'i'HJi KE1JUBUOAN , OUSTKH COUNTY , NJiBKASKA. LEGAL NOTICES ii NOTICE KOll PUHUCATION. Department of the Interior , f. K. Land ( Jlllce at llrokcli liow. Nchr. . Jan. SS. IWJ. Notice Is hereby Klven that James Samn- sou. of Itrofcca How Nebr.vlio , on pebruarv ic , 1W2. made Homestead Entry No. MM , Ke.rlalNo.Oli'(7forse scSoctloa it.To\vnslilitl7 : , North of Hange 3) . West of tlie lli 1'r. Meridian , has Hied notice ot Intention to make ilnl'5 year proofto establish claim to thu land above described , before Register aid KcU'lVi-rat lirokcn How Nebraska , on Hie V.'th day of Match , l'W.i. ' Claimant names as witnesses : .Joseph E. liradford , Mack O'llrlcn , Cieorni' t ircenwalt. Charles Hoblnsoa all of llrouen How , Nebr. John Keese. I'i'b.-t-Mar. Jl-Ot HeKlster. NOTICE TO CUEDITOHS. In the County Court of Custer County Nebr. . In the matter of the estate ot John Collier , Sf. , Deceased. The State of Nebraska , to the Creditors : Take notice , that \villslt In the County Cum t room. In lirokcn How. tit said County on the 31st day of March , 1WI9 and the llith tt.iv ol AuKust. HKIU at lo o'clock a. in . to re ceive and examine all claims tiled an I pro l aualnst said estate , with a v ew to their adjustment and allowance : and tli.il < m the lirst date above named the petition of the widow will be heard tor homestead , ex emptions ami allowance , and other statutory limit for the presentation of cl tlm * against said estate Is six months irom the I'Jth day of February , HKW. and the time limited for the payment ol debts Is one year from said date , JSUAL ] A. K. HUMi'iianv , County .ludge. t'eb. 13 Mar. Il-lt Dated Kebruarv 12. U'J'J. ' NOTICE FOH PUUI.ICATION. Department of the Interior. IT , S. I and Otllcf.it Lincoln. Nebr. . Keb.lU , IWU. Xotli-els hereby given that Sarah E. ilrlm. ot liroken How , Nebr. , who on March SI , UKII. made homc'Htead entry No. 17W1 , serial No o.V.3. itM neH. section 4 township 15 n. r.uige L'O w. ith. principal meridian , has filed notice of Intention to make ilnal live year proof , to establish claim to the land above described. before A. H. Ilumhprey county Judge , at llvoken How , Nebr. , on the 'Jltb day of March , loan. claimant names as witnesses : Uohrrt V. Hurnett , Thomas 'I'orKersoa. Ell Cox. . Jerome Taylor , all of Hroken now , Nebraska. CHAS. II. KIIKIHI. Feb. IB-Mar 2.r.Ct le ! lster. \Vllllam T. Huston , Non-Uesldeiil Dclea- Yoii are hereby notified that on the iMth day of December , HKW , Mary K. Huston Hied her petition In the district court ol Cus. ter County , Nebraska , the object and prayer of which are to obtain from you an absolute divorce on the ground of extreme cruelty , non-support and desertion ; to secure the cus tody and control ot your minor children , and to procure their appropriate relief. You will answer said petition on or before the rn day of March , iwa. Mary E. Huston. I'lalntifl. lly .Sullivan & Squires her attorney. ' ) Feb.t.Pcb. . 2. " > It NOTICE OF FINAL UEl'OUT. Estate of Kachel Fleming deceased , In the County court of custer County , Nebraska , The State of Nebraska , to all persons In terested In said estate , take notice , that J. II. Fleming has Hied a Hual account and report ot his administration , and a petition for ilnal settlement llndlng of lieirs , dfstributatlon and discharge as such , which have been set lor hearing before said court on March 22 , ITOi , at 10 o clock a. m. , when you may ap pear and contest the same. Dated February 