Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 11, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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n i
KK'R HAI.K- , ,
Notice Is hereby given. That by virtue > of
an Order of Sale. issued tu me from the Dis
trict Court of Custer County. Nebraska. upon
a decree of foreclosure rendered In said
court , at the November uws term thereof
of November 1'AW In
to-wlt : On the 10th day
favor of Charles A. Hoblnson and against
Mary K. IJtitton. 1 have levied upon the fol
lowing described real estate to-wlt :
The South \Vost Quarter of the North West
Quarter the West half of the South West
ouarter and the South Hast Quarter of the
South West Quarter of Section twenty seven
Township nineteen Kange twenty one mOUN-
ter County. Nebraska , ami I will , on the l-itii
tlay of February IHW at 2 o'clock p. in. , at the
east front door of the Court House. In tile
city of Hrokeii How. Nebraska. In said conn-
ty sell said real estate at public auction to
the highest blilder for cash , to satisfy sad
decree , Interest and costs , the a".1 A" ?
thereon amounting to the sum of Si .j.l > . > vltM
7 per cent Interest from November loth two
and court costs amounting to sfio.oo ami ac
cruing costs. Said above described real es
tate will be sold subject to all prior 1 ens and
liicumbrances , as per certlllcates oil file In
District Clerk's oillee.
mted this istl. day of January
; shorirr
MOHUAN , Attorney fi-M
Estate of Uichanl 1) . Jones , deceased. In
county c'ouit of CiiHtcr County , Nebraska.
The state of Nebraska. To all persons in-
tercsted In said estate , take notice that a pe
tition has been Hied lor the probate of an in
strument purporting lobe the last will and
testament of Ulchard I ) . Jones , deceased ,
and for the appointment ot an administra
tor of said estate which has been set lor
hearing herein , on January 30 IW.i , at 10
o'clocka. in. Dated. UerlD IIHW.
ISKAM A.H. 11 Mt'llUKV.
32-31 County judge
lu the county Court of Custer Comity Ne
braska. In the matter of the estateof lloills
a. llogors. deceased. The State of Nebras.
ka. to Creditors ot said Kstate :
Take Notice , that 1 will sit In the County
Court Itooin , In llrohen llow , in said County ,
on the Uth day of February UlOl ) , and the Hth
day of July ll at 10 o'clock a. in. , to receive
and examine all claim ; * Died ami presented
against said estate , with a view to their ad
justment and allowance : and that on the
llrst date above named the petition of the
widow will be heard tor homestead , exemp
tions and allowance , and other statutory
' limit for the presentation of
claims agalst tiald estate is six months from
the 2nd day of January 1M , and the time
limited for the payment otdebisis one year
from said date.
Dated January and \w \
31-34 A. H. HUMt'iiUBV County Judge
Department of the Interior. U. S. Land
Olllcc at llrokcn How , Nebr. , Dec. 10. 100S.
Notice is herein-given that Klchard War
ring , heir ofltachael Warringof ISroken How
Nebr. , who , on Keb. 21 , HHM , made serial No.
01115,11. K. rfo-SUOJ. forw ( i SW Kcc. 8 twp
18 mirth of range 0 , west of the lith. prinri-
pal meridian , has tiled notice of Intention to
inako ilnal.r > year proof , to establish claim to
the land above described , before Keglster
and Hecelvcr. at llroken How , Nebr. , on the
nth. day of February , IWW.
Cllamant names as witnesses :
Harry .1. Swic.k , of Mlllan Nebr. , Alon/o
Tracy , of llrokcn How , Ueorgu Templar , ot
jjrok-en How , Mack J. Chrlsman , of llroken
How Nebr.
John Iteese , Hegister.
F.state of Krancis W. Kvnas deceased , In
thf County Court ol Custer County , Nebr.
The State of Nebraska , toall persons inter
ested In said estate , take notice , that a peti
tion has been tiled for the appointment ol
Jacob A Kvans as administrator ot said es
tate , which has been set tor hearing herein ,
on 1'Vbruarv Ifttli llHHl. At to o'clock a. in.
