Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 04, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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    rP W 9
To Advertise
Is Not Always Pos
fi sible. Bui Some
Progress in that
8 Direction May
Be Made. i
advertising would
your husiut'HH an iininudialc "jump I
it. . an impulse forward which n
could check.
If , therefore , you COULD advcrliMP i
"enough , " your prosperity problem
would be quickly solved.
What yon CAN DO NOW is to reach
out in flic direction of adequacy in your
advertising "sacrifice" other things , in
your desire to keep pace with the best
and biggest advertisers in your line.
3 f you make "other things" pay for
the advertising up to the point of partial
adequacy , after that the advertising will
pay for the other things.
lll\ ! 11 ( lilt HIM ?
Miss Avis McConnirk closet ! a
successful term of school in dis
trict Hid , Saturday. After a two
weeks rent at her home in Ansloy
fihe will bein ; ; a spring term in
the CJco. Marsh district.
Grandma Kiscus returned to
her home in Ansley Thursday.
Arthur Kopcr , who came down
from Dunning- attend the fun
eral of his sister-in-law , Mrs.
Roper , he returned home last
In spite of the bad roads the
public sale was well attended at
Mr. Burton's. Mr. and Mrs.
Burton retire from the farm and
take up their residence in Ansley
this spring1.
Mrs. ( Seorge Williams spent
Friday with her daughter Mrs.
Bessie Jones , while Mr. Williams
transacted business in Ansley.
A new family is moving1 in
to the home vacated by Will
Bowers , who with his family
moved to Nelson Trew's place
where he will farm the coming"
Mrs. J. B. Jones spent this
week in Ansley visiting with her
daughter , Mrs. Jas. Petrick and
other friends.
ijuite a number from this
neighborhood went to Ansley
Saturday to be present at the
funeral of Mr. Jewell , held in the
Christian Church of that place ,
Sunday afternoon.
J. 13. Jones , of Ansley , was in
I the city Tuesday.
Uconto Hems.
Mr. John Devinr , who died
'I hur&day night , was hurried
yes'terday. His funeral proces
sion was long1. He was a man
well respected by all who knew
Frank ftlayo's wife , who was
at Omaha , for treatment , is now
home and getting1 along1 nicely.
Frank Owen , carpenter and
cement man , has moved into
town. He occupies the Pallet
house on the hill , quite an ex
alted position ,
Mr. Wadkins , a | Dawson
county justice , has rented his
farm and moved into Oconto to
Mr. Willover , an old soldier ,
of Eddyville , was on our streets
Saturday. I noticed that he was
very feablc.
We have horse buyers from
down the line , and they are buy
ing horses too.
Mr. Lopsey's little boy 3 or1
years old , living1 north of town is
reported no better.
Frederick A. Bertrau to
Willis Cadwell , 8-10 acre
in 7-8-17-18-7-17-R-20 26400
Kli'/.ibcth Buckner & Ilusb
to God field Wordekhm-
pcr , 160 acres in 6-13-21. 5600
Abner C. Lowle to Wm. 11.
Paulsom , 320 acres in 2-
17-22 1-HOO
Ceorg A. Wenderlick tel
l dwin S. Wenderlick
* > l
Even the young folks can remember when all soda
1 crackers were bought from an open box or barrel.
At that time they were only used because there was
jf nothing better. - , . ,
j But now the perfected soda crackers ' *
- \
i i
" in their moisture and dust proof packages are a
V' staple 3-times a clay food. The fact that nearly
, , ' . . ? half a million packages arc eaten every day in
I.the year shows the popular appreciation of
? 1
' ' / /
&fer only in
Tf i
l/3 int. in 197 acres in 29
-30-31-32. T. H , R.2I. . . 8300
C. J. Bills to Win. B. East-
hum , 160 acres in 33-20-
22 800
John W. McMince to Hal-
sey A. Doanc , 320 acres
in 8-15-17 10,000
Joseph G. Tickles to F. II.
Pearse. and J. M. Pearsc
23 acres in 10 15-23 2400
Byron L. Hopkins to Jos
eph W. Scott 160 acres
iu 4-16 20 6-100
Chas. R. Suydcr to Edwin
L. Weesner Parcel , in
sec. 29-28 T. 17R. . 21. . 1000
George W. Whitehead to
Levi C. Pringle , lot 12-
bk. 5 in Ansley 1300
Susan E. Kcnsell to Win.
C. Patton , lot 3 iu bk 3.
Gandys add. Broken
Bow 375
Elis Oman to D. W. Fer
guson 160 acres iu 19-
15-24 2000
Warren R. Johnson to E.