17. IMW. [ SEAL ] A. H. HU.Ml'ltUHV. County Judge. Feb. IB-Mar. 11 n When you went s a good , clean go to RESTAURANT Two doors nortli Uiokeii Bow Stutc Hank BIGH GKADE I Lumber , a larpc assortment and complete slock for Builders to choose from. Let us estimate- on your contracts. We always try to please. H. T. B RUCE & GO. Lumber Coal South side. The Oil Livery And Feed Barn I'eeds your horses no poor grain and will supply you with good Horses and Rigs at reasonable prices. Come ami see me , W. A. . . Tooley By ROBERT W. CHAMBERS , * * Author of "The Fidhllntf Clmncc , " Etc. 1 | ? . { ' " " " ' " ' = * { o II } ® Copyritfht , ' 1007 , by Robert W. Chambers * ( Coiitiuucil from last week , ) "it-tin you reallyV" slu .slainnu'rcil , tihriukltiK away frnin him. "Truly. Nullilnir l-j nllcivd. Nnlh- Ini ; of the lioml ln'l wi'i'ii us livoak - t'hcil. On the I'onlrary. It N Ktivn th- < 'iic'l. , You raiinot unilorstantl tliut ; now. lint .vlmt you are to holiovo and nhvays undi'ir.tatnl ly th.it our frh'inl- Hlllp Uilisl UllllUl'i' . " "I vanl lo ask you soniPthliifr , " Hliu snld , "incriMy to prove that you are a lltlli' I It Illogical. May IV" Ho uud'toil. snillliii. : . "Could you and 1 care for each oilier more than vo now do 11' wo were mar ried V" " 1 think HO , " ho aal.l. "WhyV" I'll.1 dor.iiindo.l , astonished. Evidently aho hud L-J peeled nnuthor mis'-t-r. Hii.iniie no rcjily , and she lay back luiuxiK the cushlun : > eounlderliiK what iie had said , the Hush of Hiirprixo ullll HiijVriiiK In he r i'hool ! . "Ilow ran I marry you , " she asked , "WKM ! 1 would- would not rare to on- ltnv a-a earosa from any man , even from you ? It-such tiling would upoll it all. 1 don't love you that way. Oh. don't look at me that way ! Have 1 hurt you , dear Captain Kulwyu ? I did not mean lo. Oh , what has be come of our happlno.-wV What baa In- I'omo of It' . ' " And she turned , full length hi the swln ; , ' , and hid her face hi the silken pillow.s. Ho looked down at her , slowly real izing that it was a child ho still was dealing with 11 child with a child's hi- noconce , repelled by the graver phase of love , unresponsive to the deeper emotions , bewildered by the glimpse of tlie mature role Ids attitude had | compelled her to accept. That slio al ready had reached that milestone and for a moment had turned Involuntarily to look back and llnd her childhood al ready behind her frightened her. Thinking perhaps of his own year.- ! and of what lay behind htm , he sighed find looked out over the waste of moor land where tlie Atlantic was battering tlie sands of Surf point. Thou his pa tient gui-.o shifted to the east , and ho saw the surface of Sky pond , blue us the eyes of the girl who lay crouching in the cushioned corner of the swing ing feat , small hands clinched over the handkerchief , a limp bit of slull' damp with her tears. "There is one tiling , " he said , "that we mustn't do-cry about it , must we , lOiieen ? " , . , x , p " " "Xo.