THE REPUBLICAN , CUS'JL'Elt COUNTY , NEBRASKA. LEGAL NOTICES NOT1CK FOU 1'UHMCATION. Department of tlic Intcitor. IT. 8. Land ( iniccat llrofcell HOXT , Nebr. . Jan. at , 1W. " North of Range A' . Wel o ( tin1 Mb 1 Meridian. tiled notice of Intention to make llnlTi year proof. to establish rlalui to the lanil above described , belore Register : u il HtCciver at lirokcn How Nebraska , nil Hie isth day of Maicli. 1'W. Claimant names as witnesses' .loseph K. Hradford , Mack O'llrlen. Ueorisr Ureeiiwalt , Charles Robinson all of How , Nebr. John Iteese. rub. Mar. HCt Ilegtstee. JJOTICU TO CKUUITOltS. in the County Court of Custor County . . In the matter of the estate ot .lolin Collier Sr. , Deceased. The. State of Nebraska , to the Civ.litors- Take notice , that 1 will sit In tin- County Courtroom , In Hroken How. In Count \ uii the 31st day of March , \WV \ and tin.lilth uay ol August. 1WW at 10 o'clock a in . Io i e < eive and examine all claims Illn' an 1 pi e Milled anauibt said estate. with a vw le. t u'lr adjustment and allowance thai n ttie Hist date above named the petition ol tnewtiumlllbeheard lor homestead , ex i mptlons .ind allowance , and other slatutoi \ ' ' time limit for the picsontntion ni , l .mis anaiiistsatd estate Is six mouths Iron. tii ! isth ua.-eit February. IIKW. and ill'-- time i zul t eel foi the pajraent ol ile-hts Is Ouo je- said date , loUALI A. K Hniii'iiuKV. County .liulc * . ' . IVb. It Mar. 11 It Dated IVbruan 12. .15W. NOTICK FOU PUHMCATION. Department of lliu Interior , tJ. S. I , ana Lincoln , Nebr. , ) , ll'J. ' ) . N'otlcels hereby given that Saiab K ciilin. DI iiroken How. Nebr. , who on March 51. iiwi. made home-stead entry No iriKl. serial No t.V > . n'.i ne' ( . section 4 township 15 u. range y.i \ \ . tun. principal meridian , has tiled notice nl tnttntuui to make llnal live year prool , to establish claim to the laud abo\e described. beioic A. K. Humhprey county .Indue. at HroliMi HONebr. . , on the 'Jith day ol March. lW. ! > laimani names as ultnessess : Kobert r. Hurnett , Thomas Torgcrson ! ! Cos. . leiome Taylor , all ol llrokeii now. Nebraska. CHAM. 11. mw : > . Feb. ! S-.Mar2.riBt Heglster. To William T. Huston , Neil Hcsldent Helen- dent. You are hereby notified that on the Ultb ilav ot December , MM , Mary 11. llustoi. Hied her petition In the district court ol Cus ter County. Nebraska , the object and prayet or \ \ hich are to obtain from you an absolute divorce on the ground ot extreme cruelty mm Mil P"t and desertion ; to secure the cus tody and control of your minor children anil to piocure thelrapproprlate rellel. You will answer said petition on or before the n. day ol March , I'.HW. ' Mary K. Huston. Plaintiff. Hy .Sullivan & Squires her attorney Feb. 4.Fil > . 2 : . n KOTICK OF FINAL UHPOHT. I'slateof Uachel Fleming deceased , In the C'lunty coin t of custer County , Nebraska The State of Nebraska , to all persons in ti-i ested In said estate , take notice , that .1. II Fleming lias Illcd a llnal account and tepoti ot his administration , and a petition lor llual settlement llmllng ot heirs , aistrlbutation and dlschaige as such , whitli have been hei lor hearing betore said court on March ' . ' . ! isu'.i. at 10 o clock a. in. , when you may ap pear and contest the same. Dated February 17 , IfKW. | .mAhj A. It. HUMIMIKKV , County Judge Feb. IS-Mar. 11-41 When you went * ' . , a good , clean go to 09 i i RESTAURANT Two doors north Rmken How Stele Hank HIGH GRADE Lumber , a lar e assortiueut and complete slock for Builders to choose from. Let us estimate on your contracts. We always try to please. H. T. B RUCE & CO. Lumber & Coal South side. The Gil Liver And Feed Barn Feeds yonr horses no pcor grain and will supply yon with good Horses and Eigs at reasonable prices. Come and see me. W. A. Tooley I ' 0 | < 3yfe 4 $ QEcsHaB ® V.V : * f'l . By ROBERT W. CHAMBERS , Author of "Tlic Fighting Chance , " Clc. Copyright. 