Dated January II. 11WJ S - & >
[ SKAT * ] A. It. lUiMt'Hiir.Y , County Judge.
Serial No. UI109. II. H. UWW
Department of the Interior , U. S. l.and
Olllce at North 1'lattc , Nebraska , Dccem-
Notlce Is hereby given that John W. Koch
of llroken How , Nebraska , who. on janu.
arv 30 , IMJI. made Homestead entry NO.
Him lor the N'SWU of Se.c II , Township
10 N. , ll'lUKeiS ! W. , of the Sixth Principal
Meridian has tiled notice of Intention to
make Final Five Year 1'roof. to establish
claim to the land above described , before A.
H Humphrey , County Judge at llroken How.
Nebraska , on the twenty-third day of
Febuary liwy.
Cllamant names as witnesses :
John W. llogers. Sylvester Dale , David J.
Coulter of Hrokeii How and Charles S. Kck-
rosh of Merna.
30-1W JH. . KVANM , Kegl&ter.
iff Livery
And Feed Barn
I-'eeds your horses no jvior
niul will stiply [ you with good
Horses and Bigs
at reasonable prices.
Cotuc anil sec inc.
W. A. Tooley
Especially night coughs. Na
ture needs a little help to quiet
the irritation , control the in
flammation , check the progress
of the disease. Our advice is
give the children Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. Ask your
doctor if this is his advice also.
He knows best. Do as he says.
Wo b uiieh nloohol
from ouriKodlomea
\\'a urK you to
consult your
If you think constipation is of trifling
conseqiu-nee , just nsk your doctor. He
will disabuse you of that notion in short
order. "Correct it , at once ! " heill
say. Then ask him about Ayer's Pills.
A mild lucr pill , all vegetable.
Mad9 l < y tl c J. C , Ajar Co. , Lowell ,
Author of "The Fighting Chance , " Etc.
( Continued from last week. )
mo throw you uvcrlioiml , Captain Sol-
wyn. "
"I mean It. too , " ho returned.
"And I'm not ( > mnrr.v that nlco
youiiK inanV" mockingly nwool , "No ?
What ! Not anybody at all-over ami
over ? "
"Mo , " ho suggested , "if you'ru as
thoroughly diMiioralhicd an that. "
"Oh ! MIIHI a Kirl ho pretty thor
oughly di'iiioral.i ! > d ti > marry yon ? "
" 1 don't suppose sho'd do It It' she
wasn't. " he admitted , laughing.
She considered him. liorul on one
"You are onuimonlal anyway , " slio
"Well , then , " he wild , lifting the.
leader from the water to Inspect It.
"will you have me ? "
"Oh , but Is there nothing to recom
mend you except your fatal lieaulyV"
"My imiHtarho , " ho ventured. "It's
considered very useful when I'm men
ially perplexed. "
"It's clipped too close. I have , told
you again and again that 1 don't care
for it clipped like that. Your mind
would bo a perfect blank If you
couldn't get hold of 11. "
"And to become Imbecile , " ho said ,
"I'vo only to shave it. "
She threw back her head and her
clear laughter thrilled the silence. Tic
laughed , too , and sat with elbows on
his thighs , dabbling the crinkled load
er to and fro in the pool below.
"So you won't have me ? " ho said.
"You haven't asked mo have you ? "
"Well , I do now. "
She mused , the smile resting lightly
on lips and eyes.
"Wouldn't such a thing astonish
Nina ? " she said.
Ho did not answer. A slight color
tinged the now sunburn on his checks.
She laughed to herself , clasped her
hands , crossed her slender foot and
bout her eyes on the pool below.
