6 THE REPUBLICAN , OUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA. The umlorsitfiiod will sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder , at the Sunny Slope .Ranch , 0 miles southwest of Broken Bow , Nebraska , on Commencing at i \ o'clock A. The following described property : 1 j ; ivy mare , ( > yours old , in foal , \vi. 1500 Ibs. 1 < ivy more , ' ) years old , in foal , wt. 1550 Ibs. 1 black mare , ( > years old , in foal , \vt. 1350 Ibs. 1 sorrel horse , 2 years old wt. 1300 Ibs. * 1 bay horse , 2 years old , wt. 1250 Ibs. 5 extra oed sucking colts 1 brown horse , 'J years old , wt. 1200 Ibs. 1 pair well-matched sorrel standard-bred 1 bay mare , 1 year old , wt. 1130 Ibs. horses , 5 and 0 yrs. old , wt. 2200 Ibs. 1 bay horse , 1 year old , wt. 1100 Ibs. 1 sorrel mare , , years old , wt. 1000 Ibs. 1 span black mules , Jack and I3eckvt.lS50 1 black Shetland pony , 4 years old 1 { fray sucking horse mule * 15 head { .food milch cows , with.calf by J. G. Breni/.er's pure'bred Shorthorn bull , Golden Chief 250027. 1 ( > head s'teer and heifer calves , sired by Breni/er's pure bred shorthorn bull , Golden Chief 250027. 10 yearling and 2-year-old heifers. Jir-/ These are all Good , High Grade Cattle. 20 head of young brood sows , all with pig by Pure Bred Boar. AT All sums of $10.00 and under , Cash. Over that amount a credit of seven Terms of Sate , months time will be given , on notes with approved security , bearing 8 per cent interest from date. Two per cent discount for cash. COL. H. A. TINDER , Auctioneer JOHNSON & TAYLOR , Clerks. McKinley News. August Michell's sale was well attended. Miss Anna Reinhard spent Sunday evening at Joseph Ilaefeles. Mr. and Nrs. Booth and son of Broked Bow visited I'Yiday ' nig'ht at the home of Mr. Bo oth. Vincet Stedry of Broken Bow was in the neighborhood ON THE FRONT PAGE AGAIN of McKinley last Wednesday. Miss Elsie Meyers who is teaching the Custer Canyon school spent from I'Mday night until Sunday at her home near Home. Quite a commotion was caused at the Custer Canyon school last Thursday when the barn by the school house caught on fire through some unknown cause. There was two ponies in the barn one of them broke loose and ran home. One of the pupils saw the pony running and ask per mission to go out and look after his pony. He went out and saw that the barn was on lire and quickly ran and got his horse out of the barn and by hard work by the teacher and pupils and aid of Mr. Kel ly of Callaway the lire was put out. No more damage was done other than the burn ing of the barn. OCONFO ITEMS. Corn has reached 47 J- cents per bushel at the elevator. A. E. Brigham has another automobile. Mr. Doc Chumbly , Mayor of our town made a business trip to Callaway last week. Mr. Cooper , harness man , in Mr. Bridge's hardware store is moving out of town and on a farm. Mike Conley , real estate agent , is frequently seen on our streets looking1 after business in his Hue and his general health is improv ed. Doctor Bremvort , of our town moved to Callaway last week , and is going in with Dr. Davis , of Callaway. Success attend yo , Doctor. Charley McDcrmott has gone to Omaha to have his eyes tacat- ed. The Doctor there says he can save his cvcsight but he will have to wear glasses. BOX 1:1.1)1:11 : : ITEMS. Melvin Ross is working1 for Chas Horn. Miss EmmaPilskc is suffering with n bad cold. Oscar Blevins has returned from his trip to Colorado. Amy and Ray Ilillery were Ansley visitors on Wednesday last. Literary was organised at the Ross school house last Tuesday evening. A pastor has nt last bmi se cured for the- Baptist rhurcK Services evi ly two v.c'chs. The county surveyor was doing - ing some surveying in this neigh borhood the first of the week. Luster Mason cssisled Mr. Mr. Jones to replace the roof on his bam which was torn off by the wind slortn. Grandma I'Mskus came out from Ansley last week and is visiting at the home of her son J. 13 , Jones , and grandchildren Mr. and Mrs. Kolhonck and Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Jones. Rl-AI , liSTATI : TRANSFERS Warren S. Wells to Wil liams Lcntx west , 24ft. lot 15 , block ( > in Mcrna 1320 