Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 04, 1909, Image 1

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0. P. SI US CHAISUliS l\CIPTIll : : :
A third parly from Columbus may et
inlo Hie races Hie last of the
week City should get good
Company here.
The City Council Committee
consisting of Councilmen Squires ,
Lcdwich , and Baisch have been
considering the propositions of
O. P. Sells , of Sterling , and O.
J. Shaw , of Aurora , for putting
in an electric light system in this
city , and arc waiting for addit
ional information from them re
lative to changes in their fran
chises , which the Council Com
mittee * has asked for.
Mr. Sells has so far not sent in
any changes for his franchise.
O. J. Shaw , of Aurora , submitt
ed his changes to the chairman
of the committee Tuesday morn
ing. .Mr. Shaw states in his
amended articles , that he pro
poses , if awarded a franchise , to
initall a one hundred Kilowatt
dynamo , and a 220 horse power
Corliss engine with boiler suit
able therefor , and agrees that
the plant and building shall be
designed by a competent archi
tect ; that the entire system shall
be installed with a constant eye
to the early operation of a steam
heat system throughout the busi
ness portion of the city , to the
intUallalion and operation of an
artificial ice plant and the furn
ishing of cleclrcial current at the
lowest rates , consistent with
first-class service.
A plant of this sixe will meet
the demands of the city and will
furnish sufficient current for
power and other purposes for
some time to come. Mr. Shaw
further agrees to furnish .electric
service for all night , instead of
simply to mid-night , as is nsually
the cace for a city the si/.e of
Broken Bow.
According to the f ranch ice
submitted by Mr. Shaw , any
differences between the electric
light company and the city re-
gardiug any matter not expressly
determined by the franchise ,
shall be referred to a board of
arbitration of three disinterested
persons. One to be selected by
' - the city , one by the electric light
company and the third by the
two chosen as aforesaid ; and at
any time the city council u ay de
cide that the rates of the electric
light company are not proper and
reasonable , the entire matter
shall be referred to a board of
aribilration consisting of two
persons chosen by the company
and to chosen by the city and two
chosen by the four selected as
above mentioned.
These two provisions give the
city of Broken Bow the right to
regulates the rate of the Electric
Light Company and place the
settlement of any differences
which may arise over the intep-
retation of the franchise in the
hands of the people.
This will insure reasonable
rales from the company and
gives the people all the advant
ages of municiple ownership
without their incurring the re-
> ponsibility of raising the capital
for installing the plant and keep
ing it in operation.
Mr. Shaw's franchise provides
further that if the city desires to
purchase the electric light plant
at the end of any five year period
it may do so and'the sum to be
paid by the city shall be ascer
tained and determined by a
board of arbitration consisting
of six persons chosen in such
manner and under such condi
tions as the board of aribi-
tration , for the fixing and de
termining the rates to be charg
ed for electric current mentioned
Mr. Shaw in his franchise
agrees to give Broken Bow what
very few county towns of its sine
are getting and that is "all
right service" , and more over ac
cording to his franchise he prac
tically placer the control of the
company in the hands of the
people of Broken Bow. lie gives
them , through the city council ,
power to regulate the rales to be
charged by his company , gives
them the power to purchase the
jlant at the end of any five year
Deriod , should they so desire , and
submits any differences that may
to a board of aribilration.
John A. Uevine.
John A. Devinc who died last
Thursday in Oconto , was born in
Ireland on February 2 , 1845. Mr
Devine came to America with his
parents when a boy and settled in
Pennsylvania. lie married his
ire-sent wife while a resident of
Pensylvama and later moved to
Illinois and from there to Nebras-
ra. lie settled on the South
L/oup Hiver , IS miles south of
this city , and has lived on his
ranch there since that time. Mr.
levinc has been a life time mem
ber of the Catholic church. The
'uneral services were held in the
Catholic church in Oconto last
Sunday. The services wcte con
ducted by \ \ cMunstcrman. .
ilh remains were laid to rest in
.lie Catliolic'cc'mctcry in Oconto
Ur. Devine leaves five sons , two
laughters and a wife to mount
lis death.
Throughout his residence on
the South f.oup , Mr. Devinc has
) ecn known as a pleasant , agrec-
ible sort of a neighbor , and his
nany friend ; along the Loup will
greatly miss him. The Republi
can joins his friends in extending
condolence to the family in their
, ad bereavement.
J. A. K\'aii3 , of Callaway , was
a city visitor Wednesday. Mr.
l van- > has been . having- pretty
serious trouble with his eye , the
ast couple of weeks. lie was
locloiing his neck and face , and
some of the' acid he was using
, jol into his right eye , burning it
very b.vdly , and he has hardly
able lo see out of it since.