"Marriage , " she said , pursuing her
thoughts aloud , "Is curiously unneces
sary to happiness. Take our pleasure
In each oilier , for example. It has
from the beginning been perfectly free
from silliness and sentiment. "
"Naturally , " hesakl. "I'm old enough
to be safe. "
"You are not ! " she retorted. "What
a ridiculous thing to say ! "
"Well , then , " he said. "I'm dreadful
ly unsafe , but yet you've managed to
escape. Is that It ? "
"Perhaps. You are attractive to wo
men ! I've heard thai often enough to
bo convinced. Why , even I can see
what attracts them" she turned to
look at him "the way your head and
shoulders set and well , the rest. It's
rather superior of mo to have escaped
sentiment , don't you think so ? "
"Indeed I do. Few few escape
where many meet'to worship at my
frisky feet , mid tills 1 say without con
ceit is due to my mustachloa. Tangled
in these like web tied tiles , imprisoned
learts complain In sighs In fact , the
Ituatlon vies with moments In Boceac-
lo. "
Her running comment was her laugh
er , ringing dellclonsly amid the trees
until a wild bird , restlessly attentive ,
I'cntural a long , sweet response from
ho tangled green above them.
After their laughter the soberness of
reaction loft them silent for awhile.
The wild bird sang and sung , dropping
oarlessly nearer from branch to branch
until In his melody she found the key
; j her dreamy thoughts.
"Because , " she said , "you are so un-
onsc-lous of your own value I like
, 'ou best , I think. 1 never before quite
reali/ed just what It was in yon. "
"My value , " he said , "Is what yon
are to make It. "
"Then nobody can afford to take you
iway from mo , Captain Selwyn. "
He Unshod with pleasure. "That la
.lie prettiest thing u woman ever ad-
nltted to a man , " he said.
"What more Is there than our con-
Udeuco In each other and our con-
ten tV" she said.
And , as ho did not respond : "I won
der If you realize how perfectly lovely
you have been to me t.Ince you havu
come Into my life. Uo you ? Do you i
remember the lirst day the very first-
how 1 sent word to yon that I wished 1
yon to see my llrst real dinner gowul
Smllo If yon wish ah , but you don't !
You don't understand , my poor friend ,
how much you became to me In that
little interview ! Men's kindness Is a
strange thing. They may ti'f and try ,
niul a girl may know they are trying
and , lu her turn , try to be grateful , bill
it Is nil effort on both sides. Then
with a word , an Impulse born of chance
or instinct , a unit1 may say and dc
that whMi a woman can never forgoi
ami would not If she could. "
" 11\\ : ; ! I done thatV"
"Yes. Didn't you understand ? D (
you suppose any other man in tin
world could have what you have hai
of me of my real Keif ? Do you sup
pojo for ono Instant that any othei
man than yon couhl ever obtain fron
n > u the oonlidenc-o 1 offer you unasked
Do 1 not tell you everything that en ,
ters my head and heart ? Do you no
know that I care for yon more than fo
anybody alive ? "
"Gerald 1"
She looked him straight In the eyes ;
her btvath caught , but she steadied her
"I've got to be truthful , " she said.
"I care for you more than for Gerald. "
"Ard 1 for yon more than anybody
living. " ho said.
"Is It true ? "
"It U the truth , Eileen. "
"Yon you make mo very happy ,
Captain Selwyn. "
"Hut did you not know It before 1
told yon ? "
" 1 y-yes ; 1 hoped so. " Ui the ex
ultant reaction from the delicious ten
sion of avowal she laughed lightly , not
knowing why.
"The pleasure In It , " she said , "Is
the certainty that I am capable of
making you happy. You have no Idea
how 1 dcslro to do It. I've wanted to
ever slnco 1 know you I've wanted to
bo capable of doing It. And you tell
mo that I do , and I am utterly and
foolishly happy. " The quick , mischie
vous sparkle Hashed up , transforming
her for an Instant. "Ah , yes , and I
can make ; on unhappy , too , It seems ,
by talking of marriage. That , too , Is
Bomethlng a delightful power but"
the malice dying to a spark In her bril
liant eyes "I shall not torment you ,
Captain Selwyn. Will It make you hap
pier if I say , 'No ; I shall never marry
as long as I have you ? ' Will It really ?
