TIIJB AN , OU8T18K OOUN'1'X , frEUif " -jMMB " ' T Tinri"'nTr C * 1 ijfr * . j ? / Farms of ( acres each Farms of 3 acres each Farms of 1 acres each 100 Farms of acres each Farms of 40 acres each 3,620 Farms of 20 acres each S,000 Farms of 10 acres each There Are No Blanks Every Contract Holder gets a Farm and a Lot. The size of the Farm depending upon the draw at date of Distribution. t Li , gent S i RIAL ESTATE TRAiNSHRS. Arthur K- . Downer , to Geo. W. Gunison , 110 acres in 26-20-10 5000 Godfrey Nauscl toNelsM. Nelson , 240 acres in 22- 15-24 5000 Kdgar L. Werlsbaugh lo Cornell Newman 120 acre in Sec-35 and 31-T-M R-18 2000 J. D. Loewenslinc to C. v ? Mackey & T. T. War tie y > 160 acres in 6-15-13 4SOO 4 ? S Ered Loeweusein to Henry * f Schwind , 160 acres in Sec 31 and < > -T-l < > IMS ( .000 . Lyman D. Thompson to James H. Baylan Iff ) vcres in 25-14-10 5600 J. R. Kinc to Adam 11. Brooks Parcel in 2-10-1S 4500 C. L. Davis to Adam IT. Biooks , parcel in 2-10-18 4500 A. C. Davis to Adam IT. Hrooks , lots 1 and 2 N ; . lot 3 in 13 1 2nd add to Sargent 2000 Clara P. Giovc and husb. and C , W. Lttcbbcrt to W. T. Twist , parcel in 1 and 2 Blk 11 new Call- OUR NEXT MARKET DAY SALE Broken Bow. Saturday , Mar. 13 , ' 09. . .AMD. . Ansclmo , Saturday March 20 , 1909. & Ir I r Wo will sell everything at a reasonable commission and allow you one bid on your property We cry Farm Sales for 1 per cent and guarantee you absolute satisfaction. "Consult Us Before Advertising Your Sate.1 Auctioneers Broken Bow away 2S75 Win. IT. Ilughcb to .Tames T. C.unpbHl , UtO acres in sec 2o and 35-T-13-1M7 3350 Julius J. Wilson to Clar ence Welsh , \ ( > Q acres in 5l21 ( 7200 Henry Lowenstin to Mack - ey aiidT. T. Varncy , K.O acres in G-15-1S. . . 8000 James Fletcher to jjuendrid Grainger , 80 acres in 18- 15-17 2500 Tlmrman II. Ely to Joseph Kobinson , 120 acres in 2- in-21 2-100 Fannie Agnes Moore to Gco. W. Abbott blk. 30 , original town 13. Bow 2500 Margaret A. Williams to A. II. Barks 160 acres in 23 14-19 1700 ( John II. Weber..to Clyde 4 | Scott , lf)0 acres in 30-15 ' 17 ' . . f. 100 Ralph P. Stanfoul to John R. McMahan , ' _ in I in lot1 ; 1 2 and 23 first add to Merna 1 < > 50 relief , Ilcbblc to R. 1C. Brega , < > ! 0 acres in sec 11-10-T-15 R-24 20,000 Bnrlen W. Lome to I < < lmer A. Lome , SO acres in 25- II 2 100 Nellie Marshall to Howard Lomax , 35 IS 20 5350 C. II. Tlolcomb to Wall A. George parcels sec 10 iV 2 1-T-10 K-23 and 21. . . . 300 Martha Hough and husb to P. W. Hough , 210 actes in 10 U , 22 3000 Theodore C. H. P.ayhoffer to Charles Mel ham , H.O in 5000 acres 20-IS-is Willis Cadwell to Beitlu K. Predmore , 77,71-100 , acres in 30-20-1' ) 1500 Thcron Bruce Anderson to Willis Cadwell , so aero" in 30-20 l' 12(0 K. WoodtoChas. W IF YOU BUY A OAR BEFORE YOU SEE THE " - ' ' Do not look at the Jai'kson afterwardsbo- canso you will always regret that you did not , _ buy it. Note the size of our engine and ils hill climbing abilities. See our Motto : "No Hill lee Steep , No sand too Deep. " J will be glad to demonstrate theJackson to Prospective buyerri. J. S. RflcCRAW Agent' 45 % . . , llowtuan li)0 acres iu 5-K. 1' ' ) 5500 James K. Wood to Chas W ttowtnaii , parcel in 5-IO-l'J 2500 llertrtidc Great and husb and Iviucola Ciront single to Rasmus Anderson , lots S-'i-io iu U-37-R K add - Broken How 135 O. T , Peterson to C. Bradley - ley and M. Mathucbon SO acres in 33-18-21 2500 Ccoige J. Haste to Win. B. Rath , H.O acres in 3J-18- 1S 7500 John II. Weber , to Sylecstcr Robcy SO acr .s in 24-15- 18 3200 L. W. Ilurllnirl to C. L , Hall H2 ' > acres iu 19- 19-24 2500 Aithur 11. Barks single to _ ChasC. Cooper lf 0 acres in 2 > 15-10 2ooo T. A , Leisure to Jasper W. K'oliinson lot 3 in blc. 2-1 J. P. Gandysadd. Broken Bow l-HH ) Frank Custis to Jemima B Hccsby , lot 11-12-13 in 2 original town 1 > . Bow 3000 James Gay ton to Diah Woodruff 2SO acres in 20-13-20 32'i.SO Ceo. 1C. M.irsh to Albeit C SiniUi and ' inl in lot - 10 blk 7 in Sargent . . . . 