Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 25, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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    \ -
ill ! ! ! HhlPUBUCAfl , UUal'MU ' UUUNTY , NKDllABliA.
i J8aia > 8Jtt5tt t * a
Our Harness Will
E HAY I' ] in a new line of 3AD-
DLlCiS. Wo c-iui show you
something that will suit yon in
QUALITY and in PRICE. Come
in and look over our LINK of I IAIN
We can show you the best in the Har
ness Line.
Remember the BUMANl : ! IJOHSH
COLLAK saves you Money and your
Horses are never laid oil1 when us
ing it.
Rotinson fe ? Tule
( Crowded out last week )
Orlcllo valley
Mr. ami Mrs , Waters of
Lillian visited at Mr.
ram's Monday night.
Mrs. Knapp is quite sick at
this writing.
Mr. TTnnes and family are
moving on Mrs. Ashbough's
Misses Carrie and Lang
Mcray and Lee Lcnvn visited
at Ingrain's Monday evening.
Mrs. Hill and son Garland
amlGrandpa Hill are'expected
home this morning. ( Wed. )
Miss Jennie Edwards came
home Friday , returning to
Merna Wednesday morning.
Mss. May Wood is visiting
al.J. A. Moore's this week.1
J. F. and J. C. Baker were
called to Arnold by the ser
ious illness of their father.
His many friends hope for a
speedy recm'ery.
George and Lee Lown and
Hey Flood of Wagner visited
at Mr. Knapps Alonda } ' .
Rivival meetings will com
mence at Orlcllo next Hun-
day , Feb. 21st.
Mr. Hicks was buried at
Ortello cemetary today.
J. A. Moore and .1. M. Ing
ram hauled hogs for Chas.
Wachter Wednesday.
Geo. Cooley visited friends
in this Valley several days
last week.
Mrs. Ashbough and son
Harry , expect to leave Thurs
day for their ne\y home in
Colorado. Their m a n y
friends arc sorry to see them
New Hop : Id-ins.
Mr. Taylor is transacting
business in Sidney al the pre
sent time.
Dick. Anderson visited his
aunt Mrs. Lily C'line Monday
Earl Hammond has been in
Lincoln ( Jo. the past few
weeks where he has .secured a
The party at the Buckeye
Ranch was a great success
there being about sixty live
Mrs. W. IT. Cline spent a
few days in Broken Bow last
week and -attended the Lin
coln celebralion.
There was no preaching at
New Hope Sunday owing to
Ihe bad storm.
Henry Day is Ihinking of
selling his place and may
move to New Mexico where
his parents live.
Mr. Martin and family have
moved in Jerome Taylor's
The New Hope Missionai\y
Society's birthday box
amounted to $10.00. The
next meeting will be held al
Laura Taylor's Thursday of
this week.
Alice llntl'aker went t < >
town Saturday to meet her
sister who expected to come
down from Anselmo.
Oconto Hems.
John Divine is reported
Mike Lonley was granted a
| divorce Saturday.
. Frank M.iyg : v.-h.'j'Si. ' ' wlJe is
; at Ocuih.a lx > , r t realm en t went
alter her today an l he id re
ported as getting along all
, iiL'-ht.
i lie I he I fulfill llt'in ;
Mr. and Mra. ,1. U. Heapa.
of Cm.nLt arc spr-mling a lev. *
davH visiting ( heir parents
I. ! frit-mis al Ihi.s place. .1.
j < > . llrapfl will gold Kansas
j \\VdnesfUly.
! Maggie Heaps spent Sat.
and Sunday with her parents
| and rUi > to the severity of the
weather did not. return to her
wnvk until Monday.
t'arl Hocornb ] who has been
quite sick for sometime does
not seem to bi ? improving as
ho should.
The Infant son o | Mi * , and
Nfi-p. Ollis Shores of Wagner ,
.S. . C. died of lung fever since
their return from this place.
This is sad news to their
many friend and relatives.
Alason City Item * .
