Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 11, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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WUerc mailer Is cot MIvooil banoelectrotype
flat iirkutif tucniy cents per lncli.slnulccol-
utuiii ( or each Inioriiuii. two or moro liisurtloim
3 ; ccutH t > cr IULI. | Special puhttlon , Mimic In-
HCI tlon * 0 cciitn per inch , Metal tiasc. electron ,
two ur more llim-1,15 cents per Inch. I'nyniciit
llm of racli month.
I.ncal adtrrtNinir Ihc cents l cr line c.-uli In
Notice * nf clinrrli clinrcli fnlrnt hocl.tlilcH anil
vKlrrtaliiiiicntH where mutiny IH iluitui'ili mil *
li.iif ratci.
! > : alli iiotlcci free , half t.tlcc for inilillslilne
iililtuarlrs ,
i.'snl nf IMianki.FOcerrii.
l , < notices at r.vci tiiovliUM slatutc.i o (
Society nut Iccu ami lohoItitloiifMHip-li ; * , ! ! riic *
VVcddlnir uotlccN fice , Imlf ( irlcit fur rnt of
J'.niered at Ilrokcti How , Nebraska , for trans
inUhlon In tliu UnlR'il Hlnti-H mails
at nfcoiul clas.i rates.
Herbert ( > . .Myers . , ftlilor and Publisher
Political Announcement.
firing uroiniHi'il l > y a tU * lrc to lead and
tin rrl ( lit * cilurnUoiial foivi-s of the gtc.U
i mint } of Cnstcir , In \ > Iioso schools I vai a
V i.ill nearly ! W years ago. 1 JioreM foi inalU
.iiimninrc myself a cntiillilnu * ( or tin- position
it Oountv Suiierlnti'iidi'itt of 1'nbllr InMiur
linn. I have niUointocl ri'iuilnlcan inlnil
pies for is year- * and am thus asking Unfits
UiiKuMietl lionnrof being Its nominee at tlie ; cUrtlou.
WAI/I Kit \V.
The present legislature claims
to stand for economy and yet its
appropriations aggregate about
a million and a half more than
the Republican legislature of two
years ago.
Representative Taylor says
that the legislature must cut
down the State University's ap
propriation $120,000 for the sake
of being economical. How
would it be Mr. Taylor to cut
out those forty new deputies and
cut the total amount of the ap
propriations down about a million
and a hall so that you would be
using no more of the tax payers
money than the Republican leg
islature did two years ago ?
When the people of the city
meet next Tuesday evening to
select a citizens ticket for the
coming city election they should
be careful to select men who have
the real interest of the city at
Heart and who are live progres
sive citizens. Broken Bow needs
pushing to the front and the city
officers can do much to push its
development or retard its growth.
The Hcpubhcan is being read
by an ever mcrasing number of
subscribers , and its aim is to
make all news , especially in the
way of progress , a feature , that
will not only be a credit to the
paper , but the county it repre
fi sents.
It desires the co-operation of
its readers , in its efforts to make
the Republican , an interesting ,
readable papn , full nf di"iiial'lc '
information ; < . - ' im-
provciiu-ntn , Imsint'si changes ,
social leathering1' , prrsmials
birth * , mariiagc'i , doalhs anv
thing ol a r < pci' character or-
curring in the ( hurdles or lodges
in f'acl , any item that may be of
any interest , we will be glad to j
receive , by letter or over the
Phone No. 78.
If a Republican government is
maintained here we must see to
it that the children have a
chance ( o gc < the advantages at
least of the rudiments of educa
tion" Deacon , Well Cnarlie ,
education is a mi hty good
thing but I don't know as it re
quires much education to see the
falacics in the argument of the
Democratic spellbinders and keep ;
the government safe in the hands
of the Republicans.
Brother iJ.-al siys that the
university must not be built up
at the expense of the poor school
districts in the western part of
the state. No , certainly not , but
the State Legislature should not
build up a monstrous political
machine in the hands of Govern
or Shallenbergcr , through creat
ing a lot of new deputies fet him
to appoint , at the expense of the
State University.
The tax books in the County
Clerks office show that there was
an increase of about < > 0 per cent
in assessed valuation of the per
sonal property in the county
under. 1 he assessment the first
year the county had a county
assessor. ' 1 he increase for the
previous year wa * about 10 per
cent. This shows a much moiv
careful assessment under the
administration of the county as
sessor. This docs not mean that
Mic total amount of tax money
collected is larger but it does
show that a large amount of
propcrity which escaped taxation
under the old system is paying
its just proportion of she tax
under the new revenue law and
that a more systematic and that
more careful listing of the pro
pcrity is made when the work is
supervised and directed by a
county assessor.
rill : COMMiriU : FRANCHISE.
The franchise submittd to the
council Wednesday evening and
perfected this morning , shows
careful and painstaking work by
the franchise committee consist
ing of councilmcn % Baisch ,
Squires , and Lcdwich. The
committee has shown a dispos
ition throughout all their work
to safe guard the citix.ens of the
city in every possible way and
at the same time give the com
pany to which the Iranchise is
granted an opportunity to make
Docs not mean to buy
medicine whore you
can get Ihein the
cheapest -unless you
can he sure ol' abso
lute purity , fresh
ness and medicinal
I { ring your pre
scriptions to us and
know that you will
get the best and not
pay too much for it
either. This is
J. G. Hatberle
Broken Bow , Nebr.
i fine profit. 'Micy have de
manded a first class up-to-date
plant , which will be a credit to
the city and have insisted that
the people's interest come first in
all things. They are to be com
mended for their careful and
criK'st work.
