Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 25, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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If One Satisfactory To I hem Is
The City Council met Wednes
day night at the city hall. Ma
yor George and Councilman liaicb ,
Squires , Kimberling , l < cdwicb ,
and Taylor were present. After
the transaction of some routine
business the franchises submitt
ed by O P. Sells , of Sterling ,
Colorado , and O. .1. Shaw , of
Aurora Nebraska , wore lead.
Shaw and Sells were both present
at the meeting. They were
called upon to answer questions
concerning their franchises and
to give the council information
on the questou of the advantages
of muuiciple and private owner
ship in electric lights.
After some discussion it war
moved by Squires that the coun
cil recommend a franchise to the
people for them to vote for or
against at the municipal elect
ion if that they could secure a
larnchise which they believed
was for the interest of the pee
pie the motion prevailed. Coun
cilman Squires , Uaisch , and
Kimberliug voted for the motion
and Councilmen Ledwich and
Taylor favored municipal owner
Mayor George appointed a
committee consisting of Squires ,
I/edwich and Baisch to confer
with Shaw and Sells and any
other person who might desire
to put in an electric light sys
tem. This committee will con
fer with Shaw and Sells today
and will report to the council at
- . ' the next regular meeting.
Flic Public.
1 beg to announce for the ad
vise of homcsteadeis under tl e
one section act especially , and to
th < > public in the dtbdistiict gen
erally , that by means of correspondence -
. pondence I have found enough
fri difference of opinion cxiatiug ar
1 > k to the advisability of seeming a
reduction of the improvement n-
v' quiremeuts to make me conclude
* *
* " to defer pressing such legislation
until I shall have become moie
definitely informed as to the
propot lion of sentiment for and
against a reduction , also as to the
- < . * value of improvement , sc that I
s hall not attempt to promote SIILI
an amendment before the next
Docembersession , if at all , inlt nd-
ing meanwhile to become mete
fully advised. Any such legislat
ion that I may undertake to ptt-
mote must have the endorsement
of at least a very great majority
of my constituents in the territory
covered by the act. The pros
pects are that in order to secure
such an amendment the value of
improvements would have to be
fixed as high as ( W/- cents and
' - , ma\bcashigh as 75 cents per
acre. Advice by letter and other
wise will be appreciated.
Fine Kesidence property for
sale. Call on R. P. Colcman1 of
Broken Bow. Fcb'y 25 tf.
John Bowlby and wife of An-
selmowere city visitors last
mmmBgmaamjBmmim - ' " aim'iTwr
Does Not
/ - > jr T T
Co/or Hair
Ayer's Hair Vigor , as now
made from our new improved
formula , does not stain or color
the hair oven to the slightest
degree. Gray hair , white hair ,
blonde hair is not made a
shade darker. But it certainly
does stop t'alliiiR hair. No
question nbotit that.
DOM not change tl t tofar . . of . llie lialr.
- * " - * > Q * > - - -
i.n ma uilli liottla
ai itbaut It ,
tlieniloas lie says
Indeed , we believe it will stop every case
of falling liair unless there is some very
unusual complication , something ereatly
alfectinc the general health. Then you
slioukl consultyour physician. Also ask
him about the new Ayer's Hair Vigor.
-Hado by tbo 3 , 0. Ayer Co. , Lowell , Masi. -
Mnrrini c 1 icensc.
Warren W. Mclntyiv , nerwyn..C2
Anna C. Saloria , Berwyn , . . . .21
Thos.W. Berry , Wcsterville , . 22
Mva Ilollcy , Wcsterville , 20
John McKully , Oconto , 25
Uorlha lielmuth , " 2U
Ovin Fv. Williams , Utchlu K1 , 25
flilma C. Samuelson , " 1s
Herbert 1C. Williams , " 2 ( >
Olga M. Samuclson , " 21
Melancholy Man Tells of Drawback to
Wife's Gift.
"My v/lfo , " said the molani h ly
inuii , "ahsitjs glvos mo : i beef
cigars on my biitlulny. N'o ; I m not
jolng ; to say what jou oxjiect me to.
Thuy niu excellent eigais ; the > ought
to bu. lor 1 alwajs gho her raicful In-
Btiuctlons as to what to K't
' The trouble IB that she can't socm
to sopaiatc her&elt fiom thu gilt 1
It Is feminine huniaa naluio ,
but she e\eielses .1 watchlnl guaidian-
fchlp o\er that box. She lias a notion
that It ought to bo like the uido\\'n
cruse of oil , which , as 1 iceall , LiitiJ
for a coiisiduiubk' time , because tlie
clgais are expuiisivo the taking of one
of them bucomtM in her cnes , an
event. 1 ha\u tili'xl to binugglu other
cigars into that box , but I've alv.a\a
been caught. Her propiietaij inter
est inneasea as the number ot smokes
"Why don't you exert jour ind <
peiidmico ? " tlio _ melancholy man N\a )
if-ked , "and tefl jour v.ife that > ou
\\iil\moko those eigais aa jou like- ,
nt homo , 01 take the whole boto the
" "
"You don't know my wlte , " icjilied
the melancholy man.