W. T. Whitehead , (3. F.
Frasier , Will English and L.
Patrick were attending court
at Broken Bow the first of the
M. B. Hnnnell lost nine
head of hogs in the blizzard
last , week.
R. It. McPherson was a
Broken Bow visitor Monday.
It. K. Miller has been on
the sick list.
The rural caariers report
the roads in very bad condi
Mr. ( Jeo. Dickenson of Lit-
chfield and Miss Duncan were
married at Grand Island last
Tnesd ay.
Geo. Mulvaney went to
Grand Island Monday.
NVcslcnille News.
Mrs. W. G. Farwood has
gone to Lincoln to visit her
parents Mr. and Mrs. A. IT.
Copsey. '
A. W. Copse'has been veiy
sick for the pasl weelc.
Bornto Mr. and -Mrs. R.
fl. Walters ' a daughter Feb.
The Basket Supper at the
Copsey school house was well
attended and the highest
price paid for a basket was
$4.00. The proceeds are to
buy a new dictionary and the
pictures of our presidents.
The weather has been ex
ceeding cold this last week.
Two days last week the pat
rons of route number two did
not get an ) ' mail.
Benvyn News.
S. B. Auitin "Q.iielly" left
town Monday morning.
Frank Miller wont to Kansas
Oily Monday morning to take
part iu the clay pigeon contest
The Herbs of Life Medicine
Company entertained the people
with a nice little show , each
night of last week.
L. C. Morris and family who
huve resided in Berwyn for a
good many years have moved in
to their , : ew home at Broken Bow.
Do not look at the
Jackson afterwards be
cause you will always
regret that you did not
buy it. Note the size
of our engine and its
hill climbing abilities.
See our Motto : "No
I-Iill too Steep , No sand
too Deep. " I will be glad to demonstrate thc.laekson to Prospective buyers.
J. S. McGRAW , Agent *
Jorotna Taylor uhippd in four
of cittle frooi Mmatarc
Kan. , V\dne3day.
Mr. A. T. ITarvill ha ? opened
up his uie.U market in the new
building across from the pool
lull. This h something-that we
have needed for a lonij time.
Mias Lottio Walurbury was a
passenger for Urokett IJow , Wed
"Billy Mac" hdi a jhone iu-
stalled in the hank. Billy don't
have to walk so far now.
1C. C. Shileyvho has been
living northwest of town for the
past two years , has moved to
Broken Bow.
Chaa. Belts , IJ. Sorcusen , .Ida.
Craig and family and ' RedVhave
had a hard sei e of the Mumps.
Claud Uicrmct with a serious
accident last week. lie was
coasting down the hill , back of
J. l'Wright's barn and run
throuyh the wire fence cutting
hia neck and face. Dr. Itauna
was called and took several
stitches in the boys neck.
Ansley News.
Frank Jennings is moving back
to Ansley. The winter on the
farm was too much for Frank.
J. II. Legdie has moved to a
farm near Mason City. Sorry to
loose him but he will return soon
as he has purchased some lota
Ansley is to have a park. It
is not yet known whether it is to
be public or a private park but
the April election will undoubt
edly settle the question.
The proposition of a new school
house , which Ansley sadly needs ,
is being agitated but there seems
to be some difference of opinion
as to the selection of a site.
The Knights of Pythias of An
sley inform us that the wives of
new members will bs invited to
partake of a Banquet on March
The 26th of Feb. , will be the
occasion of the presentation of
the State Banner to Ansley Camp ,
Al. W. A. , and at that time Head
Consul A. K. Talbot will be pres
ent. All Modern Woodmen are
invited to be present on this oc
J. Al. Shively , formerly deputy
Land Commissioner of Lincoln ,
now oi Fremont was shaking
hands with friends in town on
Wednesday of this week.
Fred Bertran will sell twelve
head of horses : eighteen head of
cattle and quite a line of farm
machinery at his farm three
miles north of the city on Thurs
day. March -Hh. Mr. Bertrati
moved to Broken Bow a couple of
years a o and has recently sold
his farm and is now selling his
stock and farm machinery , be
cause he has no use for them
without a farm.