Xnnibrota Zephyrs.
Oren Cole spent the most of
last week at Omaha.
A friend of Mr. Small was here
looking up a location.
Nine McComas is still thinking
of going to Texas.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cramci
moved to Ormbsey last week.
Mrs. Small and children have
arrived here from Pawnee Co.
Fred Uerlran's sale was quite
well attended on last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Keclor , of Orm-
bsy Sundaycd with M. D. Gal
Mr. Lanterman's will move on
the John Squires place this
Chas. Kooxer went toCallaway
Wednesday , for a weeks visit
with friends.
Chas. Koozcr has quit going
to Custcr College , to help with
the spring work.
fela was absent fron :
school the first of the week , from
a siege of lagrippe.
J. T. Cole sold a fine team lasl
week. Mr. Dodd , of near Mernc
0 o
o Beginning Saturday , March 15 , 1000. We ffiM
O ) will have on sale the following : ffiM
50 , 5x7. GxS and 7x0 Picture Frames. Choice 25 cents.
h H
100 Framed and Malted Pictures. Choice 25 cents.
100 Sheet Pictures and 25 Matted Pictures. Choice 10 cts. 2O
v ) Any other Framed Piclure in our stock. Choice 25 per O
w cent discount.
Just received the largest line of Mouldings in Broken
wD Bow.
Any and all pictures brought to be framed before April
( X 1 , 1000.
We will give free a discount of 20 per cent and we will give
Q free a handsome Matted Picture.
Hurry Up For Your Choice.
fi : Undertaker and Picture Frame Dealer
Vy *
purdiasedjUicm , fbr ths neat * um
of * 425.
Mr. Williams a friend of Mr.
Andrew's b fjoing to live on
what has been known as the
Hcrtran farm.
Mr. Martins have moved their
{ foods to Broken Uow , and ex
pect to leave for Kansas in a
short time.
Mr. Kggleston's of the Bow
will move on the Kdward's farm
this spring , just recently vacated
by Mrs. Lauterman.
Mr. LaUukcs' who have been
living in the valley on the Hert-
ran farm have moved back ' .o
Urokcn Uow.
This cold spell of weather
seemed pretty disagreeable after
the pleasant days we had been
enjoying. We imagine that
springisn't so near when it stays
Wcslcrvillc .News. .
Mr. A. L. Real has gone to
Omaha with his cattle.
Hot mujh sign of opring yet
and'the nuds are in poor condi
We underbuild the I'oal Hill
men came out victorious last Fri
day at the How.
John Davis h now spiling
goods over the counter in the
same old fashioned wav.
A. W. Copscy is selling out his
stock ol confectionary at cost and
is gning to move back into his.
own house so as to give rootu for
the pool hall.
Some of the people around
Westcmll < ? complain a good deal
about the pool hall. What will
they do in a few days when
another one starts ; up , do you
think they can afford two halls ?
Moral say no.
The public in genera ) arc
watching to see what Improve
ment our Democratic Legislature
are going to do , the best that
that they can do is to adjourn ,
sine die and go home and take
a bath.
I r { .ia '
mnit ore-
l.l to
treat It r.s
wh'lc the
arc IT
'I hcso
i le iking
' ' * troublei
are all
la Moon's A'nrt Lonkablj FPUII *
tain Pea'fl'ts pen , Is Irate It *
name , it's nlrtllit and canrnt
I.cil ! , , It U al'o cl''nn to hinJIc nnil
clean to fill , an 1 for the rcsHoi.t In a
favours amni f t'.e l.i u < , tnvc.iorj anJ
ctuJcntc , as t , " 11 a > amu. > E bu'inc'i men.
Sold By
To the person who holds the lucky
number on July 4th. We are going to
give our customers numbers on the fiae $100
John Deere Buggy we have on exhibition in
our show window and the drawing to deter i
mine who getss the buggy will take -place
on July 4th , }
The buggy is the John Deere buggy of the auto i A
mobile design. The gear , body and seat are paint
ed aluminum with gold striping. The trimmings |
are of tan leather with padded scat ends , fancy car
pet and panel carpets , spring cushion , storm apron : aS S
and beaded dash. The body is of the piano design
with the new divided automobile seat. The buggy
is strong and substantial and is a beauty. Come in 4
and look it over for yourself arid you will agree that s
it is one of the finest you ever saw.
We give each customer a numbered
ticket free of charge and each time the customer ;
i't i i
' *
tomer makes a cash purchase or sends In a 't t ?
friend with the ticket the amount of the i
purchase is punched on the ticket. When I
the ticket shows that the holder or his
friends have made $5 worth of cash pur
chases it entitles the holder of the ticket
to a number on the buggy.
This buggy is given away absolutely five. The number
costs you nothing and there will be no raise in the price of
our goods , We still give you the best values your money
can buy and then give the lucky man the buggy besides.
General- Hardware