THJ3 hlfiPUBLIOAN , OUSTEl COUNTY. NU13KASKA , n BUSINESS DIRECTORY , $ I TJI3S REPUBLICAN I ! j JOB PRINTING | AS YOU LIKE IT FRANK KELS32Y ; : ALL KIND1 * OF WELLS ! ! Consult him if you want water. UKOKKN How - - Nr.BR. ! EDWARD DODD j PHYSICIAN & SURGEON | | Diseases of women n Specialty. Of- j F.ce phone 260. Residence 248. All j cases promptly attended. J | BANGS STUDIO | EAST SIDE OF SQUARE * \ Photograph * ) dllson and Columbia \ ; Phonographs ami Records. : : : - : J Airrnts for Chlckcrltifr , Ivers & I'oml J anil Star Pianos. : - : : : : | | WE CAN SAVH YOU MONEY j * * , , , JU II' ! 11111,111111111 11111111,1111 lUHllllllll.hll nil ItllllllUIII . Illllll IIIIIIIUII 'Illl ' Illinium I- | DR. CHRISTBfJSEN E EYE. OK. NOSE , TUKOAT AND CHRONIC DISEASES. I Pitting of Glasses a Specialty. j f - OrriCE IN REAL.ITY BLOCK - * KuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiinniiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniuiiiiiiiuiiini iiHiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiuinniiiiiiiiiiiii Silas A. Holcoinb. Kilwin P. Myers. TTOL.COMB & MYERS AHCTORNEVR Special attention given to Lltlpatccl i matters , 1'robatc matters and col- > lections. . . . ' . . ' . . ' . J OKFICU IN MYnilS BUILDINO Ureter. How , Nebraska. . A A A. A A A A A A w J. L. EERGURON. Notary Public , Comstock , Nebraska. Nebrask' 3' ' REAL ESTATE-INSURANCE J FARMS AND RANCHES FOR RENT < LEGAL * PAPERS DRAWN J Surveying anil Platting Neatly Done J HARRY KIM BALL , Practical Undertaker g&r Licnsed Embalmer Business phone , 301. Residence 3348 , Neb. N. DWIGIIT FORD ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Arinotir-IIauna Block AN'SLEV - NEBR. John S. JVIegpatu FARM AND CITY X.O.VNS INSURANCE AND SURKTV BONDS CITY PROPERTIES CHAS. E. STOUT RlfiSOlAJJKAiNT CONFECTIONARY , CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Broken Bow , Nebr. DR. G. V. BARTHOLOMEW Physician & Surgeon All calls promptly attended day or night. rilONE Gi Office in rear of Realty Block National Shining Parlor Pllvnto Chairs For Ladles Five cents every day $1.00 A Month EVBRV DAY SHINE Clothes Cleaned PUItO $ I OO Pant s BO Coats - 50 Overcoats 05 Miss Joy Riggs has been un able to attend school this wee on account of a serious case o the mutnps. ! STRICTLY PERSONAL The Becjamin Stock Co. will lake you laugh. Miss Vera Myers went to L iu- olti Monday for a couple days isit. "The Cowboy and the Girl" he greatest western play ever vritten. Judge Humphrey spent a few ay the first of the week on his anch on the South Loup. Mrs. Sidwell and her daughter Mrs. Renquist , left for Benedict he forepart of the week. E. C. House , is having life lade miserable for him , by a elon on one of his fingers. Spend "A Night in China Town" by seeing the production t the Great Upera House. Benjamin Stock Co. , North Side Opra House , three nights ) egintiing Monda } * , March 8th. L. C. Appehnan , of Alliance , s in the city this week represent- ng the Western Office Supply Co. Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Brenizer re- timed from their sojourn in * cxas the latter part of last veck. D 0. Brown came up from vincoln last Friday night , and vas the guest for a few days of lis brother J. B. Brown. Charles L. Smith left the fore- ) art of the week , on a busines rip to Scotts Bluffs and the eastern part of Wyoming. Miss Winnie Joyncr came down from Merua last Friday , and re mained in town a few days , look- ng after business interests. Mrs. C. A. Melviu , who has made a six weeks visit with her ister Mrs. Hughes , returned VIonday to her home at Curtis. Mrs. W. Ilarorw and two child- en , came up from Omaha Satur day and spent Sunday here with icr husband , who is a traveling- nan. nan.