-o. lie was silent , and presently she nald , "I llio reason of it my crying is b-b-because 1 don't wish you lo be unhappy. " "I'.nt , dear , dear little girl , I am not. " "HeallyV" "Xo , indeed. Why should I be ? You do love mo , don't you ? " * - . < ' You know I do. " , . ' : "t "Hut not In that way. " ' 'X-no ; nut in that way , 1 w-wish I did. " A thrill passed through him. After moment lie relaxed and loaned for ward , ids chin resting on his clinched li uitK " 'i lieu let us go back to the old footing , Klleon. " ' ' " " ' " " ' "Can weV" "Ye.1 , wo can , and we will back to [ he old fooling when nothing of deeper siMitimonl disturbed us. You know how It Is. A man who is locked up in imrailNc Is never satisfied until lie can climb tlie wall and look over. Now 1 have climbed and looked , and now 1 fliinb bade Into the garden of your dear friendship , very gHd to be there again with you very , very thank ful , dear. AYill you wflcnnii1 me back ? " She lay quite still a minute , then sat up straight , stretching out both hand. " to him , her beautiful , 1'ea.rlfsa eyes ( irilliant as rain washed stars. "Don't go away , " site said. "Don't over go away from our garden again , " "Xo. Klleon. " "Is It a promlKo-riiillp ? " Her voice fell exquisitely low. "Yes , a promise. Do you take me back , KileenV" "Yes , I tiiko you. Take me back , too , Philip. " Her hands tightened in Ids ; she looked up at him , faltered , waited , then in a fainter voice : "And and hu of g-good courage. 1 I nnnpt \ very old yet. " An hour later , when Nina discovered thorn there together , Klleon , curled np nmong the cushions in ( lie swinging wat , was reading iiloiul "Kvldonrns of Asiatic Influcnco on the Symbolism of Ancient Yucatan , " and Selwyn , astrldo n chair , chin on his folded arms , listening with evident rapture. ITIIKUWOOD HOTS ! ' opi'ia-d from end to end to the soft : jea wind , was cmwdi'd with the gayest , noisiest throng that had gathered there In a twelvemonth. The Orchils and the I.a\\ni : \\ero there , the Minsters , the Craigs from Wyossutt , tlie ( Irays of T.ako , the Draymoroa , Fanes , Mottlys , t'ardwolls in fact , it seomcu as though all Long Island had been drained from C'--darhurst to Isllp uml frnin O.vste'r May'ln Vr > - . < i > i ( Id | n > i r a stream of garrnlmis and animated , \onIh and beauty Into the halls and over the verandas and triraro-i and lawns of llillier\\oud House. It was lo be a lantern frolic and n lantern dance and supper , all most formally ami Impressively informal. And it began \\llh n caudle race for a big sliver gilt flip and a motor boat rare won by Moots nnd ( icrald. Out In the ba.\ lay Xoorgard's yacht , outlined in oli-i Irlflly from stem to stern , every "It In .s/ivrni/r / / , " t-lic sttlil. spar and funnel and contour of hull and superstructure twinkling In Jeweled - eled brilliancy. On a great Improvised open pavil ion set up In thu Hither woods , garlanded - landed ami hung thick with multi colored paper lanterns , dancing hud already begun , but Selwyn and Kl- leen lingered on the lawn for awhile , fascinated by the beauty of the lire- works pouring skyward from thu Xlo- brara. ' 'They seem to be very gay aboard her , " murmured the girl. "Once you said that you did not llko Mr. Js'eor- gard. Do jon lemember saying It'r" Ha replied simply. "I don't llko him , and 1 remember saying ao. " "It Is strange , ' FIO ! said , "that Cer- ! aid does. " 1 .Selwyn looked at the Illuminated yacht. "I woader whether any of Noergard's crowd is expected ashoiv here. Do you happen to know'/1' She did not know. A moment later , to his annoyance , Kdgcrton Lawn came up and asked her to dance , and she wont , with a smile and a whls- 1'cred "Wait for me , if you don't mind ; I'll come back to you. " At Intervals ho cauglil glimpses of Eileen through the gay crush around him. lie danced with Nina and sug gested to her Itva : < time to leave , but that young matron had tasted just enough to