Then I say It. Never , never will 1 mar
ry as long as I havu your confidence
and friendship. But I want It all
every bit , please. And If ever there Is
another woman if ever you fall in
love crack away I go" she snapped
her white fingers "like that , " she add
ed , "only quicker. Well , then , be
very , very careful , my friend. I wish
tlicro were some place hero where I
could curl up Indefinitely and listen to
your views on life. You brought a
book to read , didn't you ? "
He gave her a funny , embarrassed
glance. "Yes ; I brought a sort of book. "
"Then I'm all ready to bo road to ,
thank you. Please steady me while I
try to stand up on this log. Ono hand
will do. "
Scarcely In contact with him she
crossed the log , sprang blithely to the
ground and , lifting the hem of her
summer gown an Inch or two , picked
her way toward the bank above.
"Wo can see Nina when she signals
us from the lawn to come to luncheon , "
she said , gazing out across the upland
toward the silvery tinted hillside where
Sllverslde stood , every pune glittering
with the white eastern sunlight.
In the dry , sweet grass she found a
place for a nest and settled Into It ,
head prone on a heap of scented bay
leaves , elbows skyward and fingers
linked across her chin.
"What book did you bring ? " she
asked dreamily.
Ho turned red. "It's-lt's Just a
chapter from a little book I'm trying
to write a a sort of suggestion for
the establishment of native regiments
in the Philippines. I thought , perhaps ,
you might not miml listening"
lie wrote simply and without self
consciousness. Loyalty aroused her In
terest , intelligence sustained it , and
when the end came It came too quick
ly for her , and she said so frankly ,
which delighted him.
"Hark ! Ear to the ground ! My
atavistic and wilder Instincts warn me
that somebody is coming ! " she said.
"Boot ! ) and Drlna , " said Selwyn , and
ho hailed thorn as they came Into view
above. Then ho sprang lo his feet ,
calling out : "And Gerald too ! Hello ,
old fellow ! This is perfectly line !
"When did you arrive ? "
"Oil , Gerald. " cried Eileen , both
bands outstretched , "it's splendid of
you to come ! Dear follow , have you
seen Nina and Austin ? And were
they not delighted ? And you've como
to stay , haven't you ? There , I won't
begin to urge yon. Look , Gerald-
look , Boots and Drlna , too only look at
those beautiful big plump trout in Cap
tain Selwyn'ti creel ! "
"Oh , 1 say , " exclaimed Gerald , "yon
didn't take these In that little brook ,
did you , Philip ? Well , wouldn't that
tinare you ! I'm coming down here aft
er luncheon. I sure am. "
"You will , too , won't you ? " asked
Drlna , Jealous lest Boots , her Idol ,
miss his due share of piscatorial glory.
"If you'll wait until I finish my French
I'll come with you. "
"Of course I will , " said Lansing re
proachfully. "You don't suppose there's
any fun anywhere for mo without you ,
do you ? "
"No , " said Drlna simply , " 1 don't. "
Selwyn turned to Gerald. "I hunted
high and low for you before I came to
Sllverside. Yon found my note ? "
"Yes ; I-P11 explain later , " said the
hey , coloring. "Come ahead , Elly ;
f > oota and I will Uko you'oifnf tennis
and Philip too. Wo'vo an hour or so
before luncheon , la U a go ? "
"Certainly , " replied his sister , una
ware of Selwyn's proficiency , but loyal
even In doubt. And the five , walking
jj abreast , moved off across the uplands
„ ' toward the green lawn of Sllverside ,
! whore , under a gay lawn parasol , Nlm\
. | sat , a "nature book" In hand , the con
lt ; ter of an attentive gathering composed
ir of dogs , children and the cat , Kit-Id ,
blinking her topaz tinted eyes in the
The young mother looked up happily
as the quintet came strolling across the '
lawn. "Please don't wander away
again before luncheon , " she said. "Ger-
nltl , I suppose yon are starved , but
you've only an hour to wait. Oh , Phil ,
what wonderful trout ! Children , kindly -
ly arise and admire the surpassing skill
of your frivolous unclcl" And as the
children and dogs came crowding
around the opened llsh basket uho said
to her brother itr a low , contented
voice : "Gerald hua quite made it up
with Austin , denr. I think wo have
to thank you , haven't we ? "
"Has ho really squared matters with
Austin ? Thut'H good ; that's line ! Oh ,
no. I had nothing to do with it prac
tically nothing. The boy Is Bound at
the core-that's what did It. " And to
Gerald , who was balling him from
the veranda : "Yes , I've plenty of ten
nis shoes. Help yourself , old chap. "
Eileen had gone to her room to don
a shorter skirt and rubber soled shoes.