1 John C. McMahan to Jesse W. Wilton and Rev W. Wilson , w-,1 . -3S.1H-23. . 7 Iolta W. Smith and huabr to V. A. Vangioen , lot 17 in blk 12 R. K' add to Callaway x50 Gco. A. Hen ing to S. A. Robinson , SO acres in 2 ( > - II 23 looo John C. Johnson to Cian- dall 1) ) . Swanson , MO a. in 2 ( > M-22 2ooo Margaret Vansant widow to Ilirman D. Reed lots 11-12 and 5 off S. side of lot ten in bk. 1-S Anslcy S25 Kdward S. Uagin to D. G. Wagner lots 0101112 in bk. ( > Stevens and Wood add. to Ansley. . Io5o Daniel Hockwell to J. G. Vancott and Roeckcr lot 21 in bk. 12 original B. Bow 15o J. W. Kobinson to J. M. Doming and Kli'/.abcth Dcminglll acres 33-17- 2) ) 13,320 Chas. W , Bowman to W. Cadwell , 2SO acres in sec 10 and 11T171M9. . . . . Sloe Lovina C. Sweeney and husb to Lottie Skinner 70 ft of loU 1-2-3 in blk , 1 , A. W. Gandysadd B , Bow r > 5oo Albert J. Van Antwerp to Harry W. Kimball , woO ft. ofS. K ; C blk 10 Jewell add to B. Bow. . . 350 Byrle B. Stevenson to Kobt F. Burnell 100 acres in 3 15 25 2400 John D. Booker to It V uBrcga , N 7'j ' of lot 14 in bill5-1 R. U. add Callaway 75. Mahlen S McMullcti to Warren R. Johnson par cel in 3-15 23 32oo Win. Price to David George mill 1-2 int in 27-15-l ( > 1200 Arthur 13. Dower to Win. J. Wallace 50 acres in 26-20-10 1500 Ray K. Havelaucl to Shu- man K. Hobinson , lols 7- S-0 in blk 3 Tobys add to Oconto 320'J Axel Swanson to Karl J. Penny , H > 0 acres in S-20- l < ) 3050 Ollie M. Pullman and hush to Win G Bitter 320 acres 5dl)0 ) in 25-20-20 Chas 1"J " Coopar to George Gross , 40acres in 3-15-20 1200 Ncls Matson to Sammuel E Kaircs , 400 in 11-20-10. . 7500 John W Conley to Jennie F Chumbley. S ) acres in 10- 14-21 800 George Court to John Buf fing ton , 520 acres in sec 0-10-15 T20 R IS 10400 Augusta Bayhaffer to Thco C II BayolTer parcl in 20- IS-18 , W. Kastman and C. Alarlin went to Lincoln the first of the week. I will olTer for sale at my place , Tour miles south , and one and one half miles west ol' Ansley on 17 , The Following Described Propotly To-wit : 28 Head of Horsey 28 Horses Conlinuocl i Sp in Hluk M.ue'i 7 mill 9 ) rfl. , | Mine Col I ' olil both in fo.il , \\l. 2ic.it lln. 3 Horse Colts , coining jtMiliiiyn. i Sj.ui ] { oiu Mure" ) 5 niul 10 > ii. ulil , nno in foitlvt , anon. Tliiei-I\Iaa"5 \ coininjj .j > is. old. Three Mares coming 3 3 rs. olil. 1 tAaii | I ) iik Hay fielding" , com- inj ; s > i't olil. 1 Sinn Hlack Otfliliugs coining I > is. old. , j Hlack GeldingB , coming 3 yia , old. 2 Hlack r.eldings , coming a yrs. oil. i Ktench Uiuft Btidlinn , I noun U < i 1'lftllCl. FARM IMPLEMENTS i 1 Ohio Riding Cultivator. T J , I. Case Killing Cnltivaloi. 2 Hay Rakes. 2 I'unn Wjgons. 2 Sets of Work Ilnrnes. i Single Driving Hmness. Set of Ply Nets. KRJSIS LUNCH AT TERMS OF SALE Might months time will be given on all" " sums over ยง 10.01) ) . 1'urcluii-er to give note with approv ed security , bearing interest at 10 per cent From date. All sums under $10.00 cash. JOHN H , H. GROSS , Owner. J. B. JONES , Auctioneer , T , T , VARNEY , Clerk ,