1007 , by Robert \V. Chamber a 4f 44 4t * * > * * t * * * 4 * * 4 * * * 44 * * * * * * * * t * * * * * t * * . * * * * * * 4 * * * * * * t * * * * * t * * * * * * v w v.7 < ? J v > . ? vy f.t kr feJ ioto > iot { , > Ji > & fej { y oj { o > ftj ty { M vj.uvv.v ( Continued from last \\eik. ) " Chanter 0 fN'rilKOX hPhia ( he cliil- t'len'a hour. lll.t : 1'r- 'i icll'ii i lleiue ivmalred xT u i.e-tkc.l li : the Jo'ly upioar. lu-udc . ( Jerald lii.d HootJ vuv dlv.'tiaB- t : . Ii.i o huu i party , lantern ftte el..i..i ' \th : > .li the Orehild weie.iiv / - ir'T 11..H iiipht IV1' the youngei1 i-eti , .ti.l t'.lw..n , too , vei meet to take tin- Inti'io-.t ti the dl.sottm Ion , llumgli l-l'ei-n'n i.aii I.i I ho ionUTeniva. . < limlied to till occasional lu.d of mono- l\'ln-i wan wild to po and ftirlo.iM at not Irivinj , ' been asked , hut wh n Hoots t.UVi.d In si.iy lionu > she resolutely iv- filM'd Id aoc rpt tlh > saeTll'ce1. ' "Xo. " rdio tal.l ; "tlu\v : iv pltfrt not to ask nirN eif ny ago , bui .MIII niiy : jo. Ilooi. ? , and I'll promise nut to ho un- hupp/ . " ill1" , ( ! orard gave the rising nl nal , nnd Solwyn vii : nwopt away In I lie rushing herd ol' children otil em llio VL't'tinda , where for awhile hu wiiokoJ and drew pictures feir the ytniupvr ( Jo- rnrd : . La tor some of the children wore picked : off for a nap ; Hilly with Ills as sorted puppies went away with Drlnn nnd Hoots , ever hopeful of a fox or rahhit ; Nina ( jorard cnrli'd herself up In a hammock , and Solwyn seated him self beside her , an nnent magazine on bis Inu'es. Kileen liad dlsapiu-arod. For awhile Nina swnntc there in si lence , her pretty eyes llxed on her hrotlier. lie had nearly jinlshe I cutting t ho leaves of the maim/lno before she spoke , men- lioiiln ; , ' the fact of liosamuml I"a lie's arrival at I lie M luster , ' hoiKo. H rook- minster. The slljUitoit t're.wn Kalhero.l and passed from her brother's ! sun liron/.pel forehead , hut lie made no cum- , , KtU'iCC- ' me. . , I. - " .Mr. Xeoryard Is a , lee , " she observed. " \\"lnil ! " exclulmcd Solwynin dls- "Yes ; he en nit ! nahoru with the I'ant'.i. " Se Iwyn iliishod a little , but went on nttliiK the pare : ) of the nuua.ino. : V\ lien h , had ilnishe.l lie llattoucd the > . tus lietAvecn both covcr.-t anil aakl , , \ ithont lai iiiK hiJ ejeH : I'M ferry thai crowd Is to be In rnl- dc-'lf " > " "They nlwaya are and always will \ " Hmllod hti ! siflor. lie iDol-od up at her. "Do yon lueun thut anybody el-jo la a uiioat nt Brook- "Yen , i'liil " " \ \ " He lookisl down nt the line ! : on bin kiKv : and begun to furrow the iMisoa al ently. "I'liil , " she said , "have yon heard anything thlo summer lately about thu KnthvonsY" "No. " 'Xothhii , ' at nil ? " "Xot a word. " "Yon Knew they were at Newport Jis niti IV" "I look it for granted. " "An. ! yon have ; heard no minors no gtM.sIp e nneornhig them nothing about a yacht' ; " " \Vhero was I to iiear It ? What B < M- P ? VIlllt ynclilV" Ills sNtor MI Id very cerlousV , "Allxe has lii'i'ii very careles- ? . " "Kveryliody \ * , What of It ? " "It Is understood that elus and Jack Utithvcn have ' " s-'oparatetl. lie looked up