Lansing followed her example , and
Selwyn , entering his own room , found
Gerald trying on a pair of while foot
The hey looked up , smiled and ,
crossing ono knee , began to tie the
"I told Austin that I meant to slow
down , " ho said. "We're on terms
again. lie was fairly decent. "
"Good business ! " comnftnted Selwyn
"And I'm culling out cards and cock
tails , " continued the boy , eager as a
little lad who tells how good he has
been all day. "I made It plain lo the
fellows that there was nothing In it
for me. And , Philip , I'm boning down
like tlwndSk at the oillee. I'm horribly
In debt , and I'm"hustling to pay up
and make a clean start. You , " ho
added , coloring , "will como llrst. "
"At your convenience , " said Selwyn ,
"Not at ail ! Yours Is the first ac
count to ho squared , then Nccrgard. "
"Do yon owe him , Gerald ? "
"Do 1 ? O Lord ! But he's a pa-
llent soul. Ilcally , Philip , 1 wish you
didn't dislike him _ , o thoroughly , because -
cause he's good company , and , besides
that , he's a very able man. Well , wo
won't talk about him , then. Come on.
I'll lick the very llfo out of you over
the not ! "
A few moments later the white balls
were Hying over the white not and ac-
tlvn whllo lliuincled fluures were mov
ing Hwiflly over the velvet turf.
Drlna , aloft on the umpire's porch ,
calmly scored and decided each point
impartially , though her little heart was
beating fast in dcslrc for the suprem
acy of Boots , and * It was all her olll-
clal composure could endure to see
how Eileen at the not beat down his
defense , driving him with her volleys
to the service lino.
HINA'S relations with Lan
sing afforded Infinite
amusement to the Go-
rards. It had been a des
perate case from the very
llrst , and the child took It
so seriously and considered
her claim on Boots so absolute that
neither that young man nor anybody
clso dared make a Jest of the affair
within her hearing.
Otherwise she was the sumo active ,
sociable , wholesome , Intelligent child ,
charmingly casual and Inconsistent ,
and the list of her youthful admirers
it dancing school and parties required
the alphabetical classification of Mr.
But Boots was her own particular
possession. lie was her chattel , her
thing , and ho and other people know
that it was no light affair to meddle
with Iho personal property of Drlna
Eileen , one bare arm around her
brother's shoulders , strolled houseward
across the lawn , switching Iho shaven
sod with her tennis bat.
"What are you doing this afternoonV"
she said to Selwyn. "Gerald" she
touched her brolher'o smooth cheek
"means to fish. Boots and Drlna are
keen on It , too , and Nina Is driving to
Wyossult with the children. "
"And you ? " he asked , smiling.
"Whatever yon wish , " confident that
ho wanted her , whatever he had on
"I ought to walk over to Storm
head , " he said , "and get things
straightened out"
"Your laboratory ? " asked Gerald.
"Austin told me when I saw him In
lown that you were going to have the
cottage on Storm head to make pow
der In. "
"Only In minute quantities , Gerald , "
explained Selwyn. "I Just want to try
a few things. And If they turn out all
right what do yon say to taking a look
In if Austin approves ? "
"Oh , please , Gerald , " whispered his
"Do you really believe there Is any
thing in It ? " asked the boy. "Because ,
If you are ouro"
"There certainly is If I can prove
that my powder Is able to resist heat ,
cold and moisture. The Lawn people
stand ready to talk matters over as
noon as , I am satisfied. There's plenty
of time , but keep the suggestion In the
back of your head , Gerald. "
Tho" boy tmineti ; uodtlod' Importantly
and went off to remove the iitalns of
tounlH from his person , and Eileen
went , too , turning around to look back
at Selwyn.
