were laid
for Mrs. George Willing , Mrs.
IClisha Taylor , Mrs. ICugene IIol-
comb and Mrs. William Jenkins.
Till : I ) . OP II.
The Degree of Honor will give
a Kensinglon next Tuesday
afternoon , in the lodge room.
The members are earnestly re-
juesled to be present.
The loss by fire to the building
aud slock of II. B. Drake , has
been salisfactorily adjusted b )
the insurance companies. The
line of insurance was largely
written through the 1C. C. House
J. D. Marshall and W. II. Con
rad left Saturday night for Ivan
sas. If a desirable location can
be found they will make tha
state their fvture home.
Taylor Maile a lnrlit , 1" fiive the Com
mittee Alore lime hut Miller Won
on Motion for Immediate Report
Lincoln , Ne\ , March 15th
( Special to the Republican )
ustcr county has had a fiyht
and everybody iu this locality
knows it for the scrap carried
down to defeat noless , a person
age than "Taylor of Custcr" who
is known in the legislative doinys
here as the leader of a certain
element of Democracy and the
man who has brought grief to
many of the proposals of other
members , many of whom were
apparently pleased to turn on
liim at this juncture and give
liim a taste of his own medicine.
It must not be understood that
the defeat was administered to
Taylor by the members of the
opposite politicial party far
from it the dose was administer
ed by the Democrats thcmselvi ;
and the leader of the onslaught
was Taylor's colleague , Miller
of Custer. The. li ht was a hot
one while it lasted and was based
on the issue oT'county . , division.
The bill which
amends the pres
ent law relating to c'ountv divi
sion , by requiring a majority
only of the votes cast on the
question regardless of the total
votes cast on other subjects or
candidates at the same election ,
had long slumbered in the hands
of the committee of which Greig
of Plattc , is Miller
found out , or thought he found
out , which amounts to the same
thing in a legislature that the
bill was getting the double-cross
from the chairman of the com *
littec and that the paint and
rush to make the big "XX" on
he bill had been supplied by his
olleaguc from CtisU-r , Mr. Taj-
or. So seeming , Mr. Miller on
"Viday morning arosu in his place
and asked the house to jo'ii ' him
n a resolution to make the cbaii-
nan of the committee dig up the
) ill and report it to the house
without further delay. This
> rought on the fireworks and
Taylor undertook to "explain"
and the farther the explanations
> rocceded the less it seemed to
> lease a majority of the house
Membership who evidently sym-
> allmed with the position of
Miller , who asserted with force
hat the bill had been unfaiily
lealt with. For an hour Custer
county "linen" was lauudcrul
ind exposed to view and Millei 's
) lea for fair play against Taylors
effort for further delay was ap-
> rovcd by the house , and Chair-
nan Greig required to mike an
mmediale report of the bill.
This was done , the bill going i n
the general file with a favorable
report. 'J his does not mean a
great deal for the bill at th s
time as the general file is loaded
down , the sifting committee
takes hold very shortly and only
by their grace or a majority vote
of the house advancing the bill ,
does it stand much show of fur
ther progress.
The new farmers organization
held another meeting Wednesday
and elected Geo. Waters presi
dent and C. W. Beal secretary ,
Frank Mobat , Tom Conly , Geo.
McRac , S. A. Dean , Ham Rodgers -
gers , and Fred Arthur are the
board of directors.