eiuiekly. "Who told yon thatV" "A woman wroie mo from Newport. And IH l-.i-re anil .lac-k liuthven is in Xew York. .Several pe > eijilt > lmve'-l have luMiel about It frutn several hj.irccs. I'm afraid H'a true' , I'lul. " Th'.v locked Into eiuh uther'a tryii- blo.l ejod , and lu eald : "If she has U > . .nQ thl.s , It la the worse cf two evlU cjo ! Im chosen. To live whh him was bad enough , but this U the limit. " "I Unow it She cannot afford to do Hitch a thin ? ( igain. Phil , what Is th ? i.iattiv v.ltii her ? She fcimply cannot bo P.IUO ; uul do such n thlmr can she ? " "J don't Know , " he said. Well , I do She I' , not Bitne' . She has i. ae'.o Leucl1 ! honiJIy conspicuous fiino.ig tun pljuou1 } people. She lin-i Lei n indiscreet to the outer cdgo of ct'- frritf/y. nvea set \\on't : .tand It nlwayosjie htlly ft3 their men folk aix- quite crazy nbaut her , nnd she leads a train of thorn about wherever she { j os-the little fool ! -And now , If It's true that there's co ins to be n separation , what oa earth \\ill become of her ? I nsU you , Phil , for I don't know. Hut men know what be comes eventually ofomen who ship } h" world ncro'-ti the face ulth over ringed lingers. "If If thero'n any talk r.botit It-lf there'u newspaper tall-if there's a ell vorce , who will ask her to their hntirosi Who will condone thin thing ? Who will tolerate It or her ? Men , and men only , the o.llous sort that fawn on her now and follow her about half sneerlngly. They'll tolerate It. but their wive" won't , and the Kind of women who will receive and tolerate her are not Includ ed In my personal experience. What a fool she hau been ! ( ! ojd heavens * , what a fool ! " A trltle paler than uwnal , he said : "There la no real harm In her. 1 know there IM not. " "You are very generous , Phil. " "Ne > , I am tryhi'C to be truthful. And I cay there is in harm In her. I have made up my mind on that score. " lie leaned nearer hM ulster and laid one hand e > n hers where It lay across } the hammock's edge. "Nina , no woman e-otild have done what r.'ie ' hao done and continue to do what i he dtvs and be mentally sound. Thiit : last , I < my conclusion. " "It has long been my conclusion , " Hhc said under her breath. lie stared at the Hour out of gray eyes grown dull and hopeless * . "Phil , " whls'pcrod his sister , "sup poso-supptwe what happened to hei father" " 1 know. " She said again : "It was slow at first , n brilliant eccentricity that gradual ! } became something less pleasant. Oh , Phil , Phil ! " "It was softening of the brain , " he Bald , "was It not ? " "Yes ; ho entertained a delusion of conspiracy against him. also a compla cent conviction of the mental Insta bility of others. Yet at intervals he lemained clever and witty and charm- Ing. " "And then ? " "Phil be became violent at times. " "Yes. And the end ? " he asked ( p : lolly. "A little child again , quite happy and content , playing v\lli ! toyo , very gentle , very pitiable. " The hot tear tilled her eyes. "Oh , Phil ! " she sob bed and hid her fa'.vj ' on hi ; ; shoulder. ( Iyer the soft , faintly fragrant hair "he 'stared stupidly , lips apart , chin loo-'o. A liltio later'Nina ral up in the ham mock , daintily effacing the traceof teniv * . Seh\yii was saying : "If this i . ' o , that Kuthvoii man hart got to t.tand by her.Vheiv could nho go if Midi trouble Is to come upon her ? To whom can ( ihe turn If not to him ? He i ? te Kponsiblo for her -doubly po if her con dition is to hethnt ! Hy every law etf manhood lie is bound to stand by lie now. Hy every law of decene'.v and humanity ho c.innot desert her now If flie does thcse-thoso indi cieet thing' * , and If he knows she is not alto- Ijell'i-r nu-nlully responsible , he can i.ot fall to staiul by hei ! How can he In ( Jod'a name ? " * "Phil , " she said , "yon speak like a nun , but she lia.