Test Case.
"I'm a 'beauty doctor , " " announced
the stranger with the hand satchel full
of cosmetics and massage * machines
"Do > ou think 1 could get any piac
tico ui omul heie ? "
"Yeou make ugly things pn-tty ,
don't > eou ? " drauk-d the old fanner in
the speckled piiiit.
' 'i'hat'n my husliioss , sir. "
" \Vail , il jcou'll go down back of
my bain jeoii'll find an old slate col-
oied cow with one eje and one hoin
and \\ilnklcs like canals all owi her
face. Sim's thu ugliest cow in seven
stales and it jeou can make her ; uct-
t > I'll ngicu that jcon he a 'beauty
doctor' an' give jcou a dollai "
Feminine Intuition.
They stood in the purple gloaming of
the ha/.y \\illglit. . Above them
diooped the wistaila ; fiom afar duft
I'd the fiagrance of the de\\ > hone >
suckles. Itsas an evening to insplie
the heait and to tin ill the soul
' nvangeline , " siglied Ilectoi Mont-
moi"iicy , "I cannot begin to tell jou
how much 1 love jou. "
"You" she hesitated "jou might
at least try , mightn't yon ? It jou give
me but an inkling pet haps I can guesy
the lest"
He Hhould have Known bettei than
to think of man j ing \\oman who
was faiich a good gue ser Judge.
Wlr. Farmer : By tbe time 3our bov grows up and becomes old
enuiigb to take up in bis own name one of I be new (5ovi.inini.Mit ( Ir
rigated farms in tbe Big Iloin Basin it will be too late for biui to
get one. Will 3-011 let hi" , chance go 113 ? Is tlm lair to the bo > ?
What will be thiuk of jour loresiyht wlten be icel'j for land and
6nds that 3011 neglected to take in l' 0'i , almost as a gilt , an l\icU
Sam Irrigated Farm that in 1'il'j will co-it him 5I5U per acre' ' Ol
course , if be has the price , all right , but what if be baa not' '
Only $27.50 Round Trip After Mar. 1st.
Personalty conducted exclusions first and third Tuesdays cf
eacb month. Write D Clem Deaver , General Agent. Uaii'hecUeis
Intormation Bureau , 1UIH Parnaui St. , Omaha , about theie ex
H. L , Ormsby , Broken Dow , NeL. ,
Burliipn Ticket Agent.
Route- L. W. WAKKT.KV , G. P. A. , OMAHA.
"So you lii'md my speech ? " said the
"Yes , " answi'iod Karinor Coinlossol.
"And > oil enjoyed It ? "
"Voiy much. "
"And ! > ou agioed with my opinions ? "
1 Entirely. "
"Tlion , of couiuo , I can tlopond on
your support. "
1 No. I'vo thought It all over , anil
I'vo concluded that us slick a talker as
\ou aio ain't to ho trusted. " Wash
ington Star.
A Difference in the Family.
Young Mother itumlt il > ) Haby
hood la a s\\eet life Ultima.
Young Kather ( festll No , It Isn't
In the diaum class , It Is a screamiuy
runny Stories Cured Him.
"Having valnlj tried many and vari
ous lemedles to restore to health a
hnslno m man whom 1 know and who
had fallen tate a morbid condition
o\\lng to ) eaia of oeiork , a famous
Haltlmoro pli > ulclan at last pormtaded
Ida imtitMit to take a course of funny
stoiloa , one at each meal , with an
extia two at dinner , " 8ii > n a cones
pondent. "Tho patient , a solemn and
Bloomy fellow , at Hist tohcllcd , hut
ilaally falling In with the idea adopted
the com He lecommended and \\iis In
the end ic.stoied to health , the effect
of laughter heliiK entirely to chnngo
hlq mental and bodily condition
l.aiiKhter , In fact , is ono of the cheap
est and motit effective of mt'illclnes ,
caking tip Htagnatlon rf mind and
boil.\ and sending a healthy vihiatlon
through ono's system. There Isory
little the matter \sltli the man who
can onjo > a hearty laugh. "
A ftft
> *
? J ?
In 1920 A. D. the
Stingiest Man in String-
town carted his Household -
hold Goods to the Depot
and bought a ticket for
Millionvillc , the Metropo
"Why are you moving - * y <
ing to Millionville ? " inquired - *
quired a Citizen. ;
"To save postage , " JT |
replied the Stingiest Jf
Man. Whereat the Citizen -
zen marveled mightily. J
Now , he it known &
that the Stingiest Man *
in Stringtown was wise 1
in his Day and Generation -
tion , for along hacT ( in
1907 A. D. or there-
ahout it became the * ja
Settled Habit of the $
Stringtown people to
purchase Large Sheets &
of Little Stickers bearV
ing portraits of G. ft
Washington , B. Frankft
lin , VV. McKinley and other Late Illustrious Ones , which
Specimens of Art they straightway stuck on envelopes
. * < and sent to a Large and Luring Mail Order Concern in ft
Millionville. Wherefore it came about that the Seven ijt
Stores in Stringtown Shut up Shop , one after the other , ijtft
until along in 1919 A. D. the Stingiest Man found it incumbent
cumbent upon him to begin purchasing these Small ftft
Specimens of Arl to piesent to the Maw of the Monster
ii : PYiiilionville , and the Aforesaid was Simply too Stingy
to sland for the Same.
MORAL : If you can't see the Moral without ftft
being Missourifiecl , look up the Ad. of an Oculist
in this Paper and purchase a Pair of Specs. i
:3aSSSZE : fflan e ? t3tf = aS ses
E iiifl
Rooms 20'J ' and 211 Exchange Blilg. South Omaha.
u *
"M'EHY OUNCU of m.'itL ri.d that fj.ios into a Studebaker
' \ \ IIJIHI or luxury his Ilu "Sludebaker Reputation" In hind
it. Ou'rfill.v jiMi's" e\p'ririioi bis 1 uiijhl us lm\ > In make
\ < hlrlcs tint It.I. Ku ry a\lc fvi-ry spukc- ( u-ry hub- tire and
boll is ni.ido by c\pcris. 'I'lie ivsull tlu % hur t \ \ t oiu jm ihlc to
pioihu-c- i\i'mail.-tlu-Studebaker tht > largest vehicle factory
in the world. * ' 1 ho ah ulute it liability of tlu Studebaker lim
appeals to all careful bujcrb thoiu v > ho want lionestalue. . \ \ o
A\ant you to vibil our store the
first time you li.ivt1 : i chuicc ;
1ft us ti-11 you more about the
Studebaker line find show you
of tbcbc splendid \ clucks.
I have sold my farm and liave quit farming
and 1 will soil at Public Auction at my farm. 3
miles north of lirolccn Bow , Nebraska , on
4iii , 1909 ,
Commencing : At 10:30 : a. m.
The Following Described Property To-wit :
12 Head of Horses
I lUncL Mure \ jts old , \\t 1200
1 Ua > Marc 3 yis old , \\l uoo
I ln\\it ! Marc 3 jts old , \U nee
i Hny Mnic 3 utoldt itoo
i Hny Mate 3 yra old , \\t See
1 Hro\\n Mare , > \t 1250
2 lllOWIl llotSCSt 'fOO
i Sour ! Horse , \\t 1000
i lln ) llotsct yoo
i H-niling Marc Colt
i \earling Horse Colt
IS Head Cattle
ii eomiii } ; 2-31-old Steers
6 coining jciulinjj Stems
i Cow
Farm Machinery
i rieiuiiij ; Hay Stacker
1 Hay S\m-p
2 McConniek Mowers
2 McCoimlcli Hny Rakes
i McConniek Hinder
i . ( -lioiso Tress Drill
1 Stalk Drill
2 Stem Wind Kidintf Cultu.ilors
2 Walking Cultivators
2 Killing Uslcrs
i Gunj ; Plow
i Walking Plow
1 3 section Harrow
i Catria c neaily new
1 Buggy
2 Wagons
1 Carriage Harness
2 .sets Work IIurne < m
2 Cieani Sepaiators
Sonic Hay
Household Goods
And other things lee nninurons to
ivorylhlnff Is To Be Sold.
On all sums of § 10.00 and under , Onsli. On
all sums over ftlO.K ( ) a credit of i ) months will bo
given , purchaser giving note with approved secur
ity , with interest at 8 per cent. 2 per cent discount
& for cash on all sums over $10.00.
COL JUI ) l ( \iictione2r. . JOHNSON & TAYLOR , Clerks.
C'omc to the KMIiSTOKKm-xL S.iltirday ,
Marrch (5 ( , Ot ) . I will have a special sale of
Dishi'S. Do I'L miss it.
I also cany School Siij plics. M'imvnrc.
1/unps , clc.
fjocalod , lirsl door south of the Security
State Iauk. }
Broken Bow , Nebraska.
O.ik Idinip niul Kut ( Hest on 1 uth Coal
l. tcck Lump ami Nut , ( . ui > oii tit ) Lump , 1-'ist-
irn Hard Loal aiuli.okf , ami all kiiuls of the
HIST huililuig niatfrtal. ( . = ill ami see us amie
> ou
I ho o 23 J. S. MOLYNEVX. Mflr.