Miss Mary Duuibcll came down
from Merna last Friday and was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Will
Jenkins for a few days.
John II. Dill to Louie J.
VanAntwerp , 100 acres
iu 7-14-22 2000
George K. N. Budd to Jos
eph B. Illava , Lots b-7 8
block 2 , in Merna 1000
Mary E. Budd and hush , to
Joseph B. Illava , lot 5 , in
block 2 , in Merua 125
William D. Casncr to Ag
nes W. Filkcn's , lot 8 0
in Headers add. to Merna 1300
James II. Roberson to
Frank Conroy , 160 acres
in 213 21 % CO
Stella Druno to Frank
Fotchmau , lots 3 4 in
block , 48 Callaway 100
Mrs. Olive C. Robinson to
Mrs. Olive IlahnGO acres
in 24-13-10 3000
The Union Land Co. to
Kate Fotchman , lots 7-8-
U 10-11-12 , block 48 , Calla -
la way ISO
Lownie Agnes , Moore and
husb. to George W. Ab
bott E > $ block 29 , in
Broken Bow , extra feet
SO off 1500
Lincoln Land Co. to George
--Itf - ? 117'f' Str Y
Uncle Sam Say , Boys , Got to Hold Down on Those Fires a Little Till
This Bin Fills Up Some. -
W. Whitehead lots 1 2
block 3 , first add. to
Mason 100
Meri C. Bitter et al to Cbas.
W. Bowman , lf 0 acres iu
23-19-20 1600
Hardy B. Klump to Jacob
B. Klump , 160 acres in
11-17-23 100
Andrew J. Blodgett to Fred
Blodgett uud. ' . ; inst. in
320 acres in 13-15-25 1066
Byrne E. Robinson to Fay
G. Finch , Lot 2 , in
Finch's add. to Arnold. . 150
C. II. Sanderson to Byrne
F . Robinson , lot one in
the Finch , add to Arnold 150
Aslak Anderson to Oscar
Engelsford , 160 acres in
6-18-19 500
Rosco K. Banks , widower
to Hermon & Kern , lot 7
in blocks , original town
of Broken Bow 3000
James W. Lundy to Fred
II. Wittemyer , 33-40-100
acres in sec. 10-19-18. . . . 900
Reese G. Qibbs to Samuel
13. Laghthill , 160 acres
in sec. 27-28 , T 16 , R. 17 . 3500
Claude and Keo Ciirrie ,
both single , to Daniel E.
Plymale , parcel in 10-19-
18 470
Daniel E. Plymale to Fred
II. Wittemyer , parcel iu
10-19-18 500
James W. Lundy to Daniel
E. Plymale , parcel in
sec. 15-19-18 1250
George T. Pulliam to Ed
ward L. Pulliam 440
acres in 27-20-19 6000
Marshall A. Walter to
Clyde T. Pigman , lot 12
block S , filaulicks add. in
Broken Bow 1350
All Alni.itl'n.1 Ay $ ; imHj ! ! ; . , f'Jlii. ' | tilii , , ! t.H1fcBiI'ife1ifilb ! . | | |
v Kli
i RE8POHS1B1L1TY $800,000. $ H BOW , NEBRASKA
There is a guaranty of deposits in this bank. Yon arc iuvile-.l
to call and investigate our method : : : : : : : : : :
iT ' "T'll'wl' | ' : ; ' " 'lC'i1T'llTj' : | | ; : | | ; ' ' " ' : ! I ! P1 " ? TFJi8lffl"Sy ! : ! : ! ! |
Ouster Count } ' Herd of : Dnrocs
Sweepstakes Herd of Cnster County
Bred Sows and Gilts from this Herd
at Broken Bow on : : : : : : :
Bred to such Sires as Crimson Wonder
J. , and sons of Kant Be Beat , Invent
or and Echo Ton. : : : : : : : : \