-i no man to Maud toy nll.i by her in the direst need a humnn soul may know. He is only a thing- no 111:111 at all only a loathsome mvi dent ol' ' animated decadence. " lie1 looked up quickly , amazed at liei saiddcn bilicrncfeSi , and she looked ) > : < 1 nt him almost llenely. ' i may as wrll tell yon what I've heard. " she said. "I was not going teat at first , bill It v , 111 be all around lo\vn sooner or later. Rosamund told me She learned -as bhe manage * to learn everything a little before anybody ol-ie heirs : of it--that .lack Unthvcn found out that Alixe was behaving very caiv- lei-hly with ( junu > man-some silly , cal low and probably harmless youth. Hut there wa * a disgraceful feene on Mr , Xeergard'H yacht , the Niobrara. I don't know who the people were , but Ituthven acted abominably. The Nio brara anchored \Yldgeon bay yeMer- day , and Allxe Is aboard , and her bus band is In New York , and Uosamnnd pays he means to divorce her in one way or another. Tgh , the horrible lit tle man , with his rings and bangle * ' . " She shuddered. "Why , the mere bringing of such a Bull means her no dal riiin , no matter what ve > rdlct i < brought in. Her only salvation htn been in remaining InconsplcuoiiH , and a Bane girl would have loulbsed It But"-and she made a gesture of de spair "you stehat'fiho bridone. . And , Phil , you know what the has done to you , wlh't a mad rifl : she took In col' ' " ? to your rnonu that ulyht. " "Who said cho had ever been in my rooms ? " ho dcmauiki ] , flushing diukly In hifiurjirl < e. ' Did you suppose I didn't know It ? " fU ' uslicj quletl } ' . "Oh. but I did , nnd It kept mo awuko nights wcrryb.g. Vet I knew It roust have bc.-n all right knowing you as T do. Hut di > /i suppose other people v juld hold you na iauoiput aa I du ? Kvcn Eileen- tha swtctost , whitest , most loyal little eoul In the world wao troubled when Ilosamutul hinted nt some ecandal touching you and Alisc. Bho told me , but Bho did not tell mo what Ilo a- tnund had said the mischief uuki-r ! " Ills faoo had hccomo qnitu coloilesis. lie raised an unsteady band to his month , touching hid mustache , and bis gray C.M-S iwrrowcd menacingly. ' 'lUiiitiiiuiul spoke of scaiitlill ( o - KllcrnV" herepeated. . "Is that possi ble V "How lout ; do you suppose n pM can live nail nut liear Bi-aiulal of some forty said Xinii. "It's hound to rain fconif tinio or oilier , hut 1 prepared my little iltuVs luu'l ; to Hlied some tiling. " "You say , " Insisted Sehvyn. "thnt lliKimiiinil spoke of nit in Hint wtiy to iilwn : ? " "Yrs. It only made the olilld nnnry , Phil , so don't worry. " "No : I won't worry. No , I 1 won't. Yon niv quite rljjht , Nina. Hut the pity of it. that Unlit , hard shelled wo man of I he world to do utich a tiling to a .VOUIIK nlrl. " "Itivjitinnnd la llosninunil , " siid Nina , \vllh a slirnU. "The antldoUt to hoi epi-rlcs Is obvious. " "Itl-rht. thank 01 oil I" said heieen Ida teeth. "Mens sana In eor- poiv s.ino ! Mless her little heart ! I'm Clid > ou told me this , Nina. " He rose and hutched a little , a curi ous Mirt of laujjh , and Nina wuUln-d him , ] ii > i'iile\i < d , "Win-re are you golni ; , I'lillV" she asked. I don't know. -where I Is Kileeu ? " " he'o