LottaV. . Smith and husb. to Simon J. Landis , lots 1-2-3 and -I , in block ( .2 K. U. add. Callaway 105 August Busick single to Daniel J. Brown , H > ( ) acres in 5-11-20 P. l'\ Smith to S. C. Rum- cry , 300 acres in I-'U-1S 12500 Sylvia Kleeb and husb. to Mary S. Ilaumont , lf > 0 acres in 33-lS-l'j 3500 Ida Boylcs and husb. to Ora and Jatncs Coffman , 160 acres in 20-15-1' ) 1000 The Union Land Co. to P. J. Drum , lot S in block 27 and lot 13 , block 28 R. R. Add Callaway SO James R. Brown to Edith B. Brown , lots 89 , block 4 in Comstock 2000 Geo. A. Seybolt to Albert ' ] ' . Seybolt , Und. % inst. in lot 6 block 13 Broken Bow 700 Gco. Greer to Roy R. Bar nard and James E. Og- denlot 20-21-22-23 block 31 Callaway 1000 James II. Wolf to Sherman A. Robinson , 160 acres in 19-13-20 also 30 acres more 4000 II. McOwen to Alice Brown lot 4 in block 45 in Oconto 1000 Daniel Tiagin to Jesse B. Ileuclrickson , parcel of land in block 6 , Gains- add , to Anslev 150 The Mason City Banking- Co , to Walker Bros , lot 11 in block 4 Mason City 1500 W. A. Suiith to Samuel Green''SO acres in 12-17- 1S 320 Job D. Y. Simler to Ira Timson , 160 acres in 32 20-18 6000 Henry D. Osgood to O. S. Puiliain , 160 acres sec. l'-20 ) lp 20 r 19 900 N. M. Morgan to Lillian 13. Payton , lots 4-5 , bile. 15 , R. R. add. Callaway 100 Eva Lin ford and husb. to James Boggs , 80 acres in 30-18 500 or The Home Guards. A Great Military-Comedy-Diama in Three Acts at the OPERA HOUSE Monday , February 22 ( Washing ! oil's HirllrJny. ) presented by Co. " [ $ " 1st Reg'- Direction of Mrs. llattio Spcnko- OAHT OK IWAKAOTKUK : * ' , Itohnit Tnunvorth , 11 Knldior of tin1 Union . SocKl. K. H. Wllddf Kowoll , iiiir < lian of Uaylc Uiffcml . Artillcer Kuy Lunplicnr lloHOti JonlcH , auctionuor . . Uorpunil llollis Klnir llinun JcnkH , his son "a incro boy" . , . ( } . M. Hi-riit. li. H. Dorrin Crimp , colored. .Uupt.J. L.IIolliindsworlli tion. Grant . Mr. N. 'J' . Uadd Lluul. Uol. , Hover . Lieut. L. F. Oxford ( Jaylo Uifford , an licircsH . . Ali.s.s OliviMio Wattw MrH.Truewoith , Itoburts mollior . . Miss Kntlu DukoH Miitlic 'L'rtioworth. Koberts HiHtcr . . Aliss Stella I'orlcr Soldiers. SYNOPSIS : ACT i Soono , Siltiim : room in Tnioworlh homo. Time , sm inir of Ibfil. The foreclosure of the mortiraire. Uavlo retuniN. Kowoll appointed Uoloiiel of UioTonth. Hob ordi'r- < > d to join his regiment , The farewell. ACT n-Sccne , Hpadquarters Col. Howell in Virginia , t\so years later. "The trirl I loft behind me. " Urunp in disguise. Hen. Uriint and Hover. the stolen letter , The quarrel. The nrrcut. The timely appearance of ( Jen. ( Irani , "Hi , whose pipes out now. " ACT m Scene , Parlor in Uaylo Uifl'ords liou'se , two years later. News fiom tlio liont. The ' intoruptpd proposal. The il lumination. The faithful sonti- nel. lliram purchases Triu- worth farm. The return of the hoi OPS. ' Henceforth the land we love is free. " Specialties by Miss Ruth Hagar , oi Denver. Reserved seats will bo on sale at McComns' drug store and Groat's hardware store Friday morning , February 1'J. The play is a good one and , under the direction of Mrs. llattio Speake , is sure to bo produced mam1. Being a homo production it is deserving ot patronage by every public spirited ptrson- Get your scats early. Prices , 25c and 35c. Oscar Blevins to John S. Ilillerj10 acres in 21-14 19 410 The Union Land Co. to W. M. Wrale , lots 17-18 in block 21 , R. R. add. Callaway 95 Chnrles E Gibson to John Wilson U > 0 acres in 20-18 24 1150 Tlie VVnipple Humane HORSE COLLA riUMANIO Collar confronts the Anatomy of the animal and consequently quently the draft bears where nature intended it should. This collar has been used on horses having SOR1C LUM PY SHOULDKKS and F1STULOUS NIOCKS and in every case they have been I3NTJKI3LY CUK10D AVfllLK WORKING. A horse loses no time when working with the Humane Collar. It saves you money for it DISPLACES the OLD STYLU COLLAR , the HAM 10 , the SHORT TUG , the SWEAT PAD , and SAVES your VETERINARY BfLLS. Try one this year and you will always use them. Come in and see our line of Harness , Robes , Blankets , Whips , and Saddles. Robinson fe ? I THE HARNESS MEN