' 1" * ' fl 'J lite HI' ' ! PUBLICAN , OUBTlilit COUNTY , NIfiUilAHKA. ua * WSTEKUAV we purchased the south east 18-18- i20 , bu' WL- may not get the deed. This 100 acres together with the Montgomery hud adjoining , gave us 7 0 acres which we had ex pected to otVer today at $ ll2. . " > 0 per acre and would make ah fine a ranch for tlu- money as you can find.Vo are in hopes to still get this 16U acres a hove men tioned. But if we don't , the fi0 ( ? acres at $1L'.5U per acre is a bargain. Per a new proposition we otVer 1(30 ( acres eight or ten miles from Broken Bow , Sod House 3 rooms , Frame Stable , 8 head of hoises. Hot House 8x81 feet , buggy shed , Hen House , Milk House , SO rods to school , Well , New Mill , Tank , 70 acres in cultivation. All good black loan soil. ' Price $4000.00 , encumbrance $1250.00. $1500.00 cash. Broken Bow * Nebraka GEORGETOWN NEWS. A. V. Spurtfin transacted busi ness in Oconto Saturday. S. S. McCounell shipped a car load of cattle to Ouiaha on Wed nesday. Several of our fanners attended the public sales held last week iu this and adjoining neighbor hoods. Uncle Johmc Myers purchased some milch cows at the Geighton sale last Wednesday. Frank and Roy Spry ol Miller attended the sale at Hy Moore's Tuesday of last week return ing home on Wednesday. Frank Coulcy of Broken Bow visited at P. P. Becka on Wed nesday. Henry Clouse has employed Herman Pierce and his wife to carry mail and take care of his store at Georgetown. Mr. Clouse will spend most of his time in his store at Suuiner. C. C. Smith and family visited at Win , Spy's Sunday. The thawing of large snow drifts has left sonic of oui roads in bad condition which will call for some work on the part of the road overseer , Mrs. Ada Todd visited at C. C. Smith's on Thursday. Mrs , Peter Beck and daughter Alice met with quite a serious accident while out driving last Friday. While driving along ear A. V. Spurgin's their team t)3came unmanageable and ran over a bank and into a telephone ; polo throwing them both out. JMrs. Beck striking on the back of her head was rendered uncoii- cious. She was taken to A. V. JSpurgin's and Dr. Taylor of Ocon to was called to wait upon her. Fortunately no bones were brok enalthough several severe bruises were sustained. She is improv ing nicely nt this-writing. Alice escaped witli nut injury. /unibrota 7cplirs Walter Hall nf Oallawayper Sunday night with his cousin , M.D. Callen. Misses Belle and Verna Sands and her brother Frank , spent Sunday with J. B. llolcomlA * in the Bow. Mr. and Mrs.V. . W. B .shop , visited at Litchlield the fust ot the week. Mr. and Mrs. .1. ( J. Heaps me staying at the Bishop farm at present. Mr. Heaps did not o last week as he had planned. Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Clrifhth of Broken Bow spent Sunday in Tappeu Valley , atCi. J. Martin' : ? . Mr. Small is expected here tlite week to take possession of his farm formerly known as the Jack Martin place. Mr. and Mrs. John Tumor of the Bow. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Heaps over Sun day. Mrs , Maiy Beldiug of Carnuig , Iowa , who has been visiting her brother , M. DCallen for I he last mouth , expects to slart for her home next Saturday. Frank Callen of Callaway spent a few days last week at M. L ) . Callen's. He was accompanied home by his nephew , Ralph Belding who haa been here from Iowa the past month. Mrs. Russoui and pupils gave a short program last Friday after noon , in honor of Lincoln and Waahiugton'a biitlulay. Thad Smith and Mr , McLaiu put a tower and mill up for Miles Callen the first of the week. This being the 35th that they have put up since the , win < l storm. Mr. Unit will stay on Thomas Adam's place again this year. .