l.vlnt : down a headache , proh- nlily too much sun and salt uater. Slnll I Fend for lierV" "No : I'll K" up and Inquiry how she Is. ! < uiiuiiii ! Is there , Isn't sheV" And he entered the honso and as cended the istalrs. The little Alsatian maid was Heated In a ronier of the upper hall , sewhur , and ( she Informed Kehvyn that made- inoi-i'le ! had "bad In xe head. " P ut at the sound of ronversation In the cnnli'oi1 ' icileen's jjay veilee came to them from her room asking who It uas , and she evidently knew , for there was a hint of laughter In her tone. "It i.i 1. Are yon better' ; " .said Sel- wyn. "Yes. D-did yon wish to tee meV" "Yes. " ' The pretty Creeling nh always re served for him , even If their separa tion had been for a few minutes only , aho now oiTered , hand extended , a cool , When curled HI > iimunij the ciifioiis. . fragrant hand which lay for a ( second i hiihls , closed , and withdrew , leaving her eyes very friendly. "Come out on the west veranda , " tdio said. " 1 know what yon wish io say to me. Kcsldes , 1 have somelhliiK Io conlitle Io yon too. And I'm very Im patient to do It. " He followed her to the veranda. She seated herself in the broad swing and moved so that her invitation to him was nnmlsiakable. Then when ho had taken the place besldo her ( die turned toward him very frankly , and he looked up to encounter her bountiful direct Kai'e. "What I i disturbing our friendship ? " she asked. "Uo yon know ? I don't. I went io my room after Innuheon and' ' lay down e > n my bed and quietly dellb- ' e-rated. And do yon know what ronclu- ' ion 1 have reached ? " " ? " he asked. "That there Is nothing at all to dis turb onr friendship and thut what 1 ' nId to yon on the beach wau foolish 1 don't know why 1 snld It. I'm not the cert of jjrl who nay a such stupid IliiUK- ! , though I was apparently lor that one moment. And \\liul I said about < : iadys wan childish. I am not jraloim of her , C'aptain Sehvyn. Don't think me silly or perverse or Bcntlmcn- , will yon ? " "I \\ish to ask yon something. " "With pleasure. " she titild. "Co ahead. " And uhe settled back , feailess- ly evpeetanl. ' Very well , then , " he mild , ( driving to speak coolly. "It is this : Will juii marry me , Ulloeii ? " She. turned perfectly white and stared at him , ol mined. And he re peated his question , speaking slowly , but unsteadily. "N-no , " she paid , "I cannot. "Why why , yon know that , don't yon ? " "Will yon tell me why , Eileen ? " "I-I don't know why. I thlnk-I suppose ( hat It Is I do not lu\o yon ( hat way. " "Yes , " lie said , "that , of course , Is tlw reason. 1 wonder do yon suppose lu tlmo perhaps-yon might can ; foi'me that way ? " " 1 don't know. " She glanced up at him fearfully , fascinated , yet repelled. "I don't know , " ulie repeated pitifully. ' Is It can't yon htlp thinking of ma in that way ? Cnn't yon he ns you wore ? " "No , I can no longer help It. I don't want to help It , Hilecn. " "Hut I wish you to , " Blit- said In a low voice. "Jt la that which Is coin- hj between us. Oh , don't yon ate It la ? Don't you feel It - tool what It H doing to us ? Don't you urul. . > ] stand how it Is driving mo buck into myself ? Whom am 1 to go to If not to yon ? \Vluit nm I to do If your alfectiou turns Into this this dlfforcnt attitude toward me ? 