want more , and Kileon. ' too , was evidently having a mot : dellghi- fid time. So he settled Into the har ness of pleasure and was good to the pink and while ones , and they told each oilier what a "dear" he was and adored him more inconveniently than ever. Truly enough , as he had often said , these younger ones were the charm ingly wholesome and refreshing anil- dole1 to the occasional misbehavior of the mature. They were , as he also as- fjorlcd , the hope and promise of the social fabric of a nation , this younger set. Supper and then the Woodland co tillon was the programme , and almost all the tables were tilled before Selwyn had an oppoitimlly to celled Xlna and Austin and capture Kileen from a very rosy cheeked and Indignant boy who hud quite lost his head and heart and appeared to be on the verge of a head long declaration. "It's only 1'ercy Draymore's Kid brother , " she explained , passing her arm through Ids with a lltlle sl h of natIsfaclIon. "Oh , hen- come Xiiu and Austin. Mow pretty the table * look all lighted up among the treeV. And such an uproar ! " as they came Into the jolly tumuli and passed i'i among a labyrinth of tables , greeted laughingly from every side. Cndcr a vigorous young oak trco thickly festooned with lanterns Ans tin found an unoccupied ( able. Then were a great deal of racket and laugh ter from the groups surrounding them , but this seemed to lie the only avail able spot ; besides , Austin wasi hungry , and' he said so. Xlna , wilh Selwyn on her left , look ed avound for derald aicl Lansing. When I he latter came .sauntering up Austin questioned him , but he replied carelessly that ( .Jerald had gone to Join some people whom he , Lansing , did not know very well. "Why , there ho It now ! " exclalnie.1 Eileen , catching bight oC her brother seated among a very noisy group on the outer edge of thu Illuminated /one , "Who are those- people , XiiiaV oh , Rosamund Fane ( a there , too ; and and" .Shu coaml speaking EO abruptly thai Selwyn turned around , and Nina bit bur lip In vexation and glanced at bii husband , for among the ovcrnnlinateil and almost boisterous group which \va- ) iittraulng the attention of everybody In the vicinity sat .Mr * . Jacl : Ituthvcii And HL-IW.VII nw hot1. For a momuiit he luukod at her look cd at Gerald besldo her , and Xeorgaril on the oilier side , and Rosamund op posite , and at tin- others whom he luu never before scon. Tln-n quietly , but with heightened colt.r , he turnul hh attention to the glasu which the scrv- juit had Just filled for him and , restIng - Ing Ida bund on the stem , stared at tin * bubbles crowding upward through It to the foamy brim. Nina and Uoots had begun ostenta tiously an exceedingly animated con versation , and they became almost ag gressive , appealing to Austin , who Bat bock with a frown on hi.s heavy face , nju.l to Edcon , who \vns japing her mineral water and staring thoughlfully at a big. round , orange tinted lantern which hung like tlio It a r v o H t moon behind ( Jerald. throw Ing Ids curly head Into silhouette. What oonvor- Katlon there waste to carry , Hoots and Nina car ried. Austin si- liln hunger , eatIng - Ing niul drinking \vltli a sullen dotor- MiliniHiui to niili ! ; > no pretense of Ignor- Ina situation ( lint plainly angered him ili'i'iily. ' Ami from minute to minute ho raised his Jtoad to glare itpro-w at ( ! or- aKI , who evidently was unconscloiH of tin- presence of his own party. When Nina spoke to