Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 11, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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I will sell at Public Auction , at the O. H. Conrad Ranch ,
one anJ one-liaif miles East of Brrkcn Bo\v , on
Wednesday &
Following Described Property , to-wit :
224 Head of Cattle
H.1 Cows and Heifers ,
< S : { Yearling Steers ,
oO old Steers
Two-year- ,
( I SpringCalves. .
34 Head Nalive Horses am ! Mules.
S Horses & Mares , - broke ,
7 Morses & Mares . " > yrs , old broke.
7 Horses & Mures 4 yrs , old broke ,
2 head ' . ' 5
L'-year-olds coming ,
i\ \ head Yearlings coming L' ,
2 Yearlings.
I Mules , . ' 5 , coining-I yrs , broke.
1 Mule , 2 , coming 3 yrs , brolce.
Farming Machinery.
1 Haystacker ,
2 Hay Sweeps ,
2 Hay [ fakes.
3 Mowing Machines ,
. ' 5 Cultivators , Hiding ,
1 K'iding Lisier ,
1 Corn 'Planter ,
2 Walking I Mows , * l
1 ( Jang Plow , t
1 Minder ,
I Hadger Cullivator , ' <
1 Disc ,
1 , " > section Harrow ,
2 Wagons ,
1 Hay Uack ,
1 Spring wagon ,
. ' ' . Sets Work Harness ,
Ohk-kriis. and Household Furniture.
o > ! T JES
On all sums of $ IO.jOniul ( under , ( ! nsh. On all sums over $10.00
a credit ; ol8 ; months time will l > o ivon , on approved security , with
interest at 8 per cent. .
i * i ai i in ! ! ! ii
i iP aiiiniiHi
> ! ! ! ii r ii i mi ! < Mtmmtmmn * * m * it m - -
* * * * * < tm it i n i > m-tii n r ' '
Parties ( . 'oiniu by rail from a dislaiuM1 will receive free trans
portation from Broken How to the Ranch.
Col. J. B. Jones , and Col. Jud Ivay , Auctioneers.
Brotherhood terican
August Lofgren , of Roulus. Nebr. , is here
for an inclelliuite length of time for the purpose
of organising1 a Brotherhood of American Yeo
man Lodge. This is an accidental and IBenilicial
order and is one of the best Secret Orders of the
United States.
You want to see me and I"will explain to
you the necesity of belonging to one Accidental
and Beniliciary Order.
See me at the Singer Store.
August Lofgren
$1000. $1500 and $2000 F. O , B. ROC INK , WIS.
IX !
This Car Arrives Friday , Feb'y 5 , 09.
Come in and Look it Over.
W. E. Tallot. A. G. Martin.
In the countv C'ourl of ouster I'ountv Nolir
Jn the mnttoruf the vsUtu of
' ' , . JosUili Hal 1)
Whc i cas .Install llabc-ork , Jr. , lias Ililcd li
my oilli ia diih .iiitliL-nttcatud copy ot an in
stiuiiii'iit purportuiK to IK- tile last \\ill 11il
tfstaini'iit ol .loslali llahrock , Sr. . ik-i eased
.mil dl tin- probate of the some in the i ouutv
' ty
mint ul K'nox County , in the .state of Illinois
and a petition pravlnj ; that a time and plaie
iiiav He llxed lur the heafliiK ol the same
II Is iirdeivd tli.ii '
I'Vliruary 18 HKHI , at mv
ollh e In ( 'lister County , Nebraska , be llxed
as the time ami place lor hearliiK ! > ald peti
tion when tlil
all persons Interested
In said >
i ause ma\ appear and protest the piobate
nl I lie s. imi-
lt is lurilier ordered that notire to all per
sons Interested In said estate be. Riven by the
piilillcatlon ot this order In
the liepubiu-.m .1
newspaper published and ot general ciroula
tlnn In s.Uil loiintv. lor three roiiseruthe
weeks prior to the date of said hearing ;
In testimony whereof I have hereunto .set
mv hand and nlilclal seal this sotii d.iot
Jaiuian. llHHi
UK- ,
A K. IH'MlMMiKV , County Judge
Nave you s.-en the
Spring and Sunnnt r
l > etter see Us before you
buy yourspring suit.