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cramer arc back again in our neighborhood for a few das. Westenille News. Mr. A , W.Cophcy isslill under the doctor's cire. Mrs. John Scott is reported nek and under the doctors care. Air. F S. Ha > * and Frank liaker have all put in electric light plants in their homes. Wo had another heavy fall of snow on the 23rdhich was hard on slock. Mr. ( leo. Neidt taken the train tonight for Omaha to learn to be a lonsorial artist. Joss Williams has gone to visit his parents in Iowa. Their is talk of putting in a new farmers telephone line iu this neighborhood in the spring astheCunie line is not giving satisfaction. MVSON cnv HUMS. The livery bams of H , Duncans and Parie Smith , changed hands last Saturday. Williams and Tracy bought them an.l consoli dated them , they intend to put iu an auto livery in the near future Mrs. Paul Marley has returned to Mason City for a bhort time , she has been staying in New York City During the fall and winter. John Stack and hii brother ar rived here last Sunday with three car load of cattle. Tuesday was a very stormy day snowy and drizzling. Her Word at a Discount. Mrc. Frost Mrs. Brpwu says you're o atliiKlest wunmu alive. Mrs. Sn w Well , do you tlilnk fOJ njotnunt I tmllovo berl . . , _ i _ _ COMEJOJHE NORTH SIDE When in Town Come over io the north side to do your trading and put up your team with me. I will give yon the best ser- \ ice in thu city at the most reasonable rates. J. H. SPAIN NORTH SIDE LIVFRY RRUkrN HOW. . . NH1RSKA \ CHINA WARE The best line of 5 and 10 cent Glass and China Ware we have hail yet. .Insfc re ceived. You'll have to hurry , they are going fast. Till ! WATTS BOOK STORI : ClI.-A.W.IIolcoinb 1 OK SU.K 11V ar. Notional Shining Parlor Pllva'u CMialis r r laid s Five c-nts every day $1 00 A Month . . . . , . I \ .r. ti s.i- Clothes Gleaned sims - - i QO Pnnt a - 5O Coata - 50 Overcoats . . O5 Quite Likely. "We thought. " said the reporter , "you might caie to aay something abuut these charges against > ou" "No , " tepllod the crooked public of- llclul , "I believe that 'silence Is gal- deu. ' " "Well , " icplled the reporter , "per haps the public might believe It'a nieiely gilt Iu this case. " Philadel phia V ° ? P & I E" IU J TP I * * E ? TAKE NOTBQE "K/TYSPKINd line of Huys , Carpets , Malting , | Porliers and Couch Covers aru arriving1 almost daily , in the following sizes : 8ft 'Hn x 10 ft 6 in , 9xlt , 9 x 1 > , lift 3in x 12 , and 12 x 15 , in room sizes or we can Have Carpet Made JLJp I to fit any si/.ed room. Our prices on Hugs , Car pels and Kurnituro are right. Bring your Cata logue with you and inspect our goods. We will meet Catalogue prices on the same quality of goods or make you a present. We want your patronage and our Motto is "A Square Deal " , JL > C CVI * - 4 0 , KONKLE X" H E U R N I T U R E A N i Work For A Niscient Pencil Tf a "Knowing Pencil" could mark across the face of every advertisement in this issue IT'S ACTUAL VALUE TO YOU to you personally , to you NOW you would he interested , wouldn't you ? Couldn't you make a pretty accurate appraisal j'ourself ? It will not take i much clairvo3ranc3r on your part to find opportunities , price-concessions , ! chances to buy and sell and to esti mate the money worth of these to } Tour- self. ! Besides making' such an appraisal is an education for you. Ft will teach you to know "your own interests" at ii i sight to"weigh and consider proposi i tions that appeal to 3011 , and to discard those that do not , And , after cultivating the habit of marking the ads , that are important - portant to you"you" find yourself the owner of A. Pencil That "ICnows Things ! ' 8 : N -w