"Thank you for asking Gerald ! I'm
sure ho will love to go Into anything
you think safe. "
"Will you Join us , too ? " ho called
back smilingly. "Wo may need capi
tal ! "
"I'll remember that I" she said , and ,
turulup oneo uioro as she readied , thy *
Fancy Moor Park apricots
big bright meaty cheap
at - - IScts
Our can cracker sale was
a great success , the } * went
like hot cakes , we will give
you another day at it.
Saturday Feb'y 10th , all
day at ( 5cts a can , can re
turnable , try a can.
New comb Honey the
white clover kind , Tastes
like honey ia honey , 20c a
Fancy Navel Oranges
sweet and juicy , 20-25-30-35
and -tOc per dox.
Broken Bow , Aurora and
Mason City Flour , 13very
sack warranted.
P , , , , o7aRc1 , , , . .
Pure Food Products
Successor to BOWMAN & ANDERSON.
Real ICstatc. City Lots and Property bought and sold.
Farms rented. Taxes paid for non-residents.
Will buy some good paper.
Call and see me.
landing , "Goodby until lunelicon ! " ,
and louchcd lior lips \vllh Iho lips of1
hur lingers , Hinging him a guy salute.
In parting and mooting , even after
the briefest of Intervals , It was ahvayit
the same with her ; always she hud for
him'some Informal hint of the formal
ity of parting , always some recognition
of their meeting lu the light touching
of hands as though the symbol of cere
mony at least was duo to him , to herself -
self and to Iho occasion.
At luncheon Nina and Klleon lallccd
garden tall : they both were quite mad
about their fruit trees and llowcr bods.
Selwyn , Gerald and Hoots discussed
stables , golf Ihiks ami finally the new
business which Selwyn hoped to de
Afterward , when the children had
been excused and Drlna had pulled
her chair close to Lansing's to listen
and after that , on the veranda , when
the men sat smoking and IJrlua was
talking French and Nina and Kllcon
had gone oil1 with baskets , trowels and
pruning shears Selwyn still continued
lu conference with Hoots and Gerald ,
and It was plain that his concise , mod
est explanation of what ho had ac
complished In his experiments with
elmoslto seriously Impressed the other
Hoots frankly admitted It. "Besides , "
ho said , "If Ihe Lawn people are so
anxious for you to give them llrst say
In the matter 1 don't see why wo
shouldn't have faith In It enough , 1
mean , to bo good to ourselves by offerIng -
Ing to bo good to you , 1'hll. "
"Walt until Austin comes down and
until I've tried ono or two now ideas , "
mild Selwyn. "Nothing on earth would
finish me ( julekor thnn to got anybody
who trusted mo Into a worthless
thing. "
"It's plain , " observed Hoots , "that
although you may have been an army
captain you're no captain of Industry
you're not even a noncom. ! "
Selwyn laughed. "Do you really be-
Hove that ordinary decency Is uncom
mon ? "
"Look at Long Island , " returned
Hoots. "Where does the boom of
worthless acreage and paper cities land
Investors when'It explodes ? "
Gerald hud Unshod up at the turn In
the conversation , and Selwyn steered
Lansing Into oilier and safer channels
until Gerald went away to find a rod.
And. as Urina had llnlsliod her
French lesson , she and Lansing pres
ently departed , brandishing flshlng rods
adorned with ( ho gaudiest of llles.