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Clifton , of vearne } ' , who were for a few lays the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. VanCott , returned home Sunday. Judge C. L Guttcrson , left l\ietday for Lincoln , where he oincd a party of tourists for ) oints in Mexico , including Mex- co Cily. J. Lzird , the genial proprietor of the Commercial Hotel , has been confined to his room the > ast tcs da > B , with a bad case of La-grippe. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blackwell who reside northeast of town are the proud parents of a fine baby boy , who arrived in their home ast Thursday. Charlie Gadd , left last week for Bridgport , where he expects to remain over tho. summer. Charlie will play ball , this season with the Alliance nine. John E. Myers , of the South Loup , was in the city Kridiy and Saturday visiting his sous , Ed ward and Herbert , and looking after business matters. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Myers , oi Benedict , who have been visiting Mrs. Myers' relatives in this vi cinity for a few days , returnee to Benedict Friday morning. Mrs. Cox who has spent the past few weeks with her son in Omaha , returned to the Bow Sat urday , and is the guest ot her daughter Mrs. E. R. Purcell. Mrs. O. K. Campbell , of Gibbon who came up to visit Mr. ant1 Mrs. J. G. VanCott , last week was called home the day afte her arrival , by the sudden illncs of her son. Mr. Grimes , father of Mrs Frank Mauk , left Monday , fo Mammoth , 111 , , where he wil visit with his son , before he re turns to his home in England M > . Grimes has made Nebraska his home for four years. , Mrs Emma Sidwcll , has pack ed her household goods , and will visit with her daughter until sotiic time this spring , when she intends building a home for her self in York. Arthur Squires , son of A. W. Squires , formerly a resident ot Broken Bow , who has been in Missouri for some fifteen years is back here for a visit with friends and relatives , 0. J. Shaw of Aurora , who was in the city last week conferring with the city council with re ference to putting in an electric light system , returned to Aurora last Friday morning- Fred Ream , the water commis sioner , who has been confined to his bed for a couple of weeks , the result of a bad fall into a deep hole at his hydrant , we are glad to say is slowly convalcsceing. Myrtle L-yell left Monday night for her home in Lincoln. Miss Lyell has been working in the County Treasurer's office this winter , and may return to this city later. Dr. Summers , a surgeon , of Omaha , who was called to Auslcy on professional business , spent cveral hours in the Bow Satur- ay the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Willis Talbot at seven o'clock linner. O. P. Sells , of Sterling , Cole , who was in the city last week rying to interest some of the Bro- ecu Bow business men in organic- ng a company to secure a fran chise for putting in an electric ight system in the city , left Fri day for Grand Island. J. S. McGraw , who was in Omaha for the automobile show states that he conferred with an engineer while there and reciev- ecl considerable encouragement on his proposition to dam the Middle Loup for the purpose of furnish ing power. D.E. Bander , who is building a church on Cliff Table west of Merna , was in the city Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Bander says that he expects his sous David and Vernou home in a short time. David is visiting in Grand Island now and Vernou is in Lincoln. Mrs. Macky Smith , of Coving- ton , Virginia , is the guest of her brother-in-law's family , Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Smith. Mrs. Smith arrived in Ausclmo Sun day , accompanied by Miss An drews who has been in the east , where she spent a few days be fore coming to the Bow. Rev. C. C. Rollet , Department