Klleon. tlu > girl answered briefly , but with perfect com- pixnro. SYlw.xn , too , added a quiet word at Intervals , speaking li\ a voice that s-onmK'd a little tired and strained. It was that note of fatigue In his voli-o which aroused Klleon to eiVorl - the liiHllnctlvo move to protei1 ! . to sns tain him. Conscious of Au tln'-i sup pressed hut Increasing linger at her litlier. ) . anur/.eil and dlslrexsed at what ( Jerald had done-for the hoy's very pivoiiro there with the set of whom they disapproved was an alVnml to them all -she was still more sensitive to Sclwyn's volee. and In her heart she responded passionately. Nina looked np. surprised at the sud den transformation In the girl , who had turned on Hoots with a sudden How of spirits and the gayest of ehal- li'iiges. and their laughter and badi nage became HO genuine and so porsNl- ont that , comlilnliig with N'lna. they fairly swept Austin from his surly ab straction Into their tolls , and Sclwyn'a Giib'luod ' laugh , If forced , sounded pleas- anl iiuw , and Ids drawn face seemed to relax a little for ( ho time lielng. Once she turned , under cover of the general conversation which she had set going , ami looked straight Into Scl- wyn's eyes , Hashing to him a message of purest loyally , and his silent ga-.to In response sent the color llylng to her cheeks. . . * „ tl. U was all very well for ii\\hllc , a brave , sweet effort , but ears eonld n < d remain deaf to the Increasing nol.-o and laughter , to familiar voices , half caught phrases , indiscreet even In the frag incuts understood. I'.esldcs , C ! era hi had fcen them , and the boy's face had be come almost ghaslly. All.\o , unusually Unshed , was con ducting herself without restraint. Xeer- gard's snickering laugh grew more sig- nlllcant and persistent. Kvon llosa- iniind spoke lee loudly at moments , and once she looked around at Nina and Solwyn while her pretty , accent- less laughter , rippling with Its under tone of malice , became more frequent In ( he Increasing tumult. There was no use In making a pre tense of further ga.vely. Austin had begun to scowl again. Xlna , with onti "Hint't yo. I cure loroil / /on / 7in/r7i / In tit , ! ; it. " chocki'd ; ; laiici' at Allxe , leaned tnt'i tuwnnl lit'i * hrollit'i1 : "II Is iiii'i'cdllili' ! " slic iiinrmmvd "Sin1 iiniHl hi iii'i'fi'ctly mad tti make Midi an cxlilliltlon of lii > rm > ll' . Can't anyliody tihiji lu > r ? f'an't anybody send lit11 ! liuini'V" Austin Haiti Kiilli'idy , but dlHtini-tly "Tho tiling for list to do hi to gi t out. Nina , IT you are roady" - "Hul-lmt Ci-raldV" I'al- - what about - - torcd ISlli'cu , lurnlm ; pllcnusly to Si-l \ vyii.Vo fan't lf.no lilni-tlicn- ! " The man straightened up and turiu-.l his drawn face toward her : "i > f > you wish me to get him ? " "V you can't do lhal , ran yoiiV" "Yeii. 1 eau , IT you wish II. l o you think there IM anyllilnt , ' In the world 1 can't do , If you wish IIV" At ho I'oiju K.he laid her hand on hl arm. "I I dou'l ask It" rhc lieKiiu. "You du not have to ask II , " he nald , with a Hiulle almost Kcnulne. "Austin , I'm going to gel Cerakl , and Xlnii will explain to you thai he's tit be left tome mo If any normon Is. roqulivd. I'll jn ; buck \\llh him In the motor boat Hoots , you'll drive homo in my place. " As ho turned , ullll tunUIng and self possessed , Klleon whispered rapidly : "Don't go. 1 onro for you too mm-li t-i ask it. " lie raid under his breath , "Dearest , you cannot umlorutaml. " "Yes , I do ! Don't go. Philip , don't jro near her. " "I must. " "If you do-if you go-h-how can you c-cani for mo as you uy you do- wheii I ask you not to when I cntinot endure to" - Hlio turnrd nwlftly and Htared across at Allxo , and Alixo , unsteady In tlui flushed brilliancy of lior youthful beau ty , liulf rose In her neul and Blared bud ; . Instinctively the young girl's hand lightened en fUlwyn'ti arm. "Shc- Bho l.