1 I loved you RO dearly BO fearlessly. " Tears blinded her. She bent her ht-.ul , and they fell on the soft , dullcnto stuff of her gown , Hashing downwaid In the sunlight. "Dear , " ho said gently , "nothing l.s altered between lid. I love you In way too. " ( Couliuued Next Week. ) BARGAINS AT BQWENS We nrc offering this week some bargains and wish that the public would inspect these prices , quality of goods and avail themselves of this chaucc. Full pack tomatoes , can chuck full of good ripe red tomatoes , a doxen $1.38. Tinder juc } ' Sweet Corn , cans full of com , a dox. $1 , for Gillman $1.2 , world beater. Sweet Navel Oranges , the jucy kind , a dozen ' 25 , .U ) and 40 cents. Our llawiian Pine Apple is just delicious , a full can 21b. of solid fruit , 25c a caner or ( t for $1 38. ' I'OK ' I.IINI' . Kresh Oysters Fresh bounce Fresh Celery Fresh and Salt Fish Smoked Halibut Smoked White Kish Mackrel You had better fill up cm breakfast foods , won't stay long at ' < a , bond to go to lk ( straight Market is raising daily. Our can crackers have a name of their own , fine crisp , tender , net { .weight , lc ( ) a pound , cans return able , order a can today. Just let me [ say a word , please , in favor of our Teas and Coffee's. Our business of l')08 ) was just double in pounds of what il was in 1 ( > 07 , why ? 1 will h-t you answer that question , qual ity always tells and sells. Coffee's 15 , 20 , 25 , 30 , 35 and-10 cents full IGox lb. Teas 50 , 00 and 70 cents a pounds. Japan's Gun Pow der , Oolongs , Tea Leaf , Chase it Sanbornc and Lip- ton's Teas. , Bowen MAKK I'uro Food I'rothicta it arnmiimumaaeaGaaaaBf ( J STfl I rO. ANI ) I. | ' YOU luivo a siuii ) in a far in , or ranch for sale list ; with inc. 11'you want ; to buy a snap in a farm or ranch come and see me. , Phones , of fice 42 , residence , 129. H(3\v NKHK. She's Cured Thousands Given up to Die. Dr.OALDWELL of CHICAGO. Practicing Alcopatliy , Ilomcopntliy , Clecttlc and General Medicine. Ily idiJi'il mil \ - . iMufi-sn Grand Central Hotel , rfliii inutr i vrjy four \ M'IS. | . C'oiisul liri wlivu the KDnoiiunii v m at li.iinl DR. \IJI\VirI : , limns ni-r practire to the Hliviial liejtniLiit of diseases ol the I'.ye , liar , Nose , Til i oat , LIIIIH" . reinale Dlseasun , DUe.iKesof Children and all Chronic , Nervous nnd Surk'ical Diseases of a curable nature. i'.ulv coiiNiiniiitnin. llroiicliitis , Catarrab , Cluonlc CaUn.ili , Ilc.ul-Ache , Con- hlliatioit | , Sloinachi ) and lluuel Troublus , ' { licnniatiMii , NunralKla , Sulotica , Hiiirlits'B Ulsease , Kidney Di-easus , Dueahus of tlu * IKir : and Illadder , Duriiiess. Ncrvousnuss , liuliucstiini , Obesity , Internpled Nutrition , Slow ( .rouih in Clnldmi , and all vsastinu Misrasi's in adtills. Duforinilies , Club feet , Cnrvanlnnt of tin ; hiiiine. Diseases of llui Itrain , I'aralyhis , l'inle | > sy. Heart | ) IS.MSU , Dropsy , Swi'lbnif of tlii : l.uiiln. Suicture , Opuu Surcs , I'.ilu In tbe Hi IKS , liraniilar KiilarKenivnls and all Ionsiandiu diseasus inoiwrty trLMlud. lll.OOD AN'DSh'IM DISKASP.S. lfs , lilutclics , I'.ciiiitioin , Idver Spot ; of llio Hair , Iud ! Complexion. Kczcina , Tluuat Hlucirt , HOMO 1'alm , Dlnddur Truiiblui , Weak Hack , llcirninrr Urmc , I'assiui. Uiine too oficn. The effects cl conautntional Mck- IH-s or tac wkiruj of tou much iuuriou < medi cine rci BIVCI scari-liinff treatmfot , ; > rompl relief and a cure for life. e * ol Women. Irrctrular Mcii'tratun , of the Womb , Hearing Douu I'-ui ! . , 1'umalo > laccniot > tt I < acU of ( Sexual Tune , uuticorrlien , Sterility or llarrcniiim , cuntult Dr. Cald\\cll and Miu uill sbow ihcm Hie -use uttbeir truu'jlu and thu woy to become cured CANCIKS , LOITKR. nsTt'Lv ' , PJLI.S. and uilar.ed elands treated with thu sub