secretary of the sixlh missionary district of the Episcopal church preached at St. John's church last Friday evening. The Rev erend gentleman is a pleasant able , and forceful speaker. The music WES a feature of the ser- vice. Kev. Ivollct while in the city was the guest of Rev. and Mrs. VV. H. Xanders. He left Satur day morning for Grand Island1. At the Gold Medal Mining Go's banquet held at Stout's restaur ant last Thursday evening , S. J. Lonergan was elected president , C. II. Kamuion vice pacsidcnt , G. F. Bartholuiew , secretary , II. II. Lomax , treasurer , and R. T. Walker , superintendent. W. W. Dye and William Dundar. of IComstock j , and R. A. Hunter , of this city were elected as addit ional members of the Board of Directors. The company expects this spring to install a twenty stamp mill for crushing ore. The contract for the erection of the Presbyterian parsonage was awarded to Papineau and Osborne. when the bids were opened last Tuesday morning. They expect to begin work at once and will have the parson age completed in about ninety days. TUST RECEIVED This Week Van Cott & Roecker Broken Bow , Nebraska , Fred Grovicr spent Saturday and Sunday at his home near weissert. Auctioneer II. A. Tinder is confined to his room tins week with a bad case of the mumps. Messrs. Amos and Ilivley , of Westerville , who have been oper ating a pool hall in that city , were arrested Tuesday morning on the charge of running a dis orderly house. The preliminary trial will be tomorrow. The Kcv. J. E. Aubrey will speak Sunday morning at the Presbyterian church on "Choos ing a Master" in the evening on "The ' " SluggaJd's Vineyard. The offorlories are "I'll Pray for Ye" in F. by Verdi , and "Consol ation" in B , flat by Mcndelsshon. Miss Dill is organist. The male quartet will sing in the evening. The men's Bible class will hold its first meeting at 10.15 a. m Sunday and begins a character study of the Old Testament in chronplogical order. A initial School meeting. The annual school meeting of Broken Bow will be held at the Court House on Monday evening March 15 , I'M)1) ' at 7:30 : , for the purpose of nominating three members of the Board of Educa tion. The retiring members of arc Jules Hautnout and George Waters , whose terms expire , and ER. . Purcell , who was appoint ed to fill the unexpircd term of J. R. Dean , By order of the Board of Edu cation. A R. Humphrey , President. L. II. Jewctt , Secretary , Marriage Licenses. William E. Wolford , Ansley , 23 Myrtle Watson , Auslcy , 20 Oscar O. Gilbert , Callaway , 27 Edna Liuny , .Oconto , 23 John Wood , Broken Bow , -10 Hattie M. Chapin , B Bow , 17 Andrew D. Peterson , Weiscrt 2 ( > Efiie E. Barnes , Broken Bow , 25 Snyder Bros. E HAVE just added another room to our already Good Sized Store , have increased our Stock , and in a short time will "be prepared to handle a "busines- - : - Ladies' Furnishing Room - : - We have an up to date line of Ladies' Spring suits on hand , and are expecting a great many more any day. Also a largo number of Ladies' Skirts , Summer Dresses , Waists , Dressing Sacks , Kimouas , etc. These we will put in our new room making of it a Ladies Furnishing Room , Ladies' Summer Dress Goods We have an elegant line of Summer Dress Goods such as Organdies Percales , Pongees , foulards , suesines and silks. - : - Mens' Suits and Hats Our Spring Line of Mens'Suits is better than ever before , and we have a fine line of Mens * Spring and Summer Hats , - - : - ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [ 1 rgTlll ! ! ! ! ! ! III Ill LUUMJL I X-1JMLIJLLI--HJ-JL-LJ LJJ1JLJL1 U1U _ B1JJJJ1 * HIl \ m HI M" * I I1BLB . _ _ _ _ 4 _ _ _ J. - 11.r.ITT - : Peter's Shoess We carry Peter's Shoes and have the largest stock of Shoes of any store in western Nebraska. - Snyder Bros. ( ยง L Co.