P. McEvov & P. W. Mul
len , 160 acres in 5-16-22 3500
Cornelius M. Young1 to
Silas R. Barton & W. J.
Red field , 2 M acres5-U 0000
Win. II. Duncan to Ed ward
Lang & Otis E. Williams
N Yi of Lot 5 in bk. 9 iu
Mason ICO
D wig-lit R. Thomas to Al
fred J. Watkiu , Lots 1 2
and 3 blk. 1 to E. Toby's
add. to" Oconto 1600
Wm. II. Duncan to Edward
Lang & O. E. Williams
Lot 4 blk 9 in Mason
City 1175
BerthaSchlander and husb.
to S. R. Warrick , 160
acres in 18-18-20 1200
Elmore D. Currier to Ter-
kel Heramonson 120 acres
in 5 13-21 2000
Wm. Smith to D. E. Mills
SO acres in 35-16-17 2025
Ged. Trueman to Susie
Hinte , 160 a. iu 33-13-19 3600
Harry Thelau to Theodore
C. II. BayhoIYer , 160
acres in 20-18-18 1000
Fanny Piell and husb to
Theodore C W. BayholT-
er 160 acres in 20.18-18 1000
James A. Duke to Nelson
C , Dady , 140 ft. of W. #
of blk 10 in Mason City 1200
E. C. House to Thuruiau
II. Ely , parcel in 2-16-19 1000
ohn Dickenson to Win.
Dickenson , und > j int. i-i
14-11 and 10 L. 14 R 17 , 3200
Willis J. RctlGclcl to Silas
R. Barton 214 acres in
5-16-19 4500
John II. Anfderheide to
Frederick Camin , 320 a.
in 21-14-22 11200
John Simpson to II. E.
Leash , 160 acres iu 13-
1717 1800
George T. Pulliam to Ed
ward L. Pulliam 200
acres in 27 and 28 T 20
R 19 2000
James V. Devine to Perr-
and Mary Carey , 5 acres
in 28-20-21 2000
Charles W. Doxsee to R.
E. Brega Lots 21-22-23
and 24 in blk , 21 Calla-
way 1200
Ida M. Keuyou and husb
to David W. Raish , lots
11 and 12 in blk 13 in
Sargent 1000
A , J. Bpoth to M. Michel-
son 32 acres inJ1S20. . . 600
Albert L. Seybolt to Wal
ter J. Harris lot 6 in blk
13 , original town B. Bow 1500
Albon L. Marsh to O. S.
Pulliam , 60 acre ? in 29-
20-19 , 2000
Union Pacific R. R. Co. to
C. O. Lind 160 acres in
Dell Thompson to Wilhclm
Kay 200 acres iu sec 11
and 10 T K , R 19 3500
Marshall A , Walter to
Chas. J.McCormickN , ' _
Jots 21 and 22 , E. Rcy-
nero Sub. lot 3 T. Roy
uers in B. Bow 750
Chas. W. Bowman and
Willis Cadwell to Thomas
E. Wakcfield , 840 acres
( u sec. 23-26-35 T. 19-20 19000
Willis padwell to Harvey
B. Andrews , 100 acres
, in 17-17-20 12000
A Farm.
For rent near town Can re
side in City and farm. 60 acre
.in cultivation balance good uas
ture. A good supply of water
Call early. JAS. Lnnwicn.
About twenty members of tl c
ocal cauip of Modern Woodmen
went down to Anslcy Friday
morning to be present at the pre
sentation of the state banner to
the Ansley Camp. Anslcy won
the banner for having the largest
per cent of increase in member
ship for the year 1908.
The banner was presented to
the AtiBley camp by Council Com
mander Talbot of Lincoln. The
Broken Bow boys were met at the
train by the Ausley drill team
ami the band.
Delegations from LUchQdd
and Mason City were also in at
tendance at the ceremony. About -
bout thirty in'inbri.i were taken
into the Ansley camp Friday
No sense in running from one
doctor to another. Select the
best one , then stand by him.
Do not delay , but consult him
in time when you are sick.
Ask his opinion of Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral for coughs
and colds. Then use it or
not , just as he says.
Wo publish our formulas
Wo banlnh nlcohol
from our medicines
Wo urge you to
consult your
Always keep a box of Ayer's Pills in ihe
house. Just one pill at bedtime , now and
then , will ward off many an attack of
biliousness , indigestion , sick headache.
How many years has your doctor known
these pills ? Ask him all about them.
Made toy tUo 3. C. Ayer Co. . Lowell ,
/"vn/jr1 / 'T1rrr5 r'
When in Town
Gome over to the
north side to do your
trading and put up your
team with me. I will
give you the best ser
vice , ' in ilie city at the
most reasonable rates.