MissVera Kddy , came down
from Merna , Tuesday morning
for a few days visit with friends.
Mr. Kddy , of Merna , joined
Judge ( hitterson Tuesday morn
ing on a three weeks trip to Mexico
ice and as far south as the Isth
mus of Tehuantcpcc.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Turner and
John Turner , returned Sunday
from Bedford , Iowa , where they
went to attend the funeral of the
Turner brothers sister , Mrs. II.
A. Meek , who died in. Colorado ,
and the remains were taken to
Bedford for burial.
Ex Clovernor Silas A. Ilolcomb
left Monday for Seattle , Wash
ington , to argue a land case in
volving $175,000 worth of land.
Mr. Ilolcomb received a telegram
Sunday from his client engaging
his services. lie will also visit
his family in Seattle while there.
Miss Carrie Kecd was burned
quite badly Wednesday morning
through the explosion of a hard
coal burner. The explosion burn
ed her face and singed her eye
brows and hair.
Harvey Andrews , of Anselmo ,
was in town Monday.
pitnvim-s roii INCISION ON AIAIIM-
Introduced hy , Unshoe by mutest , niul
is siid : to ha\e hceiulrafled hy
.Miller of Sargent.
A county division bill came up
for the second reading in the
Legislature on the 23rd of Keb'y
and was ordered sent to the
printer oil the 23rd. The bill is
for an act to amend Section 4-129
of Cobbey's Annotated Statutes
for 1907 , relating to the erection
of new counties , and to repeal
said origina section , as the same
now exists.
The object of the bill is to so
amend the law that a majority
of all votes cast oil the question
will decide whether or not the
county shall be dcvided instead
of requiring a majority of all the
votes cast at the election. The
bill was introduced by 13. K. Bu-
slice , by request. It is claimed
that the bill was drawn by Rep-
reeentative Miller , of Sargent ,
and that he requested Bushee to
introduce it. The bill if passed
will amend the Section above
mentioned , so as to make it
read as follows.
"If it shall appear that a ma
jority of all voles cast on the
quc-ilson at any such election , in
in the county interested , is in fa
vor of the erection of such new
county or counties , the county
clerk of said county shall certify
the same to the Secretary of
State , stating in such Leilificatc-
the name and territorial contents
and the boundrics of such new
county or counties ; whereupon
the Secretary of Slate shall noti
fy the Governor of the result of
such election , whose duly it shall
be to order au election of county
officers for such now county "or
counties , at such time as he
shall designate , and he may ,
when ncccfi'iary fix the place of
lolding Ihe election , notice of
which shall be given in such a
nannor as the Governor may di
rect , At such election the quali
fied voters of said new county or
counties shall elect all county of-
icers for said county or counties ,
except as hereinafter e.xceptcd ,
who shall be commissioned and
qualified in the same manner as
uich officers are in other counties
of the state , and who shall con
tinue in office until the next gen
eral election for such officers , and
until their successors arc elected
and qualified , and who shall
have the jurisdiction and per
form all the duties which arc or
may be conferred upon such of
ficers , in other counties of this
state. "
VanCott & Kouker received a
car load of furniture Tuesday
evening' . The second story of
their building is all completed
and will be used to display the
line of furniture they are putting
Mrs. Fred Hayes and her broth
er , W. J O'Brien , left this morn
ing for Alliance to spend a week
visiting with their sister Mrs.
K. C. House sold W. J. Wood's
ranch three and one-half miler
west of the city to Vincint J.
Steadry last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Joyucr
came down from Merna Tues
County Club Mccls.
I < ast Friday evening Air. and
Mrs. K. W. Simmons entertained
the Country Card Club , in honor
of their guests , Mrs. Dopew and
Miss lanscy of South Bend ,
Indinna , at their pleasant home
Southeast of the city. Progres
sive high five was played at four
tables. Mr. Davis recieved the
game prh'.e , a lovely hand paint
ed picture , the woik of Mrs.
Simmons. At a late hour a ,
delicious supper was serve , after
which there was a most enjoy
able impromptu program of vocal
und instrumental music and read
ings. Immcdiatly after the pro
gram , rugs were removed , the
clock turned back , a violin tuned
up , and dancing was enjoyed un
til the wee small hours. The
guests were Mcsscrs and Mcs-
damcs J. II. Anderson , T. 13 ,
Morris , J. K. Wilson. J. Woods
L. Davis , Mrs. Kffic Bean and
Mr. 15. 15. Squires.
Baptist Reception.
Tuesday evening the ladies of
the Baptist Church , tendered a
reception , to their new pastor and |
his wife Kev. and Airs A. T. "Nor
wood , at the home of Mr , and
Mrs. Joe Pigman.