cutaneous Injection method , . .tbsolntplyitb - uul pain and wnliout Ihu IKSS of a drop < > l blood , it one of her own ducoventu ami is real ! ) the most t-cicntillc anil certainly sun euro method eif this an vanced a ire. Or Cad nell had practiced her profession in some 01 ilic largest bospiiae ! > i Uirou lujut the cou-iiri She ban no xupeiu.r in Ireatmv and 'liatum nil of dihu.isch , deform.tics , etc. Sim hat- iateily opened an olhcu In Omaha , Nebraska , wlicro slio will krend a portion of each week treating her many paliiirttt : . N ° incurable cafes accL-inud for treatment. Consultation , examinatiou and adrici ; one dollar to thoje ercstud. Dr. Ora Cafdwell & Co , , Omaha , Neb. Chicago , III. Address all mail Io i lice , Omaha 17 CTS. A 33 AY BUYSATST This nni.i/lni ; olffrlluNIW Miulel Oliver Type'ttllteT No. ITi'e'ills .1 elay Is oiica to i > wry boil y , e've'fywht're , It's our ne-\\ and lininciisely popular plan ol M-llliiK Oliver Typuwrllers on little easy p.i } au'iits. Tlic .ibainloiiiiifiit of loiiglianit In l.ivor ot e-lean , k'Kllile , lieaiillful typewrit liiK Is the ne\t cre.Ustep In human iirogivss A reailv- all lines of business anil In all luolessiims- use ol pi-n ami Ink Is laigely lestiiiteil to tlic uiithiK > f slKiiatures1. lluslne CnlU'Ki a ml llluh SrluxilH , ( V.Ui-h till ut the lieml ol pilblnselltllU'llt. . IIV ti.uuliiK a v.itit at niv ul uiuni' peuple In tile irn'Ol Oliver Typewi It er- . Tinirompt ( and yens s iesinnsi | > of tlie i T\p cvrlte-r- ' ( imp , in v to the \\orM vldi di'inand lor uui .ersal givi s tremiMiiloU'i impi' the iiiovouiriu . The Oliver Hith tinlarjTst sailofai.y prtMitii In e-.i- > tcni'e.\\ the logical nu chine to t ile : tin- mil itive in ljrluj.liij | about the uni\ets il use ol liif > n itei'j. U ultvaj * leads' Save your Pennies and Own The Standard Visablc writer This "iTe'i-iits a d.i > ' si-lliiiK plan make the Oliver as lo\v as to rent. Il places Hi- niachiiii ; within e.isv reach ol evi.-ry IIOIIM- - e\ury Indlvlilual. A man's "cigar moaej - a woman's "pin money"lll buy n. Clerks on small salaries can now afford to own Olivers. Ily utllizingfiparomaineats lor practice they in.iv 111 theiiibolvei for moid linpoitant pusltlont ) . ' Si'hool boys and srhool tilfli can buy Ol vors by Having their pennies. Vou can buy an Oliver on this plan at the i catalogue ptli-e-iiki. A amall ili t payment brings ibe machine. Then yi i sa\e 17 cents a day and pay monthly. uAnd the possession ot anOllviTTypewriter enables you to earn money lo tlntsti | Uii lei the mat lilnii ; . The Oliver is the The Oliver Type most highly pertuu writer turns out uil tv-pewriter on the more workof better raorKet-licnic I : 9 quality and greater too per cent cOlcicn- viiucty than any . other writing ma AmonR its scores of chine. Simplicity , ionvcnlcncc arc- strength , ease of > - the Halan > u biilli cratlan and visa ) . -iheltullng ucvico uy are tne corn -theDaublu Helcase btoncsto us tov. t the I/oromotl \ * > ing supremacy iu correspondence the Autotoatic LMrJ Indes Woric Spacer Tabulated llcport-j the Aut o in a 1 1 c Tabulator Maniroldia < the Disappearing vlce indicator Addreiimg Unv.- - the Adjustable I'a- loped per rinpejs - Working on Itulu.l the acifiitmc Con densed Key- cutting Jllmeo- hoard graphs Stencils Can you spend 17 cents a day to better ad vantage than lu the purchaseof thisvronder- tul machine-- write for Special Easy Payment I'roposl tlon or ste the nearest Oliver Agent. The Oliver Typewriter Company 116 South 15 Street , OMAHA , NEBRASKA