-i heautifnl , " she faltered , bill la turned and led her from tlie table , following Austin , his sinter and I.an- Hlng , and she clung to him almost con vulsively when ho hailed on the cdgt of the lawn. "I must go back , " ho whispered "iloiirost ili-uri'Sij J luiivt. " ( .Continuea Next Week , ) I SWEEPSTAKE DUROC JERSEYS (1tiHei- ! , County Herd of Durocs > S\voopsUilces I lord of Custoi * County SO SALE Ol ; FIFTY HEAD 50 Hivd Sows ; nul Cilt.s from Uiitt IK-nl at Broken How on : : : : : : : SATURDAY MARCH 27 , I909. Mutes to such Sires as Crimson Wonder .I. , and sons of Kant Mo Meal , InvonL- or and Kcho Top. : : ; : : : : : JOHN REESE , Owner coi. T. c. CALUIIAN.I. , , . . Col. JUl ) KAY , OUST MR 00. Ij MAN" F YOU have a snap in a farm , or ranch for sale list ; with me. IC you want to buy a snap in a farm or ranch conic and sec me. Phones , of fice 42 , residence , 12 ! ) . BUOICUN Mow NKHU. She's Cured Thousands Given up to Die. Dr.CALDWELL of CHICAGO. Practicing Aleopntliy , Homeopathy , Cluetiic end General Medicine. Ily request will visit profrHHiniially Grand Central Hotel , rcliiniinir I-VITV four weekH. CoiiHiil bir when tilt ! ouiMiituiiltv. in at UK. CAIUWrll < Iniiiih onprnclicp to the Kpcclal treatment of il leases of lliu Ivyc , I'ar , Mtir.e , ' 1'broat , I.IIIIUH , I'Vmalo Diseases , DiHi-ai-itH of ClillilriMi and all Chriinlc , NurtoiiH ind Surk'lcal DlHrnses of ,1 curalili ; nature. r.arly coiihiiiuiillon , llroncliltis , llroiichlal Catarrah , Chronic Caturrah , llrad-Ache , Con stipation , Stoinaclii ; and llowel Troubles , heniiiatlRiii , NiMiialula. Kclotica. Ilriuhts'H Dlhease , Kidney DIHIMKKS , Diseases of the l.lvcr and Itladdi'.r , llx/.incss. NervoiiHiiess , Indlk'eHlioii , Obesity. Iiiti'mptod Munition , Slow ( irowlli In Clnlilren , and all wantlnu IM"uaM-rt in adnllh. DitforiuillcH , Clnb-fuet , Ciirvantnri ; ol ilu < Siniie , DlHeamts of tin ; Itraln , I'.ualyHis , l'i > ilepxy. Heart Discaso , Dropsy , Swullnik' ( lliu l.iinlm , Stricture , Open SoroK , Pain In tilt ; Hones , ( iranul.ii ICnlarititment'i anil all loiiir-i.t.iiidintr dikuusus tiropcrty treated , 1II.OOD AN'DHKIN DISIJAHKS. I'implCH , ISInU-heH , Krnplioiis , Ilrir Spots I'allini ; of the llaii. Hail Coiuidexinn. Eczema , Throat Ulcers , Hone 1'alns , Itlailtlcr Troubles , Weak Hack , llurinnir Urine , 1'assuik' Uilue tou often. Thu offecls of coiiKtilutional sicl < - miss or the laUinif of too much injuriotie tueili- clnu receives tuaixhiiiif treattuent , pioiupt relief and a ctiru for life. DKcaKiiA of Women. Irregular Mi-ustratloii , I'alliiiL' of this Womb , lltiarlnir Down I'aitis , I'eiualu DiliptaL'onii'nl Lack of Sexual Tone , 7 < tUcorihea , Sterility or llarronnuss , coimnll Dr. Caldwrll and hhu will show them tlm cause of their troiiblt ; anil tint wiiy to bvcotue cured , CANCKKS , ( .OITiu. : riSTUI.A , I'lUI-JS. jnil enlarged ulandH treated with the hub- cutancout injection nit-thod , absolutidv with- nit pain and u-lihont tlui lots of a droii ol liluod , i * oni ) of her own dlKcoveiius ami If really thR most t-.cuntlflc and certainly nun jtiro nictlioil of iliin an ranceil am ; . Dr- Cad .Vll has practiced her profession in nomu o hu laiL'est liDspitalrs throui.'liout the counlrv she has mi MiiHiimr 111 treating and ( tiacnns n ; ' . of diseases , drlorm.lies , etc. Sliu lia lately opened an olticu In Omaha , Nebraska , where hliu will Rr nd a tiortioii of each week treating her many tialie-ls. NO incurable cases accepted for tre.