The hours were from eight un
til eleven , and during that time
the members of the congregation
but with few exceptions , took ad
vantage of this opportunity to
meet them in a social way.
Mcsdamcs , Pigman , Picket !
.ind Apple were the reception
The pleasure of the evening
wa'fl considerably heightened by
Lho pleasing and appropriate re
marks of Messrs Amsbeiry and
Pigman , and by a program con-
misting of music and readings.
Refreshments consisting of
adyfingers and punch were serv
ed from a temporary booth , by
Mrs. Kimberlitig and Mrs. Apple.
The affair will long be remcm-
) crcd by all those present.
K 'v. Norwood comes here from
Yntnil City.
1'or Mrs. ( Iravos.
'I hursday afternoon Mri. fj. L.
nutlerson Mrs. .1. Kx.ard and Mis
\Y. II. Xanders entertained the
Dadioa CJuid of the Si Johns
Kpispocopas church at the rect
ory in honor of Mrs. Anson R.
Jravoi , wife Rev. Alison Graves
D.I ) . Bishopof the Diocese of
Kearney. Mrs. Graves spoke to
the Guild un the work of the
Norman's auxiliary of the Diocese
cese of which she is the president
At four o'clock the members and
friends of the church were invit
ed to meet Mrs. (5raves in form
ally. After a pleasant social
hour , a delicious supper was serv
ed by the hostesses , assistcn by
Mrs. Homer Bruce , Mrs. ICdward
McComas , and Mrs. 15. C. House.
Dinner Parly at ( lie Graiul Central.
Mr. and Mrs. WillisCadwcll en-
terlaincd at a three course seven
o'clock dinner last Saturday even ,
ing at the Grand Central Hotel ,
in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Barton ,
of Lincoln. Mr. Barton is sta'.e
auditor. Covers wee : laid for
ten. A table in the dining room
was reserved. The decorations
were American beauty roses and
candle sticks with while candles
and red shades. Those who
partook of the feast were Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Smith , Judge and
Mrs. A. R. Humphrey , Mr. and
Mrs. I'M McComas , Mr. and Mrs.
Willis Cadwcll , and Mr. and Mrs
Barton of Lincoln.
ll/IIU Cl.llll.
Mr. and Mrs. George Willing
entertained the B/hu whist club
at theirplesanthouie , Wednesday
evening , the usual number ol
games were played , after which a
dainty supper was served. The
guest of honor was Mr. Walter J
Woods , who formerly rcsidcc
here , and was one of the organi'/
ers of the Club , who's home is
now at Aberdeen , Oregon. Mr.
and Mrs. 15ugeue Ilolcomb were
also present.
Dinner Party.
I < ast Saturday Mrs. L , II. Jew
el t entertained a parly of long
time friends , at a one o'clock
dinner. Covers were laid for
eight. The affair was entirely
informal. The guests brought
their fancy work and spent a de
lightful afternoon. Mrs" . Jewctt
was assisted by Miss Janic Co
oper. Those present were Mrs.
C.U. Richardson , Mrs. W. S.
Cooper , Mrs. Emma Sidwcll , Mrs
D. W. Thompson , Eureka , Calif.
Mrs. J. A. Rcnquist , Benedict ,
Miss Mary Van Laudingham , of
Paris , Texas.
Tuesday afternoon Mrs. 15. W.
Simons gave a delightful Ken
sington to a few of her neigh
bors at her home , in honor of her
guests. A variety of fancy work
was in evidence. The hostess
served five o'clock tea.
Those present were , Mesdauics
Wilson , Anderson , Davis , Morris ,
Mrs. Do pew and Miss Linsey of
South Bend , Indiana.
: onml in It. & M. Yards at Alliance un
conscious Monday Morning.
Ped Teserv left last Sunday
evening for Alliance , and was
found unconscious in the yards
at Alliance Monday morning.
LcBcrv with Roy Callington and
I'Vank Davies got on the blind
baggage Sunday night in this
city , and Ciallington and Davies
who returned to the city yester
day morning , staled that they all
planned to get off at Alliance and
that Iescrv got oil first. 'Miey
claim they went back and tried
to find him after they got off ,
but were unable to do so. On
going up town the city marshall
of Alliance requested them to
leave and they got back to Dun
ning before they heard that Le-
serve had been hurt.
Ioscrv got off the blind bag
gage about five o'clock that
morning and when found later
was taken to the hospital where
he is at the present time. Ic-
serv's father went to Alliance
Monday night and has been
there with his son since that
time. He staled that Ted had
recently sold some land and
should Irive had about $ U > 00
though the officers report having
found but $ ( > 00 in his pockets.