We can Save You Money
1st door south of I'ost
C.I1.-A. W.Ilolcomf )
A larni.
For rent near town Can
side in City and till 111. Ill ; acres
in cultivation balance peed t > IS'
ture. A peed supply ol' v\.it . r.
Call eatly. JAS Lunwicn
F YOU have a snap in a farm , or ranch for sale
I list with me. If yon want to buy a snap in a
farm or ranch come and see me. Phones , of
fice 42 , residence , 1'stt ) .
H i iiimentuf tlic Intel lor L" S. Land
i mi , at Ilrokell lionNebr. . . Jan. 31 , IMW j
I v i is hereby Klvvn that James Samp- !
I1 i M litnki-'ii How Xcbr. , who , on Kcbriiiitv
M i i' in.nil * iiuinpHtcail Untry No * ! : ,
* - . r i \ < > ( jU"7.forse. seSeotlon i3To\rn-hJit7 ) ,
N , rlli .1 HailgeZiVst of lilt llli ! IT.
MiMiii.m lias Hied nutlet * ot Intention
t. . in , i.ilnil'j year proofto establish i l.nm to
I'M- ' i ni'l ' ahuVL * ile.icrlbeil. before Kej-i-ti-r
, n ( I l * . -ivci at Itroken How Nebraska , on
i hi i h il.iv of Man li. I'WJ. '
nit nunii-s UH wltncssrs :
i M i : . ilrailloni. Mnck o'liilon , Uunigt *
irt.ilt Cliarlc-s Itoblnson all oi Hioki-n
Ni iir John Kvoie.
.1 1 Ut
/iiiuhrota Zephyrs.
Miss Bertha Kooxcr is home
from her visit
toCdllaway and rc-
p rt-i a f ocd time.
Mi. ijrown , an insurance agent
vas in these parts this week at-
cnding to business matters.
U. B. Sands and family and
Mr. Faw who are visiting here
spent Sunday eveningat J. K.
A very pleasant evening was
.pent at Mr. and Mrs. McCom.i's
ast Friday when Chas. S.nuls
invited a few of his friends lo
meet his cousin Mr. Roy Faw ol
Ci. J. Martin's sale was a
great success. Every thing sold
well , a large crowd to do the
buying1 and last but not least an
elegant , fine , sun shiny day made
it all the more pleasant.
Fred Pershall's wife has been
in town for sometime. She was
staying in town having' some
den'al ' work done fjnd before she
gut home the baby took sick with
pneumonia. The little sufferer is
better at present and we hopi1
for a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Rector
spent Saturday night and Sun
day with A. 1. Routh. We are
glad that Mrs. Rector was im
proved enough to stand
th" trip to the country after Ijc-
ing quite sick for a time.
Mr Callen lelt Friday i" > , lit
for Omaha to get his wife who
has been in a hospital at that place
for nearly three weeks. Tun ' - '
turned home Monday mortiirg
and have the satisfaction of beat
ing the hard storm here. Mrs
Callen seems to be greatly 'in-
proved in health , and is indoe-l
glad to be at home again.
Dr. Warrick the Hastings
Specialist , will meet eye , car noTe-
and throat patients , aud those
needing glasses properly fitt. d
at Grand Central in the Bow Fri
day , Feb. 19. Eyes tested Iri'e.
One lar e heavy-boned bay
marc , clyde stocl about tl-ir-
teen years old. Anyone will be
rewarded by notifying
DK li. C. TAtBOTofBerwya
or L. II. JKWETT , Broken Bow ,
We are in the market FOR
Will pay the highest price of
fered on the Broken Bow mar
ket. Call and see us before sell
ing. 34-tf
6l"ijV * * J8ll xJW * * " " riiv tH1 *
Ro"- ? ' ; " 1to * * " * ? i. * , rr Cft.