-Uti.cut. CouHullation , examination and advice cue dollir to tho.sc ercHleil. Dr , Ota Caldwcll & Co. , Omaha , Neb. Chicago , III. Address all mail to i I.'ee lluildluj , OuiaUa Nobru.ka. 17 CTS. A BAY BUYSAN Thin ninaviliiK offer- the New Model Oliver Typewriter No. r. at I7cents a day l.s open to everybody , every where. IfHourm-w anil liiinioasi-ly popular plnn ol Helling Oliver Typewriters on little easy payments. 'I'lie aliaiiiliiniai-at of longhand In favor of clean , legible , beautiful typewrit Ing Is the next great hlep In human progre.si A re.iilr-ln all lines ol bu-iIiiesH and In all professloiiH-theiiseiif pen and Ink Is largely restrli-teil Id the writing nf hliaatnres. ; lluslnc Colleges anil High Schools , watch- lul ol the treml nl puldli : hentment , are t > ralnliiK a vast army ol ycillllK penplc'lii tlin 1110 nl Oliver Typewrit- i-rs. irs.The prompt amen ( - eruiis rvspniihi- tin- Oliver Typewriter- ' 'iimpany ID the wyrhl vlile ilemaiiil lor mil- versal tjpewrltlni ; trememloim impetus to tins movement. . Oliver , wltli the largest .saltof any typewriter In existenre , was tin.liiKlral ma- fhlin.to take the InlUtivc In lirliiKliiK about the universal use of typewriters. It alwaya leads' ' Save your Pennies and Own TFje. The Standard Visable writer Tills "ITrents aila ) " selling plan make the Oliver as low as to rent. It places tin : machine within easy reach of every home - every Individual. A maa'H "rlgar money a woman's "pin money"- will luiy It. Clerks on small salaries ran now afford to ownoilveis. lly nllll/.lnghparemoments lor practice they may III themselves for inon * Important positions. School hoys and h.-houl t'lrb can buy Ol vers by saIni ; their pennies. You can buy an Oliver on this plan at tilt- regular catalogue price -tliw. A small llr t payment in Ings UHmachine. . Then yo- : have 17 coins a day and pay monthly. D And the possession of ail Oliver Type'ATllrr enables you to earn money to ilnlsh paying for the nuchlme. ' The Oliver Is the The OlUcr Type moat highly pt-rfei t- writer turns out e.l typewriter on the moro work--of better morUeihcnrf i t 8 tiuallty and Breatur li l per cent enirlcn \arli-ty-than any 'V. other writing ma- Amongltsscores ol i him * . Simplicity , rinnenlenciiB arc. siivagth , ease of o -the llalanre Slillt . ration and vlaal . llie Killing Device Ity are the corn the Double lU-leasn Atones to Us towt the l.oriiinotl \ u lag supremacy in H.IM- - oorre.spoadenct- the Autom a 11 c - L'ard Index Work Spacer -Tabulated HeiKirts - the Ant o in a t I r - i''ullow-npsystems ' T.ihnlator Manlfoiotnt ; Ser -the Disappearing vice Indicator -\ddreisinB Unve- - the Adjustable t'a lopes per Klngers Working on Itule.l the Sclentltlc Con dt-usuU K'e > CUttlHK Mlmeo- board graphs Stencils Can you spend 17 cents a day to better aJ vantage than In the purchase ot tills wonder tul machine. ' write for Special Kasy Payment Pronosl tlon or see the nearest Oliver Agent , The Oliver Typewriter Company 116 South 15 Street , OMAHA , - - NEBRASKA