( N't ) . HI' . ' )
Security State Bank
nl llmurii How. Charti-r No. HIS. Inrnrpor-
ilrtl In the sialr ol Nebraska , at the rlote of
husliie.ii. I'YIini.iry llnl. I1W.
Loans and discounts f llil.HJ.Tit
overdrafts , secured anil uu
secured . . . iss.3'
lloiuls , storks , securities , Judg-
HH'iits. claims , etc ! I,2I5
Hanking house Inrnltnri ! ami IIx
tures T.UJJOJ
Duo Iroin nat'l , si.Ui ) anil
private banUHand bank
ers * CW.7 : <
hecUs anil Items of us-
chanBe ll.'O'.i .Vi
ii'di (1.11 ill,1 I'.Mllrf.i )
Total t iw.iiH m
c.iliital Htock p.ilil In f as.oxjuj
l'ndl\ld ' ; il prolUs , nut "
Individual deposit1) Sllh-
jei-l to rheck WJ.TM.ia
Deinamli erllllcates ot de
posits fi.9ir.iii
Time ferllllfaU's ol de
posit 10,3il' . 1.1
Due to nat'l. t > Uttf and pil-
vale hanks anil hankers ( l.itiu.iw iui.i2r. : U7
Hills payable rH.OW (
Total 8 IIO.KW 1.1
STATH IJl' N Hl l { ASIC A I .
fOl.'NTY or ( 'l'STKIt ' f .s
I. K. I ) . l j 'KBrr. ass't i-atlner ol the above
named hank , do hetehy s uar that the
above statement Is a corrert and true copy
ot the report made the State lianklug
Hoard. It' D. IMcKbTT
A'lTr.ST , W. A. ( leoreu ( uireclor
Subscrlbfil and sworn to buluvv me tills
nh day ol Marcli , IWW.
n. C. llousii.
Notary I'ubllc.
My ( 'oiuuiUiilu cxiUrca March 17th , 1011.
SIST Illli CAllMiMliN
Dr. Picharil is Making This City His
lleadfiiarlers | And Will Inspect 'Ilie
Whole Coimly South Loop
Country in ( iood Shape.
Custcr and Dawsou counties
have been taken out of the Ily-
anuis and North Plalte territories
and placed under the charge of
Dr. Pritchard for the inspection
of scabies on live stock , with the
intention , should conditions be
favorable , of suggesting to the
Department of the Bcaurcau of '
Animal Industry , at Washing-ton ,
the advisability of raising the
quarantine from the two counties
and if possible to gel same lifted
before the next shipping season.
This suggestion to the Depart
ment depends wholly upon the
degree of cleanliness of the stock
of said counties , and the activity
of the stockmen in dipping same
and making a thorough dispos
ition of the condition , under the
proper supervision , should Hie
stock be found intcctcd or ex-
) oscd during inspections made
by the inspectors the present
( ear. The name holds good ,
should they have been pronounc
ed , heretofore , infected or ex
posed and uo compliance made ,
under the proper supervision.
The stockmen of D.UVSOH ,
through their willingness and
activity have dune considerable
n accomplishing a clean up of
the disease in their county.
Nearly 30,000 head of cattle were
lipped in Dawson county last
fall. This will certainly make a
narked difference in the condition
of their cattle when again in
spected the coming summer.
Speaking of Custer County and
conditions found last season by
) r. Pritchard during his itispi'c-
ions on the South f4oup and
joulh of same to the south county
ine. Dr. Pritchard saidvi ;
omul scabbies existing in one
icard of 87 head. This patt of
he county will receive another
: areful inspection the coming
spring and early summer , a more
avorable time to find scab ,
should such exist , and all herds
bund scabby or exposed will be
) romplly placed in close quaran ti
tine until they have been dipped
n a recognised dip and under
> roper supervision. "
"The northern half of Cuiitor
County will also receive a care
ful inspection for the disease and
wherever stock is found infected
or exposed they will be placed
in close quarantine and owners of
same will be required to dip them
in a recognized dip and under
proper supervision. There have
been several cases reported al
ready in the northwestern part of
this county , and we hope every'
stockman , who has been or may
be notified of such condition ex
isting in his herd , \\ill act
promptly with the inspector in
stamping out the disease. "
1 am as willing to assist the
stockmen of this county : , s I was
those of Dawson county , and I
am also as interested in the erad
ication of the disease and the
lifting of the quarantine from the
counties of the stockmen them
selves.Yhat we want is a thor
ough cleaning up of the condi
tion. One which will have some
tendency to keep a quarantine off
when once it has been lifted. "
Broken Bow is Dr. Pichard's
Official Statio.1 for this territory.