* * * * * * *
In the rose garden and along that
Koctlon of the wall Included In It Iho
rich , dry , porous soil glimmered like
gold iimler the
Bun , and
Selwyn ( Uncov
ered Mm : and
Kllccn lni lly so- = Wsi $
fWj-Ki'--t *
Helton * over the r , ; ' ; - ;
Wf'i-f ( * , \
lender tOicM.tM . of MrA
favorite hushes ) \\Y \ \ . _ % > < K
A f e w I o n g
Hteiiiine 1 curly
roKebuds l'iy In
I h e I r li : l < ets.
S < - I W y u ilivw
one thr. ug'i ' Ills i
tiuttunliiilc ami
sat dou nit a . , ,
, . . In thr roc
v. In-el ri'ow ,
' -i ' -td to loul ; cm and lei
tin' ti ' > \\urk.
i 'Nut i. ' h : " said Mna. "You can
Continued next week )
Fresh 13ggs 25c per doss.
New 1008 prunes , 10-12-
and I5c per pound.
Tomatoes the famous Hig
Nut brand , packed at
Williston Aid. Large cans
packed full of red ripe fruit
2 for 25c.
In cheese , genuine full
cream , in white or color
gold brick at 20c per pound ,
Can Peas that arc peas ,
sweet , tender and juicy All
peas packed at Heart Mich
igan. Pride of Michigan 2
for 25c. Blue Belle peas 15c
These are fine goods chuck
This ama/lng offer- the Now Model Oliver
Typewriter No. n at ITrents a day Is open to
very body , everywhere.
ll'n our new and Immensely popular plan
if selling Oliver Typewriters on little c-asy
laymentH. The abandonment of longhand
n favor of clean , legible , beautiful typewrit
ng IN the next great step In human piogrcsri
A.ready- all lines ol business and In all
irolesslunstheuse of pell and Ink Is largely
estrlctiMl to the writing of signatures ,
lluslne Colleges and High Schools , watch-
till ol the trend ot
public sentinent , are
training a vast army
ol young people In tbc
use of Oliver Typewrit
ers.The prompt and gen
erous response of the
Oliver Typ ewrlter-
Company to the world
wide demand lor uni
versal typewriting
tremendous impetusto the movement. .
The Oliver , with the largest sale of any
typewriter In existence , was the logical ma
chine to take the Inltatlve In bringing about
: he universal use of typewriters. H always
leads !
Save your Pennies and Own
US * .
The Standard Visable writer
Thls"l7cents a day" selling plan mafcp
the Oliver as low as to rent. It places the
machine within easy reach of every home
every Individual. A man's "cigar money"
a woman's "pin money" will buy It.
Clerks on small salaries can now alfotti tu
own Olivers. Hy utlllzlngsparcmomcntsior
practice they may lit themselves for more
Important positions.
School boys ami school girls can buy Ol
vers by saving their pennies.
You can buy an Oliver on this plan at the
regular catalogue price J100. A small first
payment brings Die machine. Then you
save 17 cents a day and pay monthly.
a And the po.ssesMon of an Oliver Typewriter
enables you to earn money to llnlblt paying
for the inachltne.
The Oliver Is the The Oliver Type
most highly perfect writer turns out
ed typewriter on the more work-of better
aiorkft- hence I t s 'quality and greater
1UO per cent efllclcn- variety than any
cy. other writing ma
AmongItsscores of chine. Simplicity ,
conveniences are : htrength , ease of it
-the llalance Shift eration and vlsal .
-the Ruling Device Ity are the corn
-the Double Iteleaso htones to Its towt
the Locomotive Ing supremacy In
llase correspondence
the Autom a 11 c Card Index Work
Spacer Tabulated Hcports
the Automatic Kollow-npSystcnii
Tabulator - Manifolding Ser
the Disappearing vice
Indicator -Addressing Enve
the Adjustable Ta lopes
per Fingers Working on Kuleil
-the Scientific Con Korms
densed Key cutting Mimeo
board graphs Slencllh
ran you spend 17 cents a day to bolter ail
vantage than In the purchaseof this wonder
ful machine-
write for Special Kasy Payment 1'roposl
tlun or see the nearest Oliver Agent.
The Oliver Typewriter Company
llo South 15 Street ,