. , .
< - - - - i-
Lumber , a lar e assortment
and complete stock for Builders
to choose from. Let us estimate
on your contracts. We always
try to please.
H. T. B RUCE & CO ,
Lumber & Coal
South side.
She's Cured Thousands
Given up to Die.
Practicing Alcopnthy , Homeopathy ,
Electric and General Medicine.
lly request will visit iirofesslaiially
Grand Centra ! Hotel ,
rcturnltiir every ( our weeks. Consul Ucr when
the oppoitunltv. Is at hand
OR. CAI/DWULL lliintb act practice to the
special treatmeut of diseases of the Kye , liar ,
Nose , Throat. Luiik's , Peitiale Dl.scases ,
Diseases of Children and all Chronic , Nervous
and Surgical Diseases of a curable nature.
Karly consumption. P.rotichltls , Hrouchlal
Catarrah , Chronic Catarrah , Ileail-Ache. Con
stipation , Stontacho and liowcl Trouble ! ) ,
Rheumatism. NeuralBla , Sciotlca. Urluhts'H
Disease , Kidney Dlscasos , Diseases of the
Liver and liladdcr , Dizziness. Nervousness ,
IiullKcstlon. Obesity. Interupicd Nutrition ,
Slow Growth In Children , and all wasting
Diseases In adults. Deformities. Club-feet.
Cnrvauturo of the Spine , Diseases of the Brain.
Paralysis , Epilepsy. Heart Disease , Dropsy ,
Swelling of the Iiimbs , Stilcturc , Open Sores ,
Pain In the licncs. Granular Uul.trtfonents aud
all lotiir-Rtauditiir illscascfi propeuy treated ,
Pimples , Blotches , Eruptions , Liver Spots
Falling of the Hair , Krul Complexion. Eczema ,
Throat Ulcers. Hone Pains , Bladder Troubles ,
Weak Uack. Iiuruln r Urine , PassingUiiuu
too often. The effects of constitutional Kick-
ness or the takhitr of too much injurious medi
cine receives searching treatmcut , prompt
relief and a cure for life.
Diseases of Women. Irregular Melioration ,
Falling of the Womb > Bearing Down Palub ,
female Displacements I4ack of Sexual Tone.
Lcucorrhea , Sterility or Barrenness , consult
Dr. Caldwell aud she will show them the cause
of their trouble and the woy to become cured.
and enlarged glands treated with the sub
cutaneous Injection method , absohitply with
out pain aud without the loss of .1 drop of
blood. Is one of her own discoveries and is
really the most scientific and certainly sure
cure method of this an vanced age. Dr. Cad-
well has practiced her profession In soinu of
the largest hospltats ! throughout the country.
She has no superior In treating and dlaguos- I
ng of diseases , deformities , etc. She has \
lately opened an office In Omaha , Nebraska ,
where she will spend a portion of each week'
treating her many patients. N ° incurable
cases accepted for treatment. Consultation ,
cxamlnaliou aud advice one dollar to those
Dr. Ora Caldwell & Co. .
Omaha , Neb. Chicago , HI.
Address all mail to i l.'ce Duildlasr , Omaha
National Shining Parlor
Pllvato Chairs For Ladles
Five cents every clay
$ I.OO A Month
Clothes Cleaned
Stills $ l.OO
Pants 50
Coats - 50
Overcoats 65
. .f
V )
'AYE moved their establishment from the Re
ally Block to the rooms over the Furniture
store of D. C. Konkle. Furthermore we
want to announce that the SPXING &
SUMMER GOODS are all in now. We invite
everybody to inspect them It isjust what YOU
LIKE concerning workmanship , fit and style.
We gratify your highest expectations. We
Guarantee to please even the most particular cus
The reason our Products are always STYLISH AND
.BECOMING is because we first